View Full Version : could someone have a look at my tune ?

January 4th, 2008, 11:00 PM
[/ATTACH]:help2: i have a 5.7 gen111 ss ute from oz in the uk and have started trying to tune it i am a bit of an amature would someone have a look over my tune and let me know is i am doing everything wrong or i am going in the right direction


January 5th, 2008, 12:07 AM
Base spark at idle seems a bit high for a stock engine. Also Commanded fuel is rich for cruising.

You might also be better of using a custom op sys, 92111922 = 01250003

Make sure you read EXACTLY how to upload custom op systems BEFORE you try it.

January 5th, 2008, 12:28 AM
What are you trying to achieve with this tune?

January 5th, 2008, 01:38 AM
just a bit more power and mid range more drivabilty really i have tightened up the gear changes wich feels a lot better i am just learning the way efi works with my car but not sure how well i am doing

what kind of values would be acceptable ?

also what benefits would i have over the normal operationg system ??

thanks for the help guys this thing is so adictive

January 5th, 2008, 06:17 AM
also i got 3.9kr while logging how much is acceptable?? its normally not at WOT though

January 5th, 2008, 07:20 AM
Hi Wallsjay,

Some comments about your tune:
- under load it will run lean (and knock alot); you either have to richen the last 3 columns of table B3605, or provide B3618 which is much richer and B3616 which enables at lower throttle; or do both. Running lean will cause knock which destroys your engine; zero knock is acceptable, altho some of us have been fighting knock from day 1.
- your B5913 Hi Octane timing table could have a little more timing up high and a little less down low (idle); you may want to compare with other similar tunes.
- your B5914 Lo Octane timing table looks strange; I didn't look too closely, but it shouldn't cross the B5913 Hi Oct. table.
- looks like you've already been tuned via IFR table B4001.
- looks like you're running in open loop, MAF is enabled, cat protection is disabled.


January 5th, 2008, 11:13 PM
right i have increased the last 3 columns on B3605 and smothed it out
how much would you thik i would need to richen B3618 and B3616
i have had a play with my hi octane but i am lost as to where to start with my low octane any help ideas?

sorry i am pretty new to this i think i am doing well then i seem to confuse myself

i am about ready to give up and buy a tune from one of the experts to be honest

thanks for all the help so far

January 6th, 2008, 12:23 AM
ok here is quick fix up of your tune, do not just upload this prg into yours before you have compared both your original tune and this tune. Have a look at ALL of the changes that have been made and then when you have more questions about the mods done to the tune i'm only to happy to help you out.

January 6th, 2008, 01:08 AM
cheers i will have a good look at it tonight thanks again

January 6th, 2008, 04:57 AM
Right from what i can see u have disabled lean cruise?
am i right in thinking this is to stop knock?
You have reduced the injector flow rate but smothed up the numbers slightly what is the benifit of reducing it ? i would think more would be better?
I think i can see the difference in the low and hi octane yours are definatly diferent with no overlap
and your base sparks are more alike my origanal map

i am yet to put your tune on my car i am now worried that i have been going in the complete wrong direction and may be doing more damage to my ute

thanks for all the help again sv8346

January 6th, 2008, 09:10 AM
no i have disabled lean cruise and done lean cruise within your commanded fuel. Injector flow rate has been put back to standard, you should never alter flow rates unless you change injectors. Yes the base spark map is close to stock but your prg is set to only use base spark at below 6kmh. I would still highly recommend you to upload a custom op system which will make tuning your car ALLOT easier. The prg you need is op sys 01250003.

January 6th, 2008, 09:39 AM
ok i will try and upload the new system more reading i have got my car back on the base tune and i am still getting KR in the regoin of 3 am i reading this value wrong??

i cant belive how dificult this is

January 6th, 2008, 10:24 AM
primarily your aiming for 0KR but that is the fun of it as unless you have pretty much no timing in the prg or use your original prg your always going to be chasing very slight amounts of knock. If you can get the knock to below 0.5KR then all should be good.

Have a good read here about how to install the custom op sys.