View Full Version : Can't read PCM after BBL upgrade.

November 24th, 2007, 04:55 AM
A little backround info first.

Vehicle is a '07 GMC Sierra 2500HD 4wd with E38 PCM. I read the PCM .tun file fine yesterday before upgrading to the black box logging.

This morning I upgraded the V2 to black box logging. My original stock .tun file got saved accidentaly with some non stock info so I was trying to read the stock file from the truck again before doing anything else.

When I try to read from the PCM the Tuning software goes through the initializing ECM/intializing bootloader part fine. Then it says ECM ready for reading flash and displays what I'm guessing is two lines of info about the PCM.

A few seconds after those lines are displayed the locks unlock and "Service 4 Wheel Drive" is displayed in the DIC. Then after a few more seconds "Service Trailer Brake System" is displayed in the DIC. After about two minutes of sitting there "Reduced Engine Power" comes up in the DIC. The whole time this is happening the tuning software is just sitting there with a hourglass next to the cursor and no display showing the PCM being read.

I've let it sit there for over 5 minutes just to see if the PCM was being read but, the display wasn't showing it. It was not being read so I just stopped it. The read took 4:32 yesterday when I did it originally.

Just a heads up that something might be wrong with the BETA BBL update and reading PCM's

November 24th, 2007, 09:57 AM
Same problem here with 2005 LLY engine control and trans control module as well as 2003 LB7 engine control module, interface stills reads and writes just fine with both 2007 LLY/LBZ in a medium duty as well as 2007 LMM. Also noted the calbration window is showing some duplicated entries now.

13:40:20.406: Not ready, waiting 1 second for retry...
13:40:21.703: Not ready, waiting 1 second for retry...
13:40:23.000: Not ready, waiting 1 second for retry...
13:40:24.281: ECM seed is: $30F6
13:40:24.281: Unlock attempt 1 of 1
13:40:24.437: Initializing ECM...
13:40:25.218: Initializing ECM, step 1 of 4
13:40:25.218: Initializing ECM, step 2 of 4
13:40:26.000: Initializing ECM, step 3 of 4
13:40:27.546: Initializing ECM, step 4 of 4
13:40:27.984: Initializing bootloader...
13:40:28.312: Initializing bootloader, step 1 of 3
13:40:28.718: Initializing bootloader, step 2 of 3
13:40:29.125: Initializing bootloader, step 3 of 3
13:40:29.625: ECM ready for reading flash.
13:40:29.765: Intel AB28F400B - 512K

and thats where it sits until hit stop button
then this

13:53:53.859: Total time: 13:23
13:53:53.859: Rebooting ECM... (please wait up to 8 seconds)
13:53:55.031: ECM has booted successfully...
13:53:56.031: Clear emisison related DTCs...
13:53:56.078: Clear DTCs for all modules...
13:53:56.921: Disconnecting ...
13:53:56.968: CAN-VPW Bridge Deactived
13:53:57.015: Disconnected
13:54:04.875: Done!

the duplicated entries are the data parameters, entry is duplicated the same number of times as there are lines in the chart and additionally there is now some sort of hexidecimal number appended to the data names

and lastly, the lights dont blink on the v2 to indicate data transfer anymore (at least on the LBZ and LMM)

update, cant read LS1 2003 truck or LS1 2000 truck anymore either.

November 24th, 2007, 08:28 PM
We are looking into this problem...


November 25th, 2007, 12:50 PM
Paul, just as an FYI, this appears to affect all contollers. I've tried 99+ LS1, LLY, 5-Speed Allison and 6-Speed Allison, all with the same effect.

November 25th, 2007, 01:26 PM
Working on it...:nixweiss: (and all the other issues raised so far)
I should have an update tomorrow.


November 25th, 2007, 02:02 PM
Thanks Paul, I knew going into this BETA there would be problems so no big deal.

If you need any other info about the truck or operating system let me know.

November 27th, 2007, 06:15 PM
Having the same problem here. Tried it on an LS1 and an E38 PCM, no go.

November 27th, 2007, 08:11 PM
Update is being uploaded now...

November 27th, 2007, 08:24 PM
Update is being uploaded now...

Oh your a good man!

November 28th, 2007, 03:22 PM
update worked, sorta, LB7 definately readable now, have not gotten to an LLY yet. But did get to a 2003 LS1 gasser in a truck and it failed as follows

19:18:39.562: Scanning for EFILive FlashScan V2 USB
19:18:43.265: Scanning for EFILive FlashScan V2 HAPI
19:18:43.328: CAN-VPW Bridge Actived
19:18:43.359: Current protocol set to: "SAE J1850 VPW"
19:18:43.421: Interface firmware version: 9.5.2
19:18:43.468: Interface firmware model: FSV2
19:18:43.500: Interface firmware version: 9.5.2
19:18:43.515: Interface firmware date: Nov 28, 2007
19:18:43.546: FlashScan serial number: 003597229256
19:18:43.578: FlashScan license number: 0000003597229256
19:18:43.609: Disconnecting ...
19:18:43.656: CAN-VPW Bridge Deactived
19:18:43.703: Disconnected
19:18:44.343: Scanning for EFILive FlashScan V2 USB
19:18:48.046: Scanning for EFILive FlashScan V2 HAPI
19:18:48.218: CAN-VPW Bridge Actived
19:18:48.250: Current protocol set to: "SAE J1850 VPW"
19:18:48.328: Interface firmware version: 9.5.2
19:18:49.453: Current protocol: "SAE J1850 VPW"
19:18:49.500: Interface firmware model: FSV2
19:18:49.515: Interface firmware version: 9.5.2
19:18:49.546: Interface firmware date: Nov 28, 2007
19:18:49.562: FlashScan serial number: 003597229256
19:18:49.593: FlashScan license number: 0000003597229256
19:18:49.718: Getting status...
19:18:49.781: Status: OK.
19:18:50.750: Bootloader version: LS1B_v1.6R (04D2-6318)
19:18:50.750: Preparing PCM for reading flash...
19:18:50.796: PCM seed is: $2584
19:18:50.796: Unlock attempt 1 of 1
19:18:50.953: Initializing PCM...
19:18:51.718: Initializing PCM, step 1 of 4
19:18:51.718: Initializing PCM, step 2 of 4
19:18:52.500: Initializing PCM, step 3 of 4
19:18:54.046: Initializing PCM, step 4 of 4
19:18:54.484: Initializing bootloader...
19:18:54.828: Initializing bootloader, step 1 of 3
19:18:55.218: Initializing bootloader, step 2 of 3
19:18:55.609: Initializing bootloader, step 3 of 3
19:18:56.109: PCM ready for reading flash.
19:18:56.250: Intel AB28F800B - 1Mb
19:19:06.171: Error: Failed. Controller has returned to normal operation, please retry the operation.
19:19:06.812: Total time: 00:09
19:19:06.812: Rebooting PCM... (please wait up to 8 seconds)
19:19:07.968: PCM has booted successfully...
19:19:08.968: Clear emisison related DTCs...
19:19:09.015: Clear DTCs for all modules...
19:19:09.875: Disconnecting ...
19:19:09.921: CAN-VPW Bridge Deactived
19:19:09.984: Disconnected
19:19:13.156: Done!

same pcm reads just fine with other interfaces that i have.

November 28th, 2007, 03:25 PM
I will have to try this again tomorrow, just didn't have time today.

November 28th, 2007, 03:36 PM
19:18:43.546: FlashScan serial number: 003597229256
19:18:43.578: FlashScan license number: 0000003597229256

This is a protocol problem. The leading 4 digits should not be on the license number. I know what is causing it, I'll have it fixed in the next update.


November 28th, 2007, 03:58 PM
Not sure if this is affecting specific controllers, but just FYI I was able to read my LLY today with the last relase.

November 28th, 2007, 04:43 PM
no rush, just doing what i can to help you wrinkle out the bugs.:cheers:

November 28th, 2007, 06:20 PM
AH HA! I got it to read an LS1. The first couple times it would stop on the Flashscan license number and a PCM disconnect message from memory. Try a Check Status and it would run though all the stuff by not reply back "Status ok". Read once then tried to write and the same problem. Closed the program and the same problem. Removed the cable same. Removed cable and restarted program same. Hit Check Status and then it came up Status OK. Now its working fine. Weird.


November 29th, 2007, 07:32 AM
AH HA! I got it to read an LS1. The first couple times it would stop on the Flashscan license number and a PCM disconnect message from memory. Try a Check Status and it would run though all the stuff by not reply back "Status ok". Read once then tried to write and the same problem. Closed the program and the same problem. Removed the cable same. Removed cable and restarted program same. Hit Check Status and then it came up Status OK. Now its working fine. Weird.


Bit more of an update. Its working ok now for the LS1. It can read/write/scan. But if I write and then go to the scan tool to log I have to unplug both connections to the V2 unit and then plug them back again for it to work (otherwise it comes up with an Unable to communicate with V2 error). Then if I scan and then go to write I have to repeat the process again. I can live with that for the moment ;)


November 29th, 2007, 11:53 AM
Having same problem as mrrattle with the extra 0s. Now I am also getting an error that says the ECM is locked when I try to read the ECM or write to it(test write). I'm not crazy enough to try an actual write yet. lol See attatchment for error message.

18:40:57.187: Scanning for EFILive FlashScan V2 USB
18:41:00.843: Scanning for EFILive FlashScan V2 HAPI
18:41:00.906: CAN-VPW Bridge Actived
18:41:00.921: Current protocol set to: "ISO 15765 CAN"
18:41:01.000: Interface firmware version: 9.5.2
18:41:03.125: Current protocol: "ISO 15765 CAN"
18:41:03.187: Interface firmware model: FSV2
18:41:03.203: Interface firmware version: 9.5.2
18:41:03.234: Interface firmware date: Nov 28, 2007
18:41:03.250: FlashScan serial number: 003589627260
18:41:03.281: FlashScan license number: 0000003538630844
18:41:03.375: Getting status...
18:41:03.421: Status: OK.
18:41:04.875: Disconnecting ...
18:41:04.921: CAN-VPW Bridge Deactived
18:41:04.968: Disconnected
18:41:05.687: Scanning for EFILive FlashScan V2 USB
18:41:09.484: Scanning for EFILive FlashScan V2 HAPI
18:41:09.656: CAN-VPW Bridge Actived
18:41:09.687: Current protocol set to: "ISO 15765 CAN"
18:41:09.781: Interface firmware version: 9.5.2
18:41:09.828: Interface firmware model: FSV2
18:41:09.843: Interface firmware version: 9.5.2
18:41:09.875: Interface firmware date: Nov 28, 2007
18:41:09.921: FlashScan serial number: 003589627260
18:41:09.953: FlashScan license number: 0000003538630844
18:41:09.984: Disconnecting ...
18:41:10.031: CAN-VPW Bridge Deactived
18:41:10.078: Disconnected
18:41:10.703: Scanning for EFILive FlashScan V2 USB
18:41:14.609: Scanning for EFILive FlashScan V2 HAPI
18:41:14.640: CAN-VPW Bridge Actived
18:41:14.671: Current protocol set to: "ISO 15765 CAN"
18:41:14.750: Interface firmware version: 9.5.2
18:41:16.859: Current protocol: "ISO 15765 CAN"
18:41:16.906: Interface firmware model: FSV2
18:41:16.921: Interface firmware version: 9.5.2
18:41:16.953: Interface firmware date: Nov 28, 2007
18:41:16.968: FlashScan serial number: 003589627260
18:41:17.000: FlashScan license number: 0000003538630844
18:41:17.109: Getting status...
18:41:17.156: Status: OK.
18:41:18.218: Bootloader version: E38a_v1.1R (06DE-331D)
18:41:18.218: Preparing ECM for reading flash...
18:41:18.250: ECM seed is: $341E
18:41:18.250: Unlock attempt 1 of 1
18:41:18.375: Initializing ECM...
18:41:19.640: Initializing ECM, step 1 of 4
18:41:19.640: Initializing ECM, step 2 of 4
18:41:20.953: Initializing ECM, step 3 of 4
18:41:23.468: Initializing ECM, step 4 of 4
18:41:23.921: Initializing bootloader...
18:41:24.234: Initializing bootloader, step 1 of 4
18:41:24.593: Initializing bootloader, step 2 of 4
18:41:24.953: Initializing bootloader, step 3 of 4
18:41:25.312: Initializing bootloader, step 4 of 4
18:41:26.328: ECM ready for reading flash.
18:41:26.453: AMD AM29BDD160xB - 2Mb
18:41:26.453: CPU Type: MPC561/MPC562
18:41:56.906: Stopping, please wait...
18:42:08.265: Total time: 00:41
18:42:08.265: Rebooting ECM... (please wait up to 8 seconds)
18:42:10.421: Waiting for ECM to complete reboot process... (Retry 1 of 8
18:42:11.453: Waiting for ECM to complete reboot process... (Retry 2 of 8
18:42:12.484: Waiting for ECM to complete reboot process... (Retry 3 of 8
18:42:13.500: Waiting for ECM to complete reboot process... (Retry 4 of 8
18:42:14.531: Waiting for ECM to complete reboot process... (Retry 5 of 8
18:42:15.562: Waiting for ECM to complete reboot process... (Retry 6 of 8
18:42:16.593: Waiting for ECM to complete reboot process... (Retry 7 of 8
18:42:17.625: Clear emisison related DTCs...
18:42:17.656: Clear DTCs for all modules...
18:42:19.750: CAN-VPW Bridge Actived
18:42:19.781: Current protocol set to: "ISO 15765 CAN"
18:42:19.859: Interface firmware version: 9.5.2
18:42:22.296: Disconnecting ...
18:42:22.343: CAN-VPW Bridge Deactived
18:42:22.390: Disconnected
18:42:25.062: Done!

November 29th, 2007, 01:34 PM
I too am having the problem with the E38 Flash and the extra 0's on the license when Flashscan tries to start.

December 1st, 2007, 04:33 AM
just installed the december 1 updates, still cant read 2003 or 2004 ls1 controllers

08:28:38.781: Scanning for EFILive FlashScan V2 USB
08:28:42.468: Scanning for EFILive FlashScan V2 HAPI
08:28:42.531: CAN-VPW Bridge Actived
08:28:42.562: Current protocol set to: "SAE J1850 VPW"
08:28:42.640: Interface firmware version: 10.5.2
08:28:42.687: Interface firmware model: FSV2
08:28:42.718: Interface firmware version: 10.5.2
08:28:42.750: Interface firmware date: Dec 01, 2007
08:28:42.765: FlashScan serial number: 003597229256
08:28:42.796: FlashScan license number: 003597229256
08:28:42.828: Disconnecting ...
08:28:42.875: CAN-VPW Bridge Deactived
08:28:42.937: Disconnected
08:28:43.562: Scanning for EFILive FlashScan V2 USB
08:28:47.250: Scanning for EFILive FlashScan V2 HAPI
08:28:47.312: CAN-VPW Bridge Actived
08:28:47.343: Current protocol set to: "SAE J1850 VPW"
08:28:47.421: Interface firmware version: 10.5.2
08:28:48.546: Current protocol: "SAE J1850 VPW"
08:28:48.593: Interface firmware model: FSV2
08:28:48.609: Interface firmware version: 10.5.2
08:28:48.640: Interface firmware date: Dec 01, 2007
08:28:48.671: FlashScan serial number: 003597229256
08:28:48.703: FlashScan license number: 003597229256
08:28:48.859: Getting status...
08:28:48.906: Status: OK.
08:28:49.890: Bootloader version: LS1B_v1.6R (04D2-6318)
08:28:49.890: Preparing PCM for reading flash...
08:28:49.937: PCM seed is: $7436
08:28:49.937: Unlock attempt 1 of 1
08:28:50.093: Initializing PCM...
08:28:50.890: Initializing PCM, step 1 of 4
08:28:50.890: Initializing PCM, step 2 of 4
08:28:51.671: Initializing PCM, step 3 of 4
08:28:53.234: Initializing PCM, step 4 of 4
08:28:53.656: Initializing bootloader...
08:28:54.000: Initializing bootloader, step 1 of 3
08:28:54.406: Initializing bootloader, step 2 of 3
08:28:54.812: Initializing bootloader, step 3 of 3
08:28:55.312: PCM ready for reading flash.
08:28:55.453: AMD AM29F800BB - 1Mb
08:29:05.406: Error: Failed. Controller has returned to normal operation, please retry the operation.
08:29:06.031: Total time: 00:09
08:29:06.031: Rebooting PCM... (please wait up to 8 seconds)
08:29:07.187: PCM has booted successfully...
08:29:08.203: Clear emisison related DTCs...
08:29:08.234: Clear DTCs for all modules...
08:29:09.093: Disconnecting ...
08:29:09.140: CAN-VPW Bridge Deactived
08:29:09.218: Disconnected
08:29:15.453: Done!

December 1st, 2007, 08:17 AM
just tried flashscan on a 2000 gmc truck, it also fails but with additional errors. should also state that the other ls1 pcms are on a test bench and have no IP to use as a buffer. this 2000 gmc truck is stock and all together

12:10:57.671: Scanning for EFILive FlashScan V2 USB
12:11:01.359: Scanning for EFILive FlashScan V2 HAPI
12:11:01.421: CAN-VPW Bridge Actived
12:11:01.468: Current protocol set to: "SAE J1850 VPW"
12:11:01.546: Interface firmware version: 10.5.2
12:11:02.671: Current protocol: "SAE J1850 VPW"
12:11:02.718: Interface firmware model: FSV2
12:11:02.750: Interface firmware version: 10.5.2
12:11:02.781: Interface firmware date: Dec 01, 2007
12:11:02.796: FlashScan serial number: 003597229256
12:11:02.828: FlashScan license number: 003597229256
12:11:02.984: Getting status...
12:11:03.031: Status: OK.
12:11:07.671: Disconnecting ...
12:11:07.734: CAN-VPW Bridge Deactived
12:11:07.781: Disconnected
12:11:08.406: Scanning for EFILive FlashScan V2 USB
12:11:12.187: Scanning for EFILive FlashScan V2 HAPI
12:11:12.250: CAN-VPW Bridge Actived
12:11:12.281: Current protocol set to: "SAE J1850 VPW"
12:11:12.359: Interface firmware version: 10.5.2
12:11:12.406: Interface firmware model: FSV2
12:11:12.437: Interface firmware version: 10.5.2
12:11:12.453: Interface firmware date: Dec 01, 2007
12:11:12.484: FlashScan serial number: 003597229256
12:11:12.515: FlashScan license number: 003597229256
12:11:12.546: Disconnecting ...
12:11:12.609: CAN-VPW Bridge Deactived
12:11:12.656: Disconnected
12:11:13.281: Scanning for EFILive FlashScan V2 USB
12:11:16.968: Scanning for EFILive FlashScan V2 HAPI
12:11:17.031: CAN-VPW Bridge Actived
12:11:17.062: Current protocol set to: "SAE J1850 VPW"
12:11:17.140: Interface firmware version: 10.5.2
12:11:18.265: Current protocol: "SAE J1850 VPW"
12:11:18.312: Interface firmware model: FSV2
12:11:18.343: Interface firmware version: 10.5.2
12:11:18.375: Interface firmware date: Dec 01, 2007
12:11:18.406: FlashScan serial number: 003597229256
12:11:18.421: FlashScan license number: 003597229256
12:11:18.562: Getting status...
12:11:18.625: Status: OK.
12:11:19.609: Bootloader version: LS1B_v1.6R (04D2-6318)
12:11:19.625: Preparing PCM for reading flash...
12:11:19.656: PCM seed is: $75CF
12:11:19.656: Unlock attempt 1 of 1
12:11:19.812: Initializing PCM...
12:11:20.609: Initializing PCM, step 1 of 4
12:11:20.609: Initializing PCM, step 2 of 4
12:11:21.421: Initializing PCM, step 3 of 4
12:11:22.984: Initializing PCM, step 4 of 4
12:11:23.406: Initializing bootloader...
12:11:23.750: Initializing bootloader, step 1 of 3
12:11:24.156: Initializing bootloader, step 2 of 3
12:11:24.562: Initializing bootloader, step 3 of 3
12:11:25.062: PCM ready for reading flash.
12:11:25.187: Intel AB28F400B - 512K
12:11:26.750: Error: DAta length is 4096 bytes
12:11:27.796: Error: DAta length is 4096 bytes
12:11:28.843: Error: DAta length is 4096 bytes
12:11:29.906: Error: DAta length is 4096 bytes
12:11:30.953: Error: DAta length is 4096 bytes
12:11:32.015: Error: DAta length is 4096 bytes
12:11:33.062: Error: DAta length is 4096 bytes
12:11:34.109: Error: DAta length is 4096 bytes
12:11:35.156: Error: DAta length is 4096 bytes
12:11:35.296: Stopping, please wait...
12:11:35.296: Total time: 00:09
12:11:35.296: Rebooting PCM... (please wait up to 8 seconds)
12:11:36.500: PCM has booted successfully...
12:11:37.500: Clear emisison related DTCs...
12:11:37.546: Clear DTCs for all modules...
12:11:38.515: Disconnecting ...
12:11:38.562: CAN-VPW Bridge Deactived
12:11:38.609: Disconnected
12:11:41.531: Done!

December 1st, 2007, 11:11 AM
just an update on my last post (one immediatly above this one), i just tried an lb7 pcm on test bench, gives same error
(Error: DAta length is 4096 bytes) but if left to run full course still gives a good read (or at least the data appears good in the tuning tool)

December 1st, 2007, 12:08 PM
Same thing here. I cannot reflash my PCM either (2002 F-body). The problem is I think... the firmware is being reported as version " Interface firmware version: 10.5.2". I try to flash and it says I have the wrong firmware version. Looks like a type was made somewhere? I think it is supposed to be 1.05.2 not 10.5.2? Just a guess. Shit. I wanted to do some RAFIG in this cold weather we are having. :(

One thing I also noticed... in this version of firmware, in my EFILive_hapi utility... the USB buffer has be reduced to 64 bytes? I set it back to 8192 like before. Still had no success... but I thought I should mention it.

December 1st, 2007, 01:59 PM
just an update on my last post (one immediatly above this one), i just tried an lb7 pcm on test bench, gives same error
(Error: DAta length is 4096 bytes) but if left to run full course still gives a good read (or at least the data appears good in the tuning tool)I too had the same problem with an 04 Silverado (ERROR: Data length is 4096 Bytes). I let it run and the read was sucessful althouth it was 6MIN 49SEC in length. On the Flash side I received the popup (to reflash this controller must use 2.4.57 or newer. It did not recognize10.5.2.)

Then I tried an E38 (08-Z06). Same thing on the read (ERR0R: Data length 2048 bytes) Total read time was 5MIN 2SEC.The file looked OK 1.67MB. On the Flash I got the same popup as on VPW controllers (To reflash this controller must use 2.4.57 or newer)

December 1st, 2007, 05:18 PM
I too had the same problem with an 04 Silverado (ERROR: Data length is 4096 Bytes). I let it run and the read was sucessful althouth it was 6MIN 49SEC in length. On the Flash side I received the popup (to reflash this controller must use 2.4.57 or newer. It did not recognize10.5.2.)

Then I tried an E38 (08-Z06). Same thing on the read (ERR0R: Data length 2048 bytes) Total read time was 5MIN 2SEC.The file looked OK 1.67MB. On the Flash I got the same popup as on VPW controllers (To reflash this controller must use 2.4.57 or newer)

It is supposed to be firmware 2.5.10. I think the number s being inverted...

December 1st, 2007, 05:41 PM
The "ERROR: Data length is 4096 Bytes" message was a debug message that I left in accidentally - just ignore it. Its not actually an error.

I'm looking into the firmware version number, I may have updated the version number incorrectly.


December 1st, 2007, 08:49 PM
The "ERROR: Data length is 4096 Bytes" message was a debug message that I left in accidentally - just ignore it. Its not actually an error.

I'm looking into the firmware version number, I may have updated the version number incorrectly.

PaulHi Paul, If the Error: "Data length is 4096 Bytes" is not an error why are the read times wrong (6min 49sec with VPW) and (5 min 2 Sec with E38-CAN). These times are longer than normal, Correct? Also the firmware message in the flash shows 10.5.2, as JEZZAB pointed out this must be inverted.

December 1st, 2007, 10:38 PM
Hi Paul, If the Error: "Data length is 4096 Bytes" is not an error why are the read times wrong (6min 49sec with VPW) and (5 min 2 Sec with E38-CAN). These times are longer than normal, Correct?

Correct. I havn't noticed a slow down here - I will look at that.

Also the firmware message in the flash shows 10.5.2, as JEZZAB pointed out this must be inverted.

It appears it has always been sent inverted to the PC with the new 2.5 firmware. I just fixed it now.


February 25th, 2017, 08:14 AM
Sorry for bringing up a 10 year old archived thread, but it seems relevant as I am having the exact same issue listed above.

I have been away from the tuning side of things for a very long time, but I bought an EFILive cable early on and I have used it to 'scan' this truck before, but I have never read out (downloaded) the PCM to this point. I have installed eFans and I am trying to activate them on the computer by making the necessary changes and I have an error when the read hits 13%, specifically the following:

14:06:58.661: Scanning for EFILive FlashScan V1 USB
14:06:58.678: Autodetect interface ...
14:06:58.748: Interface firmware version: 1.2.17
14:06:58.751: Connection to [FSP] interface is OK
14:06:58.787: Interface firmware model: FSP
14:06:58.805: Interface firmware version: 1.2.17
14:06:58.824: Interface firmware date: Jan 18, 2005
14:06:58.844: FlashScan serial number: 003480755323
14:06:58.870: Disconnecting ...
14:06:58.889: Disconnected
14:06:59.576: Scanning for EFILive FlashScan V1 USB
14:06:59.590: Autodetect interface ...
14:06:59.656: Interface firmware version: 1.2.17
14:06:59.660: Connection to [FSP] interface is OK
14:06:59.664: Current protocol set to: "SAE J1850 VPW"
14:06:59.668: Autodetect PCM...
14:06:59.729: Connection to PCM is OK
14:06:59.733: Current protocol: "SAE J1850 VPW"
14:06:59.772: Interface firmware model: FSP
14:06:59.792: Interface firmware version: 1.2.17
14:06:59.813: Interface firmware date: Jan 18, 2005
14:06:59.834: FlashScan serial number: 003480755323
14:06:59.938: Getting status...
14:06:59.978: Status: OK.
14:07:00.911: Bootloader version: LS1B_v1.7R (04DA-6638)
14:07:00.915: Preparing PCM for reading flash...
14:07:00.962: PCM seed is: $4E77
14:07:00.966: Unlock attempt 1 of 1
14:07:01.110: Initializing PCM...
14:07:01.916: Initializing PCM, step 1 of 4
14:07:01.920: Initializing PCM, step 2 of 4
14:07:02.727: Initializing PCM, step 3 of 4
14:07:02.731: Initializing PCM, step 4 of 4
14:07:03.179: Initializing bootloader...
14:07:03.645: Initializing bootloader, step 1 of 3
14:07:04.358: Initializing bootloader, step 2 of 3
14:07:05.071: Initializing bootloader, step 3 of 3
14:07:05.575: PCM ready for reading flash.
14:07:05.710: Intel AB28F800B - 1MB
14:07:14.684: Error: Failed. Controller has returned to normal operation, please retry the operation.
14:07:15.373: Total time: 00:08
14:07:15.403: Rebooting PCM... (please wait up to 8 seconds)
14:07:16.560: PCM has booted successfully...
14:07:17.565: Clear emisison related DTCs...
14:07:17.605: Clear DTCs for all modules...
14:07:18.470: Disconnecting ...
14:07:18.490: Disconnected
14:07:26.582: Done!

More than likely it's operator error on my part as I've been away so long but would be helpful to be able to download and alter this PCM.. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Oh I almost forgot here is some additional information:

I downloaded latest version of EFILive this morning.

World Manufacturer Index 1GC General Motors Chevrolet Light Truck - USA
Year of manufacture 3 2003
Model K1 Full Size Truck 4x4, 1500 (1/2 ton)
Engine V LR4
Engine size V 4.8 litre V8 MFI
Body 4 Two Door Cab
GVWR E 6001-7000
Plant Z Fort Wayne, IN
Sequence 343823 343823

VIN 1GCEK14V93Z343823
Serial 0HA0AJMF3149
Hardware 12580786
Operating System 12579405
Calibration 12582603
Operating System 12579405
Engine Calibration 12577871
Engine Diagnostics 12579428
Transmission Calibration 12585422
Transmission Diagnostics 12570845
Fuel System 12578354
System 12572573
Speedometer 12572527

February 25th, 2017, 08:20 AM
Can you locate and send me the (*.blx) trace file that would have been saved when the read failed. It will be in the folder: \Documents\EFILive\V7\Bug Reports

My first guess is that there is a module on the VPW bus that is not respecting either the "4x speed mode" commands. Try reading without the 4x speed option checked to see if that is the case. (It will just take 4x as long to read)
If it still fails in 1x speed mode, then there maybe an aftermarket module that is interfering with the read process - if you can find it try disconnecting it or removing power from it by pulling it's fuse.

I'll know more when you send me the trace file.


February 25th, 2017, 11:46 AM
The EFILive guys never fail to impress, on a Saturday afternoon Paul chimed in and asked for these files, I sent them and he provided an ever hasty response that fixed the problem. I just wish that the rest of the world was as efficient as the guys here on this forum !

The problem ended up being an issue related the radio that was installed in the truck. Apparently the previous owner installed a single din POS Sony radio that was combined with a pass thru chime module. Well this is apparently causing 'dirty traffic' on the bus and causing my issue. Paul recommended I pull the fuse for the radio and this indeed fixed the problem.

Once again, I received excellent service that was highly appreciated. My e-fans are in, the PCM is reflashed to see them.. Now I just need to figure out why they are cycling and I'll be golden !

Thank you everyone !