View Full Version : Need help with Road Runner ASAP

July 29th, 2007, 12:20 PM
Well today I installed Road Runner in my 2002 TA M6. I did everything that I was supposed to, like copying my stock tune to the Road Runner. When I loaded it up I notice that the vin number was not mine and the info looked like for a 2001 camero automatic. WTF Does RR come with a tune on it I have no idea how that info could get in my RR PCM. Everything went fine until I started the car.
First the car idles at about 450-500 RPM then it would not let me go into reverse easily (M6). I take it for a short drive and I could tell the MPH is way off. I went to use the scan and it is saying that I have a automatic with 3.23 gears.
I downloaded the tune from the holden for the 2002 TA Manual. I flashed it into the PCM and nothing changed except I can go in reverse a lot better. Can anyone shed some light on my problem? How do I get the car to know that is a M6 and not an automatic. Thanks in advance.

July 29th, 2007, 12:52 PM
Probably the best thing would be for you to reinstall your stock PCM, download the tune, re-install the RR and then flash the RR with your tune.

limited cv8r
July 29th, 2007, 12:54 PM
did you do a full flash or cal only? sounds dumb,but are you using the RR toolbar not the normal EFILive one.

July 29th, 2007, 01:14 PM
I was using the RR toolbar. I put my stock PCM and copy the tune again and see what happens. Thanks for the response.

limited cv8r
July 29th, 2007, 01:22 PM
The RR toolbar has the same options as the normal stuff. Read,cal flash and full flash. If your not sure whats in your RR, just do a read and compare to your original .tun file. It only takes a few seconds.:D

July 30th, 2007, 01:04 PM
I put the stock pcm back in the car and read it with the flash scan. When I look in the misc calabrations my transmission read m6 and all everything else looks correct. So I read the pcm and save the stock tune file. Then I put the RR pcm in and do the same thing. First I look at in the misc calabrations and it reads 4l60e as if I have a automatic. So then I go to the RR toolbar and reflash the Operating sys and Calabration (The one with the fat red arrow pointing to the PCM chip) It said everything was flashed sucessfully. So I go back into the flash scan and it still read 4l60e just like before. What am I doing wrong? I just cant figure this out. Any help would be welcomed.

limited cv8r
July 30th, 2007, 01:14 PM
There is a "?" icon in the RR control panel as well, this is used to verify RR PCM against operating system and calibrations. hook up to your RR,load your original saved .tun file into flashscan,click on the "?" icon and do a verify, let us know how you go. Or after you flash your RR you could read it back out and do a compare with your original .tun file.

July 30th, 2007, 01:44 PM
OK so I did it and it said warning the calibrations files are different. So how do I make them the same. I have read through the manual about a hundred times. Why is the RR not taking any of the tunes, even though it say flashing was succesfull.

limited cv8r
July 30th, 2007, 01:52 PM
have you done a compare between bins, what exactly is different between them, what is your difference % set to?

July 30th, 2007, 01:54 PM
This might seem redundant but are you using the flashscan cable or the USB to read and write to the Road Runner? The early RoadRunner's could switch between flash and emulation, is yours switched by some chance?

July 30th, 2007, 02:26 PM
limited how do I copy mine to look like yours that you have attached. My difference are more than a hundreds. Take a look I am not computer savey to make it look like the way you put in the thumnails. I will post in part due to text being to long.
Comparison summary: 10:03:52 pm, Monday Jul 30, 2007

Calibration comparison between Untitled_0000.tun and MYCARTUNE.tun.
*Values that differ by more than 0.000001% are considered different.

B0101 "Main VE Table" -2.2590 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 1,4 inclusive."
B1201 "Abuse Management (in Gear) Upper RPM Threshold" 35.9380 "CAL: 2000 <-> ALT: 6600"
B1202 "Abuse Management (in Gear) Lower RPM Threshold" 39.0631 "CAL: 1500 <-> ALT: 6500"
B1203 "Abuse Management (in P/N) Upper RPM Threshold" 35.9380 "CAL: 2000 <-> ALT: 6600"
B1204 "Abuse Management (in P/N) Lower RPM Threshold" 39.0631 "CAL: 1500 <-> ALT: 6500"
B1205 "Abuse Management TPS Upper Threshold" 94.9023 "CAL: 5 <-> ALT: 100"
B1206 "Abuse Management TPS Lower Threshold" 95.9961 "CAL: 3 <-> ALT: 99"
B1207 "Abuse Management Vehicle Speed Threshold" -99.6124 "CAL: 410 <-> ALT: 0"
B1209 "Abuse Management Time" -0.3662 "Different from row 0 to row 15 inclusive."
B3308 "DFCO M6 Enable Temp" -49.9891 "CAL: 140 <-> ALT: 50"
B3309 "DFCO M6 RPM" -71.0948 "CAL: 10000 <-> ALT: 900"
B3310 "DFCO M6 MAP" 100.0000 "CAL: 0 <-> ALT: 105"
B3311 "DFCO M6 TPS" -91.9922 "CAL: 100 <-> ALT: 8"
B3312 "DFCO M6 Speed" -67.1896 "CAL: 322 <-> ALT: 45"
B3314 "DFCO Vehicle Speed Enable" -3.1251 "Different from row 0 to row 4 inclusive."
B3318 "DFCO RPM" 4.6876 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 1,7 inclusive."
B3320 "DFCO MAP" -2.8651 "Different from cell: 1,0 to cell: 1,4 inclusive."
B4111 "STFT Base Correction at Non-Idle" -2.4414 "Different from row 1 to row 8 inclusive."
B4103 "Closed Loop Idle Throttle Position" 3.0078 "CAL: 1.99 <-> ALT: 5.00"
B4107 "Closed Loop Mode" -15.6250 "Different from row 9 to row 14 inclusive."
B4602 "Max Idle RPM in P/N" -9.3751 "CAL: 1200 <-> ALT: 0"
B4612 "RPM Set Point Adjust in Gear" -12.1094 "CAL: 8 <-> ALT: 2"
B4613 "RPM Set Point Adjust in P/N" -16.0156 "CAL: 8 <-> ALT: 0"
B4614 "RPM Set Point Adjust Timer" 0.0305 "CAL: 0.375 <-> ALT: 0.500"
B4603 "Desired Idle Speeds" -7.0314 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 3,15 inclusive."
B4338 "Engine Speed Compensation" -10.4158 "Different from cell: 1,1 to cell: 1,11 inclusive."
B4339 "Engine Speed Compensation Multiplier" -50.0000 "Different from cell: 1,0 to cell: 1,15 inclusive."
B4307 "Desired Airflow" -27.4998 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 1,15 inclusive."
B4308 "Airflow Parked" 1.5625 "Different from row 7 to row 9 inclusive."
B4353 "Idle Spark Control Delay" -0.4883 "Different from row 0 to row 16 inclusive."
B4356 "A/C Torque Loss" -0.3128 "Different from row 0 to row 0 inclusive."
B4360 "A/C Torque Loss Correction" 0.1572 "Different from row 5 to row 13 inclusive."
B4361 "A/C Torque Loss Correction Ramp Out" -0.0015 "Different from row 7 to row 7 inclusive."
B4363 "A/C Clutch Off Spark Torque Disable" -2.7451 "Different from row 1 to row 6 inclusive."
B4364 "A/C Clutch On Spark Torque Enable" 3.1373 "Different from row 0 to row 13 inclusive."
B4365 "A/C On Idle Offset Time" 0.2930 "Different from row 0 to row 13 inclusive."
B4304 "Startup Airflow Correction" -3.1250 "Different from row 1 to row 4 inclusive."
B4607 "Startup Decay Delay in P/N" -4.8829 "CAL: 20 <-> ALT: 0"
B4609 "Startup RPM Decay in P/N" -0.0397 "CAL: 5 <-> ALT: 0"
B4343 "Startup Friction Airflow Correction" 2.0005 "Different from row 0 to row 15 inclusive."
B4344 "Startup Friction Airflow Decay" -0.0778 "Different from row 2 to row 9 inclusive."
B4345 "Startup Friction Airflow Delay" 0.0015 "Different from row 3 to row 9 inclusive."
B4604 "Startup RPM Offset" -1.1719 "Different from cell: 1,0 to cell: 1,9 inclusive."
B4322 "Idle Learn P/N Limit High" -0.7813 "CAL: 0.50 <-> ALT: 0.00"
B4323 "Idle Learn P/N Limit Low" 4.6876 "CAL: -3.00 <-> ALT: 0.00"
B4331 "Idle Learn P/N A/C On Limit High" -0.7813 "CAL: 0.50 <-> ALT: 0.00"
B4330 "Idle Learn P/N A/C On Limit Low" 0.7813 "CAL: -0.50 <-> ALT: 0.00"
B4328 "Idle Learn Drive A/C On Limit Low" 0.7813 "CAL: -0.50 <-> ALT: 0.00"
B4514 "Learned Airflow Correction" -0.0229 "Different from cell: 0,1 to cell: 3,11 inclusive."
B4515 "Direct Airflow Correction" -0.0781 "Different from cell: 0,2 to cell: 5,11 inclusive."
B4521 "Maximum Idle Short Term Correction" 6.2501 "Different from row 0 to row 5 inclusive."
B4309 "Throttle Cracker Airflow in Gear" 17.0321 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 16,11 inclusive."
B4310 "Throttle Cracker Airflow in P/N" -2.6566 "Different from row 2 to row 17 inclusive."
B4313 "Throttle Cracker Decay Rate" 0.2945 "Different from row 0 to row 16 inclusive."
B4314 "Throttle Cracker Decay Delay" 0.1221 "Different from row 0 to row 16 inclusive."
B4315 "Throttle Follower Airflow" -2.3438 "Different from row 4 to row 16 inclusive."
B4316 "Throttle Follower Airflow RPM Multiplier" 3.1250 "Different from row 0 to row 8 inclusive."
B4317 "Throttle Follower Decay Rate in Gear" -0.1236 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 3,17 inclusive."
B4318 "Throttle Follower Decay Delay in Gear" 0.7080 "Different from row 0 to row 17 inclusive."
B4332 "Rolling Desired Idle Speed" -5.8595 "Different from row 0 to row 10 inclusive."
B4333 "Rolling Desired Idle Disable Speed" 2.3438 "CAL: 5 <-> ALT: 14"
B4334 "Rolling Desired Idle Enable Speed" 98.0499 "CAL: 6 <-> ALT: 410"
B4336 "Rolling Desired Idle High Correction" -0.0305 "Different from row 1 to row 11 inclusive."
B4337 "Rolling Desired Idle Low Correction" -0.0305 "Different from row 1 to row 11 inclusive."
B5913 "Spark High-Octane Table" -10.2748 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 15,7 inclusive."
B5914 "Spark Low-Octane Table" -10.2748 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 15,7 inclusive."
B5932 "Base Spark in Gear" -6.2828 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 15,4 inclusive."
B5933 "Base Spark in Park/Neutral" 6.6776 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 15,12 inclusive."
B5901 "Catalytic Converter Light-off" 5.5664 "Different from cell: 2,0 to cell: 6,12 inclusive."
B5903 "Catalytic Converter Light-off Max RPM" 0.6256 "CAL: 1800 <-> ALT: 1880"
B5904 "Catalytic Converter Light-off Re-Enable" 0.7813 "CAL: 1700 <-> ALT: 1800"
B5917 "Base Spark Vehicle Speed Threshold" 98.0499 "CAL: 6 <-> ALT: 410"
B5920 "Spark Smoothing Enabled" N/A "CAL: Disable <-> ALT: Enable"
B5924 "Spark Smoothing Limit (Closed Throttle)" 7.8106 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 1,9 inclusive."
B5925 "Spark Smoothing Limit (Open Throttle)" 6.2485 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 1,9 inclusive."
B5930 "Speeds for Spark Smoothing" 15.6255 "Different from row 0 to row 0 inclusive."
B5931 "RPMs for Enable Spark Smoothing" 28.9067 "Different from row 0 to row 1 inclusive."
B5934 "Idle Flare Control" -15.6212 "Different from row 1 to row 10 inclusive."
B5936 "Idle Underspeed Error" 3.9139 "Different from row 3 to row 6 inclusive."
B6205 "Knock Retard Limit When in PE Mode" 2.7294 "Different from row 1 to row 4 inclusive."
B6212 "Burst Knock Retard" -6.2485 "Different from row 1 to row 1 inclusive."
B6619 "Max Torque, Trans Input Shaft" 99.9985 "CAL: 826 <-> ALT: 56829074"
B6620 "Max Torque, Trans Output Shaft" 99.9958 "CAL: 2379 <-> ALT: 56829074"
B1905 "Stall Speed" 4.6876 "CAL: 0 <-> ALT: 600"
B6603 "TCS Spark Retard" -3.1242 "Different from row 1 to row 10 inclusive."
B6604 "TCS Spark Retard Fast" -1.5621 "Different from row 1 to row 4 inclusive."
C6001 "Engine DTC Processing Enablers" N/A "Different from row 45 to row 229 inclusive."
C6002 "Engine DTC MIL Enablers" N/A "Different from row 86 to row 229 inclusive."
C5606 "Misfire Detection Min RPM" 1.9532 "CAL: 400 <-> ALT: 650"
C5611 "Misfire Detection Transmission Delay" -0.0107 "CAL: 7 <-> ALT: 0"
C5621 "Misfire Idle per Cylinder Mode" -48.7785 "Different from cell: 0,2 to cell: 9,16 inclusive."
C5622 "Misfire Low RPM per Cylinder Mode" -48.1682 "Different from cell: 0,2 to cell: 9,16 inclusive."
C5623 "Misfire Mid RPM per Cylinder Mode" 49.9870 "Different from cell: 0,2 to cell: 9,16 inclusive."
C5626 "Misfire Mid RPM per Revolution Mode" 49.9565 "Different from cell: 5,2 to cell: 24,16 inclusive."
D1201 "1st Gear Ratio" 0.0122 "CAL: 3.059 <-> ALT: 3.060"
D1202 "2nd Gear Ratio" 0.0610 "CAL: 1.625 <-> ALT: 1.630"
D1204 "4th Gear Ratio" 0.0488 "CAL: 0.696 <-> ALT: 0.700"
D1205 "Rev Gear Ratio" -0.0488 "CAL: 2.294 <-> ALT: 2.290"
D1206 "WOT Shift Mode Upper Threshold" -3.7507 "CAL: 94 <-> ALT: 90"
D1207 "WOT Shift Mode Lower Threshold" 2.2492 "CAL: 84 <-> ALT: 86"
D1208 "WOT Shift Mode Upper Threshold - Cruise" -93.7529 "CAL: 94 <-> ALT: 0"
D1209 "WOT Shift Mode Lower Threshold - Cruise" -83.7519 "CAL: 84 <-> ALT: 0"
D1210 "WOT Shift Mode Upper Threshold - 4WD" -93.7529 "CAL: 94 <-> ALT: 0"
D1211 "WOT Shift Mode Lower Threshold - 4WD" -83.7519 "CAL: 84 <-> ALT: 0"
D4601 "Shift Stabilization Ratios" -9.5594 "Different from row 0 to row 3 inclusive."
D4602 "Shift Stabilization Enable" N/A "Different from row 0 to row 1 inclusive."
D0901 "Part throttle 1->2 Shift Speeds" -95.7031 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 3,16 inclusive."
D0902 "Part throttle 2->3 Shift Speeds" -92.1874 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 3,16 inclusive."
D0903 "Part throttle 3->4 Shift Speeds" -88.6717 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 3,16 inclusive."
D0906 "Part throttle 2->1 Shift Speeds" -96.0937 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 3,16 inclusive."
D0907 "Part throttle 3->2 Shift Speeds" -92.9686 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 3,16 inclusive."
D0908 "Part throttle 4->3 Shift Speeds" -89.4530 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 3,16 inclusive."
D0910 "WOT 1->2 Shift Speeds, Normal" 2.7344 "CAL: 60 <-> ALT: 71"

July 30th, 2007, 02:27 PM
D0911 "WOT 1->2 Shift Speeds, Performance" 3.1250 "CAL: 60 <-> ALT: 72"
D0912 "WOT 1->2 Shift Speeds, Hot" 1.1719 "CAL: 60 <-> ALT: 64"
D0913 "Manual Hold Gear, 1st, 1->2 Shift Speeds" -0.3891 "CAL: 412 <-> ALT: 410"
D0915 "WOT 2->3 Shift Speeds, Normal" 3.1250 "CAL: 122 <-> ALT: 135"
D0916 "WOT 2->3 Shift Speeds, Performance" -29.6880 "CAL: 122 <-> ALT: 0"
D0917 "WOT 2->3 Shift Speeds, Hot" 3.1250 "CAL: 122 <-> ALT: 135"
D0919 "Manual Hold Gear, 2nd, 2->3 Shift Speeds" 7.8126 "CAL: 0 <-> ALT: 32"
D0921 "WOT 3->4 Shift Speeds, Performance" -48.8289 "CAL: 201 <-> ALT: 0"
D0914 "Manual Hold Gear, 2nd, 1->2 Shift Speeds" 15.2346 "Different from row 0 to row 16 inclusive."
D0925 "WOT 2->1 Shift Speeds, Normal" 1.5625 "CAL: 50 <-> ALT: 56"
D0926 "WOT 2->1 Shift Speeds, Performance" -12.1096 "CAL: 50 <-> ALT: 0"
D0927 "WOT 2->1 Shift Speeds, Hot" 1.5625 "CAL: 50 <-> ALT: 56"
D0928 "Manual Downshift 2->1 Shift Speed" 2.7344 "CAL: 60 <-> ALT: 71"
D0930 "WOT 3->2 Shift Speeds, Normal" -2.7344 "CAL: 116 <-> ALT: 105"
D0931 "WOT 3->2 Shift Speeds, Performance" -28.1254 "CAL: 116 <-> ALT: 0"
D0932 "WOT 3->2 Shift Speeds, Hot" -2.7344 "CAL: 116 <-> ALT: 105"
D0935 "WOT 4->3 Shift Speeds, Normal" 0.7813 "CAL: 198 <-> ALT: 201"
D0936 "WOT 4->3 Shift Speeds, Performance" -48.0476 "CAL: 198 <-> ALT: 0"
D0937 "WOT 4->3 Shift Speeds, Hot" 0.7813 "CAL: 198 <-> ALT: 201"
D0940 "WOT 1->2 Shift RPM, Normal" -8.5452 "CAL: 6000 <-> ALT: 5300"
D0941 "WOT 1->2 Shift RPM, Performance" -8.5452 "CAL: 6000 <-> ALT: 5300"
D0942 "WOT 1->2 Shift RPM, Hot" -8.5452 "CAL: 6000 <-> ALT: 5300"
D0945 "WOT 2->3 Shift RPM, Normal" -8.5452 "CAL: 6000 <-> ALT: 5300"
D0946 "WOT 2->3 Shift RPM, Performance" -73.2444 "CAL: 6000 <-> ALT: 0"
D0947 "WOT 2->3 Shift RPM, Hot" -8.5452 "CAL: 6000 <-> ALT: 5300"
D0950 "WOT 3->4 Shift RPM, Normal" -7.3244 "CAL: 5900 <-> ALT: 5300"
D0951 "WOT 3->4 Shift RPM, Performance" -72.0237 "CAL: 5900 <-> ALT: 0"
D0952 "WOT 3->4 Shift RPM, Hot" -7.3244 "CAL: 5900 <-> ALT: 5300"
D0960 "2->1 Throttle Kickdown" -100.0000 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 2,16 inclusive."
D0961 "3->2 Throttle Kickdown" -100.0000 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 2,16 inclusive."
D0962 "4->3 Throttle Kickdown" -100.0000 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 2,16 inclusive."
D1108 "Desired 1-2 Shift Times" -6.0000 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 0,16 inclusive."
D1109 "Desired 2-3 Shift Times" -8.0000 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 0,16 inclusive."
D1110 "Desired 3-4 Shift Times" -10.0000 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 0,16 inclusive."
D2801 "Upshift TCC Lock" N/A "CAL: Yes <-> ALT: No"
D1001 "TCC Apply Speeds - Second Gear" -100.0000 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 3,16 inclusive."
D1002 "TCC Apply Speeds - Third Gear" -100.0000 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 3,16 inclusive."
D1003 "TCC Apply Speeds - Fourth Gear" -100.0000 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 3,16 inclusive."
D1004 "TCC Release Speeds - Second Gear" -100.0000 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 3,16 inclusive."
D1005 "TCC Release Speeds - Third Gear" -100.0000 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 3,16 inclusive."
D1006 "TCC Release Speeds - Fourth Gear" -100.0000 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 3,16 inclusive."
D1007 "TCC Throttle Release - Second Gear" -100.0000 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 2,16 inclusive."
D1008 "TCC Throttle Release - Third Gear" -100.0000 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 2,16 inclusive."
D1009 "TCC Throttle Release - Fourth Gear" -100.0000 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 2,16 inclusive."
D2902 "TCC Maximum Pressure" 23.4382 "CAL: 827 <-> ALT: 1241"
D2903 "TCC Solenoid Minimum PWM" -20.9998 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 4,16 inclusive."
D2904 "TCC Solenoid Maximum PWM" -98.0041 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 4,16 inclusive."
D0701 "Base Pressure 1->2 Shift" -93.7500 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 1,32 inclusive."
D0704 "1->2 Temperature Pressure Adjust" -31.2500 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 4,16 inclusive."
D0702 "Base Pressure 2->3 Shift" -93.7500 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 1,32 inclusive."
D0706 "2->3 Temperature Pressure Adjust" -31.2500 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 4,16 inclusive."
D0703 "Base Pressure 3->4 Shift" -93.7500 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 1,32 inclusive."
D0708 "3->4 Temperature Pressure Adjust" -31.2500 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 4,16 inclusive."
D1101 "Low Pressure Adjust 1-2 Shift" 8.3682 "Different from row 7 to row 16 inclusive."
D1102 "Low Pressure Adjust 2-3 Shift" 8.3682 "Different from row 10 to row 16 inclusive."
D1107 "High Pressure Adjust" 25.1046 "Different from row 0 to row 16 inclusive."
D3801 "Force Motor Current" -25.0980 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 16,16 inclusive."
D1501 "Standing Shift P/N to Drive Pressure" 26.0417 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 8,3 inclusive."
D1502 "Standing Shift P/N to Reverse Pressure" 26.0417 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 8,3 inclusive."
D1503 "Standing Shift Drive to Reverse Pressure" 26.0417 "Different from cell: 0,0 to cell: 8,3 inclusive."
D1504 "First Standing Shift P/N to Drive Pressure" 4.6875 "Different from row 0 to row 8 inclusive."
D1505 "First Standing Shift P/N to Reverse Pressure" 4.6875 "Different from row 0 to row 8 inclusive."
D0801 "Torque Reduction 1->2 Shift" -37.0006 "Different from cell: 0,5 to cell: 0,16 inclusive."
D0802 "Torque Reduction 2->3 Shift" -35.0017 "Different from cell: 0,7 to cell: 0,16 inclusive."
D2001 "Abuse Mode RPM Enable" -14.6489 "CAL: 1200 <-> ALT: 0"
D2002 "Abuse Mode TPS Enable" -4.9989 "CAL: 5.00 <-> ALT: 0.00"
D2003 "Abuse Mode Speed Enable" -99.6109 "CAL: 410 <-> ALT: 0"
D0301 "Transmission Torque Reduction" N/A "CAL: Enable <-> ALT: Disable"
D2004 "Abuse Mode Torque Reduction" -99.0020 "Different from row 3 to row 17 inclusive."
D0401 "Enable CARS." N/A "CAL: Disable <-> ALT: Enable"
D0404 "CARS Vehicle Speed Enable" 5.8596 "CAL: 0 <-> ALT: 24"
D0405 "CARS Maximum Vehicle Speed Enable" 7.8127 "CAL: 0 <-> ALT: 32"
D0406 "CARS Max Throttle Enable" 25.0000 "CAL: 0 <-> ALT: 25"
D0407 "CARS Coolant Temp Enable" 42.7827 "CAL: 0 <-> ALT: 77"
D0408 "CARS Lamp Test Time" 0.1221 "CAL: 0.0 <-> ALT: 0.5"
E0101 "Transmission DTC Fault Processing Enablers" N/A "Different from row 0 to row 35 inclusive."
E0102 "Transmission DTC Fault Max Pressure Enablers" N/A "Different from row 5 to row 35 inclusive."
E0103 "Transmission Failsafe Enablers" N/A "Different from row 20 to row 54 inclusive."
E1101 "Transmission Overtemp Threshold" -38.1057 "CAL: 130 <-> ALT: 0"
E1102 "Transmission Overtemp Return" -37.8855 "CAL: 129 <-> ALT: 0"
E0801 "Slipping Trans Test Max TPS" -99.0020 "CAL: 99 <-> ALT: 0"
E0802 "Slipping Trans Test Min TPS" -20.0018 "CAL: 20 <-> ALT: 0"
E0803 "Slipping Trans Test Max Temp" -44.0529 "CAL: 150 <-> ALT: 0"
E0804 "Slipping Trans Test Min Temp" -5.9471 "CAL: 20 <-> ALT: 0"
G0109 "A/C Turn off Delay, Torque" 0.0183 "Different from row 3 to row 4 inclusive."
G0906 "Fan #1 Turn-on Delay" 0.0977 "CAL: 0 <-> ALT: 1"
G0907 "Fan #1 Turn-off Delay" -0.1953 "CAL: 1 <-> ALT: 0"
G0915 "Fan #2 Turn-on Delay" -0.1465 "CAL: 1 <-> ALT: 0"
G0916 "Fan #2 Turn-off Delay" -0.1709 "CAL: 1 <-> ALT: 0"
H0101 "Vehicle Speed Sensor Pulses per Mile" -25.0085 "CAL: 104613 <-> ALT: 47020"
H0102 "Vehicle Speed Sensor Pulses per Revolution" -57.5000 "CAL: 40.0000 <-> ALT: 17.0000"
H0103 "Differential ratio" 4.7485 "CAL: 3.230 <-> ALT: 3.420"
H0104 "Trans Output Shaft Revs/Mile" -40.2266 "CAL: 2615.3906 <-> ALT: 805.1953"
H0107 "Vehicle Stationary Timer" 0.2090 "CAL: 0.04 <-> ALT: 0.90"
H0108 "ETC Speed Govern Threshold" -0.3876 "CAL: 256.0 <-> ALT: 255.0"

July 30th, 2007, 02:37 PM
This might seem redundant but are you using the flashscan cable or the USB to read and write to the Road Runner? The early RoadRunner's could switch between flash and emulation, is yours switched by some chance?
How would I be able to tell? If it helps purchsed RR around March or so. What I have been doing step by step is
1. I hook up the laptop to the car. (RR USB and Flash V1 USB)
2. Then I switch the car to acc so I could connect to the V1
3. I open up the EFI LIVE tune and I also disconnet V1(red button)
4. I open up the tune files and select my stock tune
5. I then connect to the rr section select the fat red arrow for cal/operating sys.
6. Then I get the flash successful banner.
I hope I did not miss anything. Thank yall for the support.

July 30th, 2007, 03:15 PM
From what a member on ls1tech said that it is the test tune that is in the pcm just to make sure it work correctly. Could someone tell me why when i do a full reflash which is the one with the (fat red arrow). Then select read pcm (green arrow) it goes back to the test calabration tune that came with. Am I supposed to do something else like shut the car off then turn it back on. Just not sure why it is not taking the tune. And yes I get the flash succesfull baner.

limited cv8r
July 30th, 2007, 04:30 PM
you do not need the V1 connected when programming/reading RR. The V1 cable is used so you can log your progress as you make changes when tuning.
try this:
1/ open flashscan and load your original .tun file into it.
2/ turn your car to ACC or even ON position
3/ plug in the USB cable from your RR / wait for windows to recognise it
4/ open up the RR toolbar and click on the green connect icon
5/ there is an icon on the right side of the RR toolbar/ 2 chip,one red, one
black connected by little arrows, when you click on this you should alternate between FLASH &
EMULATION. Make sure it is on EMULATION.
6/ then click on the fat red arrow icon to load your .tun file to your RR
7/ after it has flashed your .tun, click on the ? icon to verify your file has
uploaded properly.

Hope this helps:wave:

p.s I can connect to my 512k RR out of the car with just the USB cable connected, my 1024k RR either needs to be in a vehicle or powered up through a bench harness.

to copy your screen, just hold down the "shift" button & the "prtsc" button, that will copy your screenshot to the clipboard, you can then just paste it into something like word or a multitude of picture software like photoshop for example.

July 31st, 2007, 06:40 AM
Well you wont beleive what happened. I did everything that you posted and it work fine. My misc and calibration in my flash scan read as (M6) took it for a test drive and it ran great. So I turned the car off and came inside my house went back out and hooked up my flash scan it read back to 4l60e and runs like the way it used to. I am so pissed. I have emailed moates and will see what he says. I will let you all know. If you all have anyother ideas I am willing to try. I just wanted to say thank you all very much for helping my out and giving advise. If I wish I could buy you all at least a 6-pack for your time. I have to go to work I will be back around 2:00 am and will check the fourm and my email. I will try to figure it out when I get out of work.

July 31st, 2007, 04:41 PM
I emailed Craig Moates and let me tell you this. He responded back in about 15 MIN . Talk about customer service. In the email I expained everything that I have done to include my phone number. And 15 min after my email he calls my phone and walks me through the process. To sum up the story I have a bad RR. So I will be sending the PCM back to Moates. I would just like to say thanks to those of you who tried to help and a big thanks to Craig Moates and his customer service.