View Full Version : Mhy Does it run better with MAP unplugged?

May 22nd, 2008, 12:00 PM
I've been fighting this now for a few weeks and getting nowhere. It's an LS1 with PRC 2.5 and MS3 cam, no biggie right? Hundreds of you guys out there are running this setup so why is it kicking my butt?

I hooked up a WB O2 today and it's running 17+ at idle, drops to 10 when I gun it and stays at 17 when I keep it anywhere from idle to 2500RPM. But it also acts like it's flooding when I start it, I have to give it 30-50 throttle to get it to start then is takes a few seconds to clear up and run, so it seems it's injecting too much on cranking.

So with being so desperate I starting screwing around and I unpluged the MAP senser and it runs 50% better, it will rev without stumbling and is just plain crisper but it's still way too lean.

I WILL PAY SOMEONE FOR A TUN FILE, seriously, I need to get this to the track and I dont have time for this. I have done 6 Holley Commander 950 cars and they are a million times easier to tune! All I want is it to idle decent, drive to the staging lines and floor it! I dont care about anything else!


May 25th, 2008, 11:37 AM
The MAP sensor- not the MAF?

May 29th, 2008, 11:24 AM
Give me a call, I should be able to help you out.