View Full Version : '06 E40 PCM locked

November 27th, 2007, 04:14 PM
I swapped a LH6 5.3L into my 1998 Jeep Wrangler. I had it mail order tuned. The tuner used LS1 Edit. I just bought EFI Live to do some tuning myself but it is telling me the PCM is locked.
The original tuner said he could unlock it for me but that might wipe out his original tune? Is that correct? I was hoping he could unlock it and that i would still be able to make modifications to his tune. Thanks in advance.

November 28th, 2007, 12:37 AM
I know that he can re-write the cal but before he does he needs to check the unlock E40 ECM option before writing. He can do this with his last saved tune file leaving you with a copy of where he left off.


November 28th, 2007, 10:13 AM
If you have a recent version of EFILive, when you try to read the ECM select the option "Use Alt Key", it might be able to read it then.


November 28th, 2007, 03:04 PM
Thanks guys. I have the latest version V7.4.2 so i will try the Use Alt Key option.

November 30th, 2007, 04:03 AM
Uder the PCM security option, it says the ECM is secured with a custom key. Also, i don't see a " Use Alt Key" option. I tried entering the $ffff but that didn't work either. Any other options for unlocking it?

Another newb question. It is throwing two codes for the transmission. Where do i go to deselect them from being monitored? It is reading a code for a part that my new trans doesn't have. Thank you. Rick

November 30th, 2007, 10:29 AM
It's not in the security section, it's a tick box on the read/write box that pops up.


November 30th, 2007, 12:04 PM
i am very new to this.
so, on my tuning version i click on the "Read calibration data from PCM" ? is that correct? then i select my controller from the list. after i hit start an error box comes up saying the PCM is locked. there is box to enter "Key" and a small box to check "use high speed". so, am i in the wrong area. Thank you.

November 30th, 2007, 12:57 PM
That is the right box you are describing. Under the box to enter the key there should be two check boxes like in the attatchment below.

November 30th, 2007, 02:09 PM
I have the E40 controller not the E38. The E40 option doesn't show me the "use alt key" options. Hmm, not sure why mine doesn't show that tick box.

i have V 7.4.2 (build 657)

November 30th, 2007, 02:23 PM
Yeah, I know you have the E40 but, mine shows it with any of the controllers selected. I was just using that pic as an example of where the alt key box was at. :cheers:

I have 7.5.1 build 26.

November 30th, 2007, 02:39 PM
sounds good, maybe it shows up with the 7.5.1 version, i will try that first. Thanks for posting the pic, at least i know i was on the right track.

November 30th, 2007, 03:34 PM
Thank you guys so much. I downloaded the new version and the "use alt key" was there. Unlocked it on the 3rd attempt. So happy i don't have to send it back to the original tuner just to have it unlocked. Thanks again.

December 1st, 2007, 08:48 AM
Awesome to hear man, now you can save yourself a bunch of time and effort!

December 1st, 2007, 01:19 PM
Thanks. But now i am getting a bootloader error when i try to read the TCM (T 42). The software unlocks it but then an error pops up saying something about a possible flash memory fault.

December 1st, 2007, 08:41 PM
So it doesn't complete the read at all?
I know on some T42's (GTO's), the checksums are disabled from GM and EFILive complains about that (prompts for the user to correct them), but it does complete the read process.


December 2nd, 2007, 05:55 AM
Hi Ross, thanks for replying, this is driving me crazy, i just want to be able to tune the transmission.
When i select my controller " trans. 4/5spd T42 TCM" it shows that it unlocks on the 3rd attempt. Then it initializes steps 1-4 but then an error comes up saying the bootloader was rejected with possible reasons: engine speed or vehicle speed are not zero or possible flash memory fault.
I am trying it with the key turned to the "on" position and the vehicle is not moving at all.
So, how would i fix a possible flash memory fault?
Then engine is a 2006 LH6 out of a GMC Envoy Denali. ECM (T40 TCM (T42).
Thank you.

December 4th, 2007, 10:36 AM
It sort of sounds like a bogus error to be honest.
There is a folder on your PC called -
\My Documents\EFILive\V7\Bug reports

Try to read the TCM again, when it errors, send to support@efilive.com the most recent .blx file that gets created (by date/time).

Hopefully from that we can see what is going wrong.


December 4th, 2007, 01:30 PM
Thanks Ross, i will go try it right now and report back.

December 5th, 2007, 09:56 AM
Well, it's all a bit weird (maybe!). Looking at your blx file, the TCM is not accepting the seed/key unlock code which indicates that it must be locked (like your ECM was).
Did you try the alt key option when trying to read the TCM?


December 5th, 2007, 12:47 PM
Yes, i had the "use alt key" box checked. If i try it without the box checked then it comes back saying the TCM is locked with a custom code. It doesn't get very far at all. With the "use alt key" checked it goes to 3of3 attempts of unlocking then finally it starts initializing the TCM to step 4 then the error comes up.
The "use alt key" option allowed it to read the ECM just fine. I haven't done any changes (to the engine tune) b/c i really need to tune the transmission.
Thanks Ross.

December 5th, 2007, 01:14 PM
Ah ok, the trace you sent me the TCM read had not progressed to Step4, it failed at the seed/key authentication, can you please send me the blx file that gets to step 4.


December 5th, 2007, 01:38 PM
I just emailed you two more blx files. I tried it a bunch of times so one of those should show it going to step 4 then the error. The two i just sent are the most recent files. Thanks.

December 8th, 2007, 06:47 AM
Any ideas? i'm still getting the same bootloader error. I have submitted blx bug files to tech support and i have two different posts on this site (here and under the T42 heading). I still have not been able to tune my TCM, which is why i bought the software. I purchased EFI through Summit Racing so no options from tech support there. Any other options for me? or just send it back? Thanks for any further help. :cheers:

December 9th, 2007, 11:01 AM
98TJ, the problem is the ECM & TCM are not stock, they have been locked by LS2Edit, we helped you out with the ECM right?, the TCM still appears to be locked, the simple answer is to send it all back to the person that tuned it and ask them to unlock both the ECM & TCM for you.
I don't think the problem is EFILive, you might feel a bit annoyed about all this and want to send it back, but, you are still going to be left with a locked ECM and TCM that nobody can tune.
It's been the weekend here in Australia, but now that it's Monday I'll look at the 2nd lot of blx files you sent to support to see what is going on.

EDIT: OK, confirmed that the TCM is staying locked after EFILive has attempted 4 different unlock attempts, sorry to say but the only way around this is to send it back to the person with LS2Edit to have it unlocked, at least call them and talk to them about the situation to see what they can do for you. If that fails you will need a new TCM.


December 9th, 2007, 12:00 PM
well, thanks for checking. my frustration resulted from waiting since last Wednesday for the results of the blx files. I bought the software approx. 2 weeks ago and have gotten nowhere. Swapping the trans. took less time.
So, EFI live unlocks my ECM (E 40) no problem but it can not get into the TCM???
I spoke with the tuner early last week and he thinks it would have to be returned to stock calibrations just to unlock it.
Anyway, i bought the software to tune it myself to avoid having to send it back to my tuner everytime i need to change something.
Guess, i have to send it back again so i will just have him make the changes and cut my loses with EFI live. Thanks again. Good luck guys.

December 9th, 2007, 02:03 PM
If you need to send it back, just have the previous tuner return the TCM to stock and then you can tune it as necessary. Starting with a stock calibration is OK.

December 9th, 2007, 04:09 PM
well, thanks for checking. my frustration resulted from waiting since last Wednesday for the results of the blx files. .
True, however, the first ones you sent were not the correct .blx files, the correct ones landed in my Email box Friday, sorry I didn't look at them that day.

I bought the software approx. 2 weeks ago and have gotten nowhere. Swapping the trans. took less time.
So, EFI live unlocks my ECM (E 40) no problem but it can not get into the TCM???.
You maybe don't understand the locking process? It's not like EFILive is flawed because it can't unlock the TCM too, nothing out there will even attempt to unlock a locked ECM / TCM apart from EFILive. The whole point of locking the controllers is so people cannot read them!, we at least allow people some success in reading a locked controller because LS2Edit 'locks' every controller by default, the tuner was probably not aware of that. Reading a locked controller is certainly not something we guarantee to be able to do.
I'm not sure why you would be annoyed at EFILive (the product) because it can't read / tune a locked controller?

I spoke with the tuner early last week and he thinks it would have to be returned to stock calibrations just to unlock it. .
Correct, that is what LS2Edit forces them to do.

Anyway, i bought the software to tune it myself to avoid having to send it back to my tuner everytime i need to change something.
Guess, i have to send it back again so i will just have him make the changes and cut my loses with EFI live. Thanks again. Good luck guys.
Again, please don't think that because your tuner locked the ECM / TCM that there is something wrong with EFILive. This situation is no different to buying a used car from a dealer only to find out the previous owner did something to the car that the dealer or you were not aware of, it's not the dealers or your fault.
I don't think you need to "cut your losses", once your TCM is restored to stock then you will be free to tune the ECM and TCM as you wanted to.


December 9th, 2007, 06:03 PM

Just to clear some things up. I am very new to this tuning thing. I put a 2006 5.3 w/ 4L60E into a Jeep Wrangler. I recently swapped in a built 4L60E and wanted to make changes to the shift times and be able to deselect/delete codes. The trans builder recommended EFI live b/c it could eliminate the codes that may pop up with the bigger stall.

I was simply frustrated with the 4 day turnaround, from the time i sent the two new files, on the tech support submission requesting the results of the file. I was trying to get this done and was just waiting to find out if i needed to send the ECM/TCM back. I was trying to make a deadline for a trip that was planned.

No, i don't understand how the lock/unlock, read/write, flash, etc, etc works yet. Very new to this. I wasn't expecting anything from the product (other than to tune the trans), so i wasn't "annoyed at the product" or thought it was "flawed". I had no idea that the ECM/TCM was locked by the tuner. Or even what the heck that meant until i started doing some research/learning about all this stuff.
I underlined the word "not" just so you would clarify that the statment was indeed correct (that it would unlock the one but not the other). I guess i was hoping that i missed something and that it would be still be possible to get into the TCM. Only seemed weird to me b/c the error didn't say "TCM is locked". But now i know that is the problem. Again, thanks for looking at that.

I realize the tuner can return the ecm/tcm to stock but i was hoping to avoid that with the ecm since the engine runs just fine right now. Plus, it would take me a while to figure out how to tune the ecm to the point that he has it now (since this is an engine/trans swap and not the original vehicle). Again, i was only hoping to tune the trans for now and learn as i go. I wasn't looking to start over with the tunes.

I mentioned cutting my loses due to time lost/deadline missed and the need to send back the ecm/tcm. If he can just reset the TCM and leave the ECM alone for now, then it might be ok. If not then i will have to leave his tune, for now, and send it back for any changes.


December 9th, 2007, 07:39 PM
He should be able to just change the TCM, if you can pull the tune from the ECM now and flash it back (same tune) then its fine. The TCM is all you need then. I understand your frustration, there is a very steep initial learning curve we all go through and its really agonizing and seemingly long.

Believe me, when you get that TCM unlocked you will love the changes EFILive can make to it. I have a stock 4L60E with just a Vette 1-2 servo and EFILive, coupled with my 4.2L I6 I spin the tires from 1-2 (by choice) and it shifts really firmly. Especially with yours being built, only a few tweaks and you should be shifting nice and firm.

That is a swap Ive never heard of before, how common is it?

December 12th, 2007, 03:22 AM

Just to clear some things up. I am very new to this tuning thing.

I was simply frustrated with the 4 day turnaround, from the time i sent the two new files, on the tech support submission requesting the results of the file. I was trying to get this done and was just waiting to find out if i needed to send the ECM/TCM back. I was trying to make a deadline for a trip that was planned.

I mentioned cutting my loses due to time lost/deadline missed and the need to send back the ecm/tcm. If he can just reset the TCM and leave the ECM alone for now, then it might be ok. If not then i will have to leave his tune, for now, and send it back for any changes.


WTF.... You got more help than you deserved. Take your frustrations out on the pecker head that locked your ECM & TCM.:bash: Or didn't you pay him for a unlocked tune:notacrook: