View Full Version : Throttle position 256%

September 27th, 2007, 01:00 PM
can some one tell me whats going on here my scanner is all over the place throttle position 256%, and many other pids/scanned data is all out of wack. i thought it was my laptop so wiped out the hard drive and reistalled everything and it is still f-ed up. is my pcm shot. i have a log file here http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=6156 i just checked it and it all messed up on my laptop i dont recall it being like that when i posted it. can some look at it and see if it ok Help. could this be from the drivers i installed. i recently installed the latest update. never mind turns out it was something in my custom pid file. i deleted the whole file and the problem is gone

September 27th, 2007, 01:43 PM
That log still downloads & plays fine. Have you tried reinstalling the software?

September 27th, 2007, 01:55 PM
i just reinstalled it apparently it was the custom pids file. something was funky in there i deleted the whole file and everything seems to be fine now. i am now trying to determine what went wrong. thanks for the reply.

September 27th, 2007, 02:05 PM
error message: "units Lambda not found". when i mess with this one *CLC-00-005
V 0.00 5.00 .1 "{EXT.AD1}"
LAMBDA 1.25 0.75 .1 "{CALC.LM1_EQ(EXT.AD1+7.5)}/10"

factor 0.00 2.0 .3 "{CALC.LM1_EQ}/{CALC.EQ}"
it seems to cause what ever it was. all the rest i put back in and they work fine. i just cant seem to get the EQ lambda to work. i had it in once and though it worked but i bet thats when it all went haywire. also when i tried to set the LM1 to v. 0 - 1.25 V.5 - .75 the lm1 would not allow it. it said the value must be over 1.25 for the 5 v. area

September 27th, 2007, 02:21 PM
I have a battery for my LM-1 now so I will have a look. That calc pids file worked fine on my computer. Did you just replace your old file with that one I sent or copy & pasted the info over?

September 27th, 2007, 02:29 PM
i just checked it out and it seems to be doing what it is supposed to voltages match but the Ben is not working. also i had to change to this LAMBDA none LAMBDA "AFR in EQ"
from this
EQ none EQ " AFR in LAMBDA"

September 27th, 2007, 02:36 PM
yes i copied and pasted but the ben does'nt work and i had to change a few things EQ to LAMBDA and V. 0.00 5.00
LAMBDA .75 1.25

September 27th, 2007, 02:36 PM
While the output from the lm-1 is derived from lambda you do not want to confuse the two. They are different units.
I will send the pid through as soon as I have it sorted.

September 27th, 2007, 02:40 PM
yes i copied and pasted but the ben does'nt work and i had to change a few things EQ to LAMBDA and V. 0.00 5.00
LAMBDA .75 1.25
I used your old calc.pid.txt file to make that pid. You should rename your original calc pid file to something like calc.pid1 & save the file I sent you as the calc.pid file. Then open the tuning tool & see how it goes.

September 27th, 2007, 02:47 PM
i just did as stated moved my current calcc pid file to calc pid 1 and used the file sent as cal pid. if i use the one you sent it says Lambda not found then closes. that is why i change the EQ to LAMBDA and Lambda to EQ that allows it work. all but the BEN {CACL.LM1_EQ}/{CALC.EQ} not valid because unknown parameter {CALC.EQ} at position 24

September 27th, 2007, 02:59 PM
O.K. for the LM-1 in the programmer in the top squares you input 5v at 0.75 Lambda. In the bottom you input 0v at 1.25 lamda & it will programme in with no problems. While this will limit the reading for boost it will be fine until I can work out a formula to get the full range.
I will be back with the pid shortly.

September 27th, 2007, 03:02 PM
Can you email me your calc.pids txt file again? I removed it while having a clean up.

September 27th, 2007, 03:29 PM
i think i've got it. i got ben values of .99 to 1.04 it was a little rich bouncing up and down.

V 0.00 5.00 .1 "{EXT.AD1}"
LAMBDA .75 1.25 .1 "{CALC.LM1_LAMBDA(EXT.AD1+7.5)}/10"

factor 0.00 2.0 .3 "{CALC.LM1_LAMBDA}/{GM.AFR}*4"
when it was rich the Ben was 1.xx when it was lean the BEn was .9x. guve it a try and let me know if you think it is correct. thank you.

September 27th, 2007, 03:37 PM
i gotta get to bed let me know if it works for you, later

September 27th, 2007, 05:08 PM
O.K. for the LM-1 in the programmer in the top squares you input 5v at 0.75 Lambda. In the bottom you input 0v at 1.25 lamda & it will programme in with no problems. While this will limit the reading for boost it will be fine until I can work out a formula to get the full range.
I will be back with the pid shortly.

the first time i tried that it threw up am error window, but it worked this time.