View Full Version : AutoVE Commanded Fuel Question

October 3rd, 2007, 04:41 AM
OK, so I loged the PID's for AutoVE and looking at the data during playback I see that I have times that the commanded value is richer than 14.63. At times it is in the 12's. Is this correct and if it is, when I plot the BEN map with this data, is it skewing my map? In other words, if I show a cell that has an average value of 11.8 AFR and the commanded AFR was actually an average of 12.5, will the percent value in the ben map that is pasted and multiplied account for this or is the percent value merely a comparison of the average cell value to 14.63?

October 3rd, 2007, 04:54 AM
In any BEN map cell, BEN = actual_AFR / commanded_AFR where actual_AFR is the AFR read by the WBO2;

So your BEN (in a particular cell) would be BEN = 11.8 / 12.5 = 0.944

This means 12.5 was commanded, but 11.8 was actually read by the wideband, so it's richer than commanded, and the VE table cell factor to correct this is 0.944.

After doing a couple of Auto VE iterations, the BEN values in various cells will converge on 1.00, indicating that actual_AFR equals commanded_AFR for those cells

The commanded AFR is set by the richer of B3605 and B3618 (when PE is enabled) during open loop, and to stoichiometric (14.63 or 14.68) by the NBO2 feedback trim during closed loop.

October 3rd, 2007, 08:36 AM
OK, thanks. That answers that question. I guess I'll keep after it & hope it doesn't blow up before the AutoVE is close.

October 3rd, 2007, 09:51 AM
Make sure that:
- B3605 right hand 3 columns are sufficiently rich (AFR 12.5 or EQ 1.17).
- B3618 is sufficiently rich (AFR 12.5 or EQ 1.17).

Set your tunetool fuel units to AFR or EQ and not Lambda.

October 3rd, 2007, 11:42 AM
Make sure that:
- B3605 right hand 3 columns are sufficiently rich (AFR 12.5 or EQ 1.17).
- B3618 is sufficiently rich (AFR 12.5 or EQ 1.17).

Set your tunetool fuel units to AFR or EQ and not Lambda.
Should b3618 be 12.5 while doing the autove or after you are done with the autove.

October 3rd, 2007, 11:50 AM
During and after...

You don't want to run lean under load, it's very damaging to engine's hard parts.

Altho, after Auto VE, you can tune it slightly leaner if you wish (say 12.8-13.2).

At non-load, it should be fine to run 14.7 or something similar.

October 3rd, 2007, 11:55 AM
Set up Open Loop, Speed Density
1. Upload the current calibration from your PCM.
Save 3 copies of your tune:
i. Original Tune.tun
ii. SDAutoVE.tun
iii. OrgBackUp.tun
2. Open the SDAutoVE.tun
Hint, to quickly find and display any calibration, enter the calibration ID including the curly braces (i.e. {B0101}) into the Navigator and click the [Search] button.
3. Open calibration {B0101} “Main VE Table”. Select all cells by clicking in the extreme top-left, grey cell. Enter 15 into the Adjust text box and click the [%] button. This will increase all cells’ values by 15%.
Note: The increase of 15% is a precautionary measure to prevent extremely lean conditions that may damage your engine.
4. If you are tuning a 1997 - 2000 operating system, repeat step 3 for the {B0103} “Backup VE Table”.
5. Open calibration {B3313} "DFCO Temp Enable" Set it to 122 °C (252° F)
6. Open calibration {B3618} “PE Modifier Based on RPM” Select all cells by clicking in the extreme top-left, grey cell. If the calibration is displayed as EQ Ratio then enter 1.0 into the Adjust text box and click the [#] button to set all values to 1.0 EQ Ratio. If the calibration is displayed as AFR then enter 14.63 into the Adjust text box and click the [#] button to set all values to 14.63 AFR.
support@efilive.com - 5 - www.efilive.com
Is this not correct or is there an advantage to put in 12.5 AFR. I am a rookie and still trying to learn more about tuning. Thanks for any help

October 3rd, 2007, 12:30 PM
The advantage of B3618 being all EQ 1.00 is that you avoid any effects of transitioning from B3605 to B3618 and back;

but, keep in mind that B3605 transistions from EQ 1.0 to EQ 1.17 in one cell's distance.

Either way works.

October 3rd, 2007, 01:17 PM
The Auto VE tutorial has been developed from the older method of using trims & still has some of the older methodologies in there. Dial in your PE mode as you would want it on the street & you will be fine.

October 3rd, 2007, 02:36 PM
The advantage of B3618 being all EQ 1.00 is that you avoid any effects of transitioning from B3605 to B3618 and back;

but, keep in mind that B3605 transistions from EQ 1.0 to EQ 1.17 in one cell's distance.

Either way works.
Joe thank you for clearing it up for me. Like I said im just a noob trying to learn from you guys. :cheers:

October 3rd, 2007, 03:38 PM
No worries. :cheers:

October 4th, 2007, 04:59 PM
The Auto VE tutorial has been developed from the older method of using trims & still has some of the older methodologies in there. Dial in your PE mode as you would want it on the street & you will be fine.Can anyone elaborate? What are the newer methods? And by "dial in your PE mode" do you mean get it into the proper AFR range per the WB regardless of commanded=actual?

October 4th, 2007, 05:19 PM
I think if your ve table is dialed in correctly then you commanded will equal your actual. As far a PE mode you really don't dial them in you tell the pcm what you want and thats what it will give you. The way I understand it at least. However you will dial in your VE table so you commanded AFR and you actual will be the same.

October 4th, 2007, 05:41 PM
Can anyone elaborate? What are the newer methods? And by "dial in your PE mode" do you mean get it into the proper AFR range per the WB regardless of commanded=actual?
What I am saying is since we use a wideband & have a powerful data filtering tool we can set our PE table where we want it & the auto ve process will still function correctly. This will help prevent any accidental lean outs under wot.

October 5th, 2007, 08:25 AM
I don't want to start another thread & have another question. When I did my first log for AutoVE I didn't have any problem getting my BEN mapto plot data to paste. My second data logging session will not bring up the data. I can get the actual AFR but when I can get the BEN map to load ( sometimes it will not) there is a strike through the name of the map and it is all zeros.

I feel like I'm in way over my head here. HELP!!!

October 5th, 2007, 10:46 AM
Sounds to me like you have not selected the calc ben pid for your setup. You should be able to open up your log & just add the calc ben pid since you have logged the AFR pid.

October 5th, 2007, 12:03 PM
Darned if you aren't right! Somehow I had a different bunch of PID's selected for the second logging session. I have no idea how I did that.

Gelf VXR
October 8th, 2007, 03:06 AM
I found B3618 PE mode, where is B3605?

Is there a bug with the search feature? Iniatally I tried to find B3618 using it and got told it does not exist, only after I had found it manually I could locate using the search feature??

October 8th, 2007, 03:29 AM
Did you do the search like this {B3618} with the brackets?

Gelf VXR
October 8th, 2007, 03:12 PM
With and without

October 9th, 2007, 02:37 AM
Are you running a COS...? If so, then B3605 is replaced by B3647.

Gelf VXR
October 9th, 2007, 01:38 PM
Are you running a COS...? If so, then B3605 is replaced by B3647.

No, stock OS. Where should it be (FUELING) and what is its description?

Does it matter what OS you are running when doing AutoVE? Should I upgrade 1st?

October 9th, 2007, 02:09 PM
In my 02 OS it's under fuel, then mixture,Commanded fuel when in open loop.

Gelf VXR
October 9th, 2007, 06:20 PM
In my 02 OS it's under fuel, then mixture,Commanded fuel when in open loop.

No, its not there

Wwhat I have




October 9th, 2007, 11:35 PM
{B0141} looks like thats it. I don't have any of the ethenol parameters in my OS.