View Full Version : AutoCal Beta

June 6th, 2008, 12:50 PM
For reference, my AutoCal beta unit arrived with no cables- not a problem because you can borrow the necessary cables from a V2. Not knowing what to expect, I plugged AC into a vehicle and received a "No PIDS" selected message, whereupon I plugged it into my laptop to download some PIDs. Tried to down load them and received a 0182 error code. So I used EFILive Explorer to format the "Config" area of AC memory and then I downloaded the Options file along with the pmm files I plan to use. (Same files as I use in V2.) Plugged AC back into a vehicle and selected "Display Data" and everything worked fine. Then I tried to log data and received a 0185 error. Next I plugged AC back into my laptop, selected the "Scan Files" tab and got another 0182 error. I couldn't find any way to format Scan Files memory with EFILive Explorer so I started snooping around AC and found a "Format File Sys" option. (After plugging AC in, scroll down to "AutoCal Options", select it, then scroll down to "Format File Sys".) Everything appears to be working properly now.

Update- Dragged the log file from AC into my laptop. The file opened fine and displayed data accurately. Suggestion: Make the default file name other than BBL (ACBBL perhaps) to avoid file name conflicts between V2 and AC data logs.

June 6th, 2008, 04:52 PM
Thanks for the post. I didnt know about the format file sys option in AC.

June 6th, 2008, 11:02 PM
Good detective work Dave :)

Right now, AutoCal is set up to mimic the behavior of FlashScan, so what you do for FlashScan BBL you do the same for AutoCal.

The menu structures (including the format file system option) are shown in the attached file

June 6th, 2008, 11:11 PM
Suggestion: Make the default file name other than BBL (ACBBL perhaps) to avoid file name conflicts between V2 and AC data logs.

Interesting idea - I had not thought of that.

Meanwhile you could set the File # in the AutoCal settings to a large value (i.e. 50000). That would create two "name spaces":
1. FlashScan from 00000 to 49999
2. AutoCal from 50000 to 99999

Note: Changing that setting by 50,000 using AuotCal's keypad could be a bit tedious... Those settings will all be configurable from the PC eventually.


June 12th, 2008, 01:29 PM
Either AutoCal has developed a mind of it's own, or my memory has developed a mind of its own. As I remember it, the first time I changed settings, they were permanent. Now, it won't retain any changes except date and time. I tried "Restore Settings", which reset the file counter to 0, but if I change that, units, or Lo-Power, the changes only stay as long as power is applied. Once the unit is unplugged and plugged in again, all values have reverted to their default settings. Am I remembering incorrectly- do these values have to be reset every time AutoCal is plugged in?

June 12th, 2008, 02:52 PM
Either AutoCal has developed a mind of it's own, or my memory has developed a mind of its own. As I remember it, the first time I changed settings, they were permanent. Now, it won't retain any changes except date and time. I tried "Restore Settings", which reset the file counter to 0, but if I change that, units, or Lo-Power, the changes only stay as long as power is applied. Once the unit is unplugged and plugged in again, all values have reverted to their default settings. Am I remembering incorrectly- do these values have to be reset every time AutoCal is plugged in?

The Settings.dat file on your AutoCal may be from old version of firmware.

Try deleting the Settings.dat file from the [Config] tab page in the EFILive_Explorer program for AutoCal.
Actually it would probably be better if you formatted the [Config] file system using the [Format] button on the same screen.

Then power off AutoCal and repower it and change one or more settings.
It should re-create the settings .dat file with the correct format for the current firmware.


June 15th, 2008, 12:30 PM
I reformatted the config file system, reloaded the firmware and tried again-- several times. Autocal does not create a settings.dat file so changes still don't stay after power is removed. Can I create a settings.dat file and move it to AutoCal, or does it have to be "The Creator"?

June 15th, 2008, 12:44 PM
Hmm, I'll take a look at an AutoCal here. I may have messed up something in the AutoCal firmware.
You could create a settings.dat file, but if AutoCal is not writing to it them it probably won't do you much good.

You could try copying the Settings.dat file from FlashScan - the files are identical.


June 15th, 2008, 12:49 PM
You could try copying the Settings.dat file from FlashScan - the files are identical.

Don't have one of those either. I remember seeing a settings file, but I can't find it any more. Maybe when the bit bucket overflowed, I lost it.

June 15th, 2008, 01:11 PM
I just tried it with the latest firmware - it fails here too. I'll fix it :(

June 15th, 2008, 03:41 PM
Don't have one of those either. I remember seeing a settings file, but I can't find it any more. Maybe when the bit bucket overflowed, I lost it.

FlashScan will create/save the Settings.dat file in the [Config] file system when you make any changes to the settings from FlashScan's menu.


June 16th, 2008, 08:28 AM
I deposited a FlashScan-generated settings.dat file in AutoCal and that half-assed solved the problem. AutoCal now reflects what's in that file, but still doesn't retain changes made through the push buttons.

The following may be the result of driving on the wrong side of the road for so long, but with some functions, it appears that the "Next" button moves things in the "Previous" direction and vice versa. File number for an example. If the current file number is 0, I'd expect the next number to be 1, not 65535. Similarly, with Lo Power, I'd expect the "Next" after disabled to be 1, not 720. This may just be a Northern Hemisphere thing, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

June 16th, 2008, 12:44 PM
I deposited a FlashScan-generated settings.dat file in AutoCal and that half-assed solved the problem. AutoCal now reflects what's in that file, but still doesn't retain changes made through the push buttons.

Correct, the routine that saves the changes is (accidentally) being bypassed. So it will never save any changes until the firmware is updated.

The following may be the result of driving on the wrong side of the road for so long, but with some functions, it appears that the "Next" button moves things in the "Previous" direction and vice versa. File number for an example. If the current file number is 0, I'd expect the next number to be 1, not 65535. Similarly, with Lo Power, I'd expect the "Next" after disabled to be 1, not 720. This may just be a Northern Hemisphere thing, but I thought it was worth mentioning.


It's confusing because the button labeled "Next" has a downward pointing arrow which implies "decrease", and the button labeled "Prev" has an upward pointing arrow that implies "increase".

In hindsight, I should have had "Next" with an up arrow and "Prev" with a down arrow. :( :(

But its too late now. I think I should standardize on the text labels not the arrow labels, so Next should increase values and Prev should decrease values. What do you think?


June 16th, 2008, 02:02 PM

It's confusing because the button labeled "Next" has a downward pointing arrow which implies "decrease", and the button labeled "Prev" has an upward pointing arrow that implies "increase".

In hindsight, I should have had "Next" with an up arrow and "Prev" with a down arrow. :( :(

But its too late now. I think I should standardize on the text labels not the arrow labels, so Next should increase values and Prev should decrease values. What do you think?

I agree. The arrows are actually relative, depending on your perspective. On the other hand, "Next" and "Previous" imply a direction. If you have a number displayed, it seems to me that "Next" indicates a larger value (21 is "Next" after 20) and "Previous" indicates a smaller value (20 is the number "Previous" to 21).

June 18th, 2008, 01:38 PM
With latest firmware, AutoCal is no longer suffering from Alzheimer's. It now remembers changes made through the keys.

June 22nd, 2008, 02:29 AM
More info here regarding return from Low Power and engine off--


July 2nd, 2008, 12:14 PM
With latest release, I can't find any problems with either AutoCal or FlashScan, other than AutoCal still says Beta 17 and I think it should say 18. I'll keep looking.

July 2nd, 2008, 09:40 PM
With latest release, I can't find any problems with either AutoCal or FlashScan, other than AutoCal still says Beta 17 and I think it should say 18. I'll keep looking.

and i was thinking the Beta 17 was the serial number :doh2:

Chuck CoW
July 3rd, 2008, 03:32 AM
Hey Paul... I've updated Autocal with the latest guts....Is there anything you specifically need tested or fooled with???

Maybe this is premature, but....I've been going over some scenarios for locking/unlocking calibrations with autocal and how autocal knows when to lock and unlock the pcm based on flags set in the calibration.

I know we touched on this last year, I was wondering how it was going to be implemented..... Furthermore, I trust you've got something in place to prevent e-mail sharing of autocal files....encryption or whatever.....

Chuck CoW