View Full Version : Couple question before I get started

September 5th, 2007, 02:17 AM
It seems like my car is loading up on start-up, seems to be missing a cylinder and then it kicks in ? what do I look at for this? I have eflilive flashscan v1.2 and a RR.

September 5th, 2007, 08:42 AM
Well I installed the wideband and grabbed my first log file. Runs pig rich at WOT. Maybe when I come home sometimes I've got my foot into it and it get a little loaded up so when I start the car next the plug is semi fouled and causing a miss until is cleans itself? Still waiting on the efi stuff in the mail so I cant quite get a good set of logs yet but it was nice to see the wideband commander log file and play it back correctly. Need to configure the rpms though....lol

September 5th, 2007, 10:54 AM
When starting, how rich is it immediately on start up...?

It may be overly rich during startup.

Look for these:
- actual AFR and commanded AFR on startup;
- cylinder misfire counts.

September 6th, 2007, 02:15 AM
Will do! Thx for the help

September 7th, 2007, 06:40 AM
So thats E38 and E67 and then all the cylinder misfires pids, if I only have 24 how can I get the actual afr data in there?

September 7th, 2007, 07:16 AM
You have to either forego some other pids, or ...

log at a slower rate (48 channels)... this is ok since high resolution is not required during idle.

September 7th, 2007, 10:30 AM
OK I got a log file at startup

can someone look at it and direct me, more pids? need more info how to correct startup issues? Did I get enough info or not?

If read it correclty on the playback it looks like my afr is like 9 at startup and i have a few cylinders misfiring... to much fuel ? how do I correct that?

September 7th, 2007, 01:33 PM
ok I backed off the initial fuel prime a little after looking a another tune file with mods somwhere near mine.

I dont have a clip for the WBC input into the FS yet but I did log the AFR with my WBC and I can see that it shows around 12.5 at startup but the commanded AFF shows it at like 9 in the log I posted.

I'l flash the new tune and re-log and see what I get.

September 7th, 2007, 02:10 PM
didnt help, do I adjust the commanded fuel ratio? THis is killing me, my car is like all fouled at startup

Ok did a search and found some info so I changed the startup airflow correction table by 4 across the boards. Will start car and log new results tomorrow

September 7th, 2007, 02:40 PM
Your misfire counts are low, and may not be a problem.

AFR is too rich and may be a problem.

Change one or more of these tables:

Or using a WB adjust the VE in OLSD first.

September 8th, 2007, 02:31 AM
So should I increase the VE table then or decrease. If the tables predicts the amount of air entering the cylinder will; it then decrease the fuel if you lower the expectation of air?
The injectors have been in there for a while.
I do have one thought as to how it got to rich. I had been removing the EGR and air systems. I think maybe I left the intake line open so it was drawing unmetered air. Few weeks ago I went to my tuner and he plugged the line saying that I didnt want un-metered air it would cause a lean situation.

But the last time he tuned it I might have had the line open so it was um-metered at that tune. Its the vacuum line on the intake. FI that was the case and now the line is plugged would that effect the afr?

If it's unmeterd then the pcm deosnt know it's getting it in the first plase so should it really effect things?

SO if your tuning by AFR and you get unmetered air into the intake your going to increase the fuel until the AFR is correct.. right? SO now that its not getting the un-meterd air will it run rich? I also swapped my ls1 MAF for a Z06 MAF. How does that figure into the equation?

here is my current tune

September 8th, 2007, 03:45 AM
When I compare my IFR table with a table from another tune that has svo30#'s it looks like I'm giving it less fuel. Mine is set at 4.1094 acorss the boards and the other tune is at 4.5547 and scales up. ?

I also have like 60 lbs on the rail.

Also when I compare my MAF table to an 02 zo6 I see a big difference. Should I use the z06 table as I have a z06 MAF?

If the value is higher at any given hz it wants o add more fuel... right?

September 8th, 2007, 04:25 AM
The tune file in post #11: click on the Out Of Range tab, and for each item listed go and enter an in-range value, save the file, exit the tunetool.

September 8th, 2007, 04:29 AM
You have a Camaro... do you have the stock "returnless" fuel system...?
If you do, use this spreadsheet to calculate your IFR B4001 table
(input rail pressure, injector's rated flowrate and rated pressure):

September 8th, 2007, 04:41 AM
Increasing VE: increases "calculated" airmass which increases fuelmass to maintain a given commanded AFR, so since actual airmass is unchanged, actual AFR will be richer.

Increasing MAF: increases "measured" airmass which increases fuelmass... same thing... actual AFR will be richer.

Increasing IFR: increases "looked up" flowrate so PCM keeps injector open for less time to maintain a given fuelmass for a given AFR, so actual fuelmass will now be less, so actual AFR will be leaner.

Yes, do make sure you have no airleaks [anywhere (intake and exhaust)... there are many sources of airleak].

The thing to do is, using a wideband O2 sensor, do these steps:
- first, before proceeding, measure rail pressure and calculate IFR;
- follow Auto VE tutorial (disable MAF, disable closed loop and trims, disable COTP, disable DFCO... log commanded/actual AFR correction factor ("BEN"), apply transient filter, and multiply into VE table); repeat/smooth a few times;
- if you now want to run with MAF, enable MAF (but stay in open loop), set B0120 to 400, and basically repeat the Auto VE method for the MAF table (log correction BEN, apply filter, multiply into MAF table, repeat a few times); set B0120 back to 4000 when finished;
- if you now want to run closed loop, enable closed loop and trims.


September 8th, 2007, 06:50 AM
My fuel rail is not stock but I believe its still stock as far as returnless.

I need the clip for the FS to input my WB02 and ground.

In the mean time I will go with the new IFR that I calc'ed

(I came up with that by svo 30lbs expecting 40lbs at the rail and I have 60lbs at the rail)

and see what happens. This will be different than the 4.1094 I've got across the board now.

I will also change the MAF to the lower setting I found from a stock Z06 or should I do one log, and then the other and log.

Do one at a time and log.

I know the MAF table has to be incorrect. I went from a stock 75mm to 85mm.

I'm juggling 2 soccer games and a baseball game today today between my 2 kids so I wont be getting back to you for a while.

Thx for the help, it is very much appreciated. Once I get the tune a little closer( not so rich) I'll upgrade the OS and then dial in with the o2 input and auto ve and then move it all to the RR and then finalize the tune from there. Does that sound like a feasible plan?

Yes Post 11 is my current tune on the pcm. Anytime I tweak something I name it and flash it, always keeping my original tune seperate.

September 8th, 2007, 12:39 PM
The MAF doesnt come into play at startup though does it? I was told the car runs in SD mode til 4000 rpms then it uses the MAF.

If thats true this would help with my WOT richness but not with startup , I'll try the injectors and see what happens

shallow bay
September 8th, 2007, 02:26 PM
The MAF doesnt come into play at startup though does it?
No, I don't believe so.

I was told the car runs in SD mode til 4000 rpms then it uses the MAF.
From my understanding, the PCM is constantly interpolating between the MAF and the VE table under 4000 RPMs (stock) or the value set in {B0120}. Anything above that RPM, the PCM uses the MAF exclusively.

September 8th, 2007, 02:42 PM
Ok heres the new log file with a few more pids added. This is with the IFR adjustment. As I look at my fuel rail pressure it looks like I've got 62 psi while idling. Concern here though is my misfire count skyrocketed from what I can see unless I'm reading it wrong.

It still seems rich on startup the WB say show it hovering around 12.3-12.8 which better than before where it was around 11.5-12 so maybe I'm making progress but the misfire counts scare me. Not sure what t think of them.

September 9th, 2007, 03:53 AM
Ok rescaled the injectors again re-did th MAF table by using a MAF table from an 02 z06. I installed a z06 maf to my Camaro.

Seems to be one heck of a lot better, still dont undertsand the misfires if someone could look at that, that would be nice.

AFR hover's around 12.18 13.2 at WOT from what I can tell by the WBC log, can someone look at the efilive log log and tell me if they think I'm to lean and shouldnt drive it. It spike to lean on decel but not for very long few seconds at most tries to hover at 14.7-15.3 when not in WOT.

Ready for autoVe now I think, still need to get wire clip for input, but it's a lot closer I think.

September 9th, 2007, 06:33 AM
Your log shows commanded AFR, and it is ok.
Are you able to log actual AFR using a wideband...?

You may possibly be getting lean misfires...

You aren't getting any knock picked by the knock sensors (are they working right...?);
Can you hear knock (pay close attention to this)...?

Cyl #1 seems to have less misfires...

Check that all spark plugs and wires are in good condition
(may want to wiggle wires around while ohming them).

Check for airleaks at the intake manifold.

You need to log actual (wideband) AFR into FlashScan in order to correlate data.

September 9th, 2007, 07:01 AM
See if you can log wideband AFR using FlashScan. :)

September 9th, 2007, 07:14 AM
I fixed up those 2 remaining out-of-range parameters.

September 9th, 2007, 07:21 AM
Yes I log Using the Wideband Commander and my laptop. I then watch the feedback and see what it looks like.

I had less misfires when it was really rich remember.

I dont hear any pinging at all. The AFR spike to lean like right after I let off the gas and maybe push in the clutch

EVen when it was running rich the AFR stayed about the same as it is now before WOT(after it got over being loaded up at startup. It would spike rich at WOT) Not it spike to about 12.7-13.2 I think the log shows

September 9th, 2007, 07:22 AM
I'll load your tune and go for a ride. I'll log what I can. I still need to run the signal to the flashScan for the WB02
I cant load the Dynojet file to here. The only time it shows it going lean is on decel and it only spikes once in a while and for the most part is between 14.4-15.3 on deceleration

on easy Acceleration and driving around it's between 13.4-14.7 at WOT it drops to 12.8-13.4

September 9th, 2007, 08:56 AM
I find it hard to believe that 7 cylinders have the same misfire counts...

Are you seeing any DTC's...?

Maybe you should also do a crank relearn, it's very easy to do.

September 9th, 2007, 03:47 PM
How do I do the crank re-learn? Took it for a long ride, car absolutely flys, where before it struggled to get up and go now it just goes.

Short life on the laptop battery so I couldnt log but I kept and eye on the guage. I'll get the input hooked up tomorrow for the wb into the FlashScan

As far as the misfires maybe the plugs are hosed from all the richness previous?

It doesnt ping or knock at all.

What are DTC's?

Also I was watching my pressure guage and it holds at 65 lbs.
I scaled the injectors from like 4.325 to 4.925 before I took it for a ride today just in case, didnt want to be to lean.

September 9th, 2007, 04:49 PM
From scantool, Bidirectional->CKP Relearn and follow the instructions...

All the conditions must be met to do this;

when everything is ready, you step on the gas increasing rpm's until yu feel a misfire/jolt and then you immediately release the pedal.

Read this up in the Scantool PDF user manual and in the GM service manual.

Hmmmm... car runs good now, what'd did you do (summarize for our readers' benefit)... :cheers:

September 10th, 2007, 01:33 AM
Well since I replaced the stock MAF with an 02 z06 MAF ( Remember I have a 99 Camaro (75mm MAF) I looked up the MAF table in one of the tunes that comes with EFIlive. (02 Zo6 tune file). I then coped the info cell by cell over to my MAF table.

I was way rich at WOT and at startup I was really rich as well. So I looked at the IFR table.

I noticed, using the calculator, that my injectors werent scaled right. So I rescaled them using the calculator. Per DemonSS I set the low and high value and did an autofill. I then checked that the values were close if not the same as the calculator and they were.

These two things fixed a lot of my issues but we are seeing the misfire counts so I need to do the re-learn. I suppose it wouldnt hurt to pull a plug or two and see what they look like. With it being waaay rich for a few rides and stuff maybe they got fouled. Were talking like 8 or 9 for AFR when it was rich.

Question I have now is if the car runs in SD and tries to hold 14.7 AFR unitl 4000 rpms, your only really tuning for WOT? OR are there things that we can do to influence the 14.7 as well? LIke all that auto Ve stuff. I know I need to dial my car in further to appreaciate the max, but at least I can drive it now and not worry that there is something seriously wrong.

I honestly believe that the last time I took it to get tuned I had an un-measured air getting into the intake. The tuner adjusted for AFR accordingly and the tune was great.

I changed my mods. Went from Terminator heads to Mamo massaged AFR 205's and 90 intake(as opposed to a non ported 90) and upped the size of the cam from a 234/240 112 lsa to a 238/240 113 lsa.

Wile doing these mods I also reconfigured my PCV system. Got rid of it totally and then found what I was doing wrong with the un-metered air into the intake.

SO my car having been tuned for more air than it is now getting went very rich. That combined with the MAF table is why I needed EFIlive. My tuner would have charged me $600 min to do what I did. I'm not done yet but I'm not that far off either. My car is currently the fastest its ever been and actualy drives pretty smooth.

September 10th, 2007, 03:14 AM
DTC = diagnostic trouble code

From scan tool, go Info->Diagnostic trouble codes

PCM sets these when it detects a problem.

P0300 = general misfires
P0301 = misfires on cyl #1 (if misfire "threshold" was exceeded)
P0302 = cyl #2

September 11th, 2007, 03:58 AM
No misfire codes, just the pesky TPS that I keep getting and there was an old Traction control one as well. I did the re-learn and logged and it looks ike there are 3 cylinders registering misfires now so I'll do the re-learn again. I've already built the AutoVe files and just need to put my IAT sensor back and I'm ready to roll on that.

You know it seems hard when you look at it as having to learn new software/computer crap but it really isnt that hard at all to follow the tutorials and the help here is great!

September 11th, 2007, 04:02 AM
Make sure TPS is working good, because it indexes a few tables.

So now only 3 cyls count misfires (was 7 or 8 before)...?
Yeah, once you get going on it, it's not too hard to learn... :cheers:

September 11th, 2007, 04:18 AM
Well it's been an issue for a while now with my car. p0121 I think is the code, Cant get rid of it. It comes and goes. I've checked the circuitry and it looks good and I get a good TSP signal when I measure with my ohm meter but when the car is running something happens to trip the code. My WBC also see's a funky TPS signal when it's running. The TSP unit is new. Thats another reason I wanted the EFILive. To try and figure that issue out as well. I can still Auto Ve with the TPS issues can't I?

I hold the TPS issue responsible for my occasional throttle hicup I guess you call it. Once in a while you slightly step on it and it takes a second to react.. Not sure but I do need to fix it.

Yeah misfires were 7 cylinders before accept cyl#1 and all the same amount.
They are still the same amount for the 3 remaining

When should I upgrade the OS and use the RR? OR should I sell the RR as the laptop works good? AM I not taking full advantage of stuff?

September 11th, 2007, 09:32 AM
How many times do I need o do crank re-learn?

September 11th, 2007, 01:27 PM
How many times do I need o do crank re-learn?One time should be sufficient.

September 11th, 2007, 01:30 PM
I was playing with my MAF calibration, and when I leaned out (actual AFR 15+) I noticed that my misfire counts went up (to 80+)...

September 11th, 2007, 01:45 PM
Have you read this: http://www.ls2.com/boggs/dtcs/DTC%20P0121.htm

Conditions for Setting the DTC (
The predicted throttle angle does not match the actual throttle angle.
All conditions present for 20 seconds. I think that the problem could be either of these:
- TP sensor,
- MAP sensor (and/or vacuum leaks),
- TPS diagnostic tables (see below);

Look at tables C3906, C3907 and parameters C3901-5;

After checking the TP and MAP sensors for correct operation [with no airleaks present], try this experiment:
set C3901 to it's max value to disable the diagnostic test, clear all DTC's, and see if the PCM throws it again...

If the PCM doesn't throw P0121 again, and you are satisfied that both the TP sensor and MAP sensor are working correctly, then you have to massage C3906 and/or C3907 (remember to re-enable C3901).

September 12th, 2007, 03:09 AM
This is what I found with the crank re-learn. Did it once and the misfire counts were down to 3 cylinders but all the same. SO I did it again and this time all the cylinders got the same misfire counts. Did it a third time and it was back to just having 3 cylinders with the same miscounts. Thats were its at now. I'll post the log. Maybe the MAF is causing it to be to lean. IF so when I do the autove stuff it should takle care of any lean/misfire worried correct? I'll post the log.

plugs are tr6's gapped at 041

September 12th, 2007, 05:03 AM
Ok here is the first attempt at logging for AutoVe. Still getting misfires in 3 cylinders 6,7,8 The same amount in all three. I'll pull the plugs and check the resistance on the wires.

Also when I keep checking the fuel rail pressure its alwasy the same at 62. But I got nervous when I scaled accordingly and it was a little lean. But I re-scaled the MAF by using a table from a z06 so it wasnt exactly accurate. Now that I look at the log and the avg afr is around 11.71. It was richer than that at startup but I didnt capture it. The tune also messed with my idle badly. Thats why its 1500, I was trying to keep the car going.

If I scale the IFR table correctly for what I see as my fuel rail pressure I need to start at 4.5 and end at 4.9. If I do that it will lean out more while under the SDautoVE tune. I can increase the MAF table a little to cover it leaning out as well but my guess is as soon as I'm done with autove I can dial the MAF in correctly.

I'm going to scale the injectors to 60 lbs at the rail to be safe and see what the afr is. If it still rich I'll do the 62 lbs calc.

September 12th, 2007, 07:43 AM
Yes, do that experiment... can you take your fuel pressure gauge on a drive (have your passenger observe how high/low it goes during driving/load...?

Yes, do Auto VE first (using IFR calculated from measure rail pressure)...

Keep this in mind: initially adding +15% to your VE table may be too much... you may be able to add a lesser amount based on your previous observations of AFR and/ot LTFT's.

September 12th, 2007, 08:02 AM
Cant do the passenger thing, the guage is on the rail. It doesnt budge when I rev the motor.

oberservation of ot ltft's?

September 12th, 2007, 09:16 AM
i.e. after calculating and pasting the IFR table, if you think it's running 5% lean, then add 5 or 6% (say) to the VE table instead of 15% as said in the Auto VE tutorial.

September 13th, 2007, 06:43 AM
Ok think I found the misfire issues. Pulled one of the plugs that was reporting and it's as black as black can be. I'll get a new set on the way. with the new IFR calcs I shouldnt have an issue. It must have been so rich it just did em in. Car only has about 70-100 miles on it since all the latest mods.

September 13th, 2007, 09:27 AM
changed them and re-flashed new IFR and same thing as far as the misfires 6,7 and 8. I'm about to shoot myself now. I'll post the log as soon as I get back. 2 hrs

September 13th, 2007, 09:40 AM
Here it is. I burn a hole in 3 pistons did I? I mean theres now way right, we'd
see other stuff and it wouldnt run good right? All the spark plugs looked the same black

September 13th, 2007, 10:15 AM
If the cylinder misfire counts overflow, then the cylinder misfire history gets bumped (and this history bump may in turn flash the MIL)...

So if it doesn't go above 40 and it periodically resets itself back to zero, then it may be ok... (I said "may").

The coil pack subharness is all ok back there (no rubbing/chaffing)...?

Hmmm... misfire could also be due to running lean... (injectors may be spraying less... is it possible for the rear injectors on each back to spray less...?)... or, do you think you're still running too rich...?

Why those 3 cylinders...? I have read about the rear injector screens copping junk from the fuel rails, which supposedly the factory F-body rails are said to be able to rust internally... :bash: I don't know if you have aftermarket rails... it's too much work to pull the injectors only to find they're ok... :bash:

I can't view your log until I get home tonite.


September 13th, 2007, 12:55 PM
I dont think its lean, as soon as you see the log you might agree. I cna pull the rails it's not a huge job. The first log I only had a few and then I had them everywhere and always the same count for each cylinder same as now.
I think I need to set the 6% instead of 15% as well

September 13th, 2007, 07:43 PM
EXT.AD2 hovers around 2.5V which leads me to think either it's not coming ready (may have a broken sensor)... does the LED flash for 20 sec and then go on steady...?

Before you pull the injectors/rails, do the injector balance test from the scantool: Bidirectional->Cylinder Balance Test

If cyls # 6, 7, 8 produce different results than the other 5 cyls, then they would be the problem.

BTW: your SPARKADV shows negative... if you V1 BB logged, enter your VIN/OS and reprogram the BB.

September 14th, 2007, 01:08 AM
What LED?

I've been logging using my laptop

I pulled a couple plugs to look at them and they were black again. They cleaned off easily though.

September 14th, 2007, 02:07 AM
Don't you have the LED/pushbutton wired across the black and white wires on your LC-1's...?

The pushbutton is for doing free air cal, the LED is for observing the state of the LC-1 (coming ready, ready, or flashing error code).

September 14th, 2007, 02:13 AM
I have a dynojet wideband commander not an lc1

September 14th, 2007, 02:17 AM
Whats really weird is when I first started all this I was getting slight misfires on all cylinders. Then I recalibrated and it was maybe a little lean and I got all 50 counts on all cylinders except for #1. Then I do the crank re-learn and I get misfires on all cylinders. I do the crank re-learn again and its back t0 6,7 and 8 cylinders. I change the plugs and re-cal the IFR and get the same misfires on 6,7 and 8. I checked a wire with an ohm meter and its fine.

I'm not sure what to do now.

September 14th, 2007, 02:17 AM
I have a dynojet wideband commander not an lc1Ah, slip of the mind... :doh::doh::doh::doh:

September 14th, 2007, 02:39 AM

You have a more fundamental problem...
Why do various PID's have the same value and the same waveform...?
Even SPARKADV waveform looks like IAT, ECT, VSS, MAP, MFCYLnC...?
They all look the same...!!

(look at IAT and ECT... were they really that cold when you logged...?)

So, you're connecting direct using your laptop...?
Is your FlashScan V1 or V2...?

Try validating PID's.

September 14th, 2007, 02:44 AM
I have the v1 flashscan pluged via usb into my laptop. I have the wideband wired in to the flashscan on the analog side middle is ground and the one furthest away from the other output jack is what I'm thinking is channel 1.

I use the dataport on the car obd2 thing to connect the flashscan.

So are you thinking I've got a short somewhere?

Should my plugs get so blackened at 12.5 avg afr for not even a 5 minute startup?

How do I validate PIDS?

can my ecu be hosed? why all of sudden did it go from being rich with a few misfires to 50 counts all the same on 3 cylinders and then all cylinders and hen 3 cylinders?

It was never that lean. It was running at 14.7-15.3 for a few miles then I added more fuel. It all started right after my flash where I set the IFR and MAF table.

Holy cow! it wasnt -40 when I started the car

Now I'm freaked. :eek: what do I do ? where do i look? is it a physical wiring problem or a pc related issue? :wtf1: :help2: :bawl:

attached current tune file

I have the RR just sitting here. Should I put it in?

ok searched, I'll go connect and validate. Then what?

September 14th, 2007, 04:48 AM
With engine running, check voltage at battery terminals, should be 13-16V.

In the scan tool, be sure to:
- enter your correct VIN/OS/Trans (get OS id from tunetool);
- enter your correct PCM (99-07 Gen III LS1).

To validate pids, in the scantool connect to vehicle and go Info->Validate pids.

Take another log... if the values are still insane do this:
- reflash the same tun file;
- if that doesn't go better, then reflash the previous tune file(s).

After each flash finishes, do you turn off ignition and wait 15 seconds before turning it on again...?

When you flash, do you do cal-only flash or full-flash...?
(cal-only flash is for editing tables; full-flash is for changing OS.)

The PCM must still be working because it is able to read the crank sensor and directly control the ignition coils and fuel injectors... if PCM wasn't working, then engine would not run.

September 14th, 2007, 04:57 AM
I re-edited my previous post to be in a more logical sequence.

September 14th, 2007, 05:10 AM
I do the re-cal only flash and I wait until the 15 second timer has expired and usually a little longer.

I'll go connect and validate. Not sure where to edit vin os and trans but I'll find it..lol

September 14th, 2007, 05:31 AM
validated then started it here is the log. car sounds like crap too, you can hear it missing

reflashed.. checked voltage and the same

voltage was 13

I'll wait and see what you say. I'm about ready to blow the car up. I inspected the harness's and they look fine.
Used up a lot of gas in SDAutoVE mode, it was way rich the whole time you could see the exaust showing it

September 14th, 2007, 07:27 AM
Ok this is the new plan. I'm going to chase down the electrical problems causing the wrong values.

TP, IAT, and VSS and MAP are all on the same ecm connector. (according to my WBC software my TPS signal is hosed) IS that the reson for the misfires? I dont know b ut having a bad ground cant be helping anything.

September 16th, 2007, 05:47 AM
Ok ran new grounds didnt help. Pulled the plug for the VSS and it still says it's doing 30mph while sitting there.

It didnt have the strange misfire counts before I reflashed, not sure about the VSS as I wasnt monitoring for it, but then I did the reflash for the IFR and MAF table and the misfire counts began on 6,7 and 8.

It wasnt till I started with the autove stuff that we noticed the VSS

Could have flashing the ecm have popped/buggered something in it?

I have the RR I can put in I guess and see what happens. Flash it with my current tune.

September 16th, 2007, 06:36 AM
Can you flash back to prior to any problems...?

Flashing won't cause physical damage.

If the PCM still reads 30 mph with VSS disconnected, most likely (in view of other inputs reading strange values) PCM is in a strange state (...it's gotten its "software" knickers in a knot...) or may have been previously damaged.

Hmmmm.... at any time previously, had any PCM output been shorted, or had there been any arcing from a loose alternator wire, or had the PCM been removed/installed while battery was still connected...?

Are you sure that the PCM harness does not have any opens/shorts...?
(may be time intensive but worthwhile to ohm out all the used pins in the PCM connectors).

Yes, do try with RR, but make sure the harness has no opens/shorts.

September 16th, 2007, 06:42 AM
The ecm may have been disconnected while the battery was connected, I'm not real sure. If the ecm is in a state how do I get it back or can I? I've always had trouble with throwing p0121 codes. Not sure if that would do it but I can unplug it and see what I get for reading for iat and coolant without starting it. Is there a wellness test for the ecm?

September 16th, 2007, 06:50 AM
I looked more closely at your logs in post #59, and I noticed in all of them that MAP is following IAT is following ECT is following MFCYLnC...

Can you probe the MAP's signal wire with a DMM while engine is running to see if it follows manifold pressure (behaves inversely to vacuum; may be handy to also have a vacuum gauge attached while doing this)...

If MAP is reponding correctly to throttle opening and engine revving, then I would say the PCM may be damged.

When you replace with RR (or other PCM) you will see a big difference.

September 17th, 2007, 12:36 PM
trying to get over the licensing hump with the RR. When I enter the RR serial number it reverts my eflilive back to demo version

I tried a new battery and full flash but to no avail. I cant see the rr but need to register before efilive will talk to it. Follw the directions and it reverts me to demo

September 18th, 2007, 02:26 AM
I pm'd tech support.

September 18th, 2007, 02:30 AM
Yea I sent them an email and Andrew got back to me. He said he sent an email and I should be getting an email soon.

I did find 1999-2002 ecu's on ebay for about $125 delivered so I wont have to leave the RR in there, although I'm not sure if there is a reason to take it out?

September 18th, 2007, 06:43 AM
I've had my RoadRunner in full time for almost a year now.

Hopefully you should get an email with the registration details this morning...

September 18th, 2007, 07:25 AM
Cool, waiting for it. Its 1:22 pm here now. This is driving me nuts. Either the ecu took a hit or the flashscan unit or I really do have a bad short somewhere that I cant find. lol take your pick.... I'll know as soon as I can talk to the RR. If the values are normal then its either the ecu or flashscan and I can have the FS checked out easy enough. If it still shows messed up values then I've got a serious issue with the harness somewhere.

September 21st, 2007, 06:11 AM
Ok got back to basics on a few things. I first checkd the ecu grounds to the battery and they are fine. I knew I had a TPS issue long with standning so I started there. the +% and ref signal were good with no resistance on the ohm meter but the ground had 20 sop I have a ground issue on the TPS signal.
I wondered if that would be causing the rest of the issues so I un-plugged it and turned the key on and started logging. Sure enough I had -41 at the temps . BUT I also had an AFR of 12.5 and +2.5 volts coming in for the signal. Tyhe problem is the wideband wasnt connected. It wasnt getting anyinout fromnit but was logging like it was. It think I located the issue. FlashScan box.

September 21st, 2007, 07:50 AM
Connect an AA battery across FlashScan and see if FlashScan says the same voltage as a DMM says.

September 21st, 2007, 10:50 AM
Where do I connect the battery on FlashScan?
Ira thinks it might be software so I'm going to follow his steps as well. He's having me delete EFIlive and re-install it.

September 21st, 2007, 11:00 AM
You have V1...

Measure voltage of battery using DMM/voltmeter;
Then connect battery + to C and battery - to D, check what {EXT.AD2} says;
Then connect battery + to E and battery - to D, check what {EXT.AD1} says;
Compare all 3 values.

Yes, I would do as Ira said, then repeat above test.

September 21st, 2007, 02:47 PM
Ok followed Ira's instructions and I'll post the log. I havent tried the battery test yet, the log is interesting enough. I dont have anything connected to annalog 1 and 2 but they show 2.5

also the intake temp and coolant temp read -40 before in hit the read button to log. When I hit the button and start logging it goes to correct temp. The misfire counts are now normal for a big cam however. Something is still not right with the fs unit I think.

September 22nd, 2007, 06:01 AM
With connection absent, 2.5V is the middle of the range, that is ok and is not a problem (and that's what I see on mine).

(it has to do with pullup/pulldown resistors "defaulting" an absent input signal to some voltage value,
if the resistors are equal valued, then the default voltage value will be the middle of the range).

September 22nd, 2007, 06:11 AM
Log_0003startup looks better, but... still doesn't "feel" right.

ECT climbs and IAT shows ambient (both look sensible).

Log some other pids so we can see if they are following normal behaviour.

Is your laptop connected to vehicle...?
Is your laptop powered by vehicle...?

When you hit record button, temp values (and probably other pids) jump from -40 to correct value... something is still not good with ground connection (or something) thru DLC port, FlashScan and vehicle; is your wideband connected (did you see any of this before your wideband was connected)...?

September 22nd, 2007, 06:38 AM
I wasnt logging before. The wideband was connected first. I'll add the VSS pid in there and see what it shows. If its normal I'll take it for a ride. The laptop is plugged in via ac cord to the garage when I'm logging in the driveway. I have an inverter I was thinking about hooking up for power on the road. I dont trust the laptop battery all that much.

September 22nd, 2007, 07:03 AM
Some people have found ground offset problems when powering laptop from vehicle, so if you do do this, sanity check by comparing with and without vehicle power to laptop.

September 23rd, 2007, 02:55 AM
More info: I found the long with standing TPS issue that kept throwing the p0121 code. I measure resistance on the circuit and found that the ground for the TPS signal has like 20ohms so there is an issue with it. I'm going to run a new wire from the pin to the sensor (instead of taking the intake off to chase the current wire) to take care of it.

That ground couldnt be causing the issue with the -40 values could it? I havent had time to do record anymore logs yet, but will do so as soon as I can.

September 23rd, 2007, 02:57 AM
Question ... after is warms up it wants to run lean ..like 15.3-15.8 just at idle. How can I correct that? Its 12.2 at startup WOT and part throttle is ok, not lean, maybe a little rich but not to bad. Ok enough to drive easy and log some.

September 25th, 2007, 01:22 AM
Ok found that the USB plug on the cable, not the FS unit, is loose as well. It appears that the guy I bought this from must have had it stuff up against something and had the cable bent fairly close to the unit which then overstressed the plastic holding the metal usb plug. I've got another cable here I'm going to try and see if I get different results.