View Full Version : Strange logs...

March 3rd, 2008, 10:16 PM
Anyone care to take a look at these for me?
Recently reverted back to using a MAF sensor and 1 bar MAP sensor along with a standard op system.
I get mostly lean readings on my wideband whilst the LTFT's are predominately showing rich.
Burb runs pretty well!
I can't understand why I'm seeing the differences.

March 4th, 2008, 01:12 PM
I would lower B3616 (TPS to enter PE mode) to 30% or so. There were some lean boost conditions in the log. You can use B3609 to adjust if power enrichment becomes too agressive at low RPM. You may want to 0 out B3609 in the 2400 RPM+ areas.
I'm not sure if the LTFT's come at all from the VE while running in closed loop, but you may also do some logging to fill in the 100 and 105kPa cells in the VE.
I would also set B3605 (OL commanded fuel) to 11.7AFR in the 100kPa column in case you go into boost during OL.

Do you have a power adapter plugged into your laptop while logging with the wideband? I noticed that my 12v laptop charger skews my wideband by .2AFR on my logs. If I am logging at idle for example at 14.7AFR wideband gauge reading, the laptop will show 14.5AFR with the power adapter plugged in, then when I unplug it the AFR jumps to 14.7. A ground loop may be causing your wideband to read slightly different than your narrowbands causing your LTFTs (narrowband) to not match the wideband.

I made some minor changes to the tune, check it out if you would like.

March 5th, 2008, 01:50 AM
Howard, remind me what kind of WB02 are you using?

March 5th, 2008, 03:13 AM
Where is it getting those AFR's from, it didn't quite match up with B3605/B3618...?

March 5th, 2008, 06:16 AM
Hi guys,
Thanks Stoich....good suggestions and I'll take a look at it. I'm not using an adapter..two brand new batteries.
Doc I'm using a PLX which seemed to be fine whilst running OLSD and no LTFT's.

March 5th, 2008, 06:43 PM
Hi Guys,
as an update (nothing more annoying than when someone can't be bothered showing some courtesy and letting those trying to help them know how things turned out)...here's a couple of logs from this morning using the tune Stoich posted.
Ran well....plenty of take off.
Still get surging/bucking after a run down the freeway and then turning off.
After I stop and then go to accelerate from an intersection....truck bucks/surges until speed gets up a little.
Pretty sure this is IAT V Spark related and maybe some heatsoak.

March 6th, 2008, 03:46 AM
It seems that you may need to calibrate your MAF sensor. There is a pre-configured map in the scan tool that will work with your wideband. I have not used the map before myself (I currently run OLSD), but I think you will want to reduce B0120 so the VE will not infuence the fueling where you are logging.

March 6th, 2008, 04:24 AM
Howard, thanks for the update... :cheers:

March 6th, 2008, 10:29 AM
OK...another update....and now it's running MUCH better.
I have to say...there is someone helping/doing this for me (from afar) and they have a very good reputation in the tuning world.
I won't say who until I've spoken with them.
Here's my current tune and a log.
Only issue I see here is I didn't get into PE? Can anyone see why not?

March 6th, 2008, 10:41 AM
B3616 is set to 70%. Try setting that back to 30%, you should go into PE. The MAP threshold (B3613) is raised to 80kPa now, which is fine. All of the PE enablers must be met before PE is enabled.

March 6th, 2008, 11:53 AM
Thanks again.
I wasn't sure whether one or all PE enablers had to be set for PE to become active.
I'll do that


March 7th, 2008, 03:28 AM
No problem Howard. Is the knock retard in the logs audible? Your timing is not too agressive, do you have stock heat range spark pulgs? What octane fuel?

March 7th, 2008, 07:37 AM
I can't hear the KR when it shows in the logs...but I do get audible ping at around 2000rpm, 95+KPa at low speed...say 40-50kph as I'm accelerating....'reasonably' gently from a standing start or after rounding a corner through an interrsection etc. I'm using colder NGK TR6 plugs and 98 octane fuel (highest available at the pump).

March 8th, 2008, 04:16 PM
Well...the person helping me out didn't seem to want to answer my questions about PE and why I wasn't seeing it.
I still get the bucking and pinging so I can't honestly say I've made any progress.
Here's a log I took yesterday after altering IAT V Spark and 0ing Burst knock.

March 9th, 2008, 04:32 PM
The PE looks like it is functioning correctly now. Your timing is lower than I am used to seeing. Your engine is a 5.7L Vortec, not a GenIII correct? Any aftermarket internals?
Have you ran the truck in OL and used the AutoVE to dial in the VE table? The jumping AFR at part throttle is likely causing the bucking. The pinging looked like it was caused by a lean AFR in the previous logs. Once the AFR is dialed in pretty close the pinging should go away. Be careful when you hear pinging while you are in boost, if I hear any detonation or see the AFR climb higher than 12:1 I let out of the run.
Can you post the .tun file you are running on right now?

March 9th, 2008, 05:03 PM
No modded internals but I have the Mercruiser Marine manifold with the 42lb Bosch injectors.
I decided to try my hand at MAF tuning so here's a log and two tunes. One before tune and one after applying the log MAF changes. Haven't logged the second tune yet. Also...here's a couple of pic's.




March 10th, 2008, 03:36 AM
Pretty cool looking set-up you have under the hood. I like the hydraboost brakes also.
I think your injectors are the same as the SVO 42s, which flow 42 lbs/h at 3 bar fuel pressure and 48.8 lbs/h at 4 bar. Do you know your fuel pressure and is it referenced to manifold vac?
Also I noticed some changes between the first tune you posted and the latest one. The cylinder volume is changed along with the fuel tank sender, fuel tank size, fuel gauge calibration. Have there been any changes made to those parts?
I'm interested to see what kind of effect tuning the MAF is having.

March 10th, 2008, 03:59 AM
Pretty cool looking set-up you have under the hood. I like the hydraboost brakes also.

Howard always does excellent work. If it's not stainless steel, it's powder coated. He put in a 4L80E also, lot's of mods!

Howard, great to see your work as always!!


March 10th, 2008, 11:04 AM
Gidday Fred. How's things?
Stoich...I started another thread in the roadrunner section on the MAF tuning I'm doing....check it out.
It's interesting and something I hadn't considered before so it's all NEW learning for me.