View Full Version : BB Logging update Dec 01, 2007

November 30th, 2007, 08:24 PM
Download these two files:


Instructions have been updated, see attached Readme_First.rtf file

If you have already upgraded to the new BB logging bootblock, then you do not need to (in fact you cannot) upgrade the bootblock again. Once it has been done you only need to update the V2.05.xx firmware if/when new firmware is released.

There is new firmware that you must program into FlashScan using the programming option in EFILive_Explorer.
The new firmware now allows you to edit the settings here: F4->F2->F3
Each setting can be adjusted using the left and right arrow keys, or the Ctrl+left and Ctrl+right for larger changes.
Use Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down to set the max and min values respectively.
Use Ctrl+Backspace to revert settings to factory defaults. (You can also revert to factory defaults by deleting the Settings.dat file from FlashScan's [Config] tab page.

There is a typo in the Readme_First.rft file in step 3 of the
Upgrade the FlashScan firmware to V2.4.69 option, it says:

Load the FlashScan Firmware File:
\Program Files\EFILive\V7\FSProg_V2_4_68.ffw
it should say
Load the FlashScan Firmware File:
\Program Files\EFILive\V7\FSProg_V2_4_69.ffw


November 30th, 2007, 08:51 PM
Firmware-Ugrade worked ...

One minor bug: in Date/Time setup, cursor up/down while day is blinking changes the month ... and vice-versa ... at least when locale is set to non-USA ...

November 30th, 2007, 10:18 PM
Thanks Paul. I think today will be my first chance to get V2 on a PCM since the beta started.

November 30th, 2007, 10:34 PM
When setting the date and time, up arrow decends, down arrow accends - feels counter intuitive.

Used the set-up option within V2 to change my splash screen time from 500ms to 5000ms and had no visible effect.

December 1st, 2007, 03:00 AM
When setting the date and time, up arrow decends, down arrow accends - feels counter intuitive.

Used the set-up option within V2 to change my splash screen time from 500ms to 5000ms and had no visible effect.

Havent been able to log yet but i can comment on the splash screen. The delay does work for me!
1.8secs is nice enough to put up a pic of some HP Sauce being peed on.


Redline Motorsports
December 1st, 2007, 03:41 AM
Is this a "safe" update for us shop guys??? I held back on the last update per your warnings. How beta is this?


December 1st, 2007, 04:39 AM
Is this a "safe" update for us shop guys??? I held back on the last update per your warnings. How beta is this?

First line in the readme file. :muahaha: ;)

This software update is a beta release and may be unstable. It may fail or cause unexpected results. DO NOT install or use this beta software on a production system or on any system where failure cannot be tolerated

December 1st, 2007, 05:07 AM
Can't update FlashScan firmware through FlashScan Programmer .
The unit has a hard time going into "dead-poll mode" , takes several tries holding down the "ctrl" button and once it does go into dead-poll mode FS programmer will not see it (two orange LEDs flashing) , says unit is not in dead-poll mode .
And some times it locks at flash screen when not holding ctrl button .
Tried several times , got frustrated and tried the BBL firmware update , worked no problem .
Everything else seems to function just the flash screen hang and no going into dead-poll mode , have not tried BBL with it again yet .
Should have waited did not see it was for December 1 , 1007 . :-)

December 1st, 2007, 06:15 AM
If you already have the new boot loader, you don't need dead poll anymore ...

December 1st, 2007, 08:22 AM
If you already have the new boot loader, you don't need dead poll anymore ...
Can you please explain .
Because when I do it , the Programmer Software states it has to be in "dead-poll" mode to do the update .
You do realize there are two (2) different firmware updates ?
1. Is for the FS (this one not working)
2. Is for the BBL (this one did work)

Thanks Gil

December 1st, 2007, 08:41 AM
If you have updated the boot loader then use the EFILive_Explorer program to update the firmware and you do not need dead poll mode anymore.

December 1st, 2007, 09:01 AM
Can't update FlashScan firmware through FlashScan Programmer .
The unit has a hard time going into "dead-poll mode" , takes several tries holding down the "ctrl" button and once it does go into dead-poll mode FS programmer will not see it (two orange LEDs flashing) , says unit is not in dead-poll mode .
Everything else seems to function just the no going into dead-poll mode.

I have the same problem with the flashscan firmware. I also can't upload any tunes.

December 1st, 2007, 10:13 AM
WOW this upgrade is a 1000 years before its time!!!!!:muahaha:
(look at the title of this thread: Dec 01, 1007)

December 1st, 2007, 10:13 AM
Quick question. On the subject of not needing a boot block update. What is the "bootblock" check box for in the firmware tab of EFI Live Explorer?

December 1st, 2007, 01:52 PM
I've got a problem here. I'm able to read a PCM, but not able to flash one. This problem occurred in front of the EFILive class while doing a demonstration on the dyno. Gives me an error about the EFILive firmware version being incorrect. Says I need at least 2.4.57 or later, and that I have 10.5.2

I've got three trucks to tune tomorrow and would really prefer to not have to borrow a cable...


December 1st, 2007, 08:17 PM
I hate to point this out, but having been a beta tester for various pieces of software since 1983 or so, I can state without reservations that if you're making your living with FlashScan, and you only have one cable, you should not be messing with Beta software, especially where it involves updating a piece of hardware that you have no way of recovering if anything goes wrong. Beta means it's probably close to release and I've tried everything I could think of to test after not getting enough sleep and needing to go to bed so would you testers be kind enough to tell me if I'm close by the time I get up tomorrow so I can fix what I broke.

Sometimes being a beta tester has been the coolest thing in the world, and other times it's caused me to lose days or weeks of work or to need to reformat hard drives. It's got me lots of free software and hardware, but in the long run, I'd have more money if I just bought the software and worked at paying gigs. But I love finding bugs and breaking things, just ask Paul. If you don't or if you need it to work, wait for people like me who can afford to have broken hardware to find all the problems for you.


December 1st, 2007, 08:29 PM
Quick question. On the subject of not needing a boot block update. What is the "bootblock" check box for in the firmware tab of EFI Live Explorer?

It is just in case future updates do require a boot block update. It may never be required, but its there just in case.


December 1st, 2007, 08:41 PM
I hate to point this out, but having been a beta tester for various pieces of software since 1983 or so, I can state without reservations that if you're making your living with FlashScan, and you only have one cable, you should not be messing with Beta software, especially where it involves updating a piece of hardware that you have no way of recovering if anything goes wrong. Beta means it's probably close to release and I've tried everything I could think of to test after not getting enough sleep and needing to go to bed so would you testers be kind enough to tell me if I'm close by the time I get up tomorrow so I can fix what I broke.

Sometimes being a beta tester has been the coolest thing in the world, and other times it's caused me to lose days or weeks of work or to need to reformat hard drives. It's got me lots of free software and hardware, but in the long run, I'd have more money if I just bought the software and worked at paying gigs. But I love finding bugs and breaking things, just ask Paul. If you don't or if you need it to work, wait for people like me who can afford to have broken hardware to find all the problems for you.


Thats normally the reason why beta testing here usually gets done by a select group, and not to the general public (this goes for thousands of other companies too).
Problems are almost a given in beta testing hence the reason for the RED writing at the begining of the readme file.
Unfortunately, during public Beta testing, you will always get a few that try it and then get upset when it doesn't work properly (just talking generally, not aiming at any particular person).

Don't get me wrong, post all the problems you find, thats what beta testing is all about.

I am just hoping that all of you that are beta testing understand this. The more people beta testing, the quicker the problems can be found and fixed. If this public beta test is successful, we might get more opertunities to beta test.

Sorry for the ranting, I'm done! :cheers:

December 1st, 2007, 09:24 PM
I think the warnings were clear from even before the beta release ... anybody who has ever programmed (especially for a living) will know that there is hardly any chance of writing a program without bugs (well, maybe apart from a "Hello, world!" program). Many are found by the programmer (team), some more by internal QA, a few more by external beta testers (usually a limited range of users), and yet some more make it to the end user (yippee!), mainly because of either weird usage/layer 8 problems, others because not all possible configurations can be present for testing.
I think the turnaround time for reported bugs & availability of fixes by Paul is fine. (try to get a fix for a known bug by Microsoft ... but don't hold your breath waiting ...) We've already come a long way, I reckon by the new year everybody should be able to enjoy a stable, @ss-kickin' release of the V2 software!

December 2nd, 2007, 05:01 AM
WOW this upgrade is a 1000 years before its time!!!!!:muahaha:
(look at the title of this thread: Dec 01, 1007)
we`ve been waiting for BBL for so long we have gone back in time!:eek:

December 2nd, 2007, 07:55 AM
Can you please explain .
Because when I do it , the Programmer Software states it has to be in "dead-poll" mode to do the update .
You do realize there are two (2) different firmware updates ?
1. Is for the FS (this one not working)
2. Is for the BBL (this one did work)

Thanks Gil
The first firmware update must be done with the existing firmware programmer. The same way all firmware updates have been done in the past.

Then you use a new option on FlashScan's menu to upgrade the bootblock.

Then you use EFILive_Explorer to upgrade to the BBL firmware. Note this option does not require you to use the Ctrl key to get into dead poll. It should already be in deadpoll after the bootblock upgrade.

Interesting that you say the first one does not work but the second one does? That indicates that you have already upgraded the bootblock. You do not need to do it again. You should now just use the EFILive_Explorer program to update each new BBL firmware update. You also do not need to use deadpoll mode anymore, the EFILive_Explorer program is able to request deadpoll mode through the USB connection (thats one of the new features of the BBL bootblock).


December 2nd, 2007, 11:34 AM
The message says:

Flashscan V2 not in dead poll mode.
The orange lights are blinking and it still will not let you upgrade the firmware with the firmware programmer. EFILive Explorer BBL firmware upgrade worked fine.

December 2nd, 2007, 11:55 AM
The message says:

Flashscan V2 not in dead poll mode.
The orange lights are blinking and it still will not let you upgrade the firmware with the firmware programmer. EFILive Explorer BBL firmware upgrade worked fine.

Once you have updated the bootblock you can no longer use the FlashScan Firmware programmer that ships with EFILive V7.

You MUST only use the firmware programmer in EFILive_Explorer from now on.


December 2nd, 2007, 12:43 PM
I upgraded to the latest releases --
V751_027_69 and V811_010_10 and bb logging works fine on 02 Silverado, pass-through logging works fine, but the tuning software won't connect. I'm getting the same error about the wrong firmware version that's posted in another thread. I saw in the other thread that a possible inverted number had been fixed, but I haven't seen the fix. Also, when I try to reflash, the software displays V2 AutoCal for the type of cable. When I link up with EFI Explorer, it correctly identifies the cable as a V2 FlashScan.

December 2nd, 2007, 01:59 PM
What about the error when trying to flash the ecm?

John Skiba
December 2nd, 2007, 02:31 PM
I didn't have issue with the previous update, now this one gives me the following:

1) Connect to vehicle only - Doesn't work (Doesn't go past splash 9 out of 10 times)
2) Version check issue when I tried to program - says it's vers 10.x.x. Can't flash
3) BB when gives me a $0185 error
4) log files in explorer don't copy on drag drop. The unit did something as if it did copy but no files.

I did the flash update this time through the laptop on battery mode.

Pass through logging did seem to work okay.

John Skiba
December 2nd, 2007, 03:08 PM
Okay, I managed to get the unit to power up past the splash screen every time now.

A couple of things I noticed:

1) The unit update defaults to SD card instead of internal even if no SD is present.
2) My internal memory was full with logs and it still created new logs with 0 length files instead of tell me it's full and I can't log.
3) When you do the flash update. You must clear your config files and I "believe" your log files as well as set to internal memory (if no SD is present) before it'll work every time. Or visa versa, clear everything before you flash the firmware. Can't remember which cause it to work now everytime.

Issues still:
1) The tuning software identifies the firmware backwards as 10.5.2 and causes an error so you can't flash.
2) BB logging appears to log but doesn't display anything just frame count. It doesn't appear to create or save anything in internal memory.

December 2nd, 2007, 03:55 PM
Screen shot of error message is attached. Or should I say, "Attached is message error of shot screen"?
I tried loging an LB7 with the previous version and had the same experience as John, but had no problem logging LS controller in my truck. Haven't tried the C5 yet. I'm also a bit confused because whether the number is 2.5.10, or 10.5.2, it would appear to be a later revision than 2.4.anything.

Wasted Income
December 3rd, 2007, 03:35 AM
Just want to say, "Keep up the good work, guys". Each beta release looks better, and works better.

I know it must be exhausting, but we appreciate the hard work!

jay p
December 3rd, 2007, 03:57 AM
Screen shot of error message is attached. Or should I say, "Attached is message error of shot screen"?
I tried loging an LB7 with the previous version and had the same experience as John, but had no problem logging LS controller in my truck. Haven't tried the C5 yet. I'm also a bit confused because whether the number is 2.5.10, or 10.5.2, it would appear to be a later revision than 2.4.anything.

I get this same error on my LBZ. A quick fix would be nice, my truck needs to go to dealer for warranty work and I would like to put it back to stock.

December 3rd, 2007, 11:01 AM
You beta testers and developers are my heroes, risking life, limb, and sanity for the benefit of us "less apt" individuals with the IQ of plantlife. Actually I'd be trying it out myself, if my EFI Live laptop hadn't been stolen. Thankfully, they didn't get my V2, but they did get my V1, which was still a perfectly functional scanner. Anyhow, my hat's off to Paul, Ross, and all you brave soldiers.

December 3rd, 2007, 12:28 PM
I still cannot get LLY standalone BBlogging to function. I still just get a timer and no data. This is with the V10 firmware update and config files from the Dec 1st release.

Round Rock TJ
December 3rd, 2007, 03:13 PM
Screen shot of error message is attached. Or should I say, "Attached is message error of shot screen"?
I tried loging an LB7 with the previous version and had the same experience as John, but had no problem logging LS controller in my truck. Haven't tried the C5 yet. I'm also a bit confused because whether the number is 2.5.10, or 10.5.2, it would appear to be a later revision than 2.4.anything.

Exact same problem here as well.

December 3rd, 2007, 03:14 PM
I too cannot flash an LBZ controller. The error when trying to flash is attached. This was with the v10 firmware.

December 3rd, 2007, 03:25 PM
I get this same error on my LBZ. A quick fix would be nice, my truck needs to go to dealer for warranty work and I would like to put it back to stock.
Paul has been visibly absent from this thread, which means he's working feverishly to find a solution. I can't really speak for Paul because I don't speak Australian, but you can bet he's doing everything possible to resolve the issue quickly.

December 3rd, 2007, 04:59 PM
Correct, making good progress.
Should have new software and firmware to post tonight or tomorrow.


December 4th, 2007, 02:02 AM
I corrected my problem using post #6 of this thread.

December 4th, 2007, 07:36 AM
Thanks mate. While it is frustrating at times... the combination of having developers like the guys at EFILive who are willing to react quickly, work with us and take all of our input, and conversly having people who are willing to risk so much to beta test all serve to ensure a quality product when it RTM's.

I don't mean to sound like a nut-swinger, but Paul and team, you guys are doing an excellent job at developing this product. Keep us in the loop on the progress and outstanding issues and keep up the good work! Thank you for your efforts.

You beta testers and developers are my heroes, risking life, limb, and sanity for the benefit of us "less apt" individuals with the IQ of plantlife. Actually I'd be trying it out myself, if my EFI Live laptop hadn't been stolen. Thankfully, they didn't get my V2, but they did get my V1, which was still a perfectly functional scanner. Anyhow, my hat's off to Paul, Ross, and all you brave soldiers.

December 4th, 2007, 08:51 AM
I too cannot flash an LBZ controller. The error when trying to flash is attached. This was with the v10 firmware.

X4, I am geting the firmware message too after the latest dec 1st update....

December 4th, 2007, 03:11 PM
Can you guys please let us know when this is all corrected? All my "beta" stuff is working great in real life business and I don't feel comfortable upgarding to this yet with all the problems mentioned. Thanks.

December 5th, 2007, 07:40 AM
Apparently you cant downgrade the firmware to 2.5.9? Damn. I was trying to get a success ECM flash.
Should we expect this today? Just curious. Thanks.

Correct, making good progress.
Should have new software and firmware to post tonight or tomorrow.


December 5th, 2007, 08:18 AM
Apparently you cant downgrade the firmware to 2.5.9? Damn. I was trying to get a success ECM flash.
Should we expect this today? Just curious. Thanks.

See here


December 5th, 2007, 08:40 AM
Damn. I was going to the dyno this weekend and need to flash the ECM.
Is there any workaround for the Firmware 10.x.x problem?

December 5th, 2007, 08:54 AM
Damn. I was going to the dyno this weekend and need to flash the ECM.
Is there any workaround for the Firmware 10.x.x problem?

I'll know the status of the equipment malfunction in about 2-3 hours, I'll post an update then.
It may be repairable right now or we may need to order new equipment.


December 5th, 2007, 08:58 AM
I would post the current beta firmware 2.5.11 which fixes most problems. However, all the VIN licenses and Stream licenses will not be available. They are still in the FlashScan cable, just that the software cannot see or use them.

It has to do with the version number screw-up. Basically the security in FlashScan has detected a "downgrade". I.e. it "thinks" the firmware was downgraded from 10.5.2 to 2.5.11. Obviously I need to figure out a way to prevent FlashScan thinking it has been downgraded - without compromising the downgrade detection. But I can't do that until I get the equipment here up and running again.

When it rains, it pours...:mad:


December 5th, 2007, 09:08 AM
There is no one that works there named Murphy is there? If so fire him now!!!! :muahaha:

December 5th, 2007, 09:33 AM
How about deleting downgrade detection in 2.5.11 and then turning it back on in 2.5.12 or something like that? :nixweiss:

December 5th, 2007, 09:44 AM
How about deleting downgrade detection in 2.5.11 and then turning it back on in 2.5.12 or something like that? :nixweiss:

Exactly, when I said "figure out", I meant "figure out what I need to change in the software". :)

December 5th, 2007, 01:00 PM
Dumb question: why would it matter if someone wanted/needed to downgrade their V2? I can't imagine how downgrading could be a security risk, and sometimes there may be an instance where it would be good to be able to downgrade, such as if something in a new release broke stuff...

It has to do with the version number screw-up. Basically the security in FlashScan has detected a "downgrade". I.e. it "thinks" the firmware was downgraded from 10.5.2 to 2.5.11. Obviously I need to figure out a way to prevent FlashScan thinking it has been downgraded - without compromising the downgrade detection. But I can't do that until I get the equipment here up and running again.


December 5th, 2007, 01:15 PM
Dumb question: why would it matter if someone wanted/needed to downgrade their V2? I can't imagine how downgrading could be a security risk, and sometimes there may be an instance where it would be good to be able to downgrade, such as if something in a new release broke stuff...

I agree, its not a security issue, its a compatability/functionality issue.
And I agree it would be convenient to allow customers to downgrade.

If we allowed downgrades then we'd have a much tougher job trying to make sure that the correct PC software and the correct FlashScan software was installed on both systems.

It is difficult and adds complexity to version/compatability checking if we have to check both ways (forward and backward). That complexity reduces our ability to add/remove features when needed and would add to software and firmware "bloat".

I have been considering a version system where up/downgrades can be done as required for version numbers that only differ by release.
i.e. All firmware with 2.5.xx could be up/downgraded at any time. But 2.6.xx could not be downgraded to 2.5.xx


December 5th, 2007, 01:47 PM
I see, said the blind man. Makes sense.

I agree, its not a security issue, its a compatability/functionality issue.
And I agree it would be convenient to allow customers to downgrade.

If we allowed downgrades then we'd have a much tougher job trying to make sure that the correct PC software and the correct FlashScan software was installed on both systems.

It is difficult and adds complexity to version/compatability checking if we have to check both ways (forward and backward). That complexity reduces our ability to add/remove features when needed and would add to software and firmware "bloat".

I have been considering a version system where up/downgrades can be done as required for version numbers that only differ by release.
i.e. All firmware with 2.5.xx could be up/downgraded at any time. But 2.6.xx could not be downgraded to 2.5.xx


December 5th, 2007, 04:31 PM
I think the real problem is that we've been spoiled by EFILive Beta software that has only had minimal issues or none at all. There was a very specific warning about the fact that this was a beta release and there was no turning back. I upgraded, and now I can't reflash anything, but that's the way it goes. I really don't see any need to second guess what could have been or what should have been. Paul will get this situation corrected in short order. And he'll certainly be able to do it more quickly if he doesn't have to respond to a bunch of questions and suppositions.

December 11th, 2007, 04:21 AM
I am also stuck in can not flash
Has thier been any updates or work arounds ?

December 11th, 2007, 04:50 AM
December 6th updates eliminate the "don't flash, don't tell" issue. Reflash worked fine on 1999+ LS1 PCM and other reports indicate no problems with other controllers.

December 12th, 2007, 04:26 PM
I read the ECM of a 2008 Malibu (E67) with no problem using the latest FlashScan software and the V2 as a pass-through cable. No problems. However, I noticed that when I connected, the screen displayed AutoCal V2. Scanning also worked with no problems (again, using V2 in pass-through mode). I can't try BB logging because it's not an option available in the V2 unit, although E67 does show up under the Config tab when EFILive Explorer is running.

December 12th, 2007, 04:30 PM
I've noticed that after a full flash on my bench harness, I have to remove power entirely from the OBD2 port (rather than just cycle the ignition) in order to get back in and change a VIN number (or perform any function for that matter). Little quirky, but I've gotten used to it now.

December 12th, 2007, 06:38 PM
I read the ECM of a 2008 Malibu (E67) with no problem using the latest FlashScan software and the V2 as a pass-through cable. No problems. However, I noticed that when I connected, the screen displayed AutoCal V2. Scanning also worked with no problems (again, using V2 in pass-through mode). I can't try BB logging because it's not an option available in the V2 unit, although E67 does show up under the Config tab when EFILive Explorer is running.

I've noticed the same thing. I've read 3 controllers tonight via passthrough, an '07 E38, an '07 T43 trans controller, and an '02 Gen 3 LS1. While reading both where it states what cable is in use at the top of the status box, it displays Autocal V2 instead of Flashscan V2 for the cable type.

I have also tried BBL for the first time tonight on the '02 LS1 and had to work around the splash screen hang up with control + cancel to reboot and worked fine beyond that.


Jason S.
December 18th, 2007, 05:22 PM
I got stuck when I got to configure flash for black box logging. I pulled the SD card out, and the Explorer kicked me off line.... Now it won't allow me back on line, and the flashscan module is stuck on the EFILive V2 Splash screen. Anyone else run into this?

December 18th, 2007, 06:20 PM
The problem is caused by FlashScan not initializing the splash screen timeout value. It will be a random value of anywhere up to 1 minute. If you left it long enough it would eventually get past the splash screen.

The previous post is the answer. Use Ctrl+Cancel to reboot FlashScan and bypass the timer.


I got stuck when I got to configure flash for black box logging. I pulled the SD card out, and the Explorer kicked me off line.... Now it won't allow me back on line, and the flashscan module is stuck on the EFILive V2 Splash screen. Anyone else run into this?

Jason S.
December 19th, 2007, 11:41 AM
The problem is caused by FlashScan not initializing the splash screen timeout value. It will be a random value of anywhere up to 1 minute. If you left it long enough it would eventually get past the splash screen.

The previous post is the answer. Use Ctrl+Cancel to reboot FlashScan and bypass the timer.


Thanks! Not sure how I missed that.... But that did the trick!