View Full Version : Resetting V2 to get comms

Jason S.
February 4th, 2008, 01:29 PM
After a re-flash, I have to unplug V2 from the car not the laptop to get comms again, after the update for BB logging. I read that it might be that Hapi is running, I checked that, and it was not. It does this consistantly, and I did some searches and didn't see an update. Am I missing something?

February 4th, 2008, 02:29 PM
I had this problem.

I can't remember exactly what I did but I think it was something like this:

Make sure you have the new stand alone install of EFI-Live 7.5
Make sure you truly have the most up to date firmware in ur V2

That solved it for me.

Jason S.
February 6th, 2008, 11:50 AM
I updated the firmware, it does it less... but still does it from time to time. I only notice it when I go to the scan tool right after a flash. It will show connected, but won't give me the buttons at the bottom of the screen until I disconnect the software, and physically disconnect the V2 from the car. Then it will reconnect as it is suppose to.

February 6th, 2008, 01:28 PM
I updated the firmware, it does it less... but still does it from time to time. I only notice it when I go to the scan tool right after a flash. It will show connected, but won't give me the buttons at the bottom of the screen until I disconnect the software, and physically disconnect the V2 from the car. Then it will reconnect as it is suppose to.

We still have not determined what causes that behaviour.

Just FYI, unplugging from the vehicle causes FlashScan to power-cycle and reboot. I believe that will be what is "fixing" the problem rather than anything related to the FlashScan/Vehicle connection. You should be able to achieve the same result using the key sequence Ctrl+Cancel (reboot) on FlashScan's keypad. Please let me know if that key sequence also "fixes" the problem.


February 6th, 2008, 03:23 PM
Hi Paul,

The key press "reset" fixes this problem for me. I normally don't worry about disconnecting, just hit <CNTRL> & <CANCEL>. After doing this it works fine.
