View Full Version : Operating systems

January 13th, 2008, 03:12 PM
What is the operating system? I have 12604138 but see alot of 12606128? how do you get the new OS i assume its through the dealer? are they free? do they make a difference?

January 14th, 2008, 02:48 AM
12606128 fixes P2610 when a battery is reconnected, and then it may be superceded by 12616698 depending on your vin, that fixes EGR cycling issues, and P116 and P181 robustness.

January 14th, 2008, 03:17 AM
Should I get them done?Or is the Stealership going to screw it up?
How does it affect the custom programing in the ECM, do you have to reflash?
What happens if the OS is not the same when you are trying to reflash?

January 15th, 2008, 03:15 AM
Orginal Question. Where to get them? You can download stock tune files if you search around in here you will find the link as to where they are stored.

Item1. IMO, I would look at the wire diagram and make sure the pin assignments are the same before you change OS's. Even with the same OS, pin assignments are different.(express van and camaro use same OS, but wiring is different)

Item2. Dont understand what your asking?

Item3. There are 2 different relflash options. One is for a tune change. Then there is another for OS change. Buttons are right next to each other. I belive it throws a warning if you are trying to mix stuff up.

January 16th, 2008, 01:23 AM
Sorry if i wasn't clear, but does operating system come with the stock Tune? I have a link to several stock tunes so if I understand correctly if I download a stock tune for my truck with a upgraded OS the OS is included in that tune and I just have to upload the OS then Reflash with either the stock tune or a custom?

January 16th, 2008, 01:39 AM
From my understandings, you will need to load the tune that comes with the new/revised os. Then edit that as needed.(can copy your tune into that os file).

But I belive your tune has to be based on the same OS. Like I couldnt load my van tune, onto your LBZ OS. I think it will give an error and tell you to load correct os.

I think what your missing here, is the OS is built into the tune file... its not two different files, its just one.

January 17th, 2008, 10:21 AM
The OS button seems to be blanked out on my EFI Live so I am assuming I don't have an operating system or i am doing something wrong? I can find all kinds of tunes but no OS's?

January 17th, 2008, 03:51 PM
Like I said, the OS is built into the tune.

Um, what version of EFI do you have? I think some versions wont let you change OS??

January 18th, 2008, 12:58 AM
I have EFI Live V7.5.3 I have dowloaded two stock tunes with OS 12606128. Is there anything special when you upload an OS? The help section talks about a whole bunch of things but they appear to be about a Custom OS. Do those rules still apply to a stock OS?

January 18th, 2008, 12:58 AM
I have EFI Live V7.5.3 I have dowloaded two stock tunes with OS 12606128. Is there anything special when you upload an OS? The help section talks about a whole bunch of things but they appear to be about a Custom OS. Do those rules still apply to a stock OS?

January 18th, 2008, 01:15 AM
What I meant by version was FlashscanV1, or FlashscanV2

I think V1 only allows reading, possibly editing
I think V2 allows reading, editing, OS change, and crank learn(you dont need).

But you might want to do some searching on that and make sure I am correct.

I have not tryed to change os, so anything other then where the button is, is slightly beyond my experience.

January 18th, 2008, 03:56 AM
What I meant by version was FlashscanV1, or FlashscanV2

I think V1 only allows reading, possibly editing
I think V2 allows reading, editing, OS change, and crank learn(you dont need).

But you might want to do some searching on that and make sure I am correct.

I have not tryed to change os, so anything other then where the button is, is slightly beyond my experience.

V1 and V2 do the same as far as reading and flashing using the PC. The V2 adds standalone functions (in beta right now). The main difference is the V1 only supports VPW. The V2 supports VPW and CAN/GMLAN.

January 18th, 2008, 06:13 AM
I thought you couldnt do a crank learn, or changes OS with V1?

But I dont have it, so thats why I was telling him to search.

January 18th, 2008, 07:32 AM
Dale thanks for the help, I have a version 2 just bought it a couple of weeks ago so I am still pretty green. I think I will steer clear of the OS change for know until I am more familiar with the systems.

It is starting to sound like the OS is the OEMS way of distinguishing Calibration changes so for example the EGR fix if we turned it off using EFI Live and Blocked it there would be no reason to upgrade the OS.

January 18th, 2008, 09:03 AM
Still a newbie here too. I got mine after I joined here. So Ive been at it about 2 months.

You should beable to change OS/Load OS. Have you registered it yet? I have the Demo loaded on my work machine now and its grayed out. But my laptop n home desktop are registered and have active buttons.

In my mind, OS is seperate from calibration/tunes. As I said before, the express van, camaro, corvette all use the same OS. But I know the camaro and express van are wired different and have different tunes.

Agree on both EGR and waiting tell later for new OS load.