View Full Version : What are the odds?

September 2nd, 2007, 02:59 PM
Greetings from a newbe group member and tuner.
I upload a new tune into my 5.7 and less than a minute later the fuel pump starts howling and I notice the fuel PSI dropping down to 20 psi and then surging back up to 55. Over and over about two seconds apart per surge. It sounds like a normal issue with a fuel pump taking a dump however the timing of the thing has me wondering. The -0009 file is the upload where it happened. The other file 88YJ5-7 is the original tune pulled from the computer. Anyone see anything obvious? I went back to the original tune and the same issue occurs.

Looks like tomorrow I'll be dropping the tank.


September 3rd, 2007, 01:49 AM
It's the pump. I threw in my spare computer and viola - fuel pump noise. Would this have anything to do with a bad first load where I got the error - Bootloader rejected reason: no reply? Or am I just having bad luck?

September 3rd, 2007, 02:22 AM
Sorry, just bad luck. The operation of the fuel pump is limited to enabling the relay by the PCM. Of course the relay/fuel pump needs to be enabled. You were probably just due.

September 3rd, 2007, 11:38 AM
Well I've done some data logging on the new tune and others. I still have the same issues - lean off a warm start (I think), a little too much timing and slightly slow throttle response. After the pump I played around with both ECM's to figure out if I could find my stutter - possibly a knock delay - and welded in an 02 bung for the wideband which is now reading +/- 2.5volts. Time to figure out how to integrate it into the data logging, get the lambda readings from that voltage and then learn to map! Busy night. Thanks for the input Al!

September 3rd, 2007, 11:40 AM
Yeah, if the pcm says no reply, that just meant that the pcm in your car did not respond to efilives request to comunicate. That has no effect on the opperation of a fuel pump. There are tutorials in the help tab that tell you what you need to hook up a wideband. They should be a big help.

September 3rd, 2007, 01:33 PM
The wideband was a piece of cake as far as integrating into EFILive. Click on the analog PID and select the wideband brand PID. Wow! Instant lambda. Now as far as the LC-1 wiring goes - jeesh. A spaghetti factory in my passenger seat. I've got to get a good soldered ground off the motor and recalibrate the 02. I'm using aligator clips to make sure it works. It's not going to be permanent right now but who knows. I'm thinking HT383 with the 0411 so maybe I should just make it permanent.

I feel like I'm in school again trying to learn all the engine mgmt terms, efilive terms, tables, pids... !!! How everything fits together is a bit overwhelming. A 3-D map of table interactions would be sweet but probably a bit complex. I'll keep reading...