View Full Version : Scan doesn't find PCM - but everything else works ...

May 16th, 2008, 08:31 PM
Title says it - FlashScan connects to V2 just fine, as do Explorer and Tune ... Tune also doesn't have any problems reading PCM information. V2 displays information from the PCM just fine in scan mode, BB scan works ... but Scan fails to retrieve any data from the PCM ...

Running 7.5.4 w/ Firmware from May 12th ...

Have I missed changing anything in Flashscan? I have no problems connecting to the PCM w/ FlashScan via V1 ...

May 16th, 2008, 08:40 PM
Same problem here, think there's another reply in the BBL forum under the May 12th update.

May 16th, 2008, 08:52 PM
Title says it - FlashScan connects to V2 just fine, as do Explorer and Tune ... Tune also doesn't have any problems reading PCM information. V2 displays information from the PCM just fine in scan mode, BB scan works ... but Scan fails to retrieve any data from the PCM ...

Running 7.5.4 w/ Firmware from May 12th ...

Have I missed changing anything in Flashscan? I have no problems connecting to the PCM w/ FlashScan via V1 ...

Roll back the firmware and it should work again. Its been reported and there is a fix coming. It fails with VPW and cant find the PCM and then flicks over to Flashscan Cable Only as the controller.

May 16th, 2008, 09:33 PM
OK, tnx ... I thought I read everything in the Update threads, but must have missed that one ... May 9th version works...

May 17th, 2008, 01:24 AM
See starting from post #33: showthread.php?t=8033&page=4 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=8033&page=4)

May 17th, 2008, 01:27 AM
Title says it - FlashScan connects to V2 just fine, as do Explorer and Tune ... Tune also doesn't have any problems reading PCM information. V2 displays information from the PCM just fine in scan mode, BB scan works ... but Scan fails to retrieve any data from the PCM ...

Running 7.5.4 w/ Firmware from May 12th ...

Have I missed changing anything in Flashscan? I have no problems connecting to the PCM w/ FlashScan via V1 ...

Garry, I get the same results.