View Full Version : PID for AutoVE

May 20th, 2008, 07:06 AM
I tried to write up a PID list for BB logging, but somehow ended up with V2 not logging/displaying anything when selecting that PID list ...

I guess where I'm running into problems is getting the right Ids for my WB ... I have connected my LC-1 via the analog port 2 ATM, though hope to finish the custom cable for the serial logging before I leave for the track on Thursday ... which PIDs do I need to put in the list? I guess the 2nd analog port is WO2AFR2, correct? But which one is the serial port?

May 20th, 2008, 07:54 AM
Calc pids cannot be logged with V2 BBL...

You log the non-calc pids that they depend on (EXT.ADn), and later in the scantool you add in the AFR calc pids.

WO2AFR2 is a digital AFR pid, and is not related to analog AFR calc pid.

May 20th, 2008, 07:59 AM
I tried to write up a PID list for BB logging, but somehow ended up with V2 not logging/displaying anything when selecting that PID list ...

I guess where I'm running into problems is getting the right Ids for my WB ... I have connected my LC-1 via the analog port 2 ATM, though hope to finish the custom cable for the serial logging before I leave for the track on Thursday ... which PIDs do I need to put in the list? I guess the 2nd analog port is WO2AFR2, correct? But which one is the serial port?

The PIDs for AutoVE are mostly calculated PIDs which cannot be logged using BB logging. The AutoVE calculated PIDs (any calculated PIDs actually) can only be added once you extract the log file(s) from FlashScan and open them in the Scan Tool.

All you need to log during BB logging is the commanded AFR and the measured AFR.
For analog inputs you can only log the measure AFR input analog voltage - i.e. EXT.AD1 thru EXT.AD4.
For serial wide band you can log the measured AFR using: EXT.WO2AFR1
(Only use EXT.WO2AFR2 if you are reading data from 2 wide band controllers)


May 20th, 2008, 08:23 AM
Tnx! I know the calcs won't work ... ;) Just trying to locate which PIDs are which ...