View Full Version : Error message after attempting to create new PID list

Kevin Doe
March 26th, 2008, 05:37 PM
I just recently created some new Calc pids. Everything looks fine with them, basically I added a CALC.EOP (psi) using GM.EOPS (V) and the equation you provided.

I open my normal PID list, add those two parameters, GM.EOPS, and CALC.EOP to my list and save the PID selection list. I hit the monitor data button on my laptop and I got an error. The bug report is attached here.

Also, a few other related observations. If I closed hte Scan software, and reopened it, it did not save my newly selected parameters. I tried this several times. I re-added those two parameters, and resaved. Then I'd close the program and reopen. The parameters were not saving.

Another possibly related observation. In my calc_pids.txt file I have the description of CALC.EOP listed as "Engine Oil Pressure". However in the Scan software it shows the description of CALC.EOP as "Engine Oil Pressu" I have no idea why its cutting it short. There are several other descriptions that are longer.

March 27th, 2008, 12:43 AM
Another possibly related observation. In my calc_pids.txt file I have the description of CALC.EOP listed as "Engine Oil Pressure". However in the Scan software it shows the description of CALC.EOP as "Engine Oil Pressu" I have no idea why its cutting it short. There are several other descriptions that are longer.

Possibly missing the closing quote on the description.
I'll look into the other errors you reported.


March 27th, 2008, 02:42 AM
KD, post the file(s) where you made those changes.

Kevin Doe
March 27th, 2008, 02:45 AM
Here is the calc_pids.txt file I'm using.

March 27th, 2008, 07:24 AM
Add a blank line at the end of the file. EFLive needs to see an end of line marker <CR><LF> (carriage return, line feed) at the end of the last line.


Kevin Doe
March 27th, 2008, 07:30 AM
Add a blank line at the end of the file. EFLive needs to see an end of line marker <CR><LF> (carriage return, line feed) at the end of the last line.


Do you think that is the solution to both the display of the description AND the error when I try to monitor data AND the PID list not saving properly? I'll test it out when I get home, but just curious what you think.

March 27th, 2008, 07:35 AM
Do you think that is the solution to both the display of the description AND the error when I try to monitor data AND the PID list not saving properly? I'll test it out when I get home, but just curious what you think.

It is probably the solution to the display error, but I doubt it will solve the PIDs not saving error. What happens if you manually try to save the PIDs file, using the Save icon just the left of the PID file name on the [PIDs (F8)] tab page?


Kevin Doe
March 27th, 2008, 07:38 AM
It is probably the solution to the display error, but I doubt it will solve the PIDs not saving error. What happens if you manually try to save the PIDs file, using the Save icon just the left of the PID file name on the [PIDs (F8)] tab page?


That is how I was attempting to save the PID file. Is there another way?

March 27th, 2008, 08:32 AM
That is how I was attempting to save the PID file. Is there another way?

If you change PID selections and then close the Scan Tool software, EFILive will ask if it should save the file for you.

You can edit/view the *.pid files using Notepad, they are just plain text files. if you change PID selections and then go look in the saved file do you see your changes?

Do you get an error message when saving the file?

Is EFILive loading back in the same PID file that you are saving?
There is a setting in the Properties window [Startup] tab page, that controls which PID file gets loaded in at startup.


Kevin Doe
March 27th, 2008, 08:36 AM
I'll have to try looking at the text file when I get home.

No error messages when saving the file.

EFILive is loading the same PID file that I'm saving, however it looks like its opening a version of the file from before I saved it. The parameters I just added are not there. I tried saving it as a different name and still the parameters are not there when I reopen the EFI Live.

March 27th, 2008, 09:50 AM
It seems to me that you're saving the pid file to a directory different from that mentioned in the folder options.

Kevin Doe
March 27th, 2008, 01:49 PM
Ok, I did some more testing/checking.

First, I added a blank line after the description in my calc_pids.txt file. That fixed the description shown in the scan tool.

Then I added my two parmaters, GM.EOPS, and CALC.EOP, and saved the pid file. I opened the pid .txt file up on a text editor. The added pids were in fact saved to the .txt file. In the Scan program, I went to Edit -> Properties, startup tab, clicked the box "Always load PID file: and selected my PID file that I just saved. Then I closed the program and reopened it. Again, GM.EOPS was not show as selected. I dont understnad why it can be saved in the .txt file, but not load up properly in the software.

Here is me selecting the pids, then saving the file.
Note that GM.EOPS and CALC.EOP are selected. Also note the file name that its saved as.

Here is me selecting the PID file to load when the Scan software is opened.

Here is the text from the GeneralTuning pid .txt file. Notice GM.EOPS and CALC.EOP are in the list of parameters.


Then I closed the software and reopened it. Now it shows that GM.EOPS is not selected, and due to that CALC.EOP is not supported.

March 27th, 2008, 02:21 PM
Edit: Oops, I misrea the post you made. Seems like GM.EOPS is actually not selected. I was lookign at CALC.EOP. I'm not sure what the solution is... Let me investigate.

A red cross through the icon means the PID is not valid, it does not mean the PID is not selected.
- Unselected PIDs have a grey icon.
- Unsupported PIDs have an X through their icon.

Bascially it is indicating that EFILive "thinks" the PID GM.EOPS is not valid for the VIN and/or operating system shown on the bottom of the window.

You should connect up to the vehicle and re-validate the PIDs. That is necessary if/when EFILive adds a new (or renamed) PID to the total available PID list. Which we just did with GM.EOPS. Sorry, I should have explained that.

The validated PID list is stored in a file (in My Documents\EFILive\V7.5\PIDs) that matches your VIN like this: 6G2YX12G8_L.vpl (I tried to read the VIN from the last image but it was cut off so I may have got it slightly wrong). You can also open/view those files using Notepad as they are just plain text files as well.
The vpl stands for Validated PID List. A similar file exists for validate modules, *.vml files.

In the *.vpl files is a list of all the PIDs that are valid for vehicles with a VIN that matches the file name. It ignores the 10th digit anf the last 6 digits when matching the VIN.


March 27th, 2008, 02:27 PM
My Bad :bash:

I left a line of code in the software that deliberately filters out GM.EOPS. It was a leftover from when we changed GM.EOPS to GM.EOP. Now that we've changed it back again I will remove the line of code.

Sorry for the hassle you went through to prove it. I will pay more attention in future.


Kevin Doe
March 27th, 2008, 02:49 PM
My Bad :bash:

I left a line of code in the software that deliberately filters out GM.EOPS. It was a leftover from when we changed GM.EOPS to GM.EOP. Now that we've changed it back again I will remove the line of code.

Sorry for the hassle you went through to prove it. I will pay more attention in future.


Thanks for the update Paul. I just got involved in this BBL beta testing on the 3/20 release and I've been very impressed at your quick diagnosis of issues, and how fast you release updates. Thanks Paul!

Kevin Doe
April 2nd, 2008, 09:57 AM

What is the ETA on the next Beta release with fixes to date? I'm particularly interested in this update, as it will let me lot the oil pressure on my April 11th track day. When you release the update, can you summarize the fixes made since the last update.

April 3rd, 2008, 10:57 AM
The ETA was Wednesday, but a problem with VPW block mode (think reading/flashing LS1s) prevented the release. I am hoping to release it Friday night but that is probably being too optimistic. I hope it should be ready by Sat night my time (Sat morning your time).


April 6th, 2008, 06:41 AM
Any ETA for update?

April 6th, 2008, 08:21 AM
Yes, the VPW problem has been identified and fixed (finally at about 4:00am Monday morning). I expect to release the update sometime today.


April 6th, 2008, 09:44 AM
Keep in mind when Paul says 4am Monday, it still is Sunday in here the USA.