View Full Version : $0185 error

March 23rd, 2008, 01:13 PM
All good last night with the logging. Tried a log this morning. No good at all.

Pressed F1 select vehicle...came up none loaded. Looked at the config files and there were none there! Tried to load the V8 config files back onto the the scan tool and the above error occurred. I can move across logs. But no config files?

March 23rd, 2008, 10:42 PM
That is the third time that problem has happened. Twice on our test FlashScans and once on your FlashScan. The recovery is to reformat the Config file system and re-copy all the files onto FlashScan.

If you can recall the exact sequence of events prior to the problem occuring, that may help us to track down the cause.


March 23rd, 2008, 11:52 PM
Thanks Paul,

I logged a quick session last night just to test it out. Didnt look at to many things in detail .I noticed the afrs were logging on the scantool.

I went out this morning and turned the ignition on in the vehicle. Then connected the flashscan and attempted to connect to the vehicle through F1 and it didnt work.

I cleaned up some of the excess efilive files today on my pc. I have 2 efilive hapi programs so i deletd the old one off as I was getting $0025 error when I tried to open efilive explorer.

I deleted the old efihapi program and then I could open explorer. Must of been conflict somewhere. Its good now.

I formatted the config section and the config files,option.ini come across no problems. I went for a drive today it was OK.

One thing I must comment on is that the traction control light doesn't come on and off anymore like it did with the old firmware.