View Full Version : New guy & LC-1 install question...

EFI Idiot
July 17th, 2005, 11:08 PM
First off let me say I just started using EFI yesterday so I'm very green! This is all new to me, but the scan tool looks awesome. I can't wait to learn more form you guys!

Yesterday after getting Live running a installed a LC-1 and it seems to be functional (no error codes at least). I left my factory NB02 sensors in place since I've heard of some issues with the PCM reading the simulated WB02 signals and I didn't like the idea of splicing into the factory wiring either (nor did I have any NB plugs laying around). Since the rear bungs on my C5 were not used, I used that location and did a stand alone install.

I installed the LC-1 PID file I received from a gentleman on another forum. The LC-1 PID now shows up at the end of the available wideband PID's on the list with the factory EFILive installed PID's. One problem though, it has a cross though it (like all the other unsupported PID's at the end of the list) and when I try to select the PID it gives me a warning message that this in not a valid PID. I had the orange plug plugged into the black box also.

What do I need to do to make this PID accessible so I can start reading the WB signal?

July 17th, 2005, 11:36 PM
With the LC1 connected into the FlashScan module, it needs the following voltage input PID to convert the signal to AFR:

External Analog Voltage 1 - EXT AD1

Also select the "Base Efficiency Numerator 1 - LC-1" if you plan on forcing your vehicle into open loop and performing speed density tuning (AutoVE).

EFI Idiot
July 23rd, 2005, 11:09 AM
Where exactly do I select these things??? Sorry, this is all new to me and the included "help" section doesn't explain much at all.


July 23rd, 2005, 11:12 AM
In the scan tool, go to the "PIDs (F8)" tab and double click on the PIDs little gage icon to "turn them on". 8)

EFI Idiot
July 23rd, 2005, 12:44 PM
With the LC1 connected into the FlashScan module, it needs the following voltage input PID to convert the signal to AFR:

External Analog Voltage 1 - EXT AD1

Also select the "Base Efficiency Numerator 1 - LC-1" if you plan on forcing your vehicle into open loop and performing speed density tuning (AutoVE).
I'm making bacon now!!! I just have to play with things now...

Thank You!!!!

July 23rd, 2005, 02:13 PM
Also select the "Base Efficiency Numerator 1 - LC-1" if you plan on forcing your vehicle into open loop and performing speed density tuning (AutoVE).

My selecting Base Efficiency PID it automatically forces the car into OL?

July 23rd, 2005, 02:23 PM
No, he is saying that if you plan on running in Open Loop, make sure you select this PID. The PID doesn't have anything to do with the calibration of the car.

July 23rd, 2005, 04:02 PM
No, he is saying that if you plan on running in Open Loop, make sure you select this PID. The PID doesn't have anything to do with the calibration of the car.

Just making sure have a problem when hooking wideband to truck, it wont go into close loop