View Full Version : Unable to log

November 28th, 2007, 04:00 AM
Running V2 with the latest updates on a Windows 32 bit Vista laptop. I'm trying to log data on a 2000 Chevy Silverado 5.3L auto 2WD, and can't do it. I can do everything else, pull PIDs, even test the O2 sensors. I can connect to the truck. As soon as I tell it to start scanning, it locks up. What am I doing wrong here, or is this the same problem I've been reading about? I've read a lot of posts on logging problems but got the impression that this was only with black box logging, and I'm trying to do this with the laptop plugged in. Everything else is working fine.

November 28th, 2007, 07:30 AM
When you say latest updates, do you mean that you have applied the beta updates, or just he latest puplic updates?

November 29th, 2007, 06:55 AM
Good question. I'll check tonight. I put in the latest updates I could find, but usually do not run with beta updates. My skills with programming suck, so I try to stay away from potential bugpacks. I like to wait till others have blazed the trails along those frontiers. I've got no problems with making major vehicle mods to slap on unusual parts when my wallet allows but playing with bits is just not me.

November 29th, 2007, 07:44 AM
when you get the chance, click help -> about in the scan and tune tool and post up the versions.

if you are running the latest public releases, then you might try checking the scan tool properties to verify the PCM selection and cable type are correct.

November 30th, 2007, 06:04 AM
Excellent. Wasn't able to look at it yesterday, will try today.

Edit - Here's what it says.

EFILive_Scan.exe V7.5.1 (Build 24)
V7.5.1 (Build 24)

December 7th, 2007, 01:39 AM
I figured out what the problem was, apparently I needed to increase the amount of space for logging. Once I did that everything started working, so long as I used a supplied PID map. When I log into this board from the laptop with EFI Scan on it, I'll modify this post with exactly what was changed.

If I tried building my own, then as soon as I started logging the gauges showed incorrect values, like idling at 3500RPM at 25MPH. Any ideas what might cause that? If I reloaded the Imperial base PID file everything would report correctly, and the PID file I created was a modification of that file with a few more parameters added. Vehicle was also set up correctly.

Edit - Under Edit -> Properties -> Logging , I increased Framed (x1000) and this seemed to start allowing me to make log files. I was able to log longer than my laptop battery would last.