View Full Version : Have to restart V2 frequently?

December 21st, 2007, 02:44 AM
Recently upgraded to the BB boot block and new firmware.

What should be the resolution if you have to restart your V2 when switching from Tune to Scan or after any time in which you use it? I have to unplug and plug it back in to get it to register after each use.

I thought it might be because I don't have HAPI running but that program won't work for me. An error will pop up when running the program and it crashes. Error box clears itself before I can read it. I think it says something about not being able to access an *.ini file. I tried to enable admin rights when running the program to no avail!


SD Card bad??

When trying to log I get a
$0185 F_ERR_NOTFOUND, (File system error: 5)

I tried to format the card.

Also, it never sees that the card is present even though it is physically in the socket.


I have tried two different SD cards both of which I know read in my PC and my V2 can't find them or use them. :(
BB Logging is still possible using internal memory. Ext AD's don't show anything though.

December 22nd, 2007, 11:15 AM
A couple of housekeeping tasks first;

Please post V2 BB Logging issues in this thread which is specifically for BB logging with V2.
(I've moved this post to that forum)

When posting questions, problems with V2 BB Logging, please include the firmware version you are using AND the firmware date.

The "needing to restart FlashScan" is a known issue and is still being fixed.

When formatting the SD card on a PC, you MUST create the two folders manually:
If you format the SD card using FlashScan, then FlashScan will create those folders for you automatically. A future beta firmware update will address that issue and automatically create those two folders if they do not exist.

When you plug your SD card into FlashScan and then press an up or down arrow key on FlashScan's keypad (to refresh the menu display), you shoudl see the letters SD appear in the lower right of FlashScan's LCD screen. If not, then FlashScan has not detected that the SD. The socket is probably faulty and will need to be replaced.


December 22nd, 2007, 12:37 PM
Future posts shall follow those guidelines.

Bootblock is 2.5.04
Firmware is 2.5.11

FSV2 doesn't show SD symbol. Looked with flashlight and doesn't seem to have any bent pins.

It just acts like a card is never in place. Dead in the water. Whom should I contact? The distributor from which I purchased the FSV2 or EFI-Live directly?

Thank you for your quick response!

December 22nd, 2007, 05:15 PM
First, I recommend upgrading to the latest BB logging firmware and latest EFILive Explorer and EFILive Hapi software. Available here:

I don't think that version of the firmware shows the SD letters. That "feature" was added later.


December 22nd, 2007, 07:13 PM
I am now showing the more recent 2.5.15(19) firmware version with the correct config files on it.

Still no luck with the SD card.

Really appreciate the support. You don't get that with other companies. MSD for example. :)

December 23rd, 2007, 07:26 AM
Which brand(s) of SD card are you using...?

December 23rd, 2007, 08:36 AM
I am now showing the more recent 2.5.15(19) firmware version with the correct config files on it.

Still no luck with the SD card.

If the SD letters do not appear on the lower left of the screen, then it is probably the SD card holder that is faulty. There is a small mechanical contact switch inside the SD card holder that determines if a card is inserted or not.

I will ask EFILive's US distributor contact you to work out the best way to have the unit repaired.


December 23rd, 2007, 11:11 AM
Which brand(s) of SD card are you using...?
I own a :

PNY Technologies 128 MB

SanDisk 256MB

Both are running FAT file systems, read in the computer, and are not running a speed booster.

It could be advisable to not purchase one of these cards if you plan on getting on for your FSV2 just in case. I tried to shine a flashlight down in there again. Couldn't determine anything.

December 23rd, 2007, 02:09 PM
It could be advisable to not purchase one of these cards if you plan on getting on for your FSV2 just in case.

I don't think it is the card at fault. Even sticking a "plastic-blank" card in the slot will trigger the "SD" card present.

P.S. I don't recommend trying to fix it yourself, you'll void the warranty.


December 25th, 2007, 02:27 PM
What should be the resolution if you have to restart your V2 when switching from Tune to Scan or after any time in which you use it? I have to unplug and plug it back in to get it to register after each use.

I thought it might be because I don't have HAPI running but that program won't work for me. An error will pop up when running the program and it crashes. Error box clears itself before I can read it. I think it says something about not being able to access an *.ini file. I tried to enable admin rights when running the program to no avail!
Just checking some things here...

1. If you are using the V7 (or V7.5) scan and tune software EFILive_Hape.exe MUST NOT BE RUNNING. If it is you will not be able to connect to FlashScan. Disconnecting/reconnecting FlashScan will cause the running EFILive_Hapi.exe to reqlinquish control of FlashScan giving you the appearance of "solving the problem". In fact all you should be doing is terminating EFILive_Hapi - right click on it's icon in the system tray and select Exit.

2. EFILive_Hapi.exe will start up whenever you start up EFILive_Explorer.exe and it will terminate whenever you terminate EFILive_Explorer.exe. If you want to run EFILivE_Hapi.exe on its own, you can create shortcut to EFILive_Explorer.exe and add /1 as a command line parameter - see image. That will force EFILive_Hapi.exe to stay resident.

If EFILive_Hapi.exe is NOT running, do you still have to unplug/replug FlashScan when changing between EFILive_Scan.exe and EFILive_Tune.exe?

Be aware that anytime one program has a connection open to FlashScan, then ALL other programs cannot access FlashScan. Unplugging/replugging will drop the conenction so it will appear like that is the solution. Maybe you need to look for other applications that might be holding FlashScan open.

Note: EFILive_Hapi.exe is version 8's communication manager. All version 8 applications (scan, tune, explorer etc) will multiplex though EFILive_Hapi.exe and EFILive_Hapi.exe provides access to multiple hardware devices (FlashScan V2, AutoCal, FlashScan V3 etc) simultaneously. This new centralized communications will eliminate all the "problems" associated with multiple applications trying to connect to the same device at the same time.

The only problem right now is that the V7 and V7.5 software does not use EFILive_Hapi.exe. So until they are completely replaced by their V8 equivalents, the connection issue still needs to be managed by the end user.


December 25th, 2007, 02:41 PM
Please see this new thread as well.
