View Full Version : SD/Open Loop Script

June 3rd, 2005, 01:31 PM
I made a script that does the following and thought I would share it for anyone that would be interested. It pretty much gets you set-up for a Open loop/SD tune. Here are the fields that it changes

Disable LTFT
Disable DFCO
Disable PE
Adjust Open EQ Table (14.63 Cruise/12.9 WOT)
Adjust DTC's (Disable Rear o2's, EGR, etc)
Disable EGR
Set MAF Rationality to 0 (Disables MAF)
Disabled COT

If someone see's anything I have missed, please let me know. I am trying to write a basic script for putting the car in Open Loop/SD and will be working on one for Closed Loop/SD.

File is below

July 20th, 2005, 12:42 AM
Do you still have a copy of this? the link doesn't work. If you do could you email it to me at blacksaleen95@charter.net Thanks!!!

July 24th, 2005, 02:04 AM
The link still doesn't work - any way we coudl get another copy? Thanks!

July 24th, 2005, 02:54 AM
Give me a second guys. I'll get something worked up for you.

July 24th, 2005, 03:19 AM
I redid the script and think it is all there. You need to MAKE SURE that your display units in the editor are set to default.

July 24th, 2005, 05:36 AM
Thank you!!

July 26th, 2005, 06:21 AM
When tuning in SD should you tune to 13.0 across the board or 14.7 @ idle and cruise & 13.0 @ WOT?

July 26th, 2005, 06:36 AM
When tuning in SD should you tune to 13.0 across the board or 14.7 @ idle and cruise & 13.0 @ WOT?

Prepare to get some different opinions on this one :D :D

My $0.02 is to look at the {B3605} EQ Ratio When In Open Loop table and make sure that looks right. This is after all the table that will be referred to when in Open Loop mode.

This way the commanded AFR will normally be 14.61:1, except when directed by this table (i.e. higher RPM vs. MAP points).

Personally, I have tried both ways, and my personal experience has been that if I command 13.0:1 at all RPM vs. MAP points, when I change back to commanding 14.63:1 the BEN Factors are out (albeit slightly).

Bottom line, I guess you are going to get pretty good results which ever way you choose!


August 2nd, 2005, 02:42 AM
I redid the script and think it is all there. You need to MAKE SURE that your display units in the editor are set to default.
How do you run a script? Do you run it from a command prompt or from inside FlashScan or before you run the .exe or with the .exe /script? I did not see anything in the manual about running scripts.


Dirk Diggler
August 2nd, 2005, 03:14 AM
There is a play icon in the Flashcan tool bar when you hit it you will have to direct it where the file is located after you click run it will make the changes and you will be good to go

August 2nd, 2005, 07:32 AM
There is a play icon in the Flashcan tool bar when you hit it you will have to direct it where the file is located after you click run it will make the changes and you will be good to go

OK I see it in the Tuning program. Thanks. Can you run scripts to setup PIDs in the scanning software?


August 2nd, 2005, 08:45 AM
OK I see it in the Tuning program. Thanks. Can you run scripts to setup PIDs in the scanning software?

Ther eis no scripting feature in the Scan Tool.
But what do you actually mean by "Setup PIDs"?

August 2nd, 2005, 09:41 AM
OK I see it in the Tuning program. Thanks. Can you run scripts to setup PIDs in the scanning software?

Ther eis no scripting feature in the Scan Tool.
But what do you actually mean by "Setup PIDs"?
I was talking about selecting all the pids you need but you can just select them and save under a different name. What was I thinking? Long Day.


August 3rd, 2005, 03:11 PM
I redid the script and think it is all there. You need to MAKE SURE that your display units in the editor are set to default.

When you say "make sure the display units are set to "default" what do you mean?

I notice that the 12.9 values in the PE table are not right in my cal file because mine displays in EQ ratio, not A/F ratio.

So, two questions:

A) How do we get the units in the PE tables, etc to read in A/F instead of EQ ratio, and...

B) can we just write that into the script to ensure the units are correct?


August 3rd, 2005, 03:52 PM
A) In the Tuner, go to Edit---->Properties and select "Display as AFR"

B) No, I asked this before to Paul. Only way to have the script effective is to make sure all the display units are set to how it was originally written.

To reset all the display units back to the originally settings go to Edit---->Configure Display Units, click the "Recall" button and then OK. This "should" fix the problem.

Sorry for the inconvience.

August 3rd, 2005, 04:05 PM
No worries.....

I ended up figuring it out before I came back to read this post.

I actually re-wrote the script to my liking and also used EQ ratios rather than A/F's.

The only thing is.....

I'm debating over whether or not we should have a commanded A/F ratio of 12.9 {1.138 EQ in my case} in the open loop EQ table {B3605}, AND also have a 1.14 EQ ratio specified for PE mode.

I think this will give a 12.9 A/F at a given MAP when NOT in PE mode, but then when PE mode is entered it would apply the 1.14 EQ to the already 12.9 A/F to end up with an 11.3 ish A/F ratio.

I notice your script actually seems to disable the PE by waiting to be higher than 105 Kpa before entering PE, but I don't think thats a great idea.

By setting the command A/F only in the open loop table we severly limit our ability to control the engine under different circumstances.

For instance, the table is set up in MAP vs Coolant temp variables.

That means that assuming the coolant temps stay normal and don't move around too much (very likely) then ONLY the MAP will affect the desired A/F ratio...not TPS, coolant, air temp, or RPM.

By using the PE modes we have all that added flexibility to use.

At 1000 rpms the engine will easily see about 100 Kpa with only around 15% TPS (but not need to have extremely rich mixtures, maybe something more like 13.3 - 13.5 A/F instead.)

Setting the TPS PE threshold higher than this will allow us to take care of that situation.

As the RPM goes up though, it will take progressively more TPS % to get high MAP values and thus the PE mode would then be in effect and the world operates as normal! :wink:

Just a thought...


August 3rd, 2005, 09:38 PM
I think this will give a 12.9 A/F at a given MAP when NOT in PE mode, but then when PE mode is entered it would apply the 1.14 EQ to the already 12.9 A/F to end up with an 11.3 ish A/F ratio.

I notice your script actually seems to disable the PE by waiting to be higher than 105 Kpa before entering PE, but I don't think thats a great idea.

By setting the command A/F only in the open loop table we severly limit our ability to control the engine under different circumstances.

For instance, the table is set up in MAP vs Coolant temp variables.

That means that assuming the coolant temps stay normal and don't move around too much (very likely) then ONLY the MAP will affect the desired A/F ratio...not TPS, coolant, air temp, or RPM.

By using the PE modes we have all that added flexibility to use.

At 1000 rpms the engine will easily see about 100 Kpa with only around 15% TPS (but not need to have extremely rich mixtures, maybe something more like 13.3 - 13.5 A/F instead.)

Setting the TPS PE threshold higher than this will allow us to take care of that situation.

As the RPM goes up though, it will take progressively more TPS % to get high MAP values and thus the PE mode would then be in effect and the world operates as normal! :wink:

Just a thought...


The PCM looks for the RICHEST multiplier to use between the open loop and PE tables. So if you have 12.9 in one and 14.7 in another, you get a commanded of 12.9.

The reasoning for disabling PE mode is this, I don't want to have normal driving enable PE for ANY reason and alter my data for my BEN. I have since writing this changed the way PE is entered. I have enabled it to only activate when MAP is above 75kPa. This way I can call for a richer commanded AFR down low and then lean it out up top. Anything under 75 is still going to retain the 14.63 AFR and anything above that calls for the PE vs RPM table.

Why would you need to have PE activated below 75kPa for tuning purposes? By doing that you would have certain portions that are rich and not needed. Once you are done tuning the car and all is dialed in, then I would go back and re-enable PE to activate with a MAP that is less then 75kPa just for the extra throttle response.

This is just my thinking and reasoning as I am learning just like eveyone else.


August 4th, 2005, 01:56 AM
Hi chad,

I respect your thoughts, but I must point out that being in PE mode (or not), will NOT affect your BEN tuning.

Having PE on or off only affects the COMMANDED A/F ratio, and since the BEN factor only looks at actual vs commanded A/F to determine the BEN factor, the actual value of VE will not be any different in either case.

It comes down to a simple matter of testing, trial and error, and personal choice when slecting what EQ ratio to run after the VE table has been corrected by the BEN.

In the end you can do it either way, but setting up your open loop A/F table and the PE tables first, and THEN using the BEN to get the correct VE numbers will shorten the process.

I am a bit surprised by your comment that the ECU looks for the RICHER of the two commanded mixtures, and you may very well be correct....I will be spending several hours on the dyno today to test this specifically....if you are right, then I have been schooled! :P

Thanks for sharing this info with all of us, as we all learn together!

August 4th, 2005, 02:11 AM
A few of us have noticed an anomaly, for lack of a better word, in the way the VE table is used by the PCM.

For simplicity sake, if you configure an OLSD tune commanding a 13:1 AFR across the board, get the VE table dialed in, then later change the commanded AFR to 14.6:1, the BEN factor will be skewed by a small percentage.

Have you noticed this too in your testing, or will you have time today during your dyno testing to verify this?

August 4th, 2005, 02:13 AM
Hi chad,

I respect your thoughts, but I must point out that being in PE mode (or not), will NOT affect your BEN tuning.

Having PE on or off only affects the COMMANDED A/F ratio, and since the BEN factor only looks at actual vs commanded A/F to determine the BEN factor, the actual value of VE will not be any different in either case. It comes down to a simple matter of testing, trial and error, and personal choice when slecting what EQ ratio to run after the VE table has been corrected by the BEN.

I have seen that when I command a lower AFR then my VE table doesn't correspond to a different AFR. ie. Command 13.0/Actual 13.0 (Same VE) Command 14.63/Actual maybe between 13.8-15.0. Delco has seen the same results. I would think this would throw off the VE at lower kPa's when tuning?

I found if you did it with a flat 13:1 everywhere it was not quite right when going back to 14.63

In the end you can do it either way, but setting up your open loop A/F table and the PE tables first, and THEN using the BEN to get the correct VE numbers will shorten the process.

I am a bit surprised by your comment that the ECU looks for the RICHER of the two commanded mixtures, and you may very well be correct....I will be spending several hours on the dyno today to test this specifically....if you are right, then I have been schooled! :P

Thanks for sharing this info with all of us, as we all learn together!
I think it is richer..

Dirk Diggler
August 4th, 2005, 02:50 AM
I am kinda confused as to why everyone goes through some many hoops to disable pe. Here is my thinking....

Things we know

1. PCM selects the riches table between the OLFA table and the PE vs. RPM table
2. After dialing in the ve table to a set AFR if the commanded AFRs are changed the BEN factors are slightly off

So here is what i propose

1. Set the whole open loop table to .98 or 1.00
2. LEAVE pe map enable to 15 kpa
3. Set pe delay yto 0 (IIRC it is fromthe factory for F-bodies)
4. set you PE vs RPM table to a value you are happy with 13.0 all the way across or 12.6 till TQ peak and lean it out aftwerwards....

Here is what this does

1. You dont have to change you OLFA table back to stock when you are finished tuning. 13.0:1 gets expensive after a while. Thus your BEN wont change
2. You will allready be saving gas mileage with the leaner OLFA table
3. PE will kick in right away and switch over to the RICHER tables thus givng you the mixture you want. The PCM will still interpolate between these tables even though they are set different.
4. everyone is happy and no one comlains about thier bens benig out after a commanded AFR change
5. No interpolating from the PCM 1.0 across the board will make the computer's job easier. A test i recently did went from .98 at cruise up to 70 kpa and then 1.13 from 75 to 105. The computer makes a nice little ramp between from 75-80 kpa usually 13.7-13.5 before it hits 13.0 (80+ kpa).

August 7th, 2005, 03:34 AM
I am kinda confused as to why everyone goes through some many hoops to disable pe. Here is my thinking....

Things we know

1. PCM selects the riches table between the OLFA table and the PE vs. RPM table
2. After dialing in the ve table to a set AFR if the commanded AFRs are changed the BEN factors are slightly off

So here is what i propose

1. Set the whole open loop table to .98 or 1.00
2. LEAVE pe map enable to 15 kpa
3. Set pe delay yto 0 (IIRC it is fromthe factory for F-bodies)
4. set you PE vs RPM table to a value you are happy with 13.0 all the way across or 12.6 till TQ peak and lean it out aftwerwards....

Here is what this does

1. You dont have to change you OLFA table back to stock when you are finished tuning. 13.0:1 gets expensive after a while. Thus your BEN wont change
2. You will allready be saving gas mileage with the leaner OLFA table
3. PE will kick in right away and switch over to the RICHER tables thus givng you the mixture you want. The PCM will still interpolate between these tables even though they are set different.
4. everyone is happy and no one comlains about thier bens benig out after a commanded AFR change
5. No interpolating from the PCM 1.0 across the board will make the computer's job easier. A test i recently did went from .98 at cruise up to 70 kpa and then 1.13 from 75 to 105. The computer makes a nice little ramp between from 75-80 kpa usually 13.7-13.5 before it hits 13.0 (80+ kpa).

Well thought out and succinct! :D
A bump so more viewers see this!


August 7th, 2005, 11:43 PM
I might have to try this method.


Dirk Diggler
August 10th, 2005, 01:22 PM
To my surprise today Black02SS sent me the stock tune for the 05 CTS-V and guess what, GM setup the OLFA table and pe table as I have described in my above post. I was unawre of this until earlier this afternoon :D :D :D :D

August 10th, 2005, 01:31 PM
Your not supposed to tell people that... I hate it when you are right.. ;) Needless to say, my open loop table and PE are now as described above by Dirk.

August 12th, 2005, 06:43 AM
To my surprise today Black02SS sent me the stock tune for the 05 CTS-V and guess what, GM setup the OLFA table and pe table as I have described in my above post. I was unawre of this until earlier this afternoon :D :D :D :D

emoticon - narrowed eyes shifting right and left.
See!!! They are reading this stuff!! They've stolen Dirk's strategy!!