View Full Version : Hooking Lm1 up to flashscan v2

Aint Skeered
May 22nd, 2008, 11:06 PM
Joecar is helping me to hook up my lm1 to work with the efil live flashscan 2.
He recommended that I start a new thread but also wanted screen shots of the lm1 software where I change the voltage. Not sure how to do that yet but any advice on hooking up the wideband would be great .

WHat sections of the wideband voltage need to be fooled with?
what wires hook up to the analog on the flashscan?

all help is appreciated.

thanks, Chad.

May 23rd, 2008, 02:36 AM

I just pm'd you showing how to post screenshots.

With the LM Programmer software, test the LM-1->FlashScan interface like this:
- program a flat 1V, cycle power on the LM-1, see what voltage EFILive says;
- do same with 4V;
- if those are correct (1V and 4V respectively), then restore default in LM-1 (and cycle power).

With defaults, now you can use the already provided AFR and BEN calc pids for the LM-1... but do post a screenshot of the LM Programmer screen that shows what the LM-1 is programmed for (select AFR to make it easier to read).

Do you have FlashScan V1 or V2...?

The LM-1 has some features above the LC-1, so be sure to read its manual.


May 23rd, 2008, 10:34 AM
If you have FS2 then you should hook it up digitial. I was having trouble till Paul put up the diagram in the beta BBL logging. The easiest way for me was to use the mini-8 pin cable for LM1 and the RJ-12 cable for FS2 and connect the two with a null-modem m/m adaptor and I took an old serial cable (reversed pins 2 +3) plugged into the null-modem adapter and FS2 RJ-12 cable. Now I have same readouts as LM1 on FS screen. When I first tried to connect the two cables together with the null modem adapter the #2 and #3 pins were wrong and I kept getting (no controller found) When I made up the "serial cable adapter" changing pins 2+3 this fixed the problem.

May 23rd, 2008, 10:37 AM
See post #69: showthread.php?p=71182#post71182 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?p=71182#post71182)

If you do have a V2, then just connect digitially as 02ZO6 said....

but you will have to run the V2 BBL beta code... be sure to read and understand the Readme_First.pdf before proceeding.

Aint Skeered
May 25th, 2008, 12:42 AM
sorry guys, I have been real busy and have not been able to come check this thread. So Going bbl and digital is the way to go with the lm1, I have to remember how to go throught the changes again to upgrade my flash scan2 . I may try that .

If I buy a male male adabter , all I do is in the harness I a make up going rom the flash scan to the lm1 I just change I just reverse the 2 and 3 pins? I may try that. I am going to do some reading on the bbl, thanks Joe and 02zo6. I will get back to you all later when I am finished reading the read me and decide if I am going that route.

May 25th, 2008, 02:59 AM
No worries, take your time.

Use this V2 BBL upgrade: showthread.php?t=8103 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=8103)

Read the warnings, then read the Readme_First.pdf... this will make the upgrade go smooth.

V2 serial AFR cable: showthread.php?t=8115 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=8115)

Aint Skeered
May 26th, 2008, 12:04 PM
Ok I downloaded the file and was reading the read me but decided that after a lot of reading I think I am going to stick to what I have untill some more of the issues are all worked out. I dont have the knowledge to fix any bugs right now.

I am looking to hook up the lm1 analog style so any tips with that are greatly appreciated.

May 27th, 2008, 01:50 AM
Take the LM-1's analog signal output and signal ground and connect them to your FlashScan using the orange connector block (turn V2 over and see label showing polarity of each AD input... signal goes to AD+, ground goes to AD-).

Using the LM Programmer software set your LM-1 to default, and cycle power (reboots the LM-1).

Now you can select the LM-1 AFR/BEN calc pids.

Aint Skeered
May 27th, 2008, 12:07 PM
so it hooks to ad1? Any one know what color wire is which on the analog cable?

Aint Skeered
May 27th, 2008, 12:37 PM
I talked to Wait4me on the phone and he advises to go ahead and hook up the BBL and scan with a serial cable due to accuracy. I am going to read some more before I am a pain in the arse with you guys. I will read and read the read first page and then give this a try.

From WHat Wait4me told me ,the lm1 is not very accurate with analog and needs lots of calibrateing to be accurate. I am going to look more into this BBL. I will check back with you guy's tommorrow night.

Thanks, Chad.

May 27th, 2008, 12:57 PM
I don't know the colours of the wires the LM-1 has...

Read the Readme_First.pdf from the May 19th update over a few times... you should be fine.

Bruce Melton
May 27th, 2008, 10:40 PM
I have a LM-1 configured for both analog and serial and without proper V2 voltage offsets it is not accurate. With those adjustments it is very good.
I urge you to go serial.

Aint Skeered
May 27th, 2008, 11:30 PM
i am doing it right now but mylast update is v2_4_70ffw. where do i get the required
v2_4_72ffw at?

Aint Skeered
May 27th, 2008, 11:43 PM
i am still on boot block 2.04.10

Where do i start?

May 28th, 2008, 02:07 AM
Unzip the May 19th update to a folder, and copy the contents of that folder to C:\My Programs\EFILive

this will update folder V7.5 add a new folder V8 and the file Readme_First.pdf...

if you now look in folder C:\Program Files\EFILive\V7.5 you will see the file FSProg_V2_4_72.ffw and the programming tool for it.

The Readme_First.pdf has instructions for this.

May 28th, 2008, 02:16 AM
Do step 1. and report back...

Upgrading the boot block and firmware of your FlashScan device:

The following steps, described in detail in the next few pages are required.

If you have already performed any of theses steps during previous beta updates you do not need to perform them again. Simply start from the first step that you have not performed yet.

If FlashScan has boot block V2.04.xx or earlier, please perform these steps:
1. Program firmware V2.04.72. <---- see below
2. Use FlashScan’s menu option to upgrade the boot block to V2.05.08.
3. Program firmware V2.05.17(0519).

How to program the V2.04.72 firmware:

You only need to perform this firmware upgrade if you have not already upgraded to V2.04.72 firmware. You must install firmware V2.04.72 before you can upgrade FlashScan’s boot block to V2.05.08.

1. Connect FlashScan to your PC while holding down the Ctrl button on FlashScan's keypad. That will put FlashScan into dead-poll mode ready for reprogramming.2. Run the FlashScan Firmware Programmer from Windows:
Start menu->All Programs->EFILive V7.5->Update FlashScan V2 Firmware.

3. Load the FlashScan Firmware File: \Program Files\EFILive\V7.5\FSProg_V2_4_72.ffw

4. Click the [Program] button and wait for FlashScan to restart.
While the firmware is being programmed a "percentage complete" counter will be displayed from 0% to 100%. Sometimes that counter may "freeze", however the reprogramming process will continue. It should be complete in less than 20 seconds. A dialog box indicating success will be displayed when the programming is complete.

Aint Skeered
May 28th, 2008, 02:30 AM
Thanks Joe, I just ordered a null modem from the sight you posted for me.

I will give this a shot and check back later.

i have to give asprin a chance to work.:shock:

Aint Skeered
May 28th, 2008, 02:33 AM
Unzip the May 19th update to a folder, and copy the contents of that folder to C:\My Programs\EFILive

this will update folder V7.5 add a new folder V8 and the file Readme_First.pdf...

if you now look in folder C:\Program Files\EFILive\V7.5 you will see the file FSProg_V2_4_72.ffw and the programming tool for it.

The Readme_First.pdf has instructions for this.

When I saved the zip folder , it went to my desk top. Do I just drag it into my efi live7.5 file? or copy it from desk top to efi live 7.5 . Same thing I think.

May 28th, 2008, 02:39 AM
Right click on the zip folder and select extract all to a new folder (in case it screws up)...
and then copy the contents of the new folder to C:\Program Files\EFILive.

[extracting is like copying the zip folder's content files... when they leave the zip they get "extracted"]

Aint Skeered
May 28th, 2008, 02:43 AM
Ok , I will try that.

Aint Skeered
May 28th, 2008, 07:18 AM
0k i done the firmware upgrade to 4_72. now what

May 28th, 2008, 07:47 AM
If FlashScan has boot block V2.04.xx or earlier, please perform these steps:
1. Program firmware V2.04.72.
2. Use FlashScan’s menu option to upgrade the boot block to V2.05.08.
3. Program firmware V2.05.17(0519).

How to perform the initial update to boot block to V2.05.08:

Select the FlashScan Upgrade Boot-block menu option using the FlashScan keypad sequence:
F4->F1->F4. You will be asked to confirm the upgrade process a number of times as per the following screen captures.

Before the upgrade process can be completed, FlashScan will test the flash memory chip to ensure it is operating correctly. If the flash memory test fails you will not be able to upgrade your FlashScan unit. In that case, please return it to the place of purchase for repair.

Upgrade Bootblock
to V2.5.08?
Press [Yes]

The flash memory will
now be tested.
The test will take
5 min, continue?"
Press [Yes]

Flash memory test
Press [Yes]

Do not remove
power during the
upgrade process.
Press [Ok]

A successful upgrade
will be indicated by
alternate flashing
orange LEDs.
Press [Ok]

The upgrade process
CANNOT be undone.
Press [Yes]

Press [Yes]


The upgrade process will take about 5 seconds to complete, then the screen backlight will be turned off (the text will be dark but just visible) and the two orange LEDs will flash alternately to indicate dead-poll mode. Dead-poll mode means that FlashScan is waiting to be programmed with new firmware. See “How to program new firmware into FlashScan” below.

See the last part (in blue) ---> now do step 3 (see below).

May 28th, 2008, 08:11 AM
If FlashScan has boot block V2.04.xx or earlier, please perform these steps:
1. Program firmware V2.04.72.2. Use FlashScan’s menu option to upgrade the boot block to V2.05.08.
3. Program firmware V2.05.17(0519).

How to program new firmware into FlashScan:

1. With FlashScan already connected, run the EFILive Explorer program by double clicking
on it. You can find it here: \Program Files\EFILive\V8\EFILive_Hapi\EFILive_Explorer.exe .
If FlashScan is already in dead poll mode when EFILive_Explorer connects, an error will
be displayed, usually $0109 <it's ok, not a problem>. That is just the boot block rejecting a command from
EFILive_Explorer that was directed at the inactive firmware. Future versions of
EFILive_Explorer will deal with dead poll mode more elegantly.

2. Select the [Firmware] tab page; click [Refresh] to read the firmware details. Check that
the boot block Version and Date are what you expect them to be.
Note: The firmware Version and Date will be N/A if a new boot block has just been

3. Click on the [...] button and select the desired firmware file:
browse to this folder: C:Program Files\EFILive\V8\Firmware
and select this file: FSProgV2_05_17(0519).efw

4. Uncheck the Boot block check box.

5. Click on the [Program] button.
While FlashScan's firmware is being programmed a "percentage complete" counter will
be displayed from 0% to 100%. Sometimes that counter may "freeze", however the
reprogramming process will continue. It should be complete in less than 20 seconds. A
dialog box indicating success will be displayed when the programming is complete.

6. Click [Ok] and wait for FlashScan to reboot.
And after V2 reboots goto the next step (see next post)...

May 28th, 2008, 08:12 AM
And the when V2 reboots after doing the steps in the previous post:

After programming the V2.05.xx boot block and matching firmware (for the first time), a
license update screen will appear:

The License upgrade will occur automatically (and only) the first time FlashScan
is booted after the new 2.05.xx boot block and matching firmware have been

The license structures stored inside FlashScan need to be upgraded. FlashScan will check the license structures each time it re-boots. If it detects the old style license structures it will upgrade the license structures. In that case, you will be prompted with the following messages:

Boot block has
been upgraded.
License will
be upgraded now.
Press [Ok]

Do not remove
power during the
upgrade process.
Press [Ok]

If the license upgrade is successful you will see the following message:
Press [Ok]

If you do not see the message above, the license upgrade was not successful. In that case you must return FlashScan to EFILive for repair.

Aint Skeered
May 28th, 2008, 08:19 AM
alright, I just finished upgrading to bbl. I was doing good untill it said to go to efi explorer and configure files.

I dont know what to look for to move.

May 28th, 2008, 08:32 AM
Did it do the license update successfully...?

Does EFILive Explorer (EE) show V2 having bootblock 2.05.08 and firmware 2.05.17...?

What car do you have...?

Position to EE on Config tab in the lower pane and then:

1. click on Format and let it finish,

2. in the upper pane of EE browse to the folder: C:\Program Files\EFILive\V8\Config and you should see a bunch of *.pmm files and a file Options.ini... go ctrl-A to select all files in the upper pane, then using your mouse drag them to the inside of the lower pane (under the Config tab)... EE should show that it's copying those files.

---> see page 10 of the Readme_First.pdf

Then on V2 itself:

1. Format the SD memory card and/or the internal data space,

2. Select pids and start logging.

---> see page 11 of the Readme_First.pdf.

May 28th, 2008, 08:33 AM
Also, have a reread of all the .pdf files in the Program Files\EFILive folder.

May 28th, 2008, 08:35 AM
If your car is:
- 97/98 LS1/LS6 -> you only need to copy LS1A*.pmm and Options.ini.
- 99+ LS1/LS6 -> you only need to copy LS1B*.pmm and Options.ini.
- other-> you need to copy files for that car.

Aint Skeered
May 28th, 2008, 10:16 AM
I dont have my car with me so I was just doing the update to the v2. I use it on a 2005 avalanch and my 2000 trans am. Soon to be tuning a 64 chevyII with a ls1 and 02 operating system. So I need to copy files for all of them.

My flash scan shows that it is updated with the right boot block and firmware but I just did not know what to do with the file configureation.

I seen what files you were talking about in the config folder. Just press control and click all the files then drag down to the lower section. I will get that and then I will need to see about how to format the SD memory on the V2 .

May 28th, 2008, 10:39 AM
First, Format the Config space (under the Config tab click on Format).

Yes, select all files by doing Ctrl-A (they get highlighted) and then drag/drop to Config tab area.

Aint Skeered
May 28th, 2008, 11:14 PM
Ok I done that. I also went on my flash scan and formatted the internal memory but the sd card said error, Card not found.

When I choose Pids, do I have to be hooked to a car for that to be selected? Again , that shows an error because I did not have it hooked up to the diagnostic port.

I am going to try to go home after work today, we are in the shipyard so I may be able to try it.

May 29th, 2008, 02:24 AM
What SD card do you have...?

Aint Skeered
May 29th, 2008, 03:50 AM
:help2:I dont even think I have a card but I will check if I knew how and what to look for.

Aint Skeered
May 31st, 2008, 05:46 AM
I feel like a jack ass. I will take an sd card from my wifes camera and see if it is the right one. I used my flashscan this morning with out a lap top and it worked great. I think I have it all booted right. Thanks for the help, I am waiting on my Null motom to arrive through snail mail and then I can hook up my lm1. Thanks again, Chad.

Aint Skeered
May 31st, 2008, 09:28 AM
One more update. I got my Null Modem in the male and hooked it up to the flash scan. Worked great, air fuel shows on my flashscan now . I have not hooked up with the laptop attached to see how that goes but should work . I dont have time today to go do any driving with the Trans Am ( kids dance recitals tonight) So that will more then likely wait untill Tuesday when i am off next . Again, Thanks to all that offerred help. I am glad I grew the balls to load the bbl update.

May 31st, 2008, 01:22 PM

Aint Skeered
June 1st, 2008, 11:13 AM
ok , I tried to hook it up with the laptop and I am not getting any readings from my lm1 through my flashscan to my lap top. I try to look on my flashscan and it says in pass through mode when the cable is hooked up through to the laptop.

Did I miss something?

Aint Skeered
June 1st, 2008, 11:31 AM
Also, How do I pull logs off of my flash scan and read them on my scan tool on the laptop?

Bruce Melton
June 1st, 2008, 10:08 PM
Not sure the pass through mode is been proven at this point. I am at the same point with my LM-1> works serial but no pass through.

Aint Skeered
June 1st, 2008, 11:55 PM
SO how do I get my log file from the flash scan to the laptop? SO I can do auto ve finally

June 2nd, 2008, 01:57 AM
At present you have to log the wideband AFR/BEN in BBL mode (don't have to bring your laptop on your drive)...

after taking one or more logs, you connect V2 to your PC/laptop, start EFILive Explorer (EE) and copy the log file(s) from V2's Scan Files tab to a folder on your hard drive... then you exit EE and start the scantool to view those log file(s) in the usual manner.

June 2nd, 2008, 01:59 AM
SanDisk 2GB SD memory cards are about $5 from Amazon (the non-retail package):

lol... I bought several of those at $7 each, and then that same week the priced dropped to under $5. :doh2:

Aint Skeered
June 2nd, 2008, 02:21 AM
Joe I looked at the Amazon link you posted and its saying $11.88. I may buy one local tonight if its the same as one for a camera. I am ready to get this thing started with my Ve table.

June 2nd, 2008, 02:22 AM
Like this...

June 2nd, 2008, 02:25 AM
Joe I looked at the Amazon link you posted and its saying $11.88. I may buy one local tonight if its the same as one for a camera. I am ready to get this thing started with my Ve table.Click on "18 New and Used"... you will see some new ones for $4.90.

Aint Skeered
June 2nd, 2008, 02:32 AM
:cheers:Thanks Joe. you have been a lifesaver for a rookie

Aint Skeered
June 2nd, 2008, 03:01 AM
Thanks again, I just ordered one.

June 2nd, 2008, 07:30 AM
No worries...:cheers:

When you get it be sure to format it via the V2 menus.

Aint Skeered
June 2nd, 2008, 08:33 AM
ok that was the last part of the read me first right?

June 2nd, 2008, 09:28 AM
ok that was the last part of the read me first right?Yes.

Aint Skeered
June 3rd, 2008, 03:45 AM
At present you have to log the wideband AFR/BEN in BBL mode (don't have to bring your laptop on your drive)...

after taking one or more logs, you connect V2 to your PC/laptop, start EFILive Explorer (EE) and copy the log file(s) from V2's Scan Files tab to a folder on your hard drive... then you exit EE and start the scantool to view those log file(s) in the usual manner.

alright, I try to view the log after moving it to my logged data folder and it shows on scan tool with and error saying BBL00001.efi can only be loaded using EFILive version v7.5 or later.

I am using 7.5 so I dont understand what is going on.:help2:

June 3rd, 2008, 05:11 AM
You clicked on a shortcut to start the scantool... that shortcut is pointing to C:\Program FIles\V7 instead of C:\Program Files\EFILIve\V7.5.

Goto that folder (V7.5), and on each of the scantool and tunetool do rightclick->Create Shortcut (send to desktop)... you can then use these shortcuts tp open the scantool/tunetool (and delete your old shortcuts).

Then with either tool running, go Help->About and verify it says "Build 56".

Aint Skeered
June 3rd, 2008, 05:21 AM
Joe mine says build 36

Aint Skeered
June 3rd, 2008, 05:22 AM
I dont get it, I did all the updates ( I thought I did) and I missed this one I guess. Do i have to start over or can I update to build 56? if so where is it?

June 3rd, 2008, 06:02 AM
The update does not update the shortcuts used to start the scantool and tunetool.

Goto the folder C:\Program Files\EFILIve\V7.5 and on each of the scantool and tunetool do rightclick->Create Shortcut (send to desktop)...

you can then use these new shortcuts tp open the scantool/tunetool (and delete your old shortcuts).

Then with either tool running, go Help->About and verify it says "Build 56".

June 3rd, 2008, 06:04 AM
You got it working.... cool...:cheers:

Aint Skeered
June 4th, 2008, 06:11 AM
Well its working but when I went for a drive with just the v2 hooked up and came home to hook to my laptop and view the log so I can do a ve auto tune, no wideband is shown. On my v2 its shows lm1 in lamda instead of eq or afr unless I go under the wideband section(f3) then it shows afr and eq ratio.

I cant do auto ve as when I play the file on my scan tool on the laptop, it does not show the wideband and all my map shows is 0.00 for cell value.

I talked to wait4me and he said he is running on build 60 and that my build 56 must not show the serial in the external system section of pids.

what do I do now?

June 4th, 2008, 07:25 AM
Open the BBL log in the scantool, goto the Data (F9) tab, check if these pids are displayed:

If they are not, then something's wrong with your Options.ini file, or Jesse may be right.

If they are, then goto the PIDs tab and make select the following pids:

save the log file over itself;

add a dash guage/chart for BEN1 or BEN2.

Post your log file and your Options.ini file, I'll take a look.


Aint Skeered
June 4th, 2008, 05:37 PM
i think this is right, let me know if this is what you need.

Aint Skeered
June 4th, 2008, 05:37 PM
where do Ifind my option ini

June 5th, 2008, 01:33 AM
Options.ini is located in this folder: C:\Program Files\EFILive\V8\Config

June 5th, 2008, 01:50 AM
The second log shows that your WB serial logging is working
(open the log file, select, the pid BEN1 on the PIDs tab, and do File->Save):

Aint Skeered
June 5th, 2008, 02:10 AM
ok joe, I found my options ini file , but it wont load to post on here. Is there any way I can email it to you to look at? I went to my scantool and opened my pids and Dont see one available to log on bin.

Aint Skeered
June 5th, 2008, 02:23 AM
Is it base efficiency numerator 1 ? under the Caption section is say's Ben_Lm11

if so then that section shows an X through my pid saying it is not a valid pid, select it anyway?

June 5th, 2008, 02:32 AM
BEN1 pid:
on the PIDs tab, click on title of the column named "Parameter", this sorts alphabetically by this column...
look down this column and you will see BEN1.

Posting Options.ini:
To post your Options.ini, copy it to your desktop, rename the copy to "Options.txt" and post that.

Aint Skeered
June 5th, 2008, 02:55 AM
the closest I could find to that was the base eff. numerator Ben lm1.

I tried to change the options INI to txt on desktop and it still say's Options INI is invalid when I go to upload.

Aint Skeered
June 5th, 2008, 03:10 AM
;PID selection list
; Cap1 and Cap2 form the "on-screen" display option from which the user may select.
; Controllers lists 1 or 2 "&" seperated pid memory map (*.pmm) files.
; PSL is the PID Selection defined later in this file
; PCU is the PID Custom Units defined later in this file
;Cap1 Cap2 Controllers (Engine&Trans) PSL PCU
;------- -------- -------------------------- ---------- --------
LS1 98, Manual, LS1A_M.pmm, PSL_98, PCU
LS1 98, Auto, LS1A_A.pmm, PSL_98, PCU
LS1 99+, Manual, LS1B_M.pmm, PSL_LS1, PCU
LS1 99+, Auto, LS1B_A.pmm, PSL_LS1, PCU
P10, Manual, P10_M.pmm, PSL_LS1, PCU
P10, Auto, P10_A.pmm, PSL_LS1, PCU
P12, Manual, P12_M.pmm, PSL_LS1, PCU
P12, Manual, P12_A.pmm, PSL_LS1, PCU
E40, Manual, E40.pmm, PSL_LS2, PCU
E40, Auto, E40.pmm&T42.pmm, PSL_LS2, PCU
E38, Manual, E38.pmm, PSL_LS2, PCU
E38, Auto, E38.pmm&T43.pmm, PSL_LS2, PCU
E67, Manual, E67.pmm, PSL_LS2, PCU
E67, Auto, E67.pmm&T43.pmm, PSL_LS2, PCU
LB7, Manual, LB7.pmm, PSL_LB7, PCU
LB7, Auto, LB7.pmm&AL5.pmm, PSL_LB7, PCU
LLY, Manual, LLY.pmm, PSL_LB7, PCU
LLY, Auto, LLY.pmm&AL5.pmm, PSL_LB7, PCU
LBZ, Manual, LBZ.pmm, PSL_LBZ, PCU
LBZ, Auto, LBZ.pmm&AL5.pmm, PSL_LBZ, PCU
LMM, Manual, LMM.pmm, PSL_LBZ, PCU
LMM, Auto, LMM.pmm&AL5.pmm, PSL_LBZ, PCU

; __________________________________________________ _______________________
; PID Selection List
; ----------------------
; Node: Is one of PCM, ECM or TCM (use "-" for external PIDs).
; PCM = Powertran controller, engine and trans combined into one controller.
; ECM = Dedicated engine controller only.
; TCM = Dedicated transmission controller only.
; If you are unsure whether to use ECM or PCM, use PCM. PCM will match both ECM and PCM.
; The Node specified from which controller the PID will be retrieved.
; i.e. ECM-RPM v's TCM-RPM.
; PIDs: Is one or more "|" seperated PID names. The first valid PID will be used.
; Alarm: Is 5 ":" seperated fields:
; min: Minimum value, below which the alarm will sound.
; max: Maximum value, above which the alarm will sound.
; style: Is one of:
; 0 = No sound, No LEDs
; 1 = Low pitch
; 2 = Medium Pitch
; 3 = High Pitch
; 4 = Very high Pitch
; 16 = Illuminate LED 1
; 32 = Illuminate LED 2
; 48 = Illuminate LED 3
; 64 = Illuminate LED 4
; 128 = Illuminate LED 5
; Add Pitch and LED values together to enable audio and visual alarms.
; For example, for Medium Pitch and LED 4, use 2+64 = 66
; time: Time (in 10ms increments) for which alarm will be sounded.
; hold: Time (in seconds) for which the displayed value will be frozen (not implemented yet).

this is what my pid selection looks like in my Options ini. file.

Aint Skeered
June 5th, 2008, 03:12 AM
;Node PIDs (pid1|pid2|...|pidn) Alarm (min:max:style:time*10ms:hold*sec)
;---- -------------------------- -----------------------------------------
PCM, ECT, -40:110:1:1:0
PCM, RPM, 0:6500:2:1:0
-, WO2ST1
-, WO2ST2
-, WO2LAM1
-, WO2LAM2
-, WO2AFR1
-, WO2AFR2

THis is for the Ls1

June 5th, 2008, 05:22 AM
the closest I could find to that was the base eff. numerator Ben lm1.Under the PIDs tab, uncheck Supported, and resort on the Parameters column (if it shows reverse alphabet order, then click on column heading again), and find CALC.BEN1.

You have to have CALC.BEN1.


Aint Skeered
June 5th, 2008, 07:27 AM
Joe, I dont have it. Is there any thing I can do to get it?

June 5th, 2008, 07:33 AM
If you copied the V7.5 folder from the May 19th update then you should have it...

I'll pm tech support.

Aint Skeered
June 5th, 2008, 08:43 AM
That is the last update I had. I followed along with the readfirst and this is where I AM at now.

Thanks , Chad.

June 5th, 2008, 10:56 AM
Try this: on the PIDs tab, click on the heading "Caption" and see if you can find BEN1.

Aint Skeered
June 5th, 2008, 11:18 AM
everything that say's Ben has base efficiency numerator befor it in the description and behind ben is lm1 or whatever type of wideband is being used.

June 5th, 2008, 12:39 PM
Open the file:
\Program Files\EFILive\V7.5\Configuration\sae_generic.txt

Search for CALC.BEN1
If it is not in that file then you don't have the latest version.

This is what should be in the file for the serial wideband BENs:

CALC.BEN1 F54C CLC-00-960 factor O2-Wide "BEN Factor Bank 1, Serial Wideband, LS1 style"
CALC.BEN2 F54D CLC-00-961 factor O2-Wide "BEN Factor Bank 2, Serial Wideband, LS1 style"

Aint Skeered
June 5th, 2008, 01:37 PM
# Serial Wide Band BEN factors
# =============================
factor 0.0 2.0 .1 "{EXT.WO2AFR1}/{GM.AFR}"
factor 0.0 2.0 .1 "{EXT.WO2AFR2}/{GM.AFR}"
factor 0.0 2.0 .1 "{EXT.WO2AFR1}/{GM.AFR_B}"
factor 0.0 2.0 .1 "{EXT.WO2AFR2}/{GM.AFR_B}"

THis is what mine shows

Aint Skeered
June 5th, 2008, 01:51 PM
CALC.BEN1 F54C CLC-00-960 factor O2-Wide "BEN Factor Bank 1, Serial Wideband, LS1 style"
CALC.BEN2 F54D CLC-00-961 factor O2-Wide "BEN Factor Bank 2, Serial Wideband, LS1

ok I found this with a search feature I did not know was in there.

Aint Skeered
June 5th, 2008, 01:52 PM
Open the file:
\Program Files\EFILive\V7.5\Configuration\sae_generic.txt

Search for CALC.BEN1
If it is not in that file then you don't have the latest version.

This is what should be in the file for the serial wideband BENs:

CALC.BEN1 F54C CLC-00-960 factor O2-Wide "BEN Factor Bank 1, Serial Wideband, LS1 style"
CALC.BEN2 F54D CLC-00-961 factor O2-Wide "BEN Factor Bank 2, Serial Wideband, LS1 style"

Ok so now that its in there, why cant I see it as a pid?

June 5th, 2008, 02:19 PM
Under the PIDs tab, uncheck Supported, and resort on the Parameters column (if it shows reverse alphabet order, then click on column heading again), and find CALC.BEN1.

Make sure you uncheck the Supported check box like Joe said.

Aint Skeered
June 5th, 2008, 02:27 PM
I did that and it was not checked. Still not working

Aint Skeered
June 5th, 2008, 02:31 PM
also most all of the Ben pids have a x though them.

June 5th, 2008, 03:43 PM
you need to select the related PIDs to the one you want.
then the BEN PIDs (that are relative)will be accessible.

Aint Skeered
June 5th, 2008, 03:54 PM
ok but I still dont see the pids I am supposed to see

Aint Skeered
June 5th, 2008, 04:01 PM
any help is greatly appreciated. I have a head ache now, I will be back in the morning.

June 5th, 2008, 04:11 PM

Do this:
- under the pids tab click on the column heading "Caption",
- scroll down until you see the pids beginning with B in the Caption column,
- take a screenshot and post it.

If you do see a BEN1 pid, select it (even if it has an X thru it),
then do rightclick->More Info on it to see what other pids it requires to be selected.


Aint Skeered
June 6th, 2008, 12:01 AM
Joe I was going to do a screen shot based off of the instructions you gave to do so but dont know how to use the Irfanview.
I dont see the Ben1 pid at all in my pid list.

Aint Skeered
June 6th, 2008, 12:58 AM
i Down loaded Irfanview and still cant get it to get a picture of the scan tool when I hit shit and print screen at the same time nothing happens,

I go to irfanview and there is nothing to paste or dont know how to past as when I right click , a hand comes up telling me to stop.

June 6th, 2008, 02:35 AM
Can you attach your sae_generic.txt file to this thread...?

Or try the sae_generic.txt I attached to this post.

June 6th, 2008, 02:37 AM
While holding SHIFT you do PrntScrn...?

Then in IrfanView and/or Paint you are not allowed to paste...?

Hmmm... double check your steps...

Aint Skeered
June 6th, 2008, 04:05 AM
hows this

Aint Skeered
June 6th, 2008, 04:34 AM

just testing

Aint Skeered
June 6th, 2008, 04:45 AM

maybe this will work. as you can see there is no Calc Ben1

June 6th, 2008, 08:30 AM
Looks like your install of EFILive_Scan is not using the sae_generic.txt that it should be. you probably have more than one sae_generic.txt on your system.

Check the Scan Tool Properties window on the [Folders] tab page and see what folder Configuration is set to.
It should be \Program Files\EFILive\V7.5\Configuration.
I'm guessing it is still set to the old V7 folder and therefor EFILive is loading the old V7 sae_generic.txt file.

Just to test that, rename the folder:
\Program Files\EFILive\V7 to \Program Files\EFILive\V7_old
\My Documents\EFILive\V7 to \My Documents\EFILive\V7_old

If that breaks EFILive and causes it to get errors when starting up then you know your V7.5 install is using some V7 files.

Exit from all EFILive software, run the regedit program and delete the EFILive V7 and V7.5 keys:

Then restart the scan tool, it should pick up the new V7.5 folders correctly this time. Make sure the start menu shortcuts and desktop shortcuts are actually running the V7.5 software and not still running the V7 software.

P.S. A complete install for V7.5 is currently being tested. This type of problem will be avoided once the installable version is available.


Aint Skeered
June 7th, 2008, 12:15 AM

this is what it shows . Says I am on 7.5

June 7th, 2008, 12:27 AM
Hmm, strange.

One way to tell for sure is to change the description (in sae_generic.txt) of one of the PID that you CAN see. Then re-start the scan tool software and check to make sure the description displayed by EFILive has changed. That will definitively tell us whether or not the sea_generic.txt file is actually being used by EFILive.


Aint Skeered
June 7th, 2008, 12:34 AM
Just went in and changed the name to v7old and my scantool still starts up fine. Does the v2 have to be plugged in to test this?

Aint Skeered
June 7th, 2008, 12:35 AM
Hmm, strange.

One way to tell for sure is to change the description (in sae_generic.txt) of one of the PID that you CAN see. Then re-start the scan tool software and check to make sure the description displayed by EFILive has changed. That will definitively tell us whether or not the sea_generic.txt file is actually being used by EFILive.


Ok I will try that now

Aint Skeered
June 7th, 2008, 12:43 AM
I was looking to change one that is for G-Force but did not see it in generic. I will change one and get back to you. I have to go put a motor in a car , be back later.

Aint Skeered
June 7th, 2008, 03:00 PM
Looks like your install of EFILive_Scan is not using the sae_generic.txt that it should be. you probably have more than one sae_generic.txt on your system.

Check the Scan Tool Properties window on the [Folders] tab page and see what folder Configuration is set to.
It should be \Program Files\EFILive\V7.5\Configuration.
I'm guessing it is still set to the old V7 folder and therefor EFILive is loading the old V7 sae_generic.txt file.

Just to test that, rename the folder:
\Program Files\EFILive\V7 to \Program Files\EFILive\V7_old
\My Documents\EFILive\V7 to \My Documents\EFILive\V7_old

If that breaks EFILive and causes it to get errors when starting up then you know your V7.5 install is using some V7 files.

Exit from all EFILive software, run the regedit program and delete the EFILive V7 and V7.5 keys:

Then restart the scan tool, it should pick up the new V7.5 folders correctly this time. Make sure the start menu shortcuts and desktop shortcuts are actually running the V7.5 software and not still running the V7 software.

P.S. A complete install for V7.5 is currently being tested. This type of problem will be avoided once the installable version is available.

i did the change to v7old and it did not effect anything . How do I do this regedit program. i would like to to get rid of all the unused v7 stuff so it does not mess up my system;.

Aint Skeered
June 7th, 2008, 03:01 PM
Hmm, strange.

One way to tell for sure is to change the description (in sae_generic.txt) of one of the PID that you CAN see. Then re-start the scan tool software and check to make sure the description displayed by EFILive has changed. That will definitively tell us whether or not the sea_generic.txt file is actually being used by EFILive.


I changed my tech edge afr pid and it did not seem to change anything. I am not sure if I did it right though.

June 7th, 2008, 09:00 PM
From Windows Desktop, do Start->Run and type in regedit and press OK.

Use the search function.

Be careful not to delete something that matters.

June 8th, 2008, 12:47 AM
If you don't know what you are doing in the registry I would suggest you "export" the registry so you can repair if needed .
You can do a search in the registry to find all entries of a certain program , use "find" function for that .

Bruce Melton
June 8th, 2008, 01:37 AM
I might suggest you wait until the next release of BBL to arrive before you get too far into complex tailored fixes.

I have the same issues with my LM-1 and PLX and chose to wait for the generic resolution rather than bog the brains of the EFILive team with specifics. Just my approach-

Aint Skeered
June 8th, 2008, 01:43 AM
ok, i read on it. i browsed around and without wanting to 2 files shifted over into the big section.

i am going to leave that alone untill i get some one to help me with that.

Aint Skeered
June 8th, 2008, 01:57 AM
I might suggest you wait until the next release of BBL to arrive before you get too far into complex tailored fixes.

I have the same issues with my LM-1 and PLX and chose to wait for the generic resolution rather than bog the brains of the EFILive team with specifics. Just my approach-

That was going to be in my last post but chose not to post it. I am going to wait as I spend way to much time trying to fix this .

My car is tuned good enough to drive right now so hopefully the fix will come out soon to finish the tune. Thanks for everyones help , Chad.

June 8th, 2008, 03:41 AM
I'm scratching my head... I can't figure out why you don't see BEN1... :nixweiss:

When I load your log into the scantool on my 2 laptops and 1 desktop I can find it and select it, it shows valid data.

It must be something to do with your PC...

I'm sorry we couldn't get it sorted out.

Aint Skeered
June 8th, 2008, 11:56 PM
Joe, I am thinking about saving all my files to a flash scan and then uninstall efi live from the computer. Go back in here and start over. WOuld that maybe get rid of my problem?

I just dont like to quit.

Aint Skeered
June 8th, 2008, 11:59 PM
one more question, I used my dads laptop for a long time before getting this one. he still has efi live installed on his but not with the updates I just done for bbl. SHould I be able to view it with the 7.5 or would Ihave to down load something to his laptop so I could try it on his?

I can use his again untill mine the update comes out also.

June 9th, 2008, 01:43 AM
On your dad's laptop, all you have to do is copy the V7.5 folder from the May 19th update to his C:\Program Files\EFILive folder, create new desktop shortcuts to the scantool/tunetool, and you should be able to view the BBL log file.

June 9th, 2008, 01:46 AM
Joe, I am thinking about saving all my files to a flash scan and then uninstall efi live from the computer. Go back in here and start over. WOuld that maybe get rid of my problem?

I just dont like to quit.You could do that... you would have to start with the current version V7.5.3 on the forum and then copy the May 19th update over it (make new shortcuts)... you don't have to update your V2 since it is already done.

June 9th, 2008, 01:47 AM
In the scantool you may have to go Edit->Properties->Folders and set the correct folder locations.

Do this first before starting over.

Aint Skeered
June 15th, 2008, 12:46 AM
any more updates yet?