View Full Version : No live data on EFI scan tool

February 13th, 2008, 12:30 PM
I am a beginner. I have worked on this for a while and cant figure it out.
I have searched the forums.
I have updated to version 7.5.3
I have the latest firmware.
I have the latest driver.
I can tune.
I can scan.
I have read the troubleshooting wherever I can find it.
I have removed all drivers from my system... then I installed.

When I click on the yellow button to start recording the software says "paused" and then it freezes and shuts down the software. My gauges have never shown any live movement. Froze with 7.4.2.... freezes with 7.5.3. Brand new cable, and V2. Purchased from wait4me.

XP SP2 AMD Turion 64 1gig memory

H E L P ! ! !

February 13th, 2008, 02:19 PM
What happens if you click on the record (red) button?

After connecting and before clicking on the record (red) or monitor (yellow) buttons, Select the menu option File->Generate error report.
Save the report and email it to me at paul@efilive.com.

Reference this thread in the email so I can correlate the two.


February 14th, 2008, 05:52 AM
The same thing happens when I click the record (red) button. The software freezes. The counter (time) in the right corner does not change. Stays at 00:00:00.000.

I have attached two files. They were completed with the instructions that you told me to do. The first (Send to Paul) is when I first connected this morning. The second (Send to Paul(2)) is after I tried to monitor, tried to record, and froze a couple of times... then restarting the program and following your instructions.

I noticed that there were three other files in the bugs folder...
Please let me know if I should send these or if this is the reason why I cannot monitor/record.

Also on the V2 when I go to Logging/Playback, Record (or Monitor), Record Fast (or Monitor Fast).... the display reads "This screen reserved for Record Fast (Monitor Fast)?

Am I missing a driver??? I know that i should be able to record directly on to the V2... even without a SD card.... Is this a clue?

Thank you!

February 14th, 2008, 09:57 AM
I noticed that there were three other files in the bugs folder...
Please let me know if I should send these or if this is the reason why I cannot monitor/record.

Those files are trace files for the reflashing (download) and reading (upload) tasks that you have performed on your controller. You can safely delete them whenever you want. They are only useful if/when you have a problem reading/flashing a controller. That's when EFILive support will ask for those files to be sent.

Also on the V2 when I go to Logging/Playback, Record (or Monitor), Record Fast (or Monitor Fast).... the display reads "This screen reserved for Record Fast (Monitor Fast)?

Am I missing a driver??? I know that i should be able to record directly on to the V2... even without a SD card.... Is this a clue?

The standalone data logging features are currently in beta testing. That feature should will be available as soon as the BB logging beta test is finished.
You can read more about the beta test here:http://forum.efilive.com/forumdisplay.php?f=69

P.S. Glad you got the logging working :)


February 14th, 2008, 12:23 PM
Though my problem has been resolved.... This is being posted just in case there are people who are ignorant of the programming software... like me!!!

Uh...... huh.....uh....... I told you I was a beginner... right?
No need to research any further.... or even e-mail me back!

It turns out.... it really helps if I have the PID's selected.... No PID's no data.

OOPS!!!! Sorry about buggin' ya! Everything is working great! (Except my mind...)

Bob : )

February 14th, 2008, 01:34 PM
Ahh, yes selecting PIDs. Took me a few times to figure that out when I was first starting out. Ive done smrter things than that though, you're not alone. So it works fine now?

February 14th, 2008, 04:09 PM
Bob, no worries... we've all been there... :cheers:

February 14th, 2008, 06:24 PM
Thanks guys...

Your little smiley faces made me go get a beer out of my fridge!

Good thing you didn't post the hammer!:bash:

February 15th, 2008, 09:27 AM
Though my problem has been resolved.... This is being posted just in case there are people who are ignorant of the programming software... like me!!!

Uh...... huh.....uh....... I told you I was a beginner... right?
No need to research any further.... or even e-mail me back!

It turns out.... it really helps if I have the PID's selected.... No PID's no data.

OOPS!!!! Sorry about buggin' ya! Everything is working great! (Except my mind...)

Bob : )
yeah Dude , i did the same thing when i first started

February 17th, 2008, 11:05 PM
Bob, always keep that fridge filled with beer...Cheers Scotty.