View Full Version : Tech edge wb use with v2 bbl

March 23rd, 2008, 10:42 PM
with the tech edge, it already has a rj11 and rj45 plug/s. which one to use? pin 1,2,4 on the rj11 or pin 2,3,5 on the rj45? im a little confused.

Other RJ45 Outputs - SVout, NBsim, WBlin+, GND & Vbatt

http://wbo2.com/2c0/im/y1a-sch.gif http://wbo2.com/2a0/rj45out.jpg The SVout [pin 1], WBlin+ [pin 4] & NBsim [pin 6] signals are all described in detail above. The SVout signal is intended for analogue displays like the LD01 (http://wbo2.com/ld01/default.htm) and those displays will also use Vbatt & GND described below. The RJ45 connector signal names are shown at right.
A fused, protected and partially filtered battery voltage Vbatt is available from [pin 8] (right most RJ45 signal). This output is provided to power other devices such as the LD02 display (http://wbo2.com/ld02/default.htm). It should only be connected to devices that will draw small currents; typically less than 100 milliamps. Excessive current consumption may cause heating of an internal dropping/protection resistor.
A ground GND point [pin 5-RJ45] is provided as a return for the RS232 and Vbatt connections.
Note that there are number of unconnected outputs (N/C = No Connection) on each of the RJ-45 connectors. Those N/C's that have uses on other wideband units are shown "greyed in" and include WBlin (pin 4) and NBsim (pin 6).
6 Pin RJ11 Connector - LSS Tx & Rx, also SVout, WBlin+, GND & Vbatt

http://wbo2.com/2c0/im/y1b-sch.gif The right hand side RJ11 connector is designed for use with an intelligent serial display. Its primary feature is a second serial channel called the Low Speed Serial (LSS) interface which has a 1200 baud data rate (ie. low speed) which is adequate for most displays. Additionally there are duplicates signals found on the RJ45 and green 6 pin connector.
http://wbo2.com/2c0/im/rj11out.jpg LSS Tx [pin 2] sends data frames to display. LSS Rx [pin 1] is not currently supported in firmware.

Batt+ [pin 6] & GND [pin 4] provide current limited power and a return GND for the external display.

SVout [pin 5] & WBlin+ [pin 3] are described in sections above.

March 23rd, 2008, 10:52 PM
I would use the serial data pins from the RJ45 connector, but it would be wise to check with TechEdge first.

TechEdge <-> FlashScan
RJ45 <-> RJ12
GND Pin 5 <-> Pin 5 GND
TX Pin 3 <-> Pin 2 RX
RX Pin 2 <-> Pin 1 TX

I think that's right, I may have mixed up the TX/RX but you get the idea.


April 5th, 2008, 09:55 AM
Has any one got there Mainline Dyno out putting serial data to the v2 cable , my V2 led flashes but the data does not match up using 1.5 or 2 techedge in the V2 i'm just pluging in to the rs232 plug on the case of the weather / wideband controler as per where you plug in to do a wb cal

Attached is a log from the serial monitor program

and a link the the wideband used in the mainline dyno


some help would be appreciated


April 5th, 2008, 04:35 PM
What do you see in FlashScan's Wide band display?
do you see "no controller detected" or do you see incorrect Lambda/AFR values?

P.S. The data stream looks like TE 1.5 version.


April 5th, 2008, 05:34 PM
it finds tech edge 1.5 just the data is not right

April 5th, 2008, 06:24 PM
it finds tech edge 1.5 just the data is not right
I'll go over the conversion code again, I may have messed up the conversion from A/D counts to Lambda.


April 25th, 2008, 07:39 AM
Could my problem be that the data is techedge V2.1

April 25th, 2008, 08:02 AM
If you select techedge V2, does it show "Controller not found" or junk data?
I did have an error in the V2 AFR calculation it will be fixed in the next update.
The V1.5 should be ok, but I will be re-checking it again.
Peter from TechEdge is kindly helping out.


April 25th, 2008, 09:41 AM
I was able to see the TechEdge 2J1 unit in the current BBL version, and again had the flashing LED indicating serial data. The indicated AFR's were on the lean side though, around the 100:1 mark making logging not very good for tuning. The great thing about the TechEdge is that the analogue O/P is "earth referenced" to the testing device. So I've tied the TechEdge analogue -ve lead to an earth on the V2 to remove the earth offset problem. I simply used the earth point on one of the switch I/Ps on the V2. This removed the 0.03v earth offset and should allow me to log accurately until the serial conversion is worked out. If anyone is interested, I'll post a pic of the setup.


April 25th, 2008, 11:03 AM
Simon, yes please post a pic if possible.

April 25th, 2008, 12:12 PM
OK, here you go.

Image 1:

The full 2J1 unit in the car. The wires coming out of the unit are...

Thick Black: OS Sensor cable.
Thick Grey: Ancillary I/O cable, not terminated on anything as it's left up to you to decide what to connect to and how. You can see the 2 adapter plugs for analogue WB and the earth bridge.
Thin grey cable: Serial I/O, terminated with an RJ45 socket.
Thin Black Cable: Power.

The other cables you can see are the std. Vs serial cable, RJ12 to DB-9 and the adapter cable I made up to connect the V2 cable to the RJ45 socket on the 2J1. I simply used an old LAN fly lead and salvaged a male DB-9 plug from an old computer serial I/O card.

Image 2:

Here the V2 unit has been connected to the analogue WB O/P from the 2J1. I've added a couple of small capacitors to reduce th chances of high frequency oscillations, but the 2J1 has a low pass filter anyway so they are probably not needed.

Image 3:

A close up of the plugs into the V2. I spoke to Peter at TechEdge and now understand the following.

The analogue O/P is a differential signal, so it should be earth potential independent. However, as the voltage must be referenced against something, the -ve WB wire ( green ) is used as an I/P for the reference point. What it's purpose is, is to allow the 2J1 to adjust the WB O/P to match the earth level of the testing unit, the V2. So I checked the pins on the V2 and found that the pins for switch -VE I/Ps were tied to earth internally. ( I simply checked the resistance from the pins to the USB earth pin. )

Placing a multimeter between the 2J1 WB -VE wire and the V2 earth, showed a potential difference of 0.03V or 0.1 AFR. Placing the bridge between the 2J1 WB -VE lead and the V2 sw1 -VE pin removed the potential difference and showed a corresponding change in the WB analogue O/P.

So overall, I think the 2J1 is a very good unit that will still give quite accurate AFR readings in analogue mode.


April 27th, 2008, 02:09 PM
Hi All,

After yesterdays BBL update, serial data from the TechEdge is working to some degree.

The good news is, that with the earth reference connected, there is virtually no difference between the analogue and serial data. Perhaps the analogue reading is ever so slightly richer.

The bad news is that the update speed on the serial data seems to be rather slow. The logged data appears very coarse when viewed in the graphs, which is probably going to effect any tuning you want to do. After talking with JezzaB last night, we think that it may be ECM related. basically, the ECM I'm testing with is an E38, which normally logs at 40FPS while the LS1 ECM logs at 10FPS. We think that the serial I/P on the V2 may only be checked at the LS1 speed. The result is that while the data for the E38 ECM is updated every 25mS, the data for the serial WB is only updated every 100mS. This leaves lots of 75mS steps in the serial data.

I've attached a couple of images to show the effect. Any ideas on this? the TechEdge serial speed is 19200 baud and the TechEdge V2 data frame is 28Bytes long. This means that we should be able to read around 85 serial frames per second, making it's resolution twice as fast as the E38 PCM.


April 27th, 2008, 04:39 PM
the TechEdge serial speed is 19200 baud and the TechEdge V2 data frame is 28Bytes long. This means that we should be able to read around 85 serial frames per second, making it's resolution twice as fast as the E38 PCM.

That is something that you'd need to change on your TechEdge device. See this page for data logging info: http://wbo2.com/2a0/logger.htm#20frame

FlashScan will read the serial data up to 40 frames per second (maybe faster, but I have not tried it past 40). It is interrupt driven so the data will be updated whenever the TechEdge (or any wideband) controller transmits a data packet.


April 28th, 2008, 01:59 AM
The analogue O/P is a differential signal, so it should be earth potential independent. However, as the voltage must be referenced against something, the -ve WB wire ( green ) is used as an I/P for the reference point. What it's purpose is, is to allow the 2J1 to adjust the WB O/P to match the earth level of the testing unit, the V2. So I checked the pins on the V2 and found that the pins for switch -VE I/Ps were tied to earth internally. ( I simply checked the resistance from the pins to the USB earth pin. )

Placing a multimeter between the 2J1 WB -VE wire and the V2 earth, showed a potential difference of 0.03V or 0.1 AFR. Placing the bridge between the 2J1 WB -VE lead and the V2 sw1 -VE pin removed the potential difference and showed a corresponding change in the WB analogue O/P.
...Interesting, thanks. :cheers:

April 28th, 2008, 10:58 PM
That is something that you'd need to change on your TechEdge device. See this page for data logging info: http://wbo2.com/2a0/logger.htm#20frame

FlashScan will read the serial data up to 40 frames per second (maybe faster, but I have not tried it past 40). It is interrupt driven so the data will be updated whenever the TechEdge (or any wideband) controller transmits a data packet.


Thanks Paul,

I've had a chat with Peter at TechEdge and worked out what needs to be done.

The TechEdge unit has a configuration area in NVRAM ( Non Volatile RAM ) that is set up by sending commands to the unit via the serial cable. TechEdge have a free utility for this which can be found HERE. (http://wbo2.com/sw/zip/wbconfsetup-21a.zip) This can also be used to calibrate the analogue O/P's and update the firmware. You can also use the Flash Utility (http://wbo2.com/sw/util-flash.htm) to send commands.

To send a command, simply plug in the serial cable and start the application. Set the com port to the correct port and then you should be able to send the command. Just enter it into the "command " window and hit enter. The command to enter, is "s0401" followed by "w". Make sure you hit enter after each command....


I'm not sure what the "s" stands for, maybe "send".
The "04" refers to a specific memory address in the NVRAM.
The "01" is the number of "ticks" to wait between frames, 1tick = 10mS.

The default setting is a frame delay setting of 10ticks or 100mS. This is probably OK for the LS1 ECM as its frame rate is 10FPS or 100mS between frames. But for the E38, it's too slow. I did work out the actual required delay time for the E38's 40FPS, which is about 2 ticks. However it takes about 11mS for an entire frame to be sent, so if the V2 just missed a frame, the delay would actually be the right timing.

So in the end, it's smoothened up nicely! I've attached a pic to show the difference.
