View Full Version : cant completely disable VATS in 01 holden SS?

May 16th, 2008, 10:25 PM
Hey guys,
Im installing an alarm system into a VX holden commodore and I am having a problem with the remote start due to VATS. I have set all anti-theft values to none, which has only half worked.... Now the car starts without the key head, but i need to press unlock on the key head first.....?

I cant figure it out, if I enable VATS then the car only starts with the head attached.......???

Any ideas? :shock:

May 17th, 2008, 03:39 AM
Sorry forgot to addm I'm running COS3 if that makes any difference?

May 17th, 2008, 04:01 AM
I am not sure about the Holden's but does GM offer a kit for this along with a new remote? It works with all of the factory components and won't cause other issues.

May 17th, 2008, 11:36 AM
The problem you have is the BCM still requires "disarming", it has control over the starter motor relay. The only way around that I can see is to rewire the starting circuit so it doesn't use the BCM.
Same sort of thing if you were doing a conversion of that motor into a different car.

May 24th, 2008, 03:55 PM
Hi All,
After looking at it further it is definately something to do with the tune/software.... Then start relay is grounded through a ecu collector, when the ecu recieves the class2 data for unlock then the start relay is grounded out which allows crank.

I tested starting the car with G1201 set to Class 2 and none and the car starts both times ony if the car is unlocked with the remote..... Which leads me to believe that it is not functional (if it was the bcm then it shouldnt stat at all when set to class2).

Any ideas?

I can just ground out the relay, but I dont believe that I sould have to.... And im not sure if it will effect anything (ie is this how the ecu knows when its cranking or not?)

May 24th, 2008, 03:57 PM
sorry forgot to post the tune.

May 24th, 2008, 07:41 PM
The starter relay is not driven by the PCM, rather the PIM, the PIM allows the starter realy to engage when the BCM has passed the key unlock, it has nothing to do with the PCM.


May 25th, 2008, 12:24 PM
Thank you for the clarification, all the schematics I could find had the relay grounding out to the PCM at WD5 (solid grey), I will rip the dash apart and check.

Out of interest, if it is the PIM that controlls the starter relay/immobiliser, why is G1201 inlcuded in the tune config if it cannot control it? No matter what option I set it to it does not do anything (and it specifically mentions holden)? I would have thought when set to class 2 it should stop the car from starting without the key head being read and not start at all when set to PWM?

Not trying to be a smart-arse, just want to make sure that all the info is available for the next person that attempts something similar...

May 25th, 2008, 01:04 PM
It's a funny system Holden used with the PIM.

The PCM will just cut injection, so with a mismatched VATS code (PCM and PIM different) the engine will run for 1/2 second then stop. This is independent of the key <> BCM codes.

It does have a failsafe mode though where you get a couple of starts from memory if communications is lost between the PCM and PIM. But, if the PCM see's the no start message from the PIM then it won't run.

FYI, the PIM is located in the left hand kick panel.


May 25th, 2008, 04:02 PM
Ross u da man! Cheers for that, seems holden just slapped it together without putting alot of thought into it :secret:

Any ideas if im going to cause any dramas by grounding the starter relay out (bypassing the PIM)?

The Alchemist
September 29th, 2011, 06:58 PM
I see you've had my problem before...... :) Paul emailed you today, my tune with the VATS disabled patch applied. The car had a custom HP tuners calibration in it but was running very poorly.
I full flashed the O/S in the email over it > no problem with the correct VIN for the car.
Then I flashed in a calc file with my base cam map that I prepared the night before.
Starts ok then stops after about 1 sec. Full flashed the no Vats patch in > no change.
Car stuck on dyno too :( its never easy.....