View Full Version : LMM Speedo Calculator

Redline Motorsports
April 27th, 2008, 02:11 AM
I am trying to adjust a speedo for larger tires. I tried using the speedo calculator and it didn't seem to work. Is there an issue with the LMM's or am I going about it the wrong way?

Using the calculator for comparing two tires sizes showed a .55% correction. Very small and the truck is only off 2-3 mph to the low side.

I adjusted the revs per mile and I think it narrowed it down from 5 mph off. Is this correct?


April 27th, 2008, 08:39 AM
Hi Howard,

There were some errors fixed with the speedo calculator in the latest Black Box logging beta release. I recommend using that software to calculate the new speedo values.

After downloading the software, search the Release Notes pdf file for "speedo". It will show you the fixes that were made to the speedo.


Redline Motorsports
April 28th, 2008, 05:51 AM
Good to know. I think I'll hold off until the stable release as everything has been working good. I think if I just fool with the REVS per MILE I'll get it done. We looked up the new tires R/P/M and will change that in that parameter.

