View Full Version : EFI Explorer and Time Travel

December 10th, 2007, 02:19 PM
There I was, installing the latest software and 2.5.11 firmware, when suddenly I was transported back to 1980. The "Date Modified" listed for all files is 1/1/1980. That includes all the files listed under the "Config" tab, and the two log files I recorded last week. Even more bizarre is that all the files were modified at 12:00:00 PM.

December 10th, 2007, 09:31 PM
Noticed that also, I did change the config.ini file and wrote it to the V2, the date was 1/1/2007 - that was closer, but still not right.:Eyecrazy: I would think that the EE would snap the active date and write it into the memory of the V2 correctly. Strange.......

Also when logging under F1 and pausing, the frame count does not stop now with the Dec 6th build, it just keeps counting up whether you are recording or not on my V2 . It did not do that before in earlier firmware......seems like a bug.:doh:

Is there a way to change the parameters in the options.ini in V2 - If I want to change an alarm threshold, it would be nice to have that ablilty in hand.

Why are the UNITS set to METRIC or CUSTOM?? Is there going to be a global custom unit set other than INCH or Metric?

Just another side note - when logging the other day the I was watching the TOS RPM and at 45 mph it was reporting a huge RPM number. V2 reports this as RPM.....From memory I want to say that it was 24,000 - but it may have been alot higher. I find it hard to believe that the TOS is rotating that fast. Is this being reported as pulses, not RPM and is just labeled wrong??:nixweiss:

December 11th, 2007, 05:08 AM
With my phasers set on stun, I BB logged again, and was instantly transported from 1980 to 2007. Files logged on 12/11 have a Date Modified of 12/2/07, and time is also incorrect. Everything else seems to work fine. This was on a C5.

December 11th, 2007, 03:19 PM
There I was, installing the latest software and 2.5.11 firmware, when suddenly I was transported back to 1980. The "Date Modified" listed for all files is 1/1/1980. That includes all the files listed under the "Config" tab, and the two log files I recorded last week. Even more bizarre is that all the files were modified at 12:00:00 PM.

The timestamps on files copied to or created on FlashScan will be set to FlashScan's date/time. FlashScan's date/time used to default to 1/1/1980. It now defaults to 1/1/2007.

FlashScan has no battery backed up clock so the date/time is lost whenever it is unplugged.

I will investigate if it is possible to keep a file's date/time stamp when it is copied from the PC.


December 11th, 2007, 03:23 PM
Also when logging under F1 and pausing, the frame count does not stop now with the Dec 6th build, it just keeps counting up whether you are recording or not on my V2 . It did not do that before in earlier firmware......seems like a bug.:doh:

Under investigation...

Is there a way to change the parameters in the options.ini in V2 - If I want to change an alarm threshold, it would be nice to have that ablilty in hand.

Yes, currently you need to edit the Options.ini file. But eventually all the features in Options.ini will be adjustable from the PC.

Why are the UNITS set to METRIC or CUSTOM?? Is there going to be a global custom unit set other than INCH or Metric?

Metric for metric, Custom for Imperial. You can set whatever Custom units you like in the Options.ini file.
Instead of kph you could define mph or feet/sec or any other velocity unit that you can think of. Instad of kPa, you can define psi or inHg or inH20 or bar or atm etc.

As I said earlier, these units settings will eventually be edited from the PC - not by editing the Options.ini file. But for now you will need to modify that file to affect any changes in the units.

Note: You can swap between Metric and Custom units using FlashScan's Settings menu.

Just another side note - when logging the other day the I was watching the TOS RPM and at 45 mph it was reporting a huge RPM number. V2 reports this as RPM.....From memory I want to say that it was 24,000 - but it may have been alot higher. I find it hard to believe that the TOS is rotating that fast. Is this being reported as pulses, not RPM and is just labeled wrong??:nixweiss:

Under investigation...


December 12th, 2007, 09:01 PM
Yes, currently you need to edit the Options.ini file. But eventually all the features in Options.ini will be adjustable from the PC.

Yes, I figured that, but what I was asking was if there will be a way to access the options.ini file setting in the internal memory of the V2 from the V2 (without the PC) - IE if I want to change the knock alarm threshold as I am logging and driving, It would be nice to have access to those PID parameters. Otherwise, I would have to have the Laptop to change the alarm duration, tone, threshold instead of just keying over to it and moding it on the fly. Just a thought.....:D

December 13th, 2007, 07:42 AM
From memory I want to say that it was 24,000

Forgot a zero - it's actually closer to 240,000 at 45 mph. Letting you foot off the brake at a stop sign to a roll and it jumps out to around 950 rpm......It's hauling - it has to be some sort of pluse value. :Eyecrazy: :D

December 13th, 2007, 10:03 AM
My bad, I set up the PID scaling as multiply by 8 when it should have been divided by 8. So its a factor or 64 too large. 240,000 is actually 3,750rpm.

Its fixed in the next update.
