View Full Version : BB Logging Update Dec 20, 2007

December 19th, 2007, 01:31 AM
Download these two files:


This firmware update fixes error $0280 on VPW (i.e. LS1/LB7) vehicles.

The ReadMe_First.rtf file has been updated to list the new features/options in this release.

If you have already upgraded to the new BB logging bootblock, then you do not need to (in fact you cannot) upgrade the bootblock again. Once it has been done, you only need to update the V2.05.xx firmware if/when new firmware is released.

There are two new firmware files:
1. FSProgV2_05_15.efw that you must program into FlashScan,
2. ACProgV2_05_15.efw that you must program into AutoCal (if you have an AutoCal unit),
using the programming option in EFILive_Explorer.

IMPORTANT: AFTER programming the new firmare, you MUST delete ALL *.pmm files from the config folder in FlashScan and ALL files from the config folder in AutoCal (if you have an AuotCal device). Then copy in the new ones provided in the Config folder of this update. Failure to do so will cause FlashScan and/or AutoCal to fail when an attempt is made to select a vehicle.

The version numbers of the firmware files will not change between now and the final beta version. That means you will be able to re-program older firmware files during the remainder of the beta test period. The date of the firmware file will continue to be updated and it will provide the only true "version" reference and should be quoted when you post problems with any particular firmware "version"


December 19th, 2007, 03:54 AM

tried this latest version FW.15 (18/12/07) and I get Error $0280 on all attempts to read data from the vehicle (log, VIN ....)
This error appears when trying to log right after selecting the vehicle type.
Will send you a trace file.


December 19th, 2007, 04:20 AM

tried this latest version FW.15 (18/12/07) and I get Error $0280 on all attempts to read data from the vehicle (log, VIN ....)
This error appears when trying to log right after selecting the vehicle type.
Will send you a trace file.



The "record all diags" created a blank txt file, and no trace files where auto-saved even though it was on.

December 19th, 2007, 08:02 AM
Did you copy ALL the new *.pmm files to FlashScan's Config tab page (in EFILive Explorer) from the latest download?

If not then all attempts to select a vehicle will fail. That is because the format of the *.pmm files has changed in this latest release?

Update #1:
Sorry, found the problem. It only fails on VPW (i.e. LS1/LB7 style) controllers. It does not affect CAN (i.e. LS2/LBZ) style controllers.

I'll post updated firmware asap.

Update #2:
See first post for updated firmware. The updated firmware has the same version number 2.05.15 but the firmware date has been updated from Dec 18, 2007 to Dec 19, 2007.

You should be able to swap between both firmware versions (Dec 18 and Dec 19) without any version restrictions if required.


December 19th, 2007, 08:04 AM
I just tried a very short log to see if BBL worked. It works fine with E38 manual selected. If I select E38 auto the counter works but, no data is displayed on the screen. I have a trace file for this I will be sending.

Now that I can at least log a little with E38 manual I will see if it locks up on my long ride to work in the morning.

2.05.15 firmware Dec. 18

December 19th, 2007, 10:28 AM

I just successfully logged an LLY and saved the file to SD-Card.
FW2.5.15 (19)

Thanks for the quick response !

December 19th, 2007, 11:42 AM

I just successfully logged an LLY and saved the file to SD-Card.
FW2.5.15 (19)

Thanks for the quick response !

Same here (FW2.5.15 (19)), except the logging froze around 15787 frames. Frames stopped counting, but RTD kept coming in. Stupid me, I unplugged it instead of trying to "cancel" out so I don't have a trace file. :rolleyes:

Edit: Also still got $0311 when I tried to clear DTCs on my friends 98 Bravada.

December 19th, 2007, 01:54 PM
New features in the Dec 20 update:
19. Added option in EFILive Explorer to get/set the date/time in FlashScan and AutoCal.

I like this better than setting the time manually. Everything seems to be working for LS1-A_M, except for the 'ASPARK' PID I added.

December 19th, 2007, 02:44 PM
Edit: Also still got $0311 when I tried to clear DTCs on my friends 98 Bravada.

I still have not got a trace from anyone showing that error :(.

Please disconnect FlashScan from power so that all the trace buffers get cleared. Then connec it to your vehicle and retrieve trouble codes. After you get the error, save a trace file manually. You can do that using the menu option: F2: Scan Tool ->F4: Scan Options ->F1: Save Trace File.


December 19th, 2007, 03:07 PM
I still have not got a trace from anyone showing that error :(.

Please disconnect FlashScan from power so that all the trace buffers get cleared. Then connec it to your vehicle and retrieve trouble codes. After you get the error, save a trace file manually. You can do that using the menu option: F2: Scan Tool ->F4: Scan Options ->F1: Save Trace File.


Trace inbound... Hope it helps. :cheers:

Wasted Income
December 19th, 2007, 03:16 PM
I still have not got a trace from anyone showing that error :(.

Just sent you two trace files regarding the error when clearing DTCs.

December 19th, 2007, 09:19 PM
Still using 2.5.15 (19) :D reporting the following:
Logging still works just fine, but only once.
I parked the truck for a minute and saved the log file to SD.
When returning I could not just hit F1 and continue to log.
Tried to cancel completely back to main screen, reselect vehicle etc. but no luck.
Even Ctrl+Cancel did not help....got error $0185 after selecting vehicle. Display of data was fine, though.
Unplugged the FS and all was good ! The two unsuccessful attempts did not create a log file but the numbering of the logs jumped from 7 to 10.

After downloading my log files I had to notice that both longer logs (25-35 mins) lost thier data on the way to the SD card. A shorter log (5 mins) turned out fine, though.

On a different topic, are there more PID's supported than the ones currently listed for the LB7/LLY?
I added several but they did not show up on the screen or in the log file.

December 20th, 2007, 02:41 AM
Short session of BB logging with E40 seemed to work fine. The only thing I noticed was that First gear was indicated when the trans was in Park.

Chuck CoW
December 20th, 2007, 05:35 PM
Hey Paul... on your recommendation, I had put off the firmware changes as I use the thing for business every day and can't afford to have problems...

Is it safe to upgrade to these files and is there a possibility that it could prevent me from doing my daily work??

Chuck CoW

December 20th, 2007, 09:29 PM
Hey Paul... on your recommendation, I had put off the firmware changes as I use the thing for business every day and can't afford to have problems...

Is it safe to upgrade to these files and is there a possibility that it could prevent me from doing my daily work??

Chuck CoW

Best to wait, there are still a few teething problems.

December 21st, 2007, 03:13 AM
BB logging with LS1 PCM worked fine with latest release. Only thing I noticed is that it always shows First gear whenever the lever is in ParK or Neutral. All other gear indications appear accurate.

December 21st, 2007, 09:52 AM
Hi All,

Thanks for all the feedback and logs over the past two days, sorry for the lack of feedback. Its just I have not had a chance to look at them yet.

I have just cut the new V7.5 CD and there are a couple of files on that CD image that need updating. I am building a web update to automatically patch the V7.5 CD (and to provide automatic web updates from now on). Once that is done, hopefully by today, I will get back to investigating all the trace files.


December 21st, 2007, 11:07 AM

This is strange, and I thought it was worth mentioning. When I updated to firmware FSProgV2_05_15 (my error - I picked that instead of the newer version FSProgV2_05_15(19)) and tried it with the newer config files flashed into the V2 memory, I tried to log my truck and when I selected datalogging, V2 set a $2080 error (no vehicle connected) and the radio powered off and the time reset to 1:00. V2 never did start the scan tool which I could understand based on the error code - but the radio thing was what was odd. I powered down - tried it again and the same result. I thought I was in error and checked the Firmware and it was the incorrect one (not the (19)) release. I changed the firmware in the V2 and all is well, but I did have the time on the radio get messed up earlier in the beta testing and thought it was a fluke. Is it possible for the scan tool to mess with the radio power ( it acted like I disconnected the battery)

Thought is was worth noting. Everything appears to work fine now with the latest firmware.:)

December 21st, 2007, 11:16 AM
It is possible for that to happen with the fault that was in the 2_05_15 version. It would send data logging messages to one module (other than ECM/TCM).

i.e. say your truck had multiple nodes:

0: ECM
1: TCM
3: ABS
4: SRS

The firmware was supposed to log data from 0 and 1 (i.e. ECM and TCM). But instead it was incorrectly requesting data from 1 and 2 (i.e. TCM and RADIO). I do not know what effect attempting to log data from the radio would have - I guess it resets itself.

But that is now fixed in V2.05.15(19)



This is strange, and I thought it was worth mentioning. When I updated to firmware FSProgV2_05_15 (my error - I picked that instead of the newer version FSProgV2_05_15(19)) and tried it with the newer config files flashed into the V2 memory, I tried to log my truck and when I selected datalogging, V2 set a $2080 error (no vehicle connected) and the radio powered off and the time reset to 1:00. V2 never did start the scan tool which I could understand based on the error code - but the radio thing was what was odd. I powered down - tried it again and the same result. I thought I was in error and checked the Firmware and it was the incorrect one (not the (19)) release. I changed the firmware in the V2 and all is well, but I did have the time on the radio get messed up earlier in the beta testing and thought it was a fluke. Is it possible for the scan tool to mess with the radio power ( it acted like I disconnected the battery)

Thought is was worth noting. Everything appears to work fine now with the latest firmware.:)

December 21st, 2007, 11:55 AM
BBL still doesn't work with E38 Auto selected. I am sending a trace file.

BBL seems to work fine with E38 Manual selected. I did notice one weird thing though. At some point during the log the frame counter started counting backwards. I'm pretty sure I had upwards of 25K frames when it did it. By the time I got done logging it was down to 18K or so. The log file opened up fine and there was no hint of the frame counter mess up when viewing the log. I saved the trace file and will send it also.

This is with 2.5.15 Dec 19

December 21st, 2007, 12:04 PM
BBL still doesn't work with E38 Auto selected. I am sending a trace file.

I'll look forward to the trace.

At some point during the log the frame counter started counting backwards.

My mistake, the frame counter is a 32 bit value that can count up to around 4 billion (not that you'd ever log that many frames). However, when it displays on the screen it is translated into a 16 bit signed value which will start "counting down" after it reaches 32,767. It is just a display issue and won't effect that logged data. I'll fix it in the next release.


December 26th, 2007, 07:34 AM

I accidentally laid down the AC firmware instead of the FS firmware on my V2 box and bricked it. Is there a procedure to recover from this?

December 26th, 2007, 07:40 AM

I accidentally laid down the AC firmware instead of the FS firmware on my V2 box and bricked it. Is there a procedure to recover from this?

I was able to ctrl boot it and use EFI Explorer to put the correct firmware back onto it!

This hardware is idiot proof! lol

December 26th, 2007, 08:07 AM
I was able to ctrl boot it and use EFI Explorer to put the correct firmware back onto it!

This hardware is idiot proof! lol

Glad you got it back. I will put a check in the programming software to prevent it happening in the first place.


December 29th, 2007, 12:59 PM
I didnt know if I should start a new thread, or add to this one, so I flipped a coin. :)

This is actually the first BBL Firmware that DOESNT work on my 2002 LS1 Manual. I can read and flash the PCM (as long as I reset the Flashscan before every attempt that is) but when I connect the Flashscan only to the PCM, start the car, and Select Vehicle, 99+ LS1 Manual, and chose either Record or View Data, I get the list of params I can log but no data. The timer counts by, but FRAMES stay at zero. I enabled tracing and captured this .EFX file.

After updating to the latest firmware, as per the readme.rtf, I reformatted the config and data space (internal and SD) and recopied the .PMM files and OPTION.INI file.

I tried logging to SD and to Internal with the same results.

My car is a:
-2002 F-Body LS1
-OS version #12212156
-VIN # 2G2FV22G322155xxx

What other info do you need? Am I just missing something stupid to start logging/viewing in this release? Past firmware releases just auto started and I could see the data right away.

Thanks Paul.


December 29th, 2007, 01:52 PM
What other info do you need? Am I just missing something stupid to start logging/viewing in this release? Past firmware releases just auto started and I could see the data right away.

You've done everything correctly, it should start logging. The trace file is showing unexpected events in the firmware. It shows FlashScan receiving a valid reply from the PCM (and saving it into the trace file) but then it is ignoring that reply and retrying the same operation (request VIN) over and over.

I am posting a new firmware version in the next 24 hours. The new version has a lot of "bullet proofing" that was done as part of the hunt for the BBL firmware bug that caused the logs to fail after about 30,000 frames. I expect the new firmware to be more stable and report more detailed error codes.

Please try it again when the new firmware is released.


December 29th, 2007, 08:11 PM
Awesome. Thanks Paul!
I will definitely try it out and report back.
Thanks for being so responsive! You guys rock.