View Full Version : Lc-1

January 17th, 2008, 11:27 AM
Anyone install the V1.10 firmware upgrade only to go back to the V1.0 ?
If so , any repercussions ?

January 17th, 2008, 12:10 PM
no reason to.
the new firmware makes cuts
the boot time for the LC1 in half.

January 17th, 2008, 03:20 PM
no reason to.
the new firmware makes cuts
the boot time for the LC1 in half.
Mine wigs out , erratic AFR , with V1.0 was fine just happened with V1.10 flash .
Heating is quicker , but it seems a lot of people are seeing Error code 8 more often since they updated , I am getting error code 4 more often , most are going back to V1.0 it fixes the problem .

January 17th, 2008, 03:54 PM
how erratic?
you won`t see a solid number, it will flutter some what.
pasted from the LC1 manual
Appendix C: LC-1 Error Codes and Troubleshooting Tips
Error Message Likely Root Cause Fix
Error 1 Heater circuit shorted 1. Short in cable
2. Short in sensor
1. Repair/replace cable.
2. Replace sensor.
Error 2 Heater circuit open 1. Damaged sensor cable or
Cable connector not fully
1. Verify Sensor connector is
fully seated into unit.
Repair/replace Sensor or
Error 3 Pump cell circuit shorted 1. Short in sensor cable
2. Short in sensor
3. Sensor heater calibration
4. Sensor overheating
5. EGT >1700º F
1. Repair sensor cable.
2. Replace sensor.
3. Perform sensor heater
4. Move your sensor bung as
far downstream as possible
OR add a heatsink to isolate
the sensor from the pipe.
Error 4 Pump cell circuit open 1. Damaged sensor cable or
sensor connector not fully
2. Sensor heater calibration
1. Verify sensor connector is
fully seated into unit.
Repair/replace cable.
2. Perform complete heater
calibration (not just free air
calibration). See section 4
Error 5 Reference cell circuit
1. Short in sensor cable
2. Short in sensor
1. Repair sensor cable.
2. Replace sensor.
Error 6 Reference cell circuit open 1. Damaged sensor cable or
sensor connector not fully
2. Damaged Sensor
1. Verify sensor connector is
fully seated into unit.
2. Replace sensor
Error 7 General System error
(typically a software error).
Typically a software error Reboot LC-1 by cycling power.
Re-flash unit if necessary.
Error 8 Sensor Timing error
(typically a damaged
1. Sensor overheating.
(The Bosch LSU4.2 is rated
to operate at a sensor
housing temperature of < 900
degrees (measured at the
bung) for maximum accuracy
and control. When this
operating temperature range
is exceeded, the sensor can
no longer be accurately
controlled. )
2. Sensor is damaged
1. a. Perform sensor heater
recalibration; b. Move your
sensor bung as far
downstream as possible. Right
before the cat, or 2-3 feet from
the end of the tailpipe are good
locations; c. Add a heatsink to
isolate the sensor from the
pipe. The HBX-1 is an
available accessory.
2. Replace sensor.
Error 9 Supply Voltage too low Supply voltage too low for
sensor regulation
Check your 12V connection for

here is a link to what happened to me
and i had no error code.

January 18th, 2008, 03:13 AM
I am going to re-flash to V1.0 and see what happens .
Thanks for the error code list .
It seems Innovate was trying to introduce a fail safe to prevent bad grounding issues from happening , and it got a little buggy results .
Klaus told me in a forum post that , and most everyone is reporting that the error code 8 is being fixed by the down grading of the firmware .
Trust me I had a error code 8 when I first bought the unit (over a year ago) and called Innovate support was told to send cable back , did , same sensor not sent back (still using) , new cable worked , was not sensor (error 8 , 90% of time bad LC-1 cable not sensor) .
I know for sure the error code 4 is coming from the flash , cycling power to fast , but is fixed by re-cycling power again .
The AFR readings have never been this erratic , and trying to slow response time does not have any effect , 1/12 , 1/6 ....etc .
They (Innovate) just missed it with this firmware .

January 25th, 2008, 01:03 PM
Anyone install the V1.10 firmware upgrade only to go back to the V1.0 ?
If so , any repercussions ?

As it happens my lc-1 all of a sudden started timing error 8s, I knew it wasnt an electrical fault or a faulty sensor as it had been flawlessly working. So to save buying a new one I flashed to 1.10 after suspecting software error on the sensor and it worked fine.

I suspcted a firmware fault due to the readouts I was seeing in the LMWorks during warm up. Luckily this resolved the issue. I have however seen a few people say they get code 8's after the upgrade. If 1.0 is working stick with it.

April 9th, 2008, 02:03 PM
Did the upgrade couple months ago and it's been solid. I did install the lc1v110.dld file. Whatever that does?
I also changed the grounding based on the current Innovate advice versus 2 years ago instructions.

April 9th, 2008, 10:26 PM
Did the upgrade couple months ago and it's been solid. I did install the lc1v110.dld file. Whatever that does?
I also changed the grounding based on the current Innovate advice versus 2 years ago instructions.

Yep have to say since the install its been much more reliable than with v1.0, also the start up is a lot quicker now.

April 10th, 2008, 03:49 AM
I stuck with the 1.10v , and now that the V2 can use the LC-1 digital out put it works great , glad I didn't change now .
Cu dos for the V2 and being able to display wide-band data . :cheers: