View Full Version : 7.5 Software update nightmare.

November 23rd, 2007, 03:38 AM
Ok I at at wits end. with my EFIlive. The newest date has really caused havoc for me. I have had to turn away three different customers this week because of software issues.:bash: Here is my problem. I saw the 7.5 update. I downloaded it as I have done all previous updates. I installed it as directed. I down loaded the newest updates. All went well till I went to move the "81bin" file from \Program Files\EFILive\V7\Calibrations\E35 but it is not there. I figure that the EFI guys might have already fixed it on there end. But when I open my LBZ tune I do not have these new tables B1015 and so on.

What am I doing wrong? Where is the Bin file at?

I did a system search and it did not find it either.

All that is in my E35 file are 7 .cal files.

I was told to uninstall EFI Live completely and redown load 7.4. Which I did. The trouble is only the Scan icon shows up on my desktop. So I then went the Start menu, all programs, EFI Live, then click the Tune icon. I get an error message. Open file - Security Warning. If I click Run the the pop screen comes up and says 7.5? What the heck?:Eyecrazy: I must be missing something on my uninstall. I checked all files on both Programs Files and My Documents. I deleted out all remaining files that I found and cleared out the recycle bin. I then redownloaded 7.4 and installed. Same issues. No Tune icon on the desktop. When I start the Tune program from the Start menu I get the error message and 7.5 version but with out the new tables. If I click the Scan icon on the desktop it starts up without an error message and the popup screen says 7.4.

What am I doing wrong. I have had basicly trouble free use of EFI Live for over a year. But nothing but trouble since I tryed to update to 7.5. Basicly my EFI live is worthless. I am unable to tune trucks right now. I have the same issues on two different computers. That leaves to think I either messed it up the same twice. Which I doubt or something is corrupt in my download.

Please Help!

November 23rd, 2007, 03:53 AM
I found m81.bin in this folder 'C:\Program Files\EFILive\V7\Configuration'.

November 23rd, 2007, 04:32 AM
Well no luck there.

But what really bothers me is that I can not get rid of the 7.5 Tune tool. Even though I have no Icon when I go into the start menu to start the Tune tool or open the Scan tool and try to open the Tune tool it comes up 7.5? Scan tool shows 7.4. What gives? Why can I not make this 7.5 nightmare go away?:Eyecrazy:

November 23rd, 2007, 07:26 AM
I think I got it. My vesion 7.5 is working sort of. I can now see the new LBZ tables.:cheers: But I still have no desktop icon. To start the Tune I must first open the scan tool which is version 7.5 now also and luanch the tune tool from there. It still throws the secuirty warning. I click ok and all seems fine. I not sure I am feeling brave enought to go flash my truck but after a couple hours I might just have to try it.

November 23rd, 2007, 09:02 AM
Another update. I tried the update on my PC this time. But this time I did the calibration update after doing the V7.5 update. The bin 81 file was there. I moved it and everything seemes to be fine on my PC. The Tune tool starts up with the desktop icon and no security warnings. The LBZ/LMM tables are there.:notacrook:

It says that the Calibration can be downloaded either before or after the 7.5 update. But I feel that is not true. You need to download the calibration file after because it appears to me that the 7.5 over rights the calibration file.

My Laptop is still messed up. I wish I would have not uninstalled. I think I need to Remove it all again but start my reinstall with the CD that came with my cable. Any thoughts?

November 23rd, 2007, 09:42 AM
You should be able to remove the old folders and registry entries if you know what you are doing and just reinstall 7.5..

Maybe ask a pc savvy mate to help you out. Im sure its an easy fix.