View Full Version : First log

October 23rd, 2007, 09:50 AM
Well I was coming home from the dentist and figured what the hell why not try some logging. So I got it all set up, did a quick pull in 2nd gear, reviewed the data, and saw ~4* knock which started almost immediately upon leaning into the throttle (the whole log is 2nd gear). Is this information pointless and should I do a better log? Didn't take long for it to show up. I'm just starting out with this so bear with the questions. I did another later just gently leaving a light in 1st through 3rd hammering it partway through third when immediately got more knock. I can't HEAR it, which doesn't necessarily mean it's not happening, but what gives? If anything else looks suspect please LMK, and if you want a better log just tell me and I'll try and give it a go later. I had the car tuned less than a week after doing the cam install FWIW. Thanks.


October 23rd, 2007, 10:14 AM
11.8 seems a bit rich for an NA car with a cam. Looks like some adjustments might be called for. THe "smart" guys will have some ideas. I just read a lot in here.

October 23rd, 2007, 10:28 AM
Thanks that's what I thought as well (ideally I want ~12.5-12.7:1 correct?). I don't have the WB02 installed yet (waiting to motivate myself to rip off the duals and bring the pipe to the exhaust shop), but the 11.8 really made me think that I need to sit down and have some serious logs, look at them, and make a few adjustments.
