View Full Version : Anyone have 04110003 Auto Gearbox file

April 2nd, 2008, 01:15 AM
Does anyone have 04110003 Auto Gearbox file they can share? Just hack up your special secret settings if you like :) . It will just make my work a bit easier over the next week, im converting an Australia VZ LS1 to run with a cable TB, the only way i can do that is by getting a custom OS that suits the Pontiac GTO 2004.

I need to transfer all our current settings into the tune, the car has Patriot LQ9 Stage III, Thunder Racing Trak cam 232 234 111 640 598 and a PWR 122 (Magnuson 122). Its been running 11.6/119 without the supercharger - so we hope to see a 10s pass next week at the Australian LS1 Nationals.

Even better would be a 04110005 if it exists!

April 2nd, 2008, 03:36 PM
here's my 2004 gto OLSD tune,not a 0411003 file but you can compare and swap...

smooth shifts on part throttle,as strong as possible at full throttle for a stock transmission...
3000 stall,3.46 gears...
you may have to make a few passes until the pressure adapt cells start to modify the pressures during the shifts after which the pressure will only drop to about 75-80 psi.(sorry but it's setup imperial,:doh2:)thru the actual shift...

the shifts in D or 3 hit the 6400 rpm mark,the forced upshift mode will carry the rpms to 6800...

April 2nd, 2008, 03:51 PM
Have you tried setting the desired shift times to zero... this should disable the adapt function.

April 3rd, 2008, 03:13 AM
for me,increasing D0704,6&8 10psi in the operating temperature range of the transmission sped up my shifts considerably...
until i starting using pressure adapt, high torque levels would get to 90 psi quick,then would drop around 55-65 psi during the shift...
now it never drops below 75-80 psi during the shift,then right back to 90 psi...

but you have to have the adapt function enabled...
.0500 minimum shift time is plenty quick of a command...i doubt even with a dedicated shift kit built race transmission shifts that fast...

adaptive shift only pulls from the low or high pressure pressure adjust tables,disabling it and setting shift times to zero will not speed up shifts...

April 3rd, 2008, 05:20 AM

Your post has got me thinking a bit (learn mode = on)... :hihi:

I see you have D3601 enabled, is this how you enabled the adapt function...?

I don't see how you switch between Normal and Performance modes (I though your PCM would be running the trans in Normal mode)...?

So your PCM is running the Performance mode tables...?

Won't setting the desired shift times to zero just let the hydraulics shift as quick as is physically possible...?

Sorry to hijack your thread... :doh2:


April 3rd, 2008, 06:04 AM
joecar,i was fooling around with logging all the transmission pids i could get to function that i discovered the psi drop during the shift...

before i just had the shift times set to zero at high torque levels and just left it alone but always wondered why it always dropped psi during the shift and thought maybe i could squeeze a bit more speed from the shift if the pressure stayed higher while it shifted...

only when i enabled adaptive shift(and by leaving no table,performance or normal zeroed) and bumped the pressure adjust tables in each gear up 10 psi did i see pressure increasing during the shift...and that took a while because the adaptive shift cell counts had to be around 8(i can't recall) for each commanded full throttle shift before the actual pressure started to climb between shifts 5 psi at a time...(lot of fun around town testing those logs...:grin:)

true it physically only does what it can stock,but getting the psi to not drop during the shift made for a quicker shift by about 200 rpms on average if i remember correctly...

i just put the .0500 in the performance table just in case since adaptive shift said no zero's anywhere...

April 3rd, 2008, 07:06 AM

Some questions:
- did you use D3601 to enable adaptive shift...?
- can you post pictures of your TAP cells as shown by scantool...?


April 3rd, 2008, 10:16 AM

Some questions:
- did you use D3601 to enable adaptive shift...?
- can you post pictures of your TAP cells as shown by scantool...?


(1) yes...and made sure no shift time tables were zeroed...normal or performance...
D3601 enabled
D4602 enabled 1,2,3 gears
D0704 and D0706 increase it 10-15 psi at your TFT operating range...(mine is from 133-198)...
no changes to D3801 as i didn't want to over do it from the stock maximum...
(2)i looked but no logs with those pids i have saved...as best as memory serves me,i used these pids to observe the changes in psi...

also a log of a 100 shot pass but i can't find one saved with adaptive pids :mad:


April 3rd, 2008, 11:04 AM
Can you connect with scantool and go Calibration->Auto Trans Adaptive Shift Cells and save the screens for each shift.

April 3rd, 2008, 11:06 AM
So I'm wondering if D3601 is not just for Performance mode (i.e. for Normal mode) as its description says...

You don't have a Normal/Performance switch, right...?

April 3rd, 2008, 11:45 AM
no switch...(i thought about)...

commanding 90 psi over the entire normal table same as the performance table makes for harsh low throttle shifts,i have tried already so i see no need to use a switch when you can just ramp up the normal table's pressure thru out the higher torque ranges to 90 psi...
makes me think that is why shift kits that force max psi all the time give owners that rough shifting even at light load...

my car is snafu right now until i rebuild the block due to a valve spring failure but i do remember hooking up the scan tool and checking the auto trans adapt counts and seeing activity logged...

the thing that caught my eye logging was adapt shift cell counts,adapt correction %,shift delay and force motor current amps...

i just kept adding psi to the pressure adjust tables(D0704,D0706,1st & 2nd gear upshift) 5 psi at a time until i had it only dropping to 85 psi instead of low as 54 psi during the shift...and only saw that change after i enabled the adaptive mode...

April 4th, 2008, 02:31 AM
Ok thanks. :cheers:

April 6th, 2008, 04:03 PM
hmmm very very interesting..so a 4l60E in a vx ser II SS has adaptive learning in the pcm ... in the form of table D3601 ???

April 11th, 2008, 09:19 AM
Oh, I also wanted to add: I suspect that failing the MAF disables the adapt function... I see different TFMPRS values (that more closely match my shift pressure tables) when I do this.