View Full Version : EFILive Scan/Tune tool isues

February 5th, 2008, 12:37 PM
Not 100% sure where part of this belings, since there isn't an "EFILive 7.5" forum, but two things I've noticed that are annoying. In the Scan tool, when I select a tab (say PIDs for example), a lot of the time, it'll slowly and jerkely (is that even a word?) go from being a tab to a "standalone" window. It does this with either the stylus or touchpad.

Another thing, but in the tune tool, is after reading a module, it'll "flash" and bring the last active window to the front, over the EFI tool, and won't wait for you to acknowedge the "wait x seconds" prompt but will go straight to counting down. Used to do that with flashing too, but I think that stopped doing it (at least "full" flash seems to wait for acknowledgemnt).