View Full Version : Cherry Mistmas

December 24th, 2007, 02:13 AM
What a morning (still Christmas eve here)...

While the family was sleeping, I figured I'd sneak in another BBL session.

First things first, I applied the 12/20/07 FSFW15 update. The update itself went well, but I attempted to open Windoze Explorer while EE was open my PC went to 100% CPU utilization. WE would not open until I closed EE. Could not reproduce.

After the update, I formatted all the file systems, copied over the config files, then headed to the bird. After connecting V2 (with the engine running), I noticed my splash screen reset to default. No biggie. I attempted to start a log, and got a $0280. Double checked all my steps, and still got a $0280.

Then I figured I'd just make this an early morning spirited drive. Get to the gas station, no wallet - DOH!. Head back to the house, and double checked my FSFW update procedure. Looks like I did everything right, so I re-applied my splash screen, and went back to the bird.

Splash screen reset to default and BBl = $0280 - shit. So this time, I get gas and a car wash. And wouldn't you know it, my battery dies while I'm in the car wash. Double shit.

Fortunately, the gas station sells jumper cables, so:
Crappy set of jumper cables: $15
Patient and saintly store clerk: Big thumbs up :rockon:

Completely empty tracefile with the $0280: Priceless.


Today's findings:

* Cannot BBL with a '99+ LS1 M6 selection
----I tried to use the '99+ LS1 A4 option with the same results

* Tracefile for the $0280 error resulted in an empty file.

* V2 retains my splashscreen setting between FW updates until I connect to my vehicle
----Would be nice for the EE splash screen dialog to remember the last folder selected.

* In EE, if you invoke the right click menu in the content browser, then open Windoze Explorer via hotkey (start+E), EE does not close the right click menu and release focus to WE.

* If V2 transitions to low power mode while connected to the PC, hitting refresh (click the button or hotkey) in EE for any of the file systems will sometimes generate a $0101 error. I have about a 50% success rate duplicating this one.

* About 50% of the attempts to read and set the V2 time result in a $0101 error. I've seen no evidence of the time settings in the trace files.

Today's suggestion:

* V2's lcd screen has an SD indicator on the bottom left of most every screen. V2 does not update this indication until the unit is power cycled or the user navigates menu options. Would suggest this area be used to indicate the file system that will be written to. It's easy enough to look at the top of V2 to see if the SD card is present.

* Would be nice to have a GUI in EE to help set up alerts.
---- On that same note, a GUI in V8 to help build custom PIDs would be cool too

I will probably think of more later. I need to go put my helmet on.

Merry Christmas Paul (You too Ross). Please don't work on any of this today.

December 24th, 2007, 09:12 AM
I had a somewhat different experience. BB logging worked fine on 01 C5 6-speed with the following exceptions:

V2 seems to have a problem recognizing the presence of an SD card. It works fine on power up, but after ending a logging session, attempting to start another resulted in V2 warning that no SD card was present. Removing and reinstalling the card eliminated the problem. A similar situation occurred when I attempted to move the log files from V2 to my laptop. I repeatedly received error 0402 until I removed and reinstalled the card. Then EFILive Explorer recognized the card.

However, there were a few anomalies in the logged data. The first two files show to be empty when opened in the scanning program. One is a 0K file, the other is a 2K file. While logging both file, data on the V2 screen changed and appeared reasonable. The third file, 31k is fine, except some of the data is incorrect. The transmission was in neutral during the logging, but the file indicates 3rd gear.

December 26th, 2007, 10:58 PM
Going to try the 15(19) FSFW again this morning.

Few questions:
How can I edit the vehicle selection list?
How can I edit the menu format?

December 27th, 2007, 12:37 AM
talk about sharp marbles....

My $0280 code was an eyedeetentee type error. When I extracted the 15(19), it was dropped in V8, not EFILive_Hapi. :D

I don't like the non-incremental firmware filename updates! Much easier in the past to say you need FW update 3, or 65, vs FW 15 (12/18/07) or FW 15 (12/19/07). !rant

Will attempt some spirited BBL this afternoon.

I'm also noticing that my V2 LCD has a slightly different appearance depending on which PC I have it plugged into. My gut tells me this is due to varience in USB power.

December 27th, 2007, 12:43 AM
Oh yeah...

While I was chasing my tail with the $0280, I made 3 attempts to save a trace file:

1 - Select vehicle, attempt to log, get $0280, save trace (F2 - F4 - F1) = USR*.EFX of 0kb.

2 - Save trace, select vehicle, attempt to log, get $0280 = no trace file

3 - Save trace = no trace file

Perhaps I'm not doing something right?


While V2 is connected to a PC, if the V2 file structure changes, and the change is not initiated by the PC, can V2 send a message to Hapi or EE requesting a screen refresh of V2 file system?

December 27th, 2007, 02:16 AM
Going to try the 15(19) FSFW again this morning.

Few questions:
How can I edit the vehicle selection list?
How can I edit the menu format?

Got it. I duplicated the 99 m6 line, moved it to the top, then customized to my liking. VERY COOL PAUL!

December 27th, 2007, 03:27 AM
I don't currently have a PCM to connect to, so I figured I'd see how the scan and tune tools (V7.5) would behave without a PCM.

Scan Tool:
Hit Ctrl+F3 to connect. Was prompted to select the controller type. I had previously set the Gen3 PCM as my default and unchecked the select controller from the cable properties menu. I have tried everything I can think of to prevent the select controler prompt, but every time I attempt to connect, I'm prompted to select the controller.
I suspect the lack of a PCM is causing this, but when monitoring the console (F12), V2 doesn't attempt to detect the PCM until after I have selected the controller type. For that matter, the console shows an auto-detect function for PCM, ECM, & TCM.

After the Scan tool has connected to V2, the scan tool indicates (in the status bar at the bottom of the screen), EFILive FlashScan V2: USB. I would have anticipated a Hapi instead of USB.

Anticipated the Hapi icon in the task bar when the scan tool is connected V2.

After the Scan tool has connected to V2, I have no visual indication on V2 that the PC is connected to it.

For grins, I pulled the plug (USB cable) from V2 and the Scan tool status did not change. Would have anticipated some form of acknowledgement from the Scan tool that V2 was no longer being detected. From the console, the No interface detected message did not occur until I attempted to disconnect from V2.

Tune Tool:
Tune tool correctly finds my V2 and bypasses the Demo Mode.

When attempting to read or program a PCM (again no PCM is physically present), when I click the Check Status button, I notice the tune tool is scanning for V2 USB, then V2 HAPI:
08:53:04.722: Scanning for EFILive FlashScan V2 USB
08:53:08.397: Scanning for EFILive FlashScan V2 HAPI
08:53:08.567: CAN-VPW Bridge Actived
08:53:08.587: Current protocol set to: "SAE J1850 VPW"
08:53:08.648: Interface firmware version: 2.5.15
08:53:11.792: Interface firmware model: FSV2
08:53:11.822: Interface firmware version: 2.5.15
08:53:11.842: Interface firmware date: Dec 19, 2007
08:53:11.872: FlashScan serial number: 003601896286
08:53:11.892: FlashScan license number: 003601896286

I anticipated seeing some sort of error because the PCM is not present. I do not receive an error until I try to flash. At this point, the Tune tool makes 2 attempts to connect then a dialog box pops up.

I anticipated seeing the Hapi icon in the task bar, but it is not present.

Scan, Tune, & EE:
I had to see how the applications would react when all three wanted to connect/communicate to V2 at the same time. The functionality worked as expected.

However, the response from each application is inconsistent and could probably be refined.
Tune Tool: Generates a message box indicating it could not communicate and to check to see if the scan tool is connected
Scan Tool: Generates an error dialog box indicating no cable was found
EE: Indicates it's not connected in the status bar and waits paitently for the connection to open up.

I would recommend a more consistant behaivor between the three applications. If possible, it would be nice for the requesting application to detect the actual status of V2 and give the user options on how to proceed.
i.e. When EE is connected to V2, and the user attempts to connect with the Scan tool, the scan tool could generate a message box, "EE is currently connected, would you like to over-ride the EE connection? <yes/no>"That's all for now. :D

December 27th, 2007, 07:26 AM
My $0280 code was an eyedeetentee type error. When I extracted the 15(19), it was dropped in V8, not EFILive_Hapi. :D
I don't understand what you're saying here :( What was dropped in V8? And what does "not EFILive_Hapi" mean? Sorry if I'm being a bit thick.

I don't like the non-incremental firmware filename updates! Much easier in the past to say you need FW update 3, or 65, vs FW 15 (12/18/07) or FW 15 (12/19/07). !rant
See the last paragraph in this thread for an explanation:
Please note, that once the beta test is over the version number will increase as it did before.

I'm also noticing that my V2 LCD has a slightly different appearance depending on which PC I have it plugged into. My gut tells me this is due to varience in USB power.
Yes, its very hard to control the contrast on the LCD screen when USB voltage can vary by as much as 50mV (4.75V to 5.25V) sometimes more. The power circuitry is not trivial in FlashScan. It has to conform to strict USB requirements to not feed power back up the USB cable to the PC when the 12V vehicle connection is available.


December 27th, 2007, 07:30 AM
Oh yeah...

While I was chasing my tail with the $0280, I made 3 attempts to save a trace file:
1 - Select vehicle, attempt to log, get $0280, save trace (F2 - F4 - F1) = USR*.EFX of 0kb.
2 - Save trace, select vehicle, attempt to log, get $0280 = no trace file
3 - Save trace = no trace file
Perhaps I'm not doing something right?

Do you get an error when saving a trace file manually?

While V2 is connected to a PC, if the V2 file structure changes, and the change is not initiated by the PC, can V2 send a message to Hapi or EE requesting a screen refresh of V2 file system?

Something I will add to the list of features to be added when I've got nothing else to do - could be waiting a long time though ;)


December 27th, 2007, 07:42 AM
I don't understand what you're saying here :( What was dropped in V8? And what does "not EFILive_Hapi" mean? Sorry if I'm being a bit thick.

The firmware was extracted to:
C:\program files\efilive\v8
Instead of:
C:\program files\efilive\v8\EFILive_Hapi

When I opened the firmware browswer dialog, it defaulted to EFILive_Hapi and I was applying the wrong update.

Speaking of being thick... It only took me 4 tries to figure it out :D

See the last paragraph in this thread for an explanation:
Please note, that once the beta test is over the version number will increase as it did before.

I saw that. Just had to vent due to the thorough ask-kicking I got applying the correct FW15 :cheers:

Yes, its very hard to control the contrast on the LCD screen when USB voltage can vary by as much as 50mV (4.75V to 5.25V) sometimes more. The power circuitry is not trivial in FlashScan. It has to conform to strict USB requirements to not feed power back up the USB cable to the PC when the 12V vehicle connection is available.


I thought that might be what's going on.

December 27th, 2007, 07:46 AM
Do you get an error when saving a trace file manually?

No sir. The tracefiles are being created, but there's nothing in them - 0kb.

Something I will add to the list of features to be added when I've got nothing else to do - could be waiting a long time though ;)



On the topic of low-priority features, the ability to download the splash-screen from V2 to windoze would be nice. ;)

December 27th, 2007, 07:57 AM
Hit Ctrl+F3 to connect. Was prompted to select the controller type. I had previously set the Gen3 PCM as my default and unchecked the select controller from the cable properties menu. I have tried everything I can think of to prevent the select controler prompt, but every time I attempt to connect, I'm prompted to select the controller.
I suspect the lack of a PCM is causing this, but when monitoring the console (F12), V2 doesn't attempt to detect the PCM until after I have selected the controller type. For that matter, the console shows an auto-detect function for PCM, ECM, & TCM.
You will always be asked to select a controller type. If you uncheck the "select controller" or check the "don't show this window again", then you won't be asked to select a controller for the rest of the session. However, restarting the scan tool will cause the select controller to be active again.

We had way, way too many support calls from people who selected a particular controller, then turned off the "select controller" option. Then the next day tried and failed to connect to a different controller.

So it cannot be permanently turned off.

After the Scan tool has connected to V2, the scan tool indicates (in the status bar at the bottom of the screen), EFILive FlashScan V2: USB. I would have anticipated a Hapi instead of USB.
True, it should say Hapi not USB if FlashScan has V2.5 firmware in it - I'll check.

Anticipated the Hapi icon in the task bar when the scan tool is connected V2.
The V7 and V7.5 Scan and Tune tool programs do not use the EFILive_Hapi.exe, they communicate with FlashScan V2.5 directly. EFILive_Hapi.exe is only used by the V8 suite of software. So far the only V8 software released is the EFILive_Explorer.exe.
That also explains why V7 and V7.5 Scan and Tune DO NOT play nicely with EFILive_Explorer.
The plan is to get rid of Scan and Tune as soon as possible and replace them with well behaved V8 versions.

After the Scan tool has connected to V2, I have no visual indication on V2 that the PC is connected to it. Correct, that is by design. There are very few restrictions placed on V2 even when it is connected to the PC. Unlike V2.4 firmware you can continue to use the V2.5 firmware while it is connected to the Scan Tool.

For grins, I pulled the plug (USB cable) from V2 and the Scan tool status did not change. Would have anticipated some form of acknowledgement from the Scan tool that V2 was no longer being detected. From the console, the No interface detected message did not occur until I attempted to disconnect from V2.
That is not a detected event in the EFILive software.

When attempting to read or program a PCM (again no PCM is physically present), when I click the Check Status button, I notice the tune tool is scanning for V2 USB, then V2 HAPI:
I anticipated seeing some sort of error because the PCM is not present. I do not receive an error until I try to flash. At this point, the Tune tool makes 2 attempts to connect then a dialog box pops up.
An error should be displayed - I'll check.
If you have selected V2 Hapi in the Scan Tool properties window it should look for V2 Hapi first.

I anticipated seeing the Hapi icon in the task bar, but it is not present.
Not used in Scan and Tune software.

Scan, Tune, & EE:
I had to see how the applications would react when all three wanted to connect/communicate to V2 at the same time. The functionality worked as expected.
However, the response from each application is inconsistent and could probably be refined.
V7 and V8 are never going to be made to play nice together. I intend to add in some double checks and warning messages but that's about all.

i.e. When EE is connected to V2, and the user attempts to connect with the Scan tool, the scan tool could generate a message box, "EE is currently connected, would you like to over-ride the EE connection? <yes/no>"That's all for now. :D
That cannot be done as V7 does not use Hapi and will not be re-written to use Hapi.
Windows restricts a USB device to connect to only one application at a time. The Scan Tool software can never "know" which other application has the connection to FlashScan. It could be Tune, it could be Hapi. Even if it did know it shuold never "order" the other application to drop the conenction. What if it was Tune in the middle of flashing a PCM?

That is why Hapi was designed. With the V8 versions of Scan, Tune and Explorer, they will all connect to Hapi (not to a USB device), Hapi holds a single connection to FlashScan and AutoCal. That way Hapi "knows" which application is using the connection(s) and for what reason. It transparently manages the connections and you will never again see "can't connect, please disconnect the other application" type message.
You may see a message along the lines of "Device is currently in use", but that will be reserved for when the device is actually reading/programming a PCM and you attempt to scan some data. Or you are scanning data and attempt to reprogram the PCM. But those situations need to be managed by the user - not by the software.



December 27th, 2007, 08:01 AM
No sir. The tracefiles are being created, but there's nothing in them - 0kb.

On the SD card or in internal memory? Is the internal memory full?

On the topic of low-priority features, the ability to download the splash-screen from V2 to windoze would be nice. ;)

Yes, that is scheduled already :)
Meanwhile, you can copy the splash.ebm (EFILive Bitmap) file from the Config folder to your PC, then copy it to anther V2 device's [Config] folder.

I just need to add in some code into EFILive_Explorer to convert the *.ebm file back to a Windows bitmap file, so you can actually use it again on the PC.


December 27th, 2007, 08:15 AM
You will always be asked to select a controller type. If you uncheck the "select controller" or check the "don't show this window again", then you won't be asked to select a controller for the rest of the session. However, restarting the scan tool will cause the select controller to be active again.

We had way, way too many support calls from people who selected a particular controller, then turned off the "select controller" option. Then the next day tried and failed to connect to a different controller.

So it cannot be permanently turned off.

I suppose I should start reading the entire contents of the resulting message boxes :D RTFM...... :bash:

The V7 and V7.5 Scan and Tune tool programs do not use the EFILive_Hapi.exe, they communicate with FlashScan V2.5 directly. EFILive_Hapi.exe is only used by the V8 suite of software. So far the only V8 software released is the EFILive_Explorer.exe.
That also explains why V7 and V7.5 Scan and Tune DO NOT play nicely with EFILive_Explorer.
The plan is to get rid of Scan and Tune as soon as possible and replace them with well behaved V8 versions.

I got itchy fingers already!

Correct, that is by design. There are very few restrictions placed on V2 even when it is connected to the PC. Unlike V2.4 firmware you can continue to use the V2.5 firmware while it is connected to the Scan Tool.

That's pretty cool. Would it be possible to have an V2 LCD indication that the PC is connected similar to the SD and controller selection?

An error should be displayed - I'll check.
If you have selected V2 Hapi in the Scan Tool properties window it should look for V2 Hapi first.

I do. Not sure if it makes a difference, but I have not put my registration data into the Tune tool yet. I've been relying on having V2 connected to get past the demo mode.

V7 and V8 are never going to be made to play nice together. I intend to add in some double checks and warning messages but that's about all.

With the brief description of V8 functionality, I don't think I'd sweat this one at all. The functionality works as expected.

That cannot be done as V7 does not use Hapi and will not be re-written to use Hapi.
Windows restricts a USB device to connect to only one application at a time. The Scan Tool software can never "know" which other application has the connection to FlashScan. It could be Tune, it could be Hapi. Even if it did know it shuold never "order" the other application to drop the conenction. What if it was Tune in the middle of flashing a PCM?

That is why Hapi was designed. With the V8 versions of Scan, Tune and Explorer, they will all connect to Hapi (not to a USB device), Hapi holds a single connection to FlashScan and AutoCal. That way Hapi "knows" which application is using the connection(s) and for what reason. It transparently manages the connections and you will never again see "can't connect, please disconnect the other application" type message.
You may see a message along the lines of "Device is currently in use", but that will be reserved for when the device is actually reading/programming a PCM and you attempt to scan some data. Or you are scanning data and attempt to reprogram the PCM. But those situations need to be managed by the user - not by the software.



very very very cool. My itching fingers can't wait.

December 27th, 2007, 08:18 AM
On the SD card or in internal memory? Is the internal memory full?

Today V2 is writing to a freshly (V2) formatted 1gb SD. Some of my previous attempts were to the V2 file system - again freshly formatted.

Yes, that is scheduled already :)
Meanwhile, you can copy the splash.ebm (EFILive Bitmap) file from the Config folder to your PC, then copy it to anther V2 device's [Config] folder.

I just need to add in some code into EFILive_Explorer to convert the *.ebm file back to a Windows bitmap file, so you can actually use it again on the PC.


That worked very well.

December 27th, 2007, 09:15 AM
That's pretty cool. Would it be possible to have an V2 LCD indication that the PC is connected similar to the SD and controller selection?

Yes, it would be a good idea. At least that way it would be easy to tell if the PC and FlashScan can "see" each other over the USB connection.

I do. Not sure if it makes a difference, but I have not put my registration data into the Tune tool yet. I've been relying on having V2 connected to get past the demo mode.

Reg details won't make any difference. I'll check the tune tool to make sure it is following the cable selection correctly.
