View Full Version : Is there a tutorial for changing your OS to a newer one?

August 10th, 2007, 12:16 PM
:nixweiss: Hello guys. Is there a tutorial for changing over to a newer OS? I have a 00 that I want to change to an 02. I'm installing a procharger so I think I want to go with a custom tune for boost. Thanks for the help.

August 10th, 2007, 01:51 PM
Why yes, there is. Go to the tuning tool, Help>Tutorials>Custom OS Upgrade Tutorial. It is in PDF or Adobe format. Works good, lasts long time.


August 10th, 2007, 02:35 PM
Doesn't rip, slip, or run up/down your leg.


You may have to copy some of the tables from the old OS to the new OS.

August 10th, 2007, 02:59 PM
Thanks for the input Doc. I've kind of read through it but not completly. I want to upgrade to a 02 OS before I do the custom one. I don't remember the tutorial telling you how to upgrade to a newer OS before installing the custom OS just that you will need to. I just got my efi live. So far all I've done is save the stock tune out of my car. Just upgraded to the commercial waiting on them to send me the code so I can do the custom.

August 11th, 2007, 03:57 AM
To change to a different [GM] OS:

- open 2 instances of the tunetool, one on the old OS, the other on the new OS;
- then going table-by-table, in the old OS copy a table using copy-with-labels, and paste it into the new OS using paste-with-labels;
- repeat this for every table containing different values between the 2 OS's (you have to look very carefully);
- any tables that are transposed have to be untransposed using the conversions tab;
- any tables having different axes have to be somehow resolved;
- tables only present in the new OS have to have sane values;
- tables only present in the old OS can be ignored;

Then, once you have done this, you should start the car and see that it runs correctly (engine, trans) on the new OS, at least as good as on the old OS;

Then you can follow the COS tutorial to change to COS3 or CO5;
in doing this, any out-of-range cells must be resolved by entering in-range values (the tunetool displays a max or min value for an out-of-range cell, but the cell's value is still out of range, so you must enter an in-range value); also COS5 requires some additional steps (disabling the TPS VE table); see attachment of notes I took while reading thru COS5 thread.