View Full Version : BBL installer update: June 22, 2008

June 22nd, 2008, 02:53 PM
Please read this entire thread before downloading and/or attempting to update any part of the EFILvie software or FlashScan hardware.

Version 8.1.1 (build 31) is being made available as an auto update release. Please select the Start Menu option: Start->All Programs->EFILive->V8.1->Tools->Check for Updates.

Note: during the V8.1.1 update install phase (after the update file has been downloaded) there is no progress bar indication that the install is progressing. The only way you know the install is complete is that the dialog box will disappear (that is if you chose to displayed the dialog box by clicking on the EFILive-install, system-tray icon). The uninstall and re-install takes about 3-5 minutes.

Important pre-requisites that must be in place BEFORE you attempt to upgrade to the new V7.5.4 software and/or firmware.

Under no circumstances should you attempt to use boot block V2.05.06 (released March 26, 2008).
See this link for more info on what is wrong with V2.05.06
http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=7804 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=7804)

FlashScan MUST be running firmware V2.04.72 before you attempt to upgrade the boot block. If your FlashScan device is running V2.04.70 or V2.04.71 and you perform the boot block upgrade, FlashScan will be upgraded with the wrong boot block version. If you are in that situation, please see this thread: http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?t=8085

To upgrade your FlashScan device to V2.04.72, use this program: Start -> All Programs -> EFILive -> V7.5 -> EFILive Firmware Programmer
The firmware file is available here: \Program Files\EFILive\V7.5\FSProg_V2_4_72.ffw.

After performing the boot block upgrade, the two orange LEDs will flash, indicating that the boot block upgrade process is complete even though the LCD screen will continue to dimly display the message:


At this point you should uninstall V7.5.3 (or any earlier version of EFILive that is on your system). You can unplug FlashScan during the install if you want/need to.

The readme.pdf document says to backup your *.tun and *.efi files and to delete the two folders where EFILive was installed. Renaming them, as explained below is quicker and safer than backing them up and deleting them.

So, rename the following folders if they are still present on your system.

Version 7.4 and earlier folders:

\My Documents\EFILive\V7 to \My Documents\EFILive\V7_old
\Program Files\EFILive\V7 to \Program Files\EFILive\V7_old

Version 7.5.x folders:

\My Documents\EFILive\V7.5 to \My Documents\EFILive\V7.5_old
\Program Files\EFILive\V7.5 to \Program Files\EFILive\V7.5_old

The purpose of renaming those folders is so that when V7.5.4 is installed it will not delete or overwrite any files that you have saved or modified in those folders.

Install V7.5.4 and V8.1.1

After the new software has been installed (reconnect FlashScan if necessary) and while the two orange LEDs are flashing, you must program the new FSProgV2_05_17(0622).efw firmware into the FlashScan device. To do that, use the program: Start->EFILive->V8.1->EFILive Explorer.
The Readme.pdf file attached to this post contains detailed instructions on how to successfully upgrade your FlashScan device's boot block and/or firmware.

EFILive recommends copying your previous setup and data files from the old V7 software (the folders you renamed earlier) to the new V7.5.4 software. To do that, copy the following folders (overwrite existing files):

From: \My Documents\EFILive\V7.5_old\User Configuration to \My Documents\EFILive\V7.5\User Configuration
From: \My Documents\EFILive\V7.5_old\PIDs to \My Documents\EFILive\V7.5\PIDs
From: \My Documents\EFILive\V7.5_old\MAPs to \My Documents\EFILive\V7.5\Maps
From: \My Documents\EFILive\V7.5_old\VDash to \My Documents\EFILive\V7.5\VDash
From: \My Documents\EFILive\V7.5_old\Logged Data to \My Documents\EFILive\V7.5\Logged Data
From: \My Documents\EFILive\V7.5_old\bins to \My Documents\EFILive\V7.5\bins

(You may need to substitute V7_old for V7.5_old depending on which version of EFILive was previosuly installed).

The V7.5.4 download is
http://download2.efilive.com/Software/V7.5/EFILiveV7.5.4(20080622).exe (http://download2.efilive.com/Software/V7.5/EFILiveV7.5.4%2820080622%29.exe)
This link is a complete installation and can be applied to any PC whether a previous version of EFILive V7 exists or not.

The V8.1.1 download is:
http://download2.efilive.com/Software/V8.1/EFILiveV8.1.1(20080622).exe (http://download2.efilive.com/Software/V8.1/EFILiveV8.1.1%2820080622%29.exe)
This link is a complete installation and can be applied to any PC whether a previous version of EFILive V8 exists or not.
Note: You don't need to download the V8.1.1 software via this link if you use the Auto Update feature. This link is made available so that computers that are not connected to the Internet can be updated.

Please read the three attached files for more information about the V7.5.4 and V8.1.1 updates.


June 23rd, 2008, 02:48 AM
Scantool says build 63.
Tunetool says build 62.

June 23rd, 2008, 04:13 AM
do you just re-download the new 7.5.4 build 63 or do you have to uninstall the old 7.5.4 build 62 and back-up files then download?


June 23rd, 2008, 04:22 AM
Scantool says build 63.
Tunetool says build 62.

I did not use the auto update feature, but downloaded the two files and executed them.

ScanTool and TuneTool are both build 63. They both have a modified date of 6/22/2008 in the EFILive 7.5 folder.

June 23rd, 2008, 05:48 AM
I installed from the files... I did it again and now they both say build 63... I don't know what happened...

June 23rd, 2008, 06:07 AM
you can update the 8.1.1 by using the updater but you need to click on the link for 7.5.4 and install. It does not remove any of your files. I did not back up mine and they were fine. You need to update flashscan to the new firmware in 8.1.1 v2.5.17(0622).

June 23rd, 2008, 06:10 AM
I get an Error under date and time settings tab Error:$0109

June 23rd, 2008, 09:29 AM
a custom install option would have been nice.
this time my license and calc.pid text was over written.
last update (build) 62 my splash screens and cal.link got over wrote
but everything else didn`t.
back up your folders everyone!

June 23rd, 2008, 09:36 AM
a custom install option would have been nice.
this time my license and calc.pid text was over written.
last update (build) 62 my splash screens and cal.link got over wrote
but everything else didn`t.
back up your folders everyone!

More info here:

I am also adding two questions to the un-install process (which runs before the install):
1. Do you want to remove config files (all settings will be lost etc..)?
2. Do you want to erase the registry settings for EFILive (all property settings will be lost etc...)?


June 23rd, 2008, 09:59 AM
More info here:

I am also adding two questions to the un-install process (which runs before the install):
1. Do you want to remove config files (all settings will be lost etc..)?
2. Do you want to erase the registry settings for EFILive (all property settings will be lost etc...)?


no and,
no, unless it will make the new version unstable.
i have not had files over wrote before this and the last update.
some files were left untouched others were`nt so lucky.
there is a mixture of files that have and have not been erased.
i don`t see why the efilive folder in my documents should
ever be touched by an update/new install, in fact i think the
efilive in the my documents should be for the customer only
after the initial install.
sorry for venting.

June 23rd, 2008, 10:32 AM
By config files you mean any dash pages/maps/calcpids we have created...?

No, we want to keep those.

June 23rd, 2008, 10:43 AM
I agree, the My docs folder should not be touched after the initial install.
And to implement that, the folders:
\My Documents\EFILive\V7.5\User Configuration and \My Documents\EFILive\V7.5\VDash are flagged as: "Never overwrite" and "Never uninstall".

Unfortunately, I did not flag those folders correctly in the previous June 12 installation. So those folders will get overwritten this time only. Once the June 22 install is in place those folders will be flagged as "Never overwrite" and "Never uninstall" which will prevent future installers from messing with them.

However, that causes problems when a user want to uninstall EFILive completely. Those two folders are left lying around on the hard drive - I don't like that. The same goes for the EFILive registry settings which are left in the registry.

So the two questions will be posed during the uninstall: Delete user files? and Delete registry? Along with recommendations of whether to select "yes" or "No".

In version 8 there will be no files installed into "My Documents" and there will be no registry settings either (those were two mistakes I made when designing the V7 installation). The user will be free to put their data files wherever they want. All settings are stored in *.ini files in the V8 "Program Files" folder.


June 23rd, 2008, 10:49 AM
By config files you mean any dash pages/maps/calcpids we have created...?

No, we want to keep those.

"Config files" in this context means ALL files in all folders in "My Documents\EFIlive\V7.5", except for Bins and Logged Data.

So if the user selects "Yes" to delete config files during the unintsall process, then the uninstaller will deliberately delete all folders and their contents except for Bins and Logged Data.

If the user selects "No", then ONLY files that were installed previously will be uninstalled (including installed files that have been modified by the user). With the exception of User Config and VDash. No files in those folders will be uninstalled or overwritten. That will preserve dashboard changes and other various config file changes that the user may have made.
Any files added by the user in any of those folders will not be touched.


June 23rd, 2008, 12:09 PM

In the VDash folder, will it distinguish between user created dashes and EFILive supplied dashes (e.g. the various default pages).

June 23rd, 2008, 12:18 PM
so should i save the everything as v7.5.4_old this time or not? i have not made any changes to dashboard but i don't want to risk losing any of the native config files right?

Duramax 6.6L
June 23rd, 2008, 12:59 PM
I just used the auto update and had no problems.

I updated the Flash Scan and lost the drivers, I had to uninstall and reinstall the driver even though Vista said the device was installed and working correctly.

Every thing is working fine now.

June 23rd, 2008, 02:02 PM
why did some files get over written and others not?
last update my dash pages, splash screens and an image 3534
were deleted, they did not this time.
this time my license, pids and filters got whacked.
i am curious as to why not all or nothing be over written.
i`m not trying to http://smiliesftw.com/x/deadhorse_1.gif (http://smiliesftw.com)
just curious.
i went on a 2 hour jaunt with the RR in OLSD
and noticed zero problems. http://smiliesftw.com/x/facesjump.gif (http://smiliesftw.com)

Chuck CoW
June 23rd, 2008, 04:10 PM
why did some files get over written and others not?
last update my dash pages, splash screens and an image 3534
were deleted, they did not this time.
this time my license, pids and filters got whacked.
i am curious as to why not all or nothing be over written.
i`m not trying to http://smiliesftw.com/x/deadhorse_1.gif (http://smiliesftw.com)
just curious.
i went on a 2 hour jaunt with the RR in OLSD
and noticed zero problems. http://smiliesftw.com/x/facesjump.gif (http://smiliesftw.com)

Using Serial wideband?????

I'd like to be using that nice RR with serial WB......

Chuck CoW

Chuck CoW
June 23rd, 2008, 04:49 PM
Hey Paul.... I keep noticing people referring to the latest firmware as version V2.05.17

But, I've had connectivity issues with this one and now, I'm noticing that you have dates in () after it......

Right now, I'm using V2.05.17(0512) but I see references to the same firmware as for instance (0622)....Is this a newer version I need???
It was previously in the EFI LIVE folder but, where is it now with the new download installer deal????

ok, So I just asked this question and now I've found the answer...So, I'll leave the question for anyone having the problems I did.... The (0622) version of the firmware is located in c/program files/efi live/v8..... I found it a sec ago and was able to program the new firmware with efi live EXPLORER with no problems..... I'll be testing it in the morning!!!

Notice the new animated banner below with the EFI LIVE logo in it????:rockon:

Chuck CoW

June 23rd, 2008, 04:49 PM
Using Serial wideband?????

I'd like to be using that nice RR with serial WB......

Chuck CoW

this is the reason i took the plunge with BBL.
it has had a few frustrating moments,
like that funky firmware that you could not connect to the V2 with.
but the serial WBO2 is awesome.
also now the RR is selectable in how logged data is applied.(also very cool)
before all data was multiplied, now it can be added, subtracted and divided as well.
LOL i have yet to try the BBL option.

June 24th, 2008, 12:19 PM
Still can standalone log with my v2 on my LMM. still says unsaported pid ?

June 24th, 2008, 12:48 PM
Still can standalone log with my v2 on my LMM. still says unsaported pid ?

Have you tried removing the PID from the appropriate section in the Options.ini file?


June 24th, 2008, 01:10 PM
i cant find the "V2.04.72". under program files it only has .70. what am i missing?

June 24th, 2008, 01:18 PM
i cant find the "V2.04.72". under program files it only has .70. what am i missing?

Have you downloaded and installed V7.5.4 from the first post in this thread?
That will provide the V7.04.72 firmware file.


June 24th, 2008, 01:21 PM
no, i was scared after all the warnings. i will do that first then. thanks

June 24th, 2008, 01:49 PM
no, i was scared after all the warnings. i will do that first then. thanks

This version (June 22) is stable and will become the base version used to cut the EFILive install CD for distribution.


June 24th, 2008, 02:40 PM
Maybe I am an idiot, but what is AutoPIDs in the setup menu? I searched and found nothing and only found it mentioned in the Quick Reference doc.

Chuck CoW
June 24th, 2008, 02:56 PM
Hey, Do I need to point the scan tool to the maps and pids....???

I don't ever remember having to do that before.....

Chuck CoW

June 24th, 2008, 03:51 PM
The more I read the more ????????????????? I get.

My V2 has 2.5.08 (0425) Boot Block and 2.5.17 (0622) firmware what does V2.04.72 have to do with it? I'm so confused! (I also have V8.1.1 Build 31 & V7.5.4 Build 63) Do I need to change anything??


June 24th, 2008, 03:57 PM
The more I read the more ????????????????? I get.

My V2 has 2.5.08 (0425) Boot Block and 2.5.17 (0622) firmware what does V2.04.72 have to do with it? I'm so confused! (I also have V8.1.1 Build 31 & V7.5.4 Build 63) Do I need to change anything??


No don't change anything, you're all up to date and correct.
V2.04.72 is what you would have been at BEFORE upgrading to V2.05.xx


June 24th, 2008, 03:59 PM
Maybe I am an idiot, but what is AutoPIDs in the setup menu? I searched and found nothing and only found it mentioned in the Quick Reference doc.

Set AutoPIDs to YES to cause FlashScan to "remember" the most recently selected PID list and to reselct that same list when you power up FlashScan. It just saves you form having to select PIDs every time you start FlashScan.

Note: it will take slightly longer to startup because it has to read all the PID info into memory. It will also take a little bit longer when selecting a different set of PIDs because it has to save your selection to the Settings.dat file.


June 24th, 2008, 04:01 PM
Have you tried removing the PID from the appropriate section in the Options.ini file?


is tht on the v2 or in efi exsplorer thanks

June 24th, 2008, 04:02 PM
Hey, Do I need to point the scan tool to the maps and pids....???

I don't ever remember having to do that before.....

Chuck CoW

This latest install is a little more aggressive when "clearing out old crud" from previous releases. Including resetting the registry settings. I have since changed that to ask the user before clearing the registry settings.

You may need to copy your maps and pids (and other user data) from your saved copy of \My Documents\EFILive\V7.5 back into the newly installed \My Documents\EFILive\V7.5 folders.

Or you may just need to reset the folder locations in the Scan Tool property window on the [Folders] tab page.


June 24th, 2008, 04:06 PM
is tht on the v2 or in efi exsplorer thanks

The file \Program Files\EFILive\V8.1\Config\Options.ini can be edited (double click on the Options.ini file in Windows explorer) to change the PIDs that are selected. Once you have added/removed the PIDs from the appropriate section* use the EFILive Explorer program to copy the new Options.ini file to the [Config] tab page.

*The appropriate section for LMM is "*PSL_LBZ", it looks like this:

; __________________________________________________ _______________________

;Node PIDs (pid1|pid2|...|pidn) Alarm (min:max:style:time*10ms:hold*sec)
;---- -------------------------- -----------------------------------------
; Allison 6 speed

June 24th, 2008, 04:20 PM
when i double click on it. it wont open any thing it dosent do any thing ? :help2: to clarify i go to config options then click on the lmm and it dosent open any thing from there mabey im doing something wrong ?

June 24th, 2008, 04:24 PM
:doh2: does the v2 need to be connected to do this?

June 24th, 2008, 06:06 PM
To edit the Options.ini file, you need to double click it from Windows Explorer (not EFILive Explorer). Once you have edited it and removed the unsupported PID(s), save it and then use EFILive explorer to transfer it to FlashScan's [Config] folder.


June 24th, 2008, 11:32 PM
When are we going to get the Ally pids back for the LMM if I connect to the LBZ/LLM TCM all I get is the same pids that are under the LMM controler. Can you guys add a convertor status pid also locked-unlocked or an apply percentage, before when I was able to log some of the 6 speed pids there was no staus just the convertor just slip speed.


June 25th, 2008, 12:26 AM
Have you downloaded and installed V7.5.4 from the first post in this thread?
That will provide the V7.04.72 firmware file.


i have done this and i tried to update the firmware through the firmware screen and it is telling me i have .05.xx and i have to upgrade through explorer?????????? wtf is explorer. and what have i done???

June 25th, 2008, 02:30 AM
So far, LS1B is working fine.

I have noted that some of the mode $06 maximum limits change as conditions vary (compare 34.txt and 26.txt).

June 25th, 2008, 03:40 AM
Sweet. Thanks man, I appreciate it. That is a good feature.

Set AutoPIDs to YES to cause FlashScan to "remember" the most recently selected PID list and to reselct that same list when you power up FlashScan. It just saves you form having to select PIDs every time you start FlashScan.

Note: it will take slightly longer to startup because it has to read all the PID info into memory. It will also take a little bit longer when selecting a different set of PIDs because it has to save your selection to the Settings.dat file.


June 25th, 2008, 03:57 AM
To edit the Options.ini file, you need to double click it from Windows Explorer (not EFILive Explorer). Once you have edited it and removed the unsupported PID(s), save it and then use EFILive explorer to transfer it to FlashScan's [Config] folder.


ok I thought tht this was going to be updated in this release. are guys going to fix tht so we wont have to go in and edit the unsaported pids Thanks

June 25th, 2008, 04:34 AM
I tried to hook up flashscan to my LB7 just now and when I try to read DTC's it gives me error $0280- no vehicle detected....my key is on, bootblock v2.5.8, firmware 2.5.17 (622) . efi live v.2.5.4 build 63 in both scan and tune tools. all up to date I thought. my computer recognizes the flashscan so it can't be a driver issue right?

June 25th, 2008, 07:52 AM
So far, LS1B is working fine.

I have noted that some of the mode $06 maximum limits change as conditions vary (compare 34.txt and 26.txt).

Hi Joe,

Can you boot FlashScan (to clear out any trace file data), then do a "Record all diags" and save the trace file immediately afterwards.
Then once you think those max limits may have changed, boot FlashScan, then do a "Record all diags" and save the trace file immediately afterwards.
Please send me the two dtc files and the two trace files. That way I can see if the PCM is really sending two different max limits, thanks.

P.S. You can boot FlashScan using Ctrl+Cancel. No need to unplug.


June 25th, 2008, 07:53 AM
ok I thought tht this was going to be updated in this release. are guys going to fix tht so we wont have to go in and edit the unsaported pids Thanks
Yes, there will eventually be a windows style interface for selecting/deselecting PIDs.

June 25th, 2008, 07:56 AM
I tried to hook up flashscan to my LB7 just now and when I try to read DTC's it gives me error $0280- no vehicle detected....my key is on, bootblock v2.5.8, firmware 2.5.17 (622) . efi live v.2.5.4 build 63 in both scan and tune tools. all up to date I thought. my computer recognizes the flashscan so it can't be a driver issue right?

Error $280 is "Unsupported protocol (i.e. no vehicle detected)".

When ignition is on and FlashScan is connected, press Ctrl+Ok which causes FlashScan to re-detect the protocol, you should see VPW XX appear in the lower right corner of FlashScan's display. The XX is the number of modules detected with the VPW protocol.

As a last resort try, Ctrl+Cancel, which reboots FlashScan and also re-detects the protocol.


June 25th, 2008, 08:02 AM
i have done this and i tried to update the firmware through the firmware screen and it is telling me i have .05.xx and i have to upgrade through explorer?????????? wtf is explorer. and what have i done???

After installing V8.1.1, there will be a file called:
\Program Files\EFILive\V8.1\Documentation\ReadMe.rtf (or ReadMe.pdf)

Please open that document and it will explain how to complete the FlashScan V2 upgrade process.


Duramax 6.6L
June 25th, 2008, 11:29 AM
Where can I get the updated users manual.

June 25th, 2008, 12:45 PM
Where can I get the updated users manual.

It's not available yet.

June 25th, 2008, 02:56 PM
Few questions: There are modifications being made to the tune switching part of the V2 firmware... When will the actual OS be available that it'll work with? Also, with the 5 speed and 6 speed Allison calibration update, where any tables added or changed? One more... In the BBL PID TSTATE16, are there any more sub-PIDs? Shouldn't there be adapt cells for all the shifts (N-R, R-N, N-1, 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5, {5-6, 6-5}*, 5-4, 4-3, 3-2, 2-1, 1-N)?

* - 6 Speed TCM's

June 25th, 2008, 04:00 PM
Few questions: There are modifications being made to the tune switching part of the V2 firmware... When will the actual OS be available that it'll work with?

Soon, the E38 switchable tunes are being road tested now. Works well :)

Also, with the 5 speed and 6 speed Allison calibration update, where any tables added or changed?

You'd need to ask Ross what he changed/updated (i.e. send a pm to GMPX).

One more... In the BBL PID TSTATE16, are there any more sub-PIDs? Shouldn't there be adapt cells for all the shifts (N-R, R-N, N-1, 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5, {5-6, 6-5}*, 5-4, 4-3, 3-2, 2-1, 1-N)?

Yes, there's a bunch more PID data for the Allison that we have not added into the Scan Tool yet.


June 25th, 2008, 04:31 PM
I installed from the files... I did it again and now they both say build 63... I don't know what happened...

Same here, I had to install the files posted, the auto update did not bring me up do build 63 and I had 20 calibrations less:confused:

June 25th, 2008, 04:51 PM
Same here, I had to install the files posted, the auto update did not bring me up do build 63 and I had 20 calibrations less:confused:

The auto update is only configured to update the V8.1 software (EFILive_Hapi and EFILive_Explorer). The V7.5.4 software will be added to the auto update next week. For now you have to manually download the V7.5.4 update and install it that way.


June 25th, 2008, 04:52 PM
The auto update is only configured to update the V8.1 software (EFILive_Hapi and EFILive_Explorer). The V7.5.4 software will be added to the auto update next week. For now you have to manually download the V7.5.4 update and install it that way.


Ok thanks Paul

June 26th, 2008, 03:55 AM
I was wondering if it would be better to have the PID list associated VIN numbers instead of booting to a default PID list. For example, when the V2 detected it was connected to a previous vehicle, it could recall which one it used. The only issue I could see with this is if you tune a whole bunch of vehicles, but maybe limiting the number of vehicles in this cache would work?

June 26th, 2008, 09:32 AM
I was wondering if it would be better to have the PID list associated VIN numbers instead of booting to a default PID list. For example, when the V2 detected it was connected to a previous vehicle, it could recall which one it used. The only issue I could see with this is if you tune a whole bunch of vehicles, but maybe limiting the number of vehicles in this cache would work?

Its a good solution and that's sort of what the laptop based scan tool software does. But for performance reasons and size restrictions it is not so easy to do on the handheld unit. Keep the ideas coming...:cheers:


June 26th, 2008, 04:07 PM
Paul i still can get bb logging to work on my lmm it keeps saying invalid or unsaported pid so i go in edit the bad one out like you showed me previousley. reload them into the v2 and the it shows another unsaported one. i did this 4 times today any solutions to this ? how many do i have to delete to get it to work? there cant be many left at this point. Thanks

June 26th, 2008, 04:14 PM
most PIDs don`t have an explanation when right clicking them.
was this always the case?
i never noticed how many had info about how they worked before
but now it seems like 90% don`t have any details on how they work.

June 26th, 2008, 08:12 PM
most PIDs don`t have an explanation when right clicking them.
was this always the case?
i never noticed how many had info about how they worked before
but now it seems like 90% don`t have any details on how they work.

In the \Program Files\EFILive\V7.5\configuration folder you'll see a bunch of *.rtf files with names starting with "PID_". Each of those files corresponds to a PID that has a description. We will eventually document as many PIDs as we can.

Where you see a filename in angle brackets like this: <copyright.rtf> that just means that file will be included by EFILive in the displayed info.


June 26th, 2008, 10:43 PM
Im having trouble with the V2 needing to be rebooted after logging to let it flash an E38 ECM each time.

June 26th, 2008, 10:59 PM
Im having trouble with the V2 needing to be rebooted after logging to let it flash an E38 ECM each time.

I'm pretty sure that was fixed in the latest release V2.05.18 - which is being posted tonight on the main website download page.

Try this: after logging (I presume pass-through to the laptop), and after disconnecting the scan tool, press the Ctrl+Ok button. That should re-detect the ECM/TCM combo.

What happens during pass-through is that the PC sets FlashScan to only "know" about one module, the ECM or TCM - depending on what controller you select when the Scan tool connects. That is a limitation of the V7 software, V8 software will connect to multiple controllers at once. You can see the change in the lower right corner. It changes from CAN 02 to CAN 01 when you connect via the PC. You have to change it back to CAN 02 by pressing Ctrl_Ok.

In the V2.05.18 firmware, it does that automatically when pass-through logging is disconnected.

P.S. Just in case you did not know, to reboot FlashScan you can press Ctrl+Cancel.


Duramax 6.6L
June 27th, 2008, 09:29 AM
I'm pretty sure that was fixed in the latest release V2.05.18 - which is being posted tonight on the main website download page.


This may be a dumb question, but what is the web address? :confused:

June 27th, 2008, 10:53 AM
Paul, I did what you said, Pressing CNTRL+OK does nothing and CNTRL+OK reboots it but doesn't fix problem..XX is still shown and error $0280 still comes up. could it be the BootBlock or firmware?

June 27th, 2008, 11:37 AM
This may be a dumb question, but what is the web address? :confused:

I'm guessing this is it. :)


June 27th, 2008, 11:44 AM
I am having an issue with this release that I have to power down the v2 everytime I log something, otherwise the tune tool will not find the vehicle...

anyone have this?

June 27th, 2008, 12:40 PM
In the V2.05.18 firmware, it does that automatically when pass-through logging is disconnected.

So does this mean it's leaving beta?

June 27th, 2008, 12:41 PM
Am I the only person having a Device Time issue?
Every time I open up EFILive Explorer my PC clock and V2 time are off by days and/or hours. I'm resetting it constantly, but it always seems to be off for some reason.

This has been an ongoing problem since day one, but everything else seems to work as intended.

Duramax 6.6L
June 27th, 2008, 01:36 PM
I'm guessing this is it. :)


I know about that address, but I have never seen firmware updates there.

June 27th, 2008, 02:32 PM
Am I the only person having a Device Time issue?
Every time I open up EFILive Explorer my PC clock and V2 time are off by days and/or hours. I'm resetting it constantly, but it always seems to be off for some reason.

This has been an ongoing problem since day one, but everything else seems to work as intended.

The clock does not run while FlashScan is switched off. There is no battery in FlashScan to power the clock. When FlashScan is powered up it sets its clock to the last time that was set from the PC or the last time that was entered from FlashScan's keypad. It does not save the time when you switch off (since there is no power to save the time).

So, if you set the time to 8:00am 28 June 2008, then left it powered all day until 4:00pm, the time would correctly read 4:00pm. Then if you unplugged FlashScan and plugged it in again, the time would reset back to 8:00am June 2008.

This "feature" is really only meant to be used as follows: Set up your PIDs (options.ini file) and transfer it to your FlashScan device using the EFILive Explorer program. Then click on the [Set Now] button in the [Date/Time] tab page to set the current date/time from the PC into FlashScan.

FlashScan will write that date/time to its internal flash memory. Then you unplug FlashScan and reconnect it to the vehicle. FlashScan will re-set its date/time to the date/time that you just set from the PC. It may be a minute or two behind (depends how long it takes to get to your vehicle). Unfortunately, if you unplug FlashScan and reconnect it, it will alwyas set its time back to the date/time that you set from the PC. You can always adjust the date/time from FlashScans keypad. But that's the best we can do with no battery inside FlashScan to maintain the clock.


June 27th, 2008, 02:32 PM
I am having an issue with this release that I have to power down the v2 everytime I log something, otherwise the tune tool will not find the vehicle...

anyone have this?

Looking into it.

June 27th, 2008, 02:34 PM
So does this mean it's leaving beta?

The V7.5.4 software is leaving beta.
The V2.05.18 firmware is leaving beta.
The V8.1.1 software is a pre-release version that is fully supported but not yet complete.

The latest versions should be available from our main web download page this weekend.


June 27th, 2008, 02:36 PM
Paul, I did what you said, Pressing CNTRL+OK does nothing and CNTRL+OK reboots it but doesn't fix problem..XX is still shown and error $0280 still comes up. could it be the BootBlock or firmware?

I recommend upgrading to the V2.05.18 firmware once we post the update on our web site.

Meanwhile, I am investigating this issue to see if it really has been solved in V2.05.18. Can you please tell me which type of vehicle is being logged/tuned when you see this problem occur?


June 27th, 2008, 02:42 PM
I am tuning a 04 GMC LB7 duramax. OS:15189044. this vehicle right now has a ECM serial that got wiped the last time it got flashed, thats why I have been trying to get this new beta to work, so I can do full reflash. Thanks.

June 28th, 2008, 04:04 AM
I know about that address, but I have never seen firmware updates there.

The updated firmware should be packaged with the new installations. They are both( and up on that page now, check it out. :)

June 28th, 2008, 04:29 AM
New software worked flawlessly , P12 now shows "Auto" , "Manual" , have not tried BBL on a P12 yet , but will later .
Great that BBL is in "Final" stages . :thumb_yello:

June 28th, 2008, 10:44 AM
Been logging like a mad man with the latest build(s).

HOT DAMN I love this product!! It make driveability tuning so easy and precise. I am working on a plan for a car-puter now. Small touch screen tablet PC mounted in the car running EFILive.

Thanks guys for all the hard work. This things rocks!

June 28th, 2008, 12:48 PM
today after i stopped logging and my laptop
went into stand by with the software open,
i reconnected and tried RTACS and the RR would not update.
logging was fine but no update no matter what.
only after a restart of the software it would update again.
usually i can stand by and go with out issue.

June 28th, 2008, 01:26 PM
Been logging like a mad man with the latest build(s).

HOT DAMN I love this product!! It make driveability tuning so easy and precise. I am working on a plan for a car-puter now. Small touch screen tablet PC mounted in the car running EFILive.

Thanks guys for all the hard work. This things rocks!
What kind of hardware? I bought a cheapy touch screen and plugged it into my laptop. I have some compatibility and/or software issues and the touch screen doesn't function properly, but it's great for monitoring. The touch screen tablet sounds like a killer deal.

June 28th, 2008, 01:37 PM
The V7.5.4 software is leaving beta.
The V2.05.18 firmware is leaving beta.
The V8.1.1 software is a pre-release version that is fully supported but not yet complete.

The latest versions should be available from our main web download page this weekend.


WHen I used the update options in start->programs->EFILive, it said I was up to date, yet I have version 63.

June 28th, 2008, 01:44 PM
WHen I used the update options in start->programs->EFILive, it said I was up to date, yet I have version 63.


The automatic updater doesn't work for these updates it doesn't seem. Just go to the download page and update them manually. :)

June 29th, 2008, 03:31 AM
TFT and GEAR PID's still dont work in BBL or scantool for my '06 alli 6 speed.

June 29th, 2008, 04:19 AM
Paul i still can get bb logging to work on my lmm it keeps saying invalid or unsaported pid so i go in edit the bad one out like you showed me previousley. reload them into the v2 and the it shows another unsaported one. i did this 4 times today any solutions to this ? how many do i have to delete to get it to work? there cant be many left at this point. Thanks

Any luck with a answer to this thanks

June 29th, 2008, 07:11 PM
My serial w/b didnt work on the last update, hope it works on this one, will let u know how it goes.


June 30th, 2008, 03:53 AM
You had the AEM UEGO, correct?

I am picking up my new welder tonight, so hopefully (If I can get a new outlet run to the garage) I can do some testing on it also.

June 30th, 2008, 05:32 AM
I got the serial W/B working, was not to do with efi live but a broken solder connection. I have a Innovate w/b.

This update is working flawlessly, well done ,not to far away now.

June 30th, 2008, 07:20 AM
when i click on the tune tool it pops up in demo mode and to register efi. i registered it and it still says in demo. just downloaded the latest 7.5.4. anyone have any solutions??

June 30th, 2008, 07:23 AM
Did you open a tune yet? (There are sample tune files in the EFILIVE directory) I think it was part of the registration procedure.

I just did a fresh install of the latest version, and did not have this issue.

June 30th, 2008, 07:37 AM
when i click on the tune tool it pops up in demo mode and to register efi. i registered it and it still says in demo. just downloaded the latest 7.5.4. anyone have any solutions??

Make sure you input the registration info exactly like what is on your registration card. Most of the time the wrong year is input. :)

June 30th, 2008, 08:13 AM
If it is on the wrong year, I found that you could click on "Today" at the bottom of the calendar, and it would be considerably closer to the date I purchased it.

June 30th, 2008, 01:52 PM
when i click on the tune tool it pops up in demo mode and to register efi. i registered it and it still says in demo. just downloaded the latest 7.5.4. anyone have any solutions??

I have the same issue if i have efi opened twice on my computer

July 1st, 2008, 08:56 AM
BBL for P12 still says need to disable HOS2II , invalid PID .

Aint Skeered
July 1st, 2008, 11:22 AM
I did the auto update on this latest release. I did not plug my v2 in and do anything since doing the update. Is there something I need to do to update my v2?

I try to log and my v2 can view the lm1 wideband but not while logging or scanning. it does not show on pid list since first time configureing my 8.1.

The last 2 updates does not show my wideband on the v2. I finally got my flash scan to show all the pids and now its not recording them for wideband in bbl.

here is a log of what is showing on my v2

Redline Motorsports
July 1st, 2008, 01:08 PM
Final got around to update my V2 to all the current crap. Ever since I did the update, I am having issues with the scanner linking to the PCM. Its says that the cable is disconnected. Then I disconnect the cable from the V2, replug it back in and then it finds the PCM. What is the issue??

Its a real pain in the ass. It seems like its only with the scanner. The tuning side links fine.


Duramax 6.6L
July 1st, 2008, 02:20 PM
After performing the updates to the V2, I have noticed that it takes some time for the unit to boot up upon being plugged into the computer.

July 1st, 2008, 08:21 PM
I did the auto update on this latest release. I did not plug my v2 in and do anything since doing the update. Is there something I need to do to update my v2?

Make sure you've upgraded your V2 to use firmware V2.05.18.
Use EFILive Explorer to perform the V2 firmware upgrade.


July 1st, 2008, 08:37 PM
After performing the updates to the V2, I have noticed that it takes some time for the unit to boot up upon being plugged into the computer.

There is a new option in FlashScan called AutoPids. If that is set to "Yes" the FlashScan will attempt to load the most recently used PID selection at boot time - that will take 2-3 seconds longer than if it was set to "No".


July 1st, 2008, 08:41 PM
Final got around to update my V2 to all the current crap. Ever since I did the update, I am having issues with the scanner linking to the PCM. Its says that the cable is disconnected. Then I disconnect the cable from the V2, replug it back in and then it finds the PCM. What is the issue??

Its a real pain in the ass. It seems like its only with the scanner. The tuning side links fine.


Have you got the following versions running (check in the Help->About wiondow)

Scanner: V7.5.4 build 64
v7obdii.dll: V7.5.4 build 64
Tuner: V7.5.4 build 64
FlashScan firmware: V2.05.18 (Check using FlashSCan options: F4->F3->F1 then scroll down.

If you are running all those versions, can you (after the link fails),
first: save a trace file in FlashScan.
second: generate an error report in the Scan Tool software.

Send both files to me at paul@efilive.com with a link to this thread so I can correlate the two.


July 1st, 2008, 08:43 PM
BBL for P12 still says need to disable HOS2II , invalid PID .
Ahhh, cr*p!!! as only Bender (Futurama) can say it. I missed that one. I'm working an updated PID lists for the next update.

Chuck CoW
July 3rd, 2008, 01:22 AM
Now I don't feel sooo stupid......

If you're looking for FlashScan firmware: V2.05.18, (like I was) it does not seem to be downloaded to your machine by the Online Auto Updater as part of V8....

I actually had to manually download the installer file and WHA-LAH....There is was.....

After that it installed like a snap!

Hope this helps....

Chuck CoW

Redline Motorsports
July 3rd, 2008, 02:08 AM

Where did you find the file?


July 3rd, 2008, 02:31 AM
Normally, I find them here:
C:\Program Files\EFILive\V8.1\Firmware
but I don't have .18 either... I thought I downloaded all of the latest stuff (Not from the updater), but I did a find for '*efw' and I don't see it.

I have 2_05_17(0622).efw for the latest.

Redline Motorsports
July 3rd, 2008, 02:35 AM
Maybe a moderator can just post the firmware file already so we can stop playing seek and destroy!


July 3rd, 2008, 02:39 AM
It is in thr V8.1 folder...

but the auto update doesn't seem to pull that file in... you have to manually install 8.1.

July 3rd, 2008, 02:53 AM
Looks like I only had build 63 of the tuning tool. I (Think) am downloading 64 now.

Was this updated somewhere other than the first page of this thread?

Ok, so it is on the main download page, not in this thread:

Aint Skeered
July 3rd, 2008, 03:18 AM
I no longer have a v8 folder. The only thing I can find in files for v8 is the installer wizzard.

I was able to get my firmware to the latest 2.05.18 but dont know if I have to reconfigure my configurations tab. if so, I am shit out of luck because I cant even fiind the file options ini

July 3rd, 2008, 03:21 AM
It should be here : C:\Program Files\EFILive\V8.1\Config

Chuck CoW
July 3rd, 2008, 03:36 AM
It should be here : C:\Program Files\EFILive\V8.1\Config

Ok, so I've got my spare V2 up to the latest .18 firmware..NO PROBLEM.

My main tuning V2 has: Firmware: 2.04.67 date: nov 14 07 and boot block: 2.04.09 Date:28 oct 06

Problem is the old firmware tool says I can't use it cause I have v.2.05.xx or greater.....but, in the unit it says I've got v2.04...

SO, NONE of the explorer/firmware tools will talk to my main V2....It works ok, but paul says it's ready for the new firmware....Now, it just won't take.:confused:

Chuck CoW

Aint Skeered
July 3rd, 2008, 03:47 AM
It should be here : C:\Program Files\EFILive\V8.1\Config

Nope, just checked. I dont have a v8 folder.

I did the download 2 times and both times its some wizzard crap for installing the updates.

I do have an old copy of 8.1 saved on a flash chip . Would that be what needs to be on my computer?

Aint Skeered
July 3rd, 2008, 04:03 AM
Ok I went into my trash bin and pulled out an old version of v8. I went through the install wizzard again and installed again so that it would update the folder. I went through the configuration process but does not look like there were any changes made.

I will have to try it to see what it does in the car. Now that I am gettin somewhere, my lm1 is getting a sensor timeing error. I guess That means I need a new sensor?

Redline Motorsports
July 3rd, 2008, 04:44 AM
Have you got the following versions running (check in the Help->About wiondow)

Scanner: V7.5.4 build 64
v7obdii.dll: V7.5.4 build 64
Tuner: V7.5.4 build 64
FlashScan firmware: V2.05.18 (Check using FlashSCan options: F4->F3->F1 then scroll down.

If you are running all those versions, can you (after the link fails),
first: save a trace file in FlashScan.
second: generate an error report in the Scan Tool software.

Send both files to me at paul@efilive.com with a link to this thread so I can correlate the two.



All the Builds I have are Build 63. Where do I get the Build 64 update?

Can I download the firmware 2.05.18 prior to the Build 64?



July 3rd, 2008, 05:18 AM
^ New software.

I have attached a copy, if that didn't work, send me an email, and I will send it to you.

July 3rd, 2008, 08:30 AM
I will check the downloads. Sounds like maybe I messed up the V8.1 auto-update download.
Meanwhile, the latest of everything is available at the link nevinsb posted above (thanks).


July 3rd, 2008, 12:45 PM
Paul- Nice to see that you provide hand-holding services for beta testers.

July 3rd, 2008, 03:50 PM
By the way, what happened with the layout of the PIDs on screen? up until a few updates ago (I don't remember which), you could get 8 lines of data on screen, which was nice when looking at injector balance rates (to see all 8 at the same time).

July 3rd, 2008, 04:19 PM
By the way, what happened with the layout of the PIDs on screen? up until a few updates ago (I don't remember which), you could get 8 lines of data on screen, which was nice when looking at injector balance rates (to see all 8 at the same time).

My bad :(
I don't know how that got through testing without getting noticed.
I will put it back to 8 lines in the next firmware update.


Redline Motorsports
July 3rd, 2008, 11:07 PM
Paul- Nice to see that you provide hand-holding services for beta testers.

I think we have all been quite patient and workable throughout this process. I wouldn't call in hand holding........ Many of us who use this software everyday have been a bit hesitant and also have not been able to follow all the hickups and changes along the way. Isn't this what the forum is about?


We most certainly appreciate your teams efforts and continuing to develop a kick ass piece of software. Thanks for holding my hand..........LOL!!


July 4th, 2008, 01:38 AM
My bad :(
I don't know how that got through testing without getting noticed.
I will put it back to 8 lines in the next firmware update.


Or maybe make it so you could select how many lines up to 8? I seem to recall an option like that in the firmware quite some time ago (possibly before BBL).

July 4th, 2008, 02:55 PM
is there a way to speed up the loading of logged data? (and filters)
large log files seem to take forever to load at times.

July 4th, 2008, 05:03 PM
Or maybe make it so you could select how many lines up to 8? I seem to recall an option like that in the firmware quite some time ago (possibly before BBL).

It is meant to be selectable 8 or 4 PIDs.
When selecting 4 PIDs the PID value will be displayed twice as large.
That is coming in a later version.


July 4th, 2008, 05:06 PM
is there a way to speed up the loading of logged data? (and filters)
large log files seem to take forever to load at times.

Not in version 7. The log files are disk based and that makes everything slower.

In version 8 making fast/snappy redisplays was a high priority. To give you a comparison, a 50,000 frame log file can take 10-15 seconds to replot in V7. In V8 it is less than 1 second.


July 4th, 2008, 11:38 PM
Decided to try this out... the BBL thing, fully upgraded to V7.5.4 (build 64) scan, and build 64 in tune, efi 8.1 loaded and running and boot block 2.05.08, and firm ware, 2.05.18....... Strange thing is the keys on the V2 pad now are way to sensitive and will move double the spaces or enter 2 times instead of one.

Is there a adjustment some where?


July 5th, 2008, 12:15 AM
Run the EFILive Explorer program and on the [Config] tab page, delete the Settings.dat file (if it exists). Then power down FlashScan and power it up again. That will reset the Settings.dat file and return the keys to a sane/usable state.


July 5th, 2008, 12:20 AM
worked a treat...

July 5th, 2008, 10:07 PM
ok, went and tried it out in the car today... wont let me look at cal AFR once i download the log to scantool.... i am using a plx 02 in analog... serial is coming..

Been trying to see what pid i have to add to the ls1 pid file so teh calc pid can work...not having much luck..


July 6th, 2008, 12:05 AM
ok maybe i am a bit behind the BBL program... I have as stated above been loging in BBL this arvo, when i load that log into the scan tool, It will not let me pick out the Pids requiered to use the Wide band, there are 0 supported pids in the wide 02 section???

Actualy there are a lot of pids now not supported by the BBL log, I was of the understanding that i could add the pids needed to read AFR of my wideband after I did the logging..


July 6th, 2008, 02:04 AM
ok maybe i am a bit behind the BBL program... I have as stated above been loging in BBL this arvo, when i load that log into the scan tool, It will not let me pick out the Pids requiered to use the Wide band, there are 0 supported pids in the wide 02 section???

Actualy there are a lot of pids now not supported by the BBL log, I was of the understanding that i could add the pids needed to read AFR of my wideband after I did the logging..


you can add calc.pids to your pid selection after logging is done,
if the supporting pids are pre-selected before logging begins.

July 6th, 2008, 09:43 AM
So do you mean i add them into the option.ini list in configuration and load the list onto the v2 with the calc pid included??

July 6th, 2008, 01:15 PM
No, he's saying you add them in when you view the log file using the scantool
(open the log, select the calc pids under, go File->Save, continue viewing the log).

July 6th, 2008, 01:50 PM
No, he's saying you add them in when you view the log file using the scantool
(open the log, select the calc pids under, go File->Save, continue viewing the log).

Ok how do i explain this, that is what i am saying there is nothing there in the pid list to select in the scan tool... I will do a screen shot to show you what i mean...

Ok I load the file, BBL log file,

this is the screen shot of all the pids selected..

Then when i click on 02-wide this is what is there... no supported pids..

If i load a normal log as in pass threw, (was done in earlier version of EFI live)

and the 02 wide section has supported pids in it...

Ok after looking at all this is the reason in the BBL file that the o2 wide show as not supported because all the support pids are not there... eg: AD1...

if this is the case do i add ad1 to the option.ini file here: :\Program Files\EFILive\V8.1\Config


Sorry if this is not he most intelagent ??'s but i have decided to use BBL as I have decided a little dangerous carirng the laptop loose in a car down the 1/4 mile...

July 6th, 2008, 01:58 PM
You can add the external PIDs that you want/need to log by editing the Options.ini file and then copying it into the [Scan] tab page.


You can edit the FlashSCan setup options:
A/D PIDs: set to Yes to automatically include all external PIDs in ALL logs.
Ser PIDs: set to Yes to automatically include all serial wide band PIDs in ALL logs.
If those settings are set to No, then only the external ans serial PIDs listed in Options.ini will be logged.


July 6th, 2008, 02:09 PM
You can add the external PIDs that you want/need to log by editing the Options.ini file and then copying it into the [Scan] tab page.


You can edit the FlashSCan setup options:
A/D PIDs: set to Yes to automatically include all external PIDs in ALL logs.
Ser PIDs: set to Yes to automatically include all serial wide band PIDs in ALL logs.
If those settings are set to No, then only the external ans serial PIDs listed in Options.ini will be logged.


Thanks Blacky,

I have tried editing the options in the V2 to say yes to those options, when it was pluged into the laptop. But i could not get it to open anything to let me selct yes or no... Does it need to be actually pluged into the PCM.. ??

July 6th, 2008, 02:14 PM
Thanks Blacky,

I have tried editing the options in the V2 to say yes to those options, when it was pluged into the laptop. But i could not get it to open anything to let me selct yes or no... Does it need to be actually pluged into the PCM.. ??

When the option is highlighted, use the left/right arrow keys to change the value. Then press Ok to save the changes.
After changing either of those two settings, you need to use the "Select PIDs" option again to reload the PIDs which will take those two settings into account.


July 6th, 2008, 02:31 PM
ok thanks will give it a try tonight... thanks for all the advice .

July 6th, 2008, 04:01 PM
As a suggestion... Give the ability to the program to add calc pids w/o using txt editor...

July 6th, 2008, 07:42 PM
As a suggestion... Give the ability to the program to add calc pids w/o using txt editor...

That is very high on the priority list for version 8

Kevin Doe
July 7th, 2008, 12:27 AM
Maybe I'm out of the loop here, but can you have calc pids displayed on the FlashScan unit itself? I am trying to check instant MPG at different driving conditions, and it would be really nice to check them real time as opposed to downloading the log and looking at it on the laptop.

July 7th, 2008, 05:29 AM
Somewhere in this forum I believe Paul indicated V2 will only support a limited set of CALC_PID's (i.e. BEN factors). We would need to add the respective CALC_PID's to the log file after uploading them to the PC after the fact.

Aint Skeered
July 7th, 2008, 08:12 AM
just finished testing and I am pleased to say that my v2 is now working great with my lm1 wideband in bbl.

Now if I can fix my issue with the wideband itself I will be doing some ve tuning.

My wideband works but when I go wide open throttle or close to it, my wideband trips out and say's sensor timing error. I think I need to put the copper heat disapater on the o2.

Chuck CoW
July 7th, 2008, 11:02 AM
just finished testing and I am pleased to say that my v2 is now working great with my lm1 wideband in bbl.

Now if I can fix my issue with the wideband itself I will be doing some ve tuning.

My wideband works but when I go wide open throttle or close to it, my wideband trips out and say's sensor timing error. I think I need to put the copper heat disapater on the o2.

When you see the 08 error for sensor timing, it means the sensor heater is dying....(as per innovate tech line)

Ouch...they cost.
Chuck CoW

July 7th, 2008, 02:03 PM

Remember to add any new keys in the quick reference pdf.


Aint Skeered
July 7th, 2008, 03:33 PM
When you see the 08 error for sensor timing, it means the sensor heater is dying....(as per innovate tech line)

Ouch...they cost.
Chuck CoW

IT lasted almost a year and worked great untill I checked the air fuel on a freinds car with a 408 and he was running wal mart gas with the 10 % ethelyne mix. he was at 12/1 and man that sensor was clean when we took it out. Looked very lean.

I guess from now on any one who wants to use the lm1 has to buy there own sensor.:cheers:

July 8th, 2008, 01:17 AM
I think they're about US$50 from autopart.com

Part number: 021-906-262-B or 021906262B

Check the 2nd and 4th items (SG897) in this list: http://www.autopart.com/O2Sensor/O22004VOLKSWAGENBEETLE.htm

I believe this is the right part... someone might want to cross-check it;

otherwise they are about $75-$100 elsewhere.

Chuck CoW
July 8th, 2008, 06:30 AM
I think they're about US$50 from autopart.com

Part number: 021-906-262-B or 021906262B

Check the 2nd and 4th items (SG897) in this list: http://www.autopart.com/O2Sensor/O22004VOLKSWAGENBEETLE.htm

I believe this is the right part... someone might want to cross-check it;

otherwise they are about $75-$100 elsewhere.

Is this the one used for the LM1??

Chuck CoW

July 8th, 2008, 11:18 AM
Ok did some more testing this morning, Made a new option file last night as per photo below... when i loaded the bbl in to Scan tool, the afr worked well, averything was there bar KR !!!! it is in the option file, can anyone see anything wrong with the file???

The pid is blanked out so i can not pick it once I open the BBL log file in scan... any suggestons..


July 8th, 2008, 12:37 PM
You need a comma after the KR, because you put the alarm information after the PID. Look at the ECT and RPM PIDS under PSL_LS2.

July 8th, 2008, 01:06 PM
You need a comma after the KR, because you put the alarm information after the PID. Look at the ECT and RPM PIDS under PSL_LS2.

Well spotted.


July 8th, 2008, 01:15 PM
Well spotted.



Easy to spot when you've done the exact same thing.

July 8th, 2008, 01:33 PM
Thanks guys....

Will know for next time know....

Chuck CoW
July 9th, 2008, 03:54 PM
Ok, so I'm Fed up with LM1....Damn power socket keeps breaking off the circuit board and hate the power switch that always turns itself on....and everything else.....

I've been seeing the LM2 everywhere but nobody has it on the shelf...Anyone have or use it yet????

ANYWAY, the reason to bring this up.... Can we expect that the serial protocol will be the same as LM1 meaning that we can just plug it into Flashscan and it will read serial WB....

Or, do we have to get it added into the Firmware to recognize it??

Chuck CoW

July 9th, 2008, 04:35 PM
ANYWAY, the reason to bring this up.... Can we expect that the serial protocol will be the same as LM1 meaning that we can just plug it into Flashscan and it will read serial WB....

Or, do we have to get it added into the Firmware to recognize it??

Chuck CoW

As far as I am aware it should just plug in and work with the existing FlashScan firmware. If it doesn't I guess I'll be lining up to get an LM2 to make it work.


July 9th, 2008, 04:39 PM
I've just sent off a request to Innovate to find out if it is compatible. I'll let you know...

August 7th, 2008, 03:36 PM
i have noticed the imperial setting for SAE.MAP has been fixed,
but i noticed that the GM.MANVAC imperial setting is now PSI in the tune.exe
and scan.exe is still inHg. :angel_innocent:

August 7th, 2008, 04:03 PM
Too late to make it into the next update (tonight), but it will be updated in the next update.

August 12th, 2008, 10:30 AM
when is the update? tonight?

August 12th, 2008, 10:33 AM

4 days ago.

August 12th, 2008, 10:35 AM
Likewise you can click the "check for updates" icons in the start menu to set up automagic updates :D

August 12th, 2008, 11:57 AM
the newest version ain`t all that.
i would recommend holding off til the next one.

August 12th, 2008, 11:59 AM
Too late to make it into the next update (tonight), but it will be updated in the next update.

My laptop did the auto update automatically. I just downloaded he files but didn't install them yet. Does the V2 need to be updated also? and what is included in the update?


August 14th, 2008, 10:58 AM
My laptop did the auto update automatically. I just downloaded he files but didn't install them yet. Does the V2 need to be updated also? and what is included in the update?


not much according to the release notes

August 14th, 2008, 03:38 PM
My laptop did the auto update automatically. I just downloaded he files but didn't install them yet. Does the V2 need to be updated also? and what is included in the update?


what is not there, is the right click menu.
so if you need/want to copy and fill, forget it. (there are no hot keys)
also the GM.MANVAC PID imperial units in the scan.exe are inHg,
and in the tune.exe are PSI :doh2: it will not track with RTACS.

August 14th, 2008, 04:03 PM
Have you alerted Blacky to this problem... a little hard to cut and paste and multiply hehe....

August 14th, 2008, 04:23 PM
I am aware of the right-click-menu problem. It was reported by Delco earlier this week. I have corrected the problem. I'll upload the corrected version and post a link to it. Mr Prick, I've also updated GM.MANVAC and a couple of other inHg PIDs.


August 15th, 2008, 10:49 AM
Have you alerted Blacky to this problem... a little hard to cut and paste and multiply hehe....

you can copy with hot key.(ctrl + c)
you never could copy and fill with hot keys.

is there a standard for imperial settings across the board? (inHg or PSI)

August 24th, 2008, 03:57 AM

No one knows?

Chuck CoW
August 25th, 2008, 11:49 AM
I've got the latest software, but at Carlisle this week, I noticed that I could not Right click/copy and I was still having some connectivity issues......

Serial wideband works nice with LM2.:cucumber: (thanks Andy!)

Otherwise, working pretty good....

Chuck CoW

August 25th, 2008, 12:33 PM
I haven't posted the update yet - still waiting other issues to be fixed.
You can still use the Edit-> menu at the top of the window to copy and copy with labels.


August 26th, 2008, 03:59 AM
Ok where is the options.ini at , is it hidden ? Not in the "confg" folder .

August 26th, 2008, 06:58 AM
Ok where is the options.ini at , is it hidden ? Not in the "confg" folder .

You should find it in the "C:\Program Files\EFILive\V8.1\Programs" folder. I think it was moved there during the last update so as not to overwrite anyone's custom "options.ini" file. :angel_innocent:

August 26th, 2008, 08:50 AM
Unfortunately, it (and other files) will move again in the next release.

EFILive V8's design, which was made before Vista was released, called for the entire software application, data and config files to be stored in a single folder. Which meant it would be easy to backup or even transfer your entire setup to another PC.

It seems Windows Vista security model does not like applications "saving/updating" files in the Program Files folder. So rather than fight Vista's security model which will cause grief for many customers we are currently investigating moving the application data files to:

On Vista it will probably be:

On Windows XP it will most likely be:
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\EFILive\V8\...

Also EFILive V8 does not store config data in the registry. All config data will be stored in *.ini files that can be easily backed up or transfered to a different PC along with the other application data files.


August 26th, 2008, 10:18 AM
Gotta love Vista ......

August 26th, 2008, 10:48 AM
I've got the latest software, but at Carlisle this week, I noticed that I could not Right click/copy and I was still having some connectivity issues......

Serial wideband works nice with LM2.:cucumber: (thanks Andy!)

Otherwise, working pretty good....

Chuck CoW


August 26th, 2008, 12:49 PM
You should find it in the "C:\Program Files\EFILive\V8.1\Programs" folder. I think it was moved there during the last update so as not to overwrite anyone's custom "options.ini" file. :angel_innocent:
Thanks Ninety8c5 .
I saw that file but did not dawn on me it was the .ini file , though it was a text file , because the extension was not displayed .
Even opened it and read the header , thanks for the heads up on the next new moves of the options.ini file Blacky .
On Vista it will probably be:

On Windows XP it will most likely be:
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\EFILive\V8\...

August 28th, 2008, 07:35 AM
I cannot seem to find the options.ini file to format my V2. I've searched my entire computer for the file but it doesnt show up anywhere. I've tried unistalling and reinstalling 8.1.1 multiple times but still nothing, and I have all the current firmware and bootblock.

August 28th, 2008, 08:16 AM
I cannot seem to find the options.ini file to format my V2. I've searched my entire computer for the file but it doesnt show up anywhere. I've tried unistalling and reinstalling 8.1.1 multiple times but still nothing, and I have all the current firmware and bootblock.

I think that .ini files are normally hidden file types. Maybe you need to modify your windows folders settings to display all file types under Tools | Folder Options |View Tab

August 28th, 2008, 08:18 AM
I cannot seem to find the options.ini file to format my V2. I've searched my entire computer for the file but it doesnt show up anywhere. I've tried unistalling and reinstalling 8.1.1 multiple times but still nothing, and I have all the current firmware and bootblock.

C:\Program Files\EFILive\V8.1\Programs , It is , there but looks like a text file .
It is just "OPTIONS" and no .ini , that is what fooled me it does drag and drop into the V2 .

August 28th, 2008, 09:10 AM
Okay thanks i found it, and formatted it to the V2 but when i try to select PIDs my flashscan says Options.ini not found.

August 28th, 2008, 12:06 PM
You did have EFILive Explorer open , V2 connected and drilled down to the file using drive tree on the left side of Explorer window ?
Once there in EFILIve Explorer you opened "Config Files" tab in Explorer and drug and dropped the Option file ?
It should have wound up in Alphabetical order in the "Config Files" section in Explorer .
That is what worked for me any ways .

August 28th, 2008, 01:30 PM
Okay i got it i was just formatting it instead of just dragging and dropping them in there. But now when i try to select a tune the V2 says tune switching is not supported in controllers callibration.

Happy Jim
May 23rd, 2009, 04:40 AM
when i load that log into the scan tool,


How are you getting the log off the V2 box into the scan tool? I'm having a blond moment and can't work that bit out???



May 23rd, 2009, 05:32 AM

How are you getting the log off the V2 box into the scan tool? I'm having a blond moment and can't work that bit out???



Post#56 (http://forum.efilive.com/showpost.php?p=95300&postcount=56)

May 23rd, 2009, 08:40 AM
Okay i got it i was just formatting it instead of just dragging and dropping them in there. But now when i try to select a tune the V2 says tune switching is not supported in controllers callibration.

You need to have the appropriate files in the [Config] folder. Use EFILive_Explorer to manually setup the files or use EFILive_ScanAndTune->Black Box Logging to setup the files.

Then you need to select the correct controller type using the F1 option on FlashScan.

Then you can select the switchable tune.


July 3rd, 2009, 04:28 PM
This post should be unstickied!!! it's over a year old.