View Full Version : HP Tuners Custom OS for Real Time Tuning compared to EFILive RTT?

July 13th, 2007, 03:04 PM
Can anyone comment much on the comparison of the RTT for the HPT vs EFILive?

Is EFILive's RTT only through RR, or is there a non RR version? Or one in the works?

How much is different? Has anyone used the HPT version and is it worth using?

I apologize if this is sorta taboo topic here. It is purely a professional nuts and bolts question.


July 13th, 2007, 03:47 PM
I am not sure but I think from what I have seen RR is it , and from what I have read about HPTuners RTT it is not true real time tuning just a helper so to speak , HPTuner quote was "you still need to know how to tune" .

July 13th, 2007, 04:16 PM
Since we are in the church so to speak....(our forum)...

You have two very different approaches to doing the same task. One involves a hardware change...ours-which the competition plays up as being some god aweful thing to do.

(Hello, we mod cars.)

The other involves using "un-used memory" on the existing system.

How many games have you bought just using the "system requirements" expecting the same results as the "optimal" requirements?

July 13th, 2007, 04:39 PM
There is no comparison. RR is hands down better in every aspect.

you honestly would just have to see both in action and you will see exactly what we all mean.

July 14th, 2007, 03:14 AM
So if I read it correctly, the RR pcm you use only when you need it to dial in the tune, then blow in the tune you created into the PCM for that vehicle correct?

A friend of mine has been working with a Megasquirt with real time tuning and it seems to work pretty darn well from what little I have seen. Is EFILive/RR more like that?

July 14th, 2007, 05:45 AM
My RR never comes out. My kid changes stuff while we are driving down the road sometimes. I was originally going to do a lot of autotune stuff and then write it to my regular pcm but then figured id just leave the RR installed as I hate having to stop on the side of the road to make any changes. I really like the autotune VE stuff while you are driving around. Dunno if HPtuners does that with RTT or not.....just something i really like...watching the a/f get dialed in to exactly what i want while i am just driving around.

July 14th, 2007, 07:28 AM
My undertsanding of it:

HPT uses unused RAM in the PCM to store "real time tuning" data (e.g. dialing in the VE table from AFR correction)...
after driving, you have to stop the vehicle, copy the "real time tuned" data from the PCM's RAM to the tune file on the laptop, and then write the tune file into the PCM's flash; so it's not really a "real time" loop as EFILive/RR is.

A friend of mine has been working with a Megasquirt with real time tuning and it seems to work pretty darn well from what little I have seen. Is EFILive/RR more like that? Yes, it's like that.

July 14th, 2007, 08:17 AM
Ahh, ok, that explains a whole lot. In the MS2, he would knock timing down, or up, or idle up or down and it would do it immediately.

I can see the HPT stuff to be somewhat helpful, but I don't know if I would really call it real time tuning.

Thanks guys! I have a much better understanding now.

Does the RR PCM work in place of an 0411 PCM? I am looking at a PCM swap in my 99 K2500 Burb to the 0411, and could the RR work on this sort of a swap? Other than the RTT features, does it still have a .bin (or .tun, whatever it is called in EFILive) file just the same?

July 14th, 2007, 08:57 AM
Yes, the RR PCM replaces the 411 PCM.
Yes, there still is a .tun file to save changes in.

July 14th, 2007, 11:45 AM
Probably one of the more important things is RoadRunner allows realtime changes to ANY table or parameter you can see in the Tune tool (All 600+) , whereas HPT's realtime limits you to maybe 3 or 4 tables to be able to change and that is it.

The price of the RoadRunner v's HPT's option might make people think twice but for a workshop the time savings using RR especially on a job that needs a lot of tuning make it priceless.


July 14th, 2007, 02:23 PM
Sounds like RR is by far the best deal going. Sounds like it has to be a blast to use.