View Full Version : Anyone ever have sporadic RR problems?

July 13th, 2007, 12:29 AM
I have a laptop dedicated for tuning only. Never connects to the net, etc. Sometimes when the car sits for a few days with the main battery disconnected I'll get the "No RR USB device found"....Turn it off/on a few times and all is good. I've even gotten that after downloading a couple of tunes....also from time to time get the "This file is not compatible"...same thing...off/on and the file will download.......even had it kill the car once during an idle....downloaded a tune and the car shut down...all and all a great product....just curious if mines glitchy.

July 13th, 2007, 06:18 AM
When you say "turn it on/ on a few times" and "it" is good do you mean turn the car or the laptop on/off?

Just at the first glance of your post I would think this is a USB port issue with the laptop.

Describe the laptop, OS, processor, memory, brand, and USB driver.

July 13th, 2007, 02:54 PM
Laptop stays on....I just have to turn the program off and on. It's a 1.4 pentium 4 40 meghd 248 ram dedicated to tuning.

My gut tells me it's from letting the car sit with the battery disconnected...may partially drain the batt in the RR.

Today I ran 10 tunes through it without any glitches....but the car batt has been connected for 24 hours now.

July 13th, 2007, 03:06 PM
Interesting, my RR has been in my briefcase for a week. I'll pull the regular pcm out of my car tomorrow and see what happens.