View Full Version : Help Needed.

January 8th, 2008, 03:23 PM
Ok i'm a little confused, i read somewhere that with BBL we cant log GM.DYNCLAIR_DMA if this is the case is there something else that i can log so as to be able to link my logs to the High/Low spark tables. At the moment any BBL i do and then check them back against my spark tables, no matter where abouts in the air flow range i am it only links to the 0.08 grams/cylinder column.

January 8th, 2008, 03:28 PM
Why not take the laptop out and just do some regular pass through logging? :)

**edit** Maybe I misunderstood. Did you mean that with the BBL firmware that GM.DYNCLAIR_DMA can't be logged at all, even in pass through?

January 8th, 2008, 05:34 PM
with the laptop in pass through it will log no problems. But if BBL logging is available then i would like to be able to log it and link it to the timing tables. Whats the point in BBL if it detects knock from to much timing yet you cant do anything about it cause it wont link to the timing tables.

January 9th, 2008, 01:03 AM
Understand your request and its quite reasonable. However, the software (and PID definitions) are still in a state of "potential change". It takes a *lot* of work to enter scaling data for many PIDs.

Once the BB logging firmware is stable, the PIDs will be added. I don't want to go add them all in now only to find there is a problem that requires them to be modified again.

Regardless, the "smarts" to log _DMA PIDs has not been coded for BB Logging yet.

I am away (summer holidays - yay!) for the next two weeks. I intend to spend a few quiet nights watching the sun go down and doing data-entry on the PID selections. So when I get back (Start of Feb) there should be a complete (or almost complete) set of PIDs for BB Logging. That excludes _DMA PIDs; support will be added for BB Logging of _DMA PIDs during Feb.


January 9th, 2008, 08:31 AM
no worries mate, thanks for the reply at least i know something for it is coming, thats good enough for me so i'm happy to wait for it. Enjoy your holiday.