View Full Version : LM-1 proramming

November 22nd, 2007, 05:08 AM
In the LC-1 installation, it says:

Programming LC-1 for EFI Live

EFILive version 7.3 has an LC-1 calculation in the "sae_generic.txt" file. The LC-1’s programmable settings in this section are based on these calculations. If your file is different, different input values will be needed for the LM Programmer.

# Innovate LC-1 WBO2
# ========================
V 0.0 5.0 .1 "{EXT.AD1}"
AFR 10.0 20.0 .2 "({EXT.AD1}*3)+7.35"
factor 0.0 2.0 .1 "{CALC.AFR_LC11.AFR}/{GM.AFR}"
V 0.0 5.0 .1 "{EXT.AD2}"
AFR 10.0 20.0 .2 "({EXT.AD2}*3)+7.35"

factor 0.0 2.0 .1 "{CALC.AFR_LC12.AFR}/{GM.AFR}"

When I look at the LM-1 txt file it says 0 is 10 and 5 is 30, not 20.

Ant thoughts or am I reading this wrong?

Do I just program the LM-1 with the LC-1 values?

November 22nd, 2007, 05:51 AM
The 10 and 20 are just the chart/gauge display min and max limits.

"({EXT.ADx}*3)+7.35" gives 0V->7.35 and 5V->22.35, which you will find the LC-1 comes pre-programmed with.

(I don't know what the LM-1 comes pre-programmed with).

November 22nd, 2007, 06:58 AM
OK, so sounds like I just set it up the same as the LC-1 and I should be fine.
