View Full Version : A Question on spark following map

April 8th, 2008, 01:08 PM
When I start logging, the spark follows the map, maf, dyncylair ect...
after a while, the spark mirrors the same.
Can anyone tell me why?
The tun and log are the "question" log & tune listed in the directory.
It happens right around frame 1500

April 9th, 2008, 02:22 AM

April 9th, 2008, 02:48 AM
Hi Wolfie,

I'm not sure what you're asking, but from looking at your log/tune files I see that the spark advance follows table B5913 high octane spark.

B5913 is indexed by RPM and DYNCYLAIR_DMA.

If you enable scantool->tunetool pid linking, you can follow the operating cell in B5913 as you replay the log:
Edit->Properties->Scanner->PID Links.

When posting if you go Manage Attachments you can upload your files into your post
(last nite I was not able to access your webpage, but today I was able to).


April 9th, 2008, 04:04 AM
Thanks for replying Joe.
What I am asking, or trying to ask, is...
Diring the first part of the log (in the graph)
the spark is following the map, maf, dyncylair ect...
But at around frame 1500 or so the spark goes from following
the others, it actuallys follows in reverse, like a mirror image.
This happens in any of my "now" logs, during the begining it always starts
out following, but ends up mirroring. I guess I'm not exactly sure how to ask this.

April 9th, 2008, 04:25 AM
Ok, it's not really following MAP/MAF/ECT/DYNCYLAIR and then mirroring those...

It's being looked up in table B5913 using RPM and DYNCYLAIR_DMA as the 2 horizontal axis indexes...

if you enable pid linking you will see this.


April 9th, 2008, 04:58 AM
OK Joe...
I did link them, but didn't really see what I was missing (in my head)!
Now I see it. It just didn't look right to me before (the pattern).
But I SEE It's ok.
I am new at this, only had it for 4 months and 50,000 miles.
I have some serious engine problems, ate a cam and lifters at 97,000, was
replaced under gm warranty, but 15,000 miles later a loss of oil pressure,
knock sensor failure and lots of metal in the pan. Chevy says is not related
to the cam & lifter failure. Go fugure!
I replaced knock sensors (not fun on a van!), and am dealing with oil pressure. But that's when I changed the look of the charts, and noticed
what I thought didn't look right. So now I'm back on track.

Someone (actually lots of somones) here made the comment that there are
lots of ways to achive results, and I am trying every one of them!!!

(Running happily around 15.5:1)
Thanks again!

April 9th, 2008, 05:59 AM
No worries. :)

Good luck with your mechanical problems... metal in pan is usually a bad sign... :eek: