View Full Version : BB Logging Update Dec 14, 2007

December 13th, 2007, 11:54 PM
Download these two files:


Update Dec 16, new firmware file V2.05.14:
This firmware update:
1. allows a trace file to be saved manually. Select menu: F2->F4->F1.
2. includes an update that may fix some LLY DTC and BB logging problems.

The ReadMe_First.rtf file has been updated to list the new features/options in this release.

If you have already upgraded to the new BB logging bootblock, then you do not need to (in fact you cannot) upgrade the bootblock again. Once it has been done, you only need to update the V2.05.xx firmware if/when new firmware is released.

There is new firmware (FSProgV2_05_12.efw) that you must program into FlashScan using the programming option in EFILive_Explorer.

Alarms have been fixed. Both Audible and Visual alarms are now working. As an example, the TP (throttle position) PID has been set up to sound an alarm and illuminate the second led from the left, (if LED Alarm mode is slected) if the TP goes aboev 95%.

The LEDs can be set to one of three states: Status, Alarms and Off. See Readme_First.txt for more details. The LED mode is identifed on the FlashScan screen to the left of the protocol display. Where S=Status, A=Alarm and X=Off.

The EFILive_Explorer program has been updated to include a trace window (check the Trace box in the status bar). The trace window will help track down drag/drop file copy problems.

The EFILive_Explorer program should now auto-detect and auto-connect to FlashScan.

The EFILive_Explorer program should now remember the last active folder and return there each time it is restarted.

The FlashScan firmware includes a trace option that will save a file with a *.efx extension at the end of a logging session. That file can be emailed to EFILive in the case of a log session malfunction.


December 14th, 2007, 01:35 AM
Paul, I still can't get my LLY to BBL (not sure how the others that have reported it working are doing it). As before, I tried it Auto/Manual and both on my truck with the 04 DSP5 OS and on the bench with my original ECM. I can still get data from an LS1 PCM. Clearing DTC's still gives the $0311, however, now it asks if I want to clear the right number of codes (Used to say 20+). Also, the V2 goes into low power mode as soon as bootup is complete.

December 14th, 2007, 06:44 AM
.ffw software has been included with each release of BBL software, yet there's apparently no way to install it because EFILive Explorer doesn't recognize it and the dead poll procedure doesn't work any more. However, the latest instructions still include steps to load the .ffw firmware. Is it correct to assume that the ffw firmware is included with or replaced by the .efw software? Or am I missing something?

December 14th, 2007, 07:17 AM
Paul, I still can't get my LLY to BBL (not sure how the others that have reported it working are doing it). As before, I tried it Auto/Manual and both on my truck with the 04 DSP5 OS and on the bench with my original ECM. I can still get data from an LS1 PCM. Clearing DTC's still gives the $0311, however, now it asks if I want to clear the right number of codes (Used to say 20+). Also, the V2 goes into low power mode as soon as bootup is complete.

I've added a trace option to the FlashScan firmware. Please turn it on, then try to start BB logging. Using EFILive_Explorer, check in the Scan folder (on FlashScan) for any files with *.efx extensions. If there are any, please send them to me at paul@efilive.com. If not, let me know in this thread. I may need to add an option to manually force an *.efx file to be saved.

I'm not sure why it goes into low power mode, that's strange. Maybe try deleting the Settings.dat file from FlashScan, then go into FlashScan's settings menu and re-configure all the settings.


December 14th, 2007, 07:20 AM
.ffw software has been included with each release of BBL software, yet there's apparently no way to install it because EFILive Explorer doesn't recognize it and the dead poll procedure doesn't work any more. However, the latest instructions still include steps to load the .ffw firmware. Is it correct to assume that the ffw firmware is included with or replaced by the .efw software? Or am I missing something?

I've just realized, the readme file is not clear on what to do there.

Once you have updated FlashScan to the new V7.5 firmware (i.e. once you have done the boot block upgrade), you can ignore the *.ffw files. You can't use them anymore. You only need to upgrade the firmware using the supplied *.efw files.

I include each new update of the *.ffw files only for those people who are just starting out with the BBL beta upgrade and have not yet done the boot block upgrade.


December 14th, 2007, 07:38 AM
I've just realized, the readme file is not clear on what to do there.

Once you have updated FlashScan to the new V7.5 firmware (i.e. once you have done the boot block upgrade), you can ignore the *.ffw files. You can't use them anymore. You only need to upgrade the firmware using the supplied *.efw files.

I include each new update of the *.ffw files only for those people who are just starting out with the BBL beta upgrade and have not yet done the boot block upgrade.

Thanks for the clarification. I also noticed that when I plug V2 into my laptop the splash screen displays, then it powers off. As soon as you launch EFILive Explorer, it powers on again. It also powers on when you launch the scan program and click the little green button. In both cases it stays on after the respective programs are closed.

December 14th, 2007, 08:27 AM
Thanks for the clarification. I also noticed that when I plug V2 into my laptop the splash screen displays, then it powers off. As soon as you launch EFILive Explorer, it powers on again. It also powers on when you launch the scan program and click the little green button. In both cases it stays on after the respective programs are closed.

I can't reproduce that here :nixweiss: but check the last paragraph in post #4 in this thread.


December 14th, 2007, 08:33 AM
I've added a trace option to the FlashScan firmware. Please turn it on, then try to start BB logging. Using EFILive_Explorer, check in the Scan folder (on FlashScan) for any files with *.efx extensions. If there are any, please send them to me at paul@efilive.com. If not, let me know in this thread. I may need to add an option to manually force an *.efx file to be saved.

I have added a manual trace option, see first post for download link.


December 14th, 2007, 08:35 AM
Thanks for the clarification. I also noticed that when I plug V2 into my laptop the splash screen displays, then it powers off. As soon as you launch EFILive Explorer, it powers on again. It also powers on when you launch the scan program and click the little green button. In both cases it stays on after the respective programs are closed.
Mine does that also , part of power down isn't it ? Hold the "O-K" button for one second and it will power back up .
Goes to sleep without EE open , even with EE open FS sleeps .
Funny I had the same complaint about the "firmware" in the "read me" , no one seemed to hear when it was brought up .
Couldn't it say something like "This section is for those that have not updated to the new BBL Flash Scan yet" , then , " This section for those that have done the BBL Flash Scan update" ?

December 14th, 2007, 12:37 PM
I sent a few trace files. Also, I noticed that when the LCD shuts off after bootup, the LEDs are rapidly flashing VERY dimly... don't know if that means anything.

December 15th, 2007, 05:29 AM
I send the trace info of the drag and drop issue.

December 15th, 2007, 10:06 AM
I send the trace info of the drag and drop issue.
I have them, but they aren't giving me enough info. I will add more detailed trace info and get you to try it again. At least now I know where to concentrate the more detailed trace info.


December 15th, 2007, 11:47 AM
Paul, I still can't get my LLY to BBL (not sure how the others that have reported it working are doing it). As before, I tried it Auto/Manual and both on my truck with the 04 DSP5 OS and on the bench with my original ECM. I can still get data from an LS1 PCM. Clearing DTC's still gives the $0311, however, now it asks if I want to clear the right number of codes (Used to say 20+). Also, the V2 goes into low power mode as soon as bootup is complete.

See first post in this thread for updated firmware V2.05.14.
It includes changes that may halp fix the LLY problem.

Still can't reproduce the low power problem, did deleting the Settings.dat file from FlashScan fix that problem?


December 15th, 2007, 02:07 PM
See first post in this thread for updated firmware V2.05.14.
It includes changes that may halp fix the LLY problem.


The link to the new firmware is not working. :nixweiss:

December 15th, 2007, 03:06 PM
See first post in this thread for updated firmware V2.05.14.
It includes changes that may halp fix the LLY problem.

Still can't reproduce the low power problem, did deleting the Settings.dat file from FlashScan fix that problem?


Paul, No, deleting the settings.dat file didn't change it.

December 15th, 2007, 03:11 PM
Paul, No, deleting the settings.dat file didn't change it.

Ditto !

December 15th, 2007, 06:14 PM
The link to the new firmware is not working. :nixweiss:
My bad :frown:
I've fixed the lin now :)


December 16th, 2007, 12:17 AM
No luck with my LLY either....with FW V2.05.13 will go out and try .14 in a minute.

December 16th, 2007, 12:32 AM
Also, I noticed that when the LCD shuts off after bootup, the LEDs are rapidly flashing VERY dimly... .

This did not change for me with FW .14

December 16th, 2007, 12:47 AM
Firmware .14 does not act any different than .13 on the LLY.
Maybe there is something I am doing wrong....
I go to F1 "Select Vehicle", select LLY Manual, select F1 or F2 to record or display data.
After selecting either one a screen comes up with a timer in the top row.
Below is a row called frames which is at 0.
Then there are a number of PIDs, more than in the options.ini file like AD1, AD2, Temp1, Temp2
Not sure if they belong there.

December 16th, 2007, 02:50 AM
Firmware .14 does not act any different than .13 on the LLY.
Maybe there is something I am doing wrong....
I go to F1 "Select Vehicle", select LLY Manual, select F1 or F2 to record or display data.
After selecting either one a screen comes up with a timer in the top row.
Below is a row called frames which is at 0.
Then there are a number of PIDs, more than in the options.ini file like AD1, AD2, Temp1, Temp2
Not sure if they belong there.

Same here, although I didn't notice the different PIDs.

December 16th, 2007, 03:05 AM
Firmware .14 does not act any different than .13 on the LLY.
Maybe there is something I am doing wrong....
I go to F1 "Select Vehicle", select LLY Manual, select F1 or F2 to record or display data.
After selecting either one a screen comes up with a timer in the top row.
Below is a row called frames which is at 0.
Then there are a number of PIDs, more than in the options.ini file like AD1, AD2, Temp1, Temp2
Not sure if they belong there.
FWIW mine works with those PIDS even though they don't do anything.

December 16th, 2007, 03:25 AM
My V2 is not booting up correctly with either V2.05.13 or V2.05.14. With the V2.05.14 I've noticed that the V2 boots up for a split second like said before and then the LED's do a very dim rapid flashing. When I first opened up E-Explorer it says the V2 isn't there. I select the Flashscan button at the bottom right of the tool and it gets the V2 main screen to display but says it still isn't connected. I select the Flashscan button on the E-Explorer tool again and it connects to the V2.

Now after I went through that exercise 3 times the Tool will recognize the flashscan but the screen still stays in the blank mode when connecting to the E-Explorer. It takes one press of either the refresh or properties keys in E-Explorer to wake up the Flashscan unit but if left idle it will go back to the blank screen state with the dim flashing LED's.

One other thing to watch out for is when formatting the SD cards and the V2 goes into this mode. I let mine sit there for a while and when I rebooted the V2 with E-Explorer I tried to use the V2 to read the SD card size but couldn't. Of course the blue LED that was on while formatting was still on. I shut down the V2 and powered it back up and the SD card was empty and formatted.

December 16th, 2007, 07:57 AM
Firmware .14 does not act any different than .13 on the LLY.
Maybe there is something I am doing wrong....
I go to F1 "Select Vehicle", select LLY Manual, select F1 or F2 to record or display data.
After selecting either one a screen comes up with a timer in the top row.
Below is a row called frames which is at 0.
Then there are a number of PIDs, more than in the options.ini file like AD1, AD2, Temp1, Temp2
Not sure if they belong there.

You're doing everything correctly. The displayed PIDs will always include the 8 external PIDs (4x5V voltages, 2x12V Switches and 2x Thermocouple temperatures).

I'm still working on the cause of the problem...


December 16th, 2007, 07:59 AM
One other thing to watch out for is when formatting the SD cards and the V2 goes into this mode. I let mine sit there for a while and when I rebooted the V2 with E-Explorer I tried to use the V2 to read the SD card size but couldn't. Of course the blue LED that was on while formatting was still on. I shut down the V2 and powered it back up and the SD card was empty and formatted.

Good catch.
I'll need to make read/write of the SD card rest the low power countdown timer.


December 16th, 2007, 03:56 PM
BB logged LS1 PCM with .14 firmware and everything seemed to work fine. TOS now appears to read correctly. V2 still powers off a few seconds after it's plugged in, even after I deleted the settings file and redid the settings with the V2 keyboard. Holfgin down "OK" button for approximately a second brings it back to life and it stays alive.

Wasted Income
December 16th, 2007, 04:41 PM
Mine is doing the exact same as others (powering down with rapid, VERY dim LEDs) but I've also noticed that I can no longer change my splash screen via EFI Explorer. I will try to BBL my LLY on the way to work tomorrow.

December 16th, 2007, 06:08 PM
I have found and fixed the power down issue. The "time to low power" was not being initialized at startup. Actually due to a typo in the code almost all of the settings were not being initialized correctly.


December 17th, 2007, 03:06 AM
Damned computers still let us do typo's

December 17th, 2007, 04:12 AM
I am kind of glad you guys are working out the kinks during my winter hibernation. BBL should be a work of art by the time the snow clears and I am back on the road.

:cheers: :D

Wasted Income
December 17th, 2007, 01:00 PM
Clearing DTC's still gives the $0311, however, now it asks if I want to clear the right number of codes (Used to say 20+). Also, the V2 goes into low power mode as soon as bootup is complete.

I was able to BBL my truck (05 LLY DSP5) all the way to work today (~30 mins.)

However, I too get the $0311 when I try to clear DTCs on my LLY.

I will turn on the trace tomorrow and see if I can get you some data.

December 17th, 2007, 01:07 PM
However, I too get the $0311 when I try to clear DTCs on my LLY.

When you get the $0311 error, can you please save the trace file (under Scan Options in the Scan tool menu in FlashScan). And send the trace file to me paul@efilive.com.


December 17th, 2007, 02:05 PM
When you get the $0311 error, can you please save the trace file (under Scan Options in the Scan tool menu in FlashScan). And send the trace file to me paul@efilive.com.


I was just thinking.... Could the $0311 be caused by the codes other than "P" codes being present? When I tried to clear the codes on my stock LLY ECM on the bench (prior to the .13 Update; now it says no DTC's and doesn't attempt to clear), it would clear, but in the truck, where I have two "B" codes (Front left and right Wheel speed sensor), it thows the $0311

Edit: Also, I have S Trace on, and didn't get a trace file when I tried to clear DTCs and got the $0311.

December 17th, 2007, 02:21 PM
Edit: Also, I have S Trace on, and didn't get a trace file when I tried to clear DTCs and got the $0311.

You won't get an automatically saved trace file when checking DTCs (that setting is only for BBL). You must manually save the trace file using the option in Scan Tool Options.


December 17th, 2007, 02:22 PM
I was just thinking.... Could the $0311 be caused by the codes other than "P" codes being present?

Possibly, but more likely that there are codes in modules other than ECM/TCM and FlashScan is not handling them properly. I'll know for sure when you send the trace file.


December 17th, 2007, 02:26 PM
You've got trace files :).