View Full Version : update help needed asap

April 8th, 2008, 10:40 AM
i think something may have gone wrong while doing the latest BBL update, i followed the instructions exactly as they are in the read me file, i already had the V2.05.04 Boot-block installed as i have been BBL, i updated to the new firmware (0326) with no problems, did the power cycle and reconnected everything and check V2 still all hooks up correctly which it did then restarted efi live hapi to do the new boot block upgrade selected the new boot block version and checked the boot block box, hit program and it came up with error $0101.

This is where i know have major problems as it is now stuck in dead poll mode is there anyway i can fix this as i am going to the LS1 nationals tonight and need to take it with me for logging.


April 8th, 2008, 10:42 AM
i think something may have gone wrong while doing the latest BBL update, i followed the instructions exactly as they are in the read me file, i already had the V2.05.04 Boot-block installed as i have been BBL, i updated to the new firmware (0326) with no problems, did the power cycle and reconnected everything and check V2 still all hooks up correctly which it did then restarted efi live hapi to do the new boot block upgrade selected the new boot block version and checked the boot block box, hit program and it came up with error $0101.

This is where i know have major problems as it is now stuck in dead poll mode is there anyway i can fix this as i am going to the LS1 nationals tonight and need to take it with me for logging.


I've got the same problem! :help2:

April 8th, 2008, 11:20 AM
You're supposed to do the boot block update FIRST.:doh2:

See the red warning in the first post of this thread:

To recover:
1. Program the V2.5.15(0326) firmware back into FlashScan.
2. Then do the bootblock upgrade to V2.5.06(0407).
3. THEN and ONLY then should you do the firmware upgrade to V2.5.06(0407).

To perform Step 1, FlashScan MUST be in deadpoll mode. You can select dead poll mode by holding down FlashScan's Ctrl key while connecting FlashScan to your PC.


April 8th, 2008, 11:29 AM
V2 No longer connects to laptop or car or efilive hapi, it is stuck in dead poll mode and wont allow any programing to it, Efi live hapi does not recognize when it is plugged in.

April 8th, 2008, 11:34 AM
You're supposed to do the boot block update FIRST.:doh2:


That's where it failed, doing the Boot Block. I'm dead in the water like SV8346.

April 8th, 2008, 11:43 AM
if ANYONE else has had this problem and managed to fix it PLEASE speak up. I relise blacky is probably trying to do everything he can do help this out but if anyone else has any ideas i'm all ears at the moment.

April 8th, 2008, 12:14 PM
When FlashScan is in dead-poll mode it can still communicate with EFILive_Explorer. If the bootblock was operational but damaged then the blue LED would be flashing. If the bootblock was damaged so badly that it could not execute correctly (or at all) then you'd get no LEDs flashing - or some other unpredictable behavior.

This is what I would do to recover:

First, mak sure you have the latest EFILive_Hapi.exe and EFILive_Explorer.exe (from the downloaded file) installed in the folder: \Program Files\EFILive\V8\EFILive_Hapi. Then...

1. Have FlashScan disconnected.
2. Start EFILive_Explorer.
3. Connect FlashScan - EFILive Explorer should give an error message saying it can't communicate with FlashScan. That's ok, it is just saying it can't communicate with the firmware (since it is in dead-poll). However, it can still talk to the boot block.
4. Goto the [Firmware] tab page.
5. Click [Refresh] - if you get the boot block version and date showing up then the boot block is ok. You should see N/A for the firmware details because it is in dead poll.
If you don't get any boot block info showing up then there is a problem with the boot block and your FlashScan will need to be returned.

Next, open the appropriate firmware file:
If the boot block is V2.5.04 then open firmware file 2.05.15
If the boot block is V2.5.06 then open firmware file 2.05.16

Program the firmware file.

If that does not work, please tell me exactly what error (or abnormal behavior) you get and at exactly what stage.


April 8th, 2008, 12:18 PM
no option there to be able to refresh and it doesnt show any info of firmware or bootblock version, so it sounds like i will have to return the V2, damn damn damn damn damn damn. BUGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!

was heading down to Melbourne tonight for racing at the LS1 nats on the weekend and needed to use it to log with.

April 8th, 2008, 12:30 PM
no option there to be able to refresh

What does that mean? There is a button called [Refresh (F5)] does that not show on your version?
See image.


April 8th, 2008, 12:31 PM
yes it is there but it is not available to press, it is as if V2 isnt connected

April 8th, 2008, 12:38 PM
Disconnect FlashScan.

When EFILive_Explorer is running, double click on the EFIlive_Hapi (EFILive Control Panel) in the task bar's system tray.

Select the Connections->Settings page. Make sure FlashScan is selected and AutoCal is not.

Select the Trace->settings page and check the Enable diagnostic tracing check box. Click [Apply].
Go back to the trace page.
Click [Clear].

Connect FlashScan.
Click [Refresh (F5)] on the Firmware tab page of EFILive_Explorer.

Go back to the Trace page in EFILive_Hapi and click on Save. Save the trace file and post it in this thread as an attachment (or just email it to me).

Note: Saving the trace file saves more data than is displayed on the screen.


April 8th, 2008, 12:45 PM
Going back to basics, make sure that Windows can see your FlashScan device.

With FlashScan connected, right click on My Computer, select Properties.
Goto Hardware->Device Manager->Universal Serial Bus Controllers. Locate EFILive FlashScan V2, right click on it and select Properties. Make sure it says "This device is working properly" in the device status.


April 8th, 2008, 12:50 PM
This is the data that should be captured by the EFILive_Hapi trace when FlashScan is in deadpoll.

April 8th, 2008, 12:50 PM
here is the trace file

April 8th, 2008, 12:55 PM

I sent a trace file to support earlier tonight.

In Device Manager EFILive FlashScan V2 is working properly.

April 8th, 2008, 12:59 PM
Here's a new trace per your email.

April 8th, 2008, 01:18 PM
Unfortunately, as indicated in the trace file both of those FlashScan's are unresponsive. They will need to be returned to EFILive to be reprogrammed/recovered.

I do not know yet, why that happened. If you can offer any further info on the process that you followed prior to the FlashScan unit becoming unresponsive it may help me track down the cause and hopefully prevent it from happening to others.

Particularly, what firmware version was in the FlashScan unit prior to the failed boot block update attempt?
I just presumed it was 2.05.15(0326), but did either of you have an earlier firmware version in FlashScan?


April 8th, 2008, 01:41 PM
I was on 2.05.15(0326) and started at step 5 of the Beta Release document and got to item 6 when the error message popped up.

Where do I have to send the V2 to be reprogrammed/recovered?

April 8th, 2008, 01:41 PM
ok i have been using the march 4th update since it was released, then this morning updated to the march 26th update which went threw with no problems, did a quick log just to make sure all was well which it was so i then went to update to the new 0407 bootblock which is where the problem happened.

After i return from melbourne i will send you my V2 for repair and also for you to repair the usb inlet power problems that we discussed via email a few weeks ago.

April 8th, 2008, 02:04 PM
ok, for now it looks like i have been able to borrow a spare V1 from Oztrack to be able to log with while down there, so a huge thanks to Blacky for helping me fix this problem and also a huge thanks to Oztrack for letting me borrow 1 of his units.

As soon as we return from Melbourne i will have it sent to you blacky for repair.

April 8th, 2008, 03:12 PM
I was on 2.05.15(0326) and started at step 5 of the Beta Release document and got to item 6 when the error message popped up.

Where do I have to send the V2 to be reprogrammed/recovered?

Send it to Fish Tuning, contact details are on our resellers web page.


April 9th, 2008, 02:32 AM
ok, for now it looks like i have been able to borrow a spare V1 from Oztrack to be able to log with while down there, so a huge thanks to Blacky for helping me fix this problem and also a huge thanks to Oztrack for letting me borrow 1 of his units.

As soon as we return from Melbourne i will have it sent to you blacky for repair.

Keep in mind I also usually have a loaner V2 and V1 (and Road Runner) here in Melbourne if anyone is desperate!
But still better to send it over to Paul in NZ for repair (if you are in Aus).
Good luck at the Nationals fellas.


April 14th, 2008, 10:16 AM
Paul, can you please PM your address details so i can send it over to you asap.