View Full Version : Having NO success altering WOT A/F after 85mm Lid/MAF

the Dragon
December 3rd, 2007, 12:02 PM
I've done LARGE adjustments to the PE vs. RPM table and the MAF table in the upper frequencies and it isn't making a difference :(

I tuned my car with Edit for the previous 6 years and I haven't really touched the tune much in the past year and a half since I made minimal changes to my set-up. I've done next to nothing with EFILive because there wasn't a need . . . that is . . . until I made the recent change to a larger MAF.

I wanted to re-tune my set-up using the EFILive software by modifying the MAF tables and make the necessary adjustments in other tables accordingly; my previous tune ran a stock MAF table when I had a stock MAF.

I'm running the following:
Stock bottom end with Rod Bolts
TSP ported LS6 Heads stock valve sizes
MS4 camshaft straight up
un-ported FAST 90 Intake and FAST 90 TB
1 7/8" stepped to 2" Longtubes no cats
FAST 36# Injectors
Racetronix Fuel Pump
SLP 85 MM MAF with resistor
85 MM lid

Can the resistor be causing some kind of conflict or malfunction at WOT?

Can I just rip the resistor out with no errant codes?

I had 0 problems before the 85 MAF and Lid.


EDIT: is there something that I need to "click" for the PE changes to take in the tune? I never ran into this PE problem before.

December 3rd, 2007, 01:17 PM
was your commanded fuel and pe/rpm accurate/good before the MAF?

December 3rd, 2007, 01:44 PM
be sure your WBO2 is working properly.
i had a sensor go out and no matter how much
i added to the VE table it would show lean.

December 3rd, 2007, 04:21 PM
Is it too rich or lean?

the Dragon
December 3rd, 2007, 04:55 PM
was your commanded fuel and pe/rpm accurate/good before the MAF?

Yes. When I got EFILive I downloaded my modified tune and began working from that point.

. . . WBO2 . . .

This is my next step. I'm going to do my best at eliminating all the possible mechanical variables.

I apologize for the truncated quote. For some odd reason I could not copy-and-paste in the reply window :nixweiss:

Is it too rich or lean?

It is too rich according to the software.

If, as you gentlemen are eluding, the MAF is not the problem I suppose this becomes a sensor-related issue. Is it possible that EFILive is giving a false reading?

Just to reiterate: there is little chance that the resistor in the MAF is causing this?

Thanks for all the prompt responses :cheers:

December 3rd, 2007, 05:00 PM
Silly question....is Cat. Conv. Overtemp still on?

the Dragon
December 3rd, 2007, 08:32 PM

BO701 Catalytic Converter Protection Enable "Disable"
BO702 830
BO703 840
BO704 850
BO705 920

Are these the tables to which you refer?

Upon further inspection, I think I need a Wideband :(

Any recommendations? I'd like one with a digital gauge as well. Also, obviously glitch-free compatibility with EFILive/Roadrunner software :) From where could I order one such as described for a decent price?

Thanks again!
