View Full Version : Installing the V8 Software

June 27th, 2008, 04:38 PM
To install the EFILive V8.2 software

Download the V8.2 software here:
Your browser will prompt you to save the file. Select a folder such as:
\My Documents\Downloads
Wait for the download to complete.
Using Windows Explorer, locate the downloaded file and double click on it to start the installation.
Follow the on screen instructions.

After downloading and installing the version 8 software, please select the Windows Start menu option:
Start->All Programs->EFILive->V8->Documents->Upgrading FlashScan
for a detailed explanation of how you can upgrade the boot block and firmware of your FlashScan V2 device.

After Installing:

When the installation has finished, EFILive will check for updates. If EFILive does not automatically check for an update after the initial installation, please select the start menu option: Start->All Programs->EFILive->V8->Tools->Check for New Update.

If you are reading this post more than a month after the software was first released in November 2010, then most likely an update will be available and should be installed to ensure you have the most up to date software. The update usually takes 1-2 minutes and will display a message to indicate when it has completed.

What is included in the download:

EFILive ScanAndTune: V8.2

EFILive Explorer: V8.2

EFILive HAPI: V8.2

FlashScan boot block: V2.07.04
FlashScan firmware: V2.07.xx

Known Installation Issues
When installing on Windows 98 the installer may display two errors during the installation:

You may be prompted to insert the FTDI FTD2XX Drivers disk. In that case, click OK and then select [Skip] to skip the file ftd2xx.cat.
A registry entry may not be able to be set due to inadequate permissions, please select [Ignore] so that the installation can continue.

When installing on Windows Vista or Windows 7 the installer may indicate that the install did not complete successfully and prompt you to confirm. Please select the option that confirms the installation was successful.

Important Information:
Some customers have reported that the EFILive V7.5 software will sometimes fail to detect the FlashScan V2 interface cable after it has been upgraded to V2.5 firmware or later. Usually retrying the operation will allow the software to detect FlashScan and continue. However, you can prevent the error and speed up the cable detection process by changing the cable type in the EFILive V7.5 Scan Tool software.
Change the setting: Edit->Properties->Connections->Preferred interface cable type to EFILive FlashScan V2.5 (HAPI).

Updating your FlashScan/AutoCal Firmware:
After installing the V8 software, open the EFILive Control Panel (aka EFILive Hapi) by starting EFILive Explorer (Start->All Programs->EFILive->V8->EFILive Explorer).
Once EFILive Explorer is running, the EFILive Control Panel icon (a small image of FlashScan) will appear in the Windows system tray at the end of the Windows task bar.
Click on that icon and select the F6: Firmware option. Click on the [Refresh] button and follow the onscreen instructions to update the firmware.
If you have a FlashScan and an AutoCal connected simultaneously, you may select between them using the list at the top of the window.

October 23rd, 2010, 02:02 AM
I have successfully installed the software on my Windows 7 64-bit system without any error messages. While using the EFILive Explorer to upload files it shows the progress of the upload usually around 7-11% it shows not responding even though if I let it sit and not do anything it works. Is there and update coming to fix this issue with the AutoCal?

October 23rd, 2010, 03:51 AM
I have successfully installed the software on my Windows 7 64-bit system without any error messages. While using the EFILive Explorer to upload files it shows the progress of the upload usually around 7-11% it shows not responding even though if I let it sit and not do anything it works. Is there and update coming to fix this issue with the AutoCal?

I've had that same issue since day 1, I'm using Vista 32 bit, always hangs or shows message "EFI Live not responding" but you can see the lights on Flashscan blinking and 20-30 seconds later all is well....
On AutoCal it does the same thing but I can't tell what's going on, no blinking lights...:D

October 23rd, 2010, 09:45 AM
I have successfully installed the software on my Windows 7 64-bit system without any error messages. While using the EFILive Explorer to upload files it shows the progress of the upload usually around 7-11% it shows not responding even though if I let it sit and not do anything it works. Is there and update coming to fix this issue with the AutoCal?

It's something that has happened since day 1. It will eventually be fixed.

November 7th, 2010, 05:42 AM
When is eventually? Just asking cause apparently it has been happening since Vista and that has been out a very long time now.

November 7th, 2010, 11:55 AM
When is eventually? Just asking cause apparently it has been happening since Vista and that has been out a very long time now.
It should be fixed in the latest pre-release available here:
WARNING: I recommend not updating to the latest firmware in that pre-release just yet, it still has some issues.
The V8 software is ok though.


November 11th, 2010, 07:25 PM
Hello, i'm having hell getting my V8 stuff to work.

I need to update my firmware and bootblock but it won't let me do anything. I've followed all the instructions that I can find all over this website and can't seem to get it to work. When I use the EFIlive Explorer and try to select the newest bootblock and firmware the little icon that says "program" is gray and won't let me click it.. and when I go to the little V2 icon at the bottom and try F6 it says that the V2 is unrecognized if I can even get it to come up. All my V7 stuff works fine and it did just download all the latest stuff for V7 and V8 and checked for updates..etc..

And now, when I open the EFIlive explorer I get the message that says.. Error: $0025: Can't get semaphore for control of EFIlive_Hapi.

What the hell is going on? LOL

November 12th, 2010, 05:55 AM
Hi Chris,

Which build versions of V7 and V8 software...? Are they 136 (V7) and 120 (V8)...?

Which bootblock and firmware versions is your V2 at right now...?

November 12th, 2010, 09:15 AM

V7.5.6 build 133 and V8.1.2 build 115.. I downloaded each one last night, then told it to look for updates of each as well.

Bootblock 2.05.04
Firmware 2.05.21

Everytime I plug in the V2 it says "boot block has been upgraded. License will be upgraded now.. I hit OK.. then it says LICENSE UPGRADE.. WARNING DO not remove power during the upgrade process.. I hit OK.. then it says that Upgrade completed successfully.. I hit OK.. and it goes to the normal menu.

It says all this because earlier I got to looking at it on the actual V2 and found where it talks about upgrading the bootblock.. so I did it.. now I guess everything is jacked up.

Never had a problem with any of the software till now.. i'm sure it's something I did or something.. :(

November 12th, 2010, 12:08 PM

Do this:
- install updated V7 and V8 from here: builds 136/120 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?14608-UPDATE-V8-Pass-Through-Reading-Flashing-Support-%28pre-release%29).
- then carefully read the attached .pdf doc.

You need to update the V2 bootblock and firmware in a step sequence, this is what the attached doc explains.

Get back to me here.

November 12th, 2010, 03:11 PM
Will do, thanks alot man.

November 12th, 2010, 04:16 PM
Ok, got it figured out.. my bootblock and firmware didn't jive, so I had to manually put it in dead poll and put the compatible firmware in first, then I could update everything to the most current stuff.

I think everything is working right.. thanks again for the help!

November 12th, 2010, 05:47 PM
Ok, cool :cheers: no worries.

January 7th, 2011, 04:55 PM
Im having a problem much like the Chris guy. I got the same error message as him so I put it in dead poll thinking maybe I could get it to populate the firmware and boot sections but that didnt work. I attached some screenshots of what Im seeing. For somereason the V2 doesnt want to connect to the program anymore. I downloaded brand new versions of 7.5 and 8 tonight and uninstalled the original 7.5 like it says in the pdf. I suppose Im missing something from the pdf document which is highly possible with a screaming 3 month old in the room.:throw:

January 7th, 2011, 05:26 PM
Using the keypad on FlashScan, can you navigate to the license section that displays the firmware and boot block versions?
What are the versions in the FlashScan unit?


January 7th, 2011, 05:50 PM
Firmware 2.04.70 date dec 10 2007
Boot Block 2.04.10 date nov 10 2006

When I go in to the Flashscan to upgrade it to 2.05.08 it only gives me to option of 2.5.04 so I went ahead and let it do its thing to go to that version. Atleast getting me to that boot block gives me some options it looks like from the pdf. I think I may be able to get it from here. Didnt realize that I could do it via the flashscan even though it says it in black and white in the pdf, a suppose a screaming kid can distract you lol.

January 7th, 2011, 05:56 PM
The document should point out that you MUST only upgrade the boot block when your firmware is 2.04.72. Upgrading from an earlier version will place a boot block that is faulty into your V2. The attached image capture from that document explains what you can do to try and recover from that situation.


January 7th, 2011, 05:57 PM
One last thing...
You will probably need to use the V7 EFILive Firmware Programmer software to program the V2.05.14 firmware.

January 7th, 2011, 08:20 PM
1slow01Z71, I've just sent you an email with some instructions for recovering the FlashScan V2 device in the event you perform an upgrade to the 2.05.x bootblock before first updating to 2.04.72 as indicated in the documentation.

June 2nd, 2011, 01:44 PM
I downloaded the V8 software and and while attempting to update the FlashScan V2 firmware and bootlock my pc gives me a warning when I plug my FlashScan into the USB that the device is not responding. On the device it says it is connected. I am running windows 7 and have completed all the updates for the V8 software. Please let me know if there is anything I need to do different. FYI I have never updated the FlashScan V2 firmwar or boot lock. Also, when I open up the utitily where is should show the current versions of the firmware is shows nothing. Thanks in advance.

June 2nd, 2011, 01:47 PM
Take a look at the document available as part of the V8 software called:

Start->All Programs->EFILive->V8->Documents->Upgrading Firmware
You most likely will need to make sure your FlashScan is at firmware V2.04.72, then do a boot block upgrade on the device.


June 2nd, 2011, 01:49 PM
LOL. You were too quick Paul.

Check this knowledgebase article (http://support.efilive.com/kb_article.php?ref=7243-SFGL-2949) which describes the process for updating FlashScan bootblock/firmware. As Paul says the most important thing to ensure is that you first upgrade to 2.04.72 before attempting to update to 2.05 and later.

June 6th, 2011, 11:35 AM
Thanks for the info. Much appreciated!

June 22nd, 2011, 12:15 PM
hello all,

i'm a new entry of the forum, i say everybody hello!

i'm getting a trouble with the efi scan and tine, when i oush on "tune" i'm getting this error

"unknown picture file extension (.#252#234#224)"

i need new vesion to work on E78 controllers, with V7.5 i have never had troublen and i dont have either with V8 in a win 7 laptop

in the one i use to tune the car i have win XP and i'm facing this issue

thank to all

June 22nd, 2011, 12:31 PM
"unknown picture file extension (.#252#234#224)"

Currently, the EFILive software is handling non-US settings in Windows incorrectly. Until we get that fixed, please try this:

On a Windows 7 system:

Go into ‘Control Panel’.
Choose ‘Region and Language’.
On the ‘Formats’ tab choose ‘English (United States)’ format.
On the ‘Location’ tab select ‘United States’.
On the ‘Administrative’ tab click the ‘Change system locale’ button and select ‘English (United States)’.


September 10th, 2011, 07:00 AM
FYI – I just updated my V8.2.1 to Build 170. When I downloaded Build 170 and installed it, and then opened S&T, it indicated that it was indeed Build 170. However, when I went to V8>Tools>Check for Updates, and had it download and install the updates, re-opening S&T indicated that it was now Build 160. Maybe a minor issue, maybe not.

September 10th, 2011, 10:59 AM
FYI – I just updated my V8.2.1 to Build 170. When I downloaded Build 170 and installed it, and then opened S&T, it indicated that it was indeed Build 170. However, when I went to V8>Tools>Check for Updates, and had it download and install the updates, re-opening S&T indicated that it was now Build 160. Maybe a minor issue, maybe not.

The update has reverted your install back to build 160. I recommend re-installing from the files you downloaded to get back to build 170.

September 11th, 2011, 02:10 AM
So, on the EfiLive Download Software web page where it says "After installing, please check for new updates using:
Start->All Programs->EFILive->V8->Tools->Check for New Updates., I should ignore that? If so, is that just temporary for this particular build? Seems like I won't be getting some necessary updates when I do skip it. Thanks.

September 11th, 2011, 02:47 AM
Maybe it's just me...but is anyone else having a problem doing a Crank Relearn since the update??

September 11th, 2011, 12:29 PM
So, on the EfiLive Download Software web page where it says "After installing, please check for new updates using:
Start->All Programs->EFILive->V8->Tools->Check for New Updates., I should ignore that? If so, is that just temporary for this particular build? Seems like I won't be getting some necessary updates when I do skip it. Thanks.Please do not use Check for Updates until further notice.

You will see new versions posted in this thread (which you can install by directing executing the .exe):
Software-Updates-and-Installation-Help (http://forum.efilive.com/forumdisplay.php?71-Software-Updates-and-Installation-Help)

September 12th, 2011, 06:25 AM
I believe Paul may have updated the build issued by the Auto Update to be the same as the downloads page. But the recommended approach for the moment is to download the full installers from the website.

October 31st, 2011, 04:44 AM
Long time no update. What is the status guys? :secret:

October 31st, 2011, 08:24 AM
Long time no update. What is the status guys? :secret:

We're running the latest Cummins 6.7 beta test at the moment.
Once that is done a public release will be available.
I expect that to be around the end of November.

There will most likely be a pre-release around mid Nov.


Duramax 6.6L
November 1st, 2011, 04:04 AM
I can not wait for the release for the 6.7L. Hope all is going well.

November 29th, 2011, 06:13 AM
Having problems with updates. I have boot block 2.04.10 and firmware version 2.04.60. I downloaded the latest V5.7 build 180 and 8.2.1 build 170. I followed the instructions in this and the 5.7 thread. I then opened EFILive Explorer to do the firmware update and this is where I'm stuck. First of all, all the fields displays N/A for boot and firmware versions. When I choose to update boot block I get message 0025 "cannot get semaphore for control". I see a note in instructions to change connections to Flashscan HAPI so I tried that, got message that device was not found or connected when back in EFILive Exporer. Went back and selected Flashscan V2 USB. Get semaphore message again. Any ideas?

Once I get past this I know that I have to update to V2.04.72 first, will this be an option when I hit the "update boot block" button? If not, where do I get it?



November 29th, 2011, 08:23 AM
Having problems with updates. I have boot block 2.04.10 and firmware version 2.04.60. I downloaded the latest V5.7 build 180 and 8.2.1 build 170. I followed the instructions in this and the 5.7 thread. I then opened EFILive Explorer to do the firmware update and this is where I'm stuck. First of all, all the fields displays N/A for boot and firmware versions. When I choose to update boot block I get message 0025 "cannot get semaphore for control". I see a note in instructions to change connections to Flashscan HAPI so I tried that, got message that device was not found or connected when back in EFILive Exporer. Went back and selected Flashscan V2 USB. Get semaphore message again. Any ideas?

Once I get past this I know that I have to update to V2.04.72 first, will this be an option when I hit the "update boot block" button? If not, where do I get it?



You need to update the V2.04.60 firmware to V2.04.72 using the V7 software.
Start->All Programs->EFILive->V7.5->EFILive Firmware Programmer.
Then use FlashScan's on-board boot block update to get the boot block to V2.05.xx

Once the boot block is at V2.05.x or later you need to use the V8 software (EFILive Explorer or EFILive HAPI) to continue with the the update process.


November 29th, 2011, 04:30 PM
Ok, upgraded to V2.04.72 using EFILive V7.5

On Flashscan then updated to boot block V2.05.08.

Moved on to "Programming new firmware". Verified that I had boot block V2.05.08. Selected the latest firmware file in Firmware directory, which was V2.07.22. Unchecked Boot block. Hit program button. Got indication that programming was complete. Clicked "ok". FLashscan did not reboot as expected and now seems dead. I can get into dead poll mode but when running EFI Explorer I get the semaphore message and cannot do anything.

Was I supposed to select a specific firmware version other than the latest?


November 29th, 2011, 04:45 PM
Yes, the firmware needs to match the boot block.
So if you have V2.05.xx you need firmware 2.05.xx

Then, once the boot block and firmware are both at V2.05.xx you can update the boot block to V2.07.xx, then the firmware again to V2.07.xx

There is a document that you should read:
Start->All Programs->EFILive->V8->Documents->Upgrading Firmware.
That document explains all the steps.


November 29th, 2011, 04:49 PM
After more investigation, if I go back several pages in the document it says program firmware v2.05.21 after boot block v2.05.08 is flashed. I've tried doing this but keep getting this damn semaphore message. Flashscan can be put into dead poll mode but I cannot upload firmware. It will not go into normal mode so I can't upload or change the boot block.

November 29th, 2011, 04:53 PM
That message usually occurs if some other program is trying to access FlashScan at the same time.
Make sure no other EFILive software is running when you do this...

1. Start the EFILive Control Panel (aka EFILive HAPI) from the start menu.
2. Click on the FlashScan icon that appears in the system tray (at the end of the windows task bar)
3. Select "F6 Firmware"
4. Click [Refresh]
5. Update the firmware to V2.05.21
6. Click [Refresh]
7. Update boot block to V2.07.03
8. Update firmware to V2.07.22


November 29th, 2011, 04:54 PM
Yes, the firmware needs to match the boot block.
So if you have V2.05.xx you need firmware 2.05.xx

Then, once the boot block and firmware are both at V2.05.xx you can update the boot block to V2.07.xx, then the firmware again to V2.07.xx

There is a document that you should read:
Start->All Programs->EFILive->V8->Documents->Upgrading Firmware.
That document explains all the steps.


Yes, that's the document I've been following. I got to step 6 on page 7 when all went bad. So I have boot block V2.05.08 and need firmware v2.05.21 but cannot make this happen for some reason.

November 29th, 2011, 05:16 PM
Step 4 I get message "Connected device is not responding". Status of Flashscan V2 is ""not connected". I've tried everything to get a connection, closing and opening program, disconnecting and reconnecting USB cable. I cannot get past step 4.

November 29th, 2011, 11:42 PM
Can you try re-installing the USB drivers?

Disconnect FlashScan

Use the program: Start->All Programs->EFILive->V8->EFILive USB Manager.
To run it right click on it and select "Run as Administrator"
Then select the [Install USB V2.02.04] option.
Reconnect FlashScan.

Re-start EFILive_HAPI and try again.

If it still fails, select the "F8: Trace" tab page and click on [Save Trace].
Save the file and email it to me at paul@efilive.com


November 30th, 2011, 04:19 AM
Still no response, email sent.

March 28th, 2012, 10:59 AM
Having problems installing a tune on my LBZ.
Tune is setup in V7.5.
Ready to do the install, hit Start...
Get prompted with "Flash Scan/ Auto Cal not compatible" download the latest V8 and use "EFI Live HAPI".
Downloaded the latest version.
Double click on HAPI nothing happens- but try to reinstall V8 and get prompeted with HAPI is currently running.
Try to install the tune... and again the samething happens

March 28th, 2012, 11:09 AM
When you start "EFILive HAPI" (aka The EFILive Control Panel) a small FlashScan icon will appear in the system tray at the end of the start menu bar (near the clock).
Click on the FlashScan icon to open up the EFILive Control Panel window.
Select the Firmware tab page and update your firmware.


March 28th, 2012, 11:42 AM
Updated the bootblock and firmware.
Do I need to re-register?
If I do. What info will I need?
And how will I go about doing this?

Thank you

March 28th, 2012, 12:03 PM
Mack, you should be ok (if you already registered).

March 28th, 2012, 12:04 PM
Should be no need to re-register the software. If you do (for some reason) then you'll need the information from your blue registration card. If you no longer have that available email me (suport@efilive.com) with your Serial Number and Auth Code (found as per this guide (http://support.efilive.com/kb_article.php?ref=2143-YUOG-8049))

March 28th, 2012, 12:13 PM
Found my blue card, just incase.
Now after the update I tried to install the tune and do not have the option to flash (everything is grayed out)

What else do I need to do?

I appologize Gents, I am new to this.
Thank you

March 28th, 2012, 12:27 PM
Can you open up the V7.5 Tune tool, then click Help->Register EFILive. If your registration details are not populated, then re-enter them (make sure you select the proper License type- unless you have a V1 Personal select Commercial Scan&Tune). There was a problem with an earlier installer erasing the files in the My Documents\EFILive\V7.5 folder so it might have deleted your license file.

BTW, there is a new public version released just an hour ago. Get it here: http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?18861-Public-release-March-29-2012

March 29th, 2012, 03:20 AM
If I'm still unable to tune, then I will re-register.

Thanks man

May 9th, 2012, 03:25 PM
I have downloaded V7.5 and V8.
I checked for updates and it says everything is up to date.
I then tried to rip my stock file off my truck and i get an error code ($11).
Have no idea what is going on.

The bootblock and firmware say "go"

Please help.


May 9th, 2012, 03:27 PM
I have downloaded V7.5 and V8.
I checked for updates and it says everything is up to date.
I then tried to rip my stock file off my truck and i get an error code ($11).
Have no idea what is going on.

The bootblock and firmware say "go"

Please help.


Have you read through this page:
If you send me the trace files as described on that page, I can take a look at what is going wrong.


May 9th, 2012, 03:38 PM
Its say it is in demo mode and wont allow me to view what is needed for that

May 9th, 2012, 03:44 PM
Its say it is in demo mode and wont allow me to view what is needed for that

Have you entered your FlashScan registration details from the blue License card into the EFILive software?
Once you do that, then the software won't be in demo mode anymore.

Or if you have your FlashScan device connected to your PC before starting the V7 software the software will not go into demo mode.


May 9th, 2012, 03:54 PM
ok it finally read it. do i pm you with what was read or post here?

May 9th, 2012, 04:07 PM
ok it finally read it. do i pm you with what was read or post here?

If you successfully read out the PCM then there's no need to post it here or send it to me, you're good to go.

If the read process still fails with code $11 or any other error code, then send me the appropriate trace files. Send them to paul@efilive.com.


May 9th, 2012, 04:30 PM
Just went and tried again, this time i recieved an $80 Bootlogger rejected.

May 10th, 2012, 03:56 AM
It can't successfully read the pcm.. I get the error $80. And I can't copy the trace to email it to you.

May 11th, 2012, 08:13 AM
Got it all figured out.. getting my truck flashed tomorrow.
Thanks guys.

May 12th, 2012, 07:15 AM
Ok got the truck flashed and still getting the $11 error.... I'm out of ideas.

May 12th, 2012, 08:09 AM
Who did you purchase your V2 through I'm sure they will help you out with getting this problem solved.

May 12th, 2012, 03:48 PM
And I can't copy the trace to email it to you.

You're going to need to figure out how to send the trace files to EFILive, otherwise we can't figure out a solution for you.


May 12th, 2012, 03:58 PM
You're going to need to figure out how to send the trace files to EFILive, otherwise we can't figure out a solution for you.


Ahh, I see you have already sent the trace files - thanks.
I'm going over them now.


May 14th, 2012, 02:02 PM
Thanks Paul for the new flash, worked perfect.

May 14th, 2012, 02:45 PM
Thanks Paul for the new flash, worked perfect.

Actually Ross did all the hard work.
Can you read the ECM now?


May 14th, 2012, 04:33 PM
Yup flashed and read with no hiccups

Well thanks Ross lol

June 8th, 2012, 08:56 PM

I have this Issues in the V8 software on a windows 7


the v7 software is ok with me but the v8 is not.

can someone help me with that?

June 8th, 2012, 10:30 PM

I have this Issues in the V8 software on a windows 7


the v7 software is ok with me but the v8 is not.

can someone help me with that?

Try changing the Windows regional settings to US.

June 9th, 2012, 10:25 AM
Try changing the Windows regional settings to US.

i just try that,

but the same Issues .

June 9th, 2012, 06:30 PM
The regional settings being set to a non English local is the only known way of getting that error to occur. Similarly, setting regional settings to English (United State) has worked in all other cases. Please do double check that you correctly made the recommended adjustment.

November 10th, 2012, 08:08 AM
hi all, may I get advice to updatemy v8. I seem to need build 191. anyone have it so I may catch this thing up.Thre only version I see is Download is ---- EFILive V8.2.1 Build 203... it will not update I get a 403 error? or something.. Thanks, Caleb

November 10th, 2012, 01:47 PM
hi all, may I get advice to updatemy v8. I seem to need build 191. anyone have it so I may catch this thing up.Thre only version I see is Download is ---- EFILive V8.2.1 Build 203... it will not update I get a 403 error? or something.. Thanks, CalebPost a screenshot.

November 14th, 2012, 04:43 AM
Post a screenshot.

HI Thank you for your time and reply Joecar I (cant get the pic.. )now I have v 8 installed , and 7.5 , both the latest.. Upon hooking cord & V2 I am getting blue screen on v2 scanner.. tried loading usb manager... IT loads, and I get options to install either 2.02.04 or 2.08.14 . (I am in admin mode..) I get error code 740: the request operation requires elevation. NOW What Please Anyone

November 14th, 2012, 04:53 AM
See post #24 here: brand-new-V2-crashes-my-HP (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?19990-brand-new-V2-crashes-my-HP&p=180822#post180822)

No need to dual boot.. you just have to hit f8 just after the bios boots and a menu will appear.. choose disable digital signature enforcement and continue to boot.

Download the driver set from moates.net and you will be able to use it no problems. be sure to NOT boot with the usb connected or it will crash...

November 14th, 2012, 04:54 AM
Requiring elevation: your admin login does not have high enough privileges.

November 14th, 2012, 04:57 AM
hi joecar the only guy on the computer is me and if i rt click i have all options checked for privileges in acct. how can I fix ? ??

November 14th, 2012, 05:31 AM
The 740 error is related to UAC. See THIS (http://support.efilive.com/kb_article.php?ref=7616-TYKL-8474) knowledgebase article

November 14th, 2012, 05:49 AM
rebooted .. updated, this time all good.. (reboot x3 then admin wt heck)... 3rd try a charm thanks..

January 27th, 2014, 06:21 AM
I've been hearing about how awesome V8 is supposed to be for scanning/tuning and reducing flash times by a lot. This transition has been years now, is it going to be ready or am I doing it wrong and everyone is using it already?


January 27th, 2014, 08:41 AM
I've been hearing about how awesome V8 is supposed to be for scanning/tuning and reducing flash times by a lot. This transition has been years now, is it going to be ready or am I doing it wrong and everyone is using it already?


You're not doing anything wrong, it is still in transition.

As of now, the V8 Software can (and should) be used for the following tasks:

Display/playback log files in the V8 scan tool software.
Display controller info (for most controllers).
Read and flash all supported controllers in pass-thru or stand-alone modes.
Setup FlashScan/AutoCal for black box logging, reading and flashing.
Managing VIN and stream licenses.
Various tools such as searching through tune files on your computer for specific data (e.g. VIN, serial numbers, controller type etc).

The main things that V8 does not support yet are:

Pass-thru data logging.
Retrieve OBDII DTCs and related data.
Edit tune files.

Those last three items are being worked on and will become available as they are completed.


January 27th, 2014, 08:51 AM
For the last few years now, New vehicle support has only been added to V8 for reading and flashing, so V8 is very much an essential and currently used part of our framework. You cannot tune a late model GM vehicle (E78, E39, E92 etc) or a Cummins vehicle without using V8 for reading and flashing.

We made the decision to deliver a quality product V8, and it's fair to say every component released to date is far superior to V7, and in many cases far superior to comparable products available in the market.

Will V8 ever be finished? Well that depends how you define finished. The plan is you will be able to do everything currently available in V7 within V8 and then some, but I doubt it would ever be finished. Technology is moving at a faster pace than ever before, customer requests, comments and needs are constantly changing, so we continue to make adjustments to our products. For ever item ticked off our development list we add about 5 more 'new' items to the list.

Development continues on the tune tool component of V8 to give customers a single piece of software to navigate, but I'd take the compromise of time (and 2 pieces of software) over a substandard product any day.


January 27th, 2014, 09:07 AM
I mean specifically from what v7 can do now. I read about scanning and tuning without having to disconnect to flash, just using it in general.
What I really want to know is when v7 will be obsolete, that's what I'm looking forward to. I have to use v8 for certain things, and v7 for others and I'd perfer to just use 1. Not too concerned with features will be added in the future as we all know there will more than likely be a bunch. Thanks :)

January 27th, 2014, 09:56 AM
I mean specifically from what v7 can do now. I read about scanning and tuning without having to disconnect to flash, just using it in general.
What I really want to know is when v7 will be obsolete, that's what I'm looking forward to. I have to use v8 for certain things, and v7 for others and I'd perfer to just use 1. Not too concerned with features will be added in the future as we all know there will more than likely be a bunch. Thanks :)

It's a high priority for us, however we will not put a time frame around V7 replacement.


March 15th, 2014, 11:13 AM
Looks like I'm having a similar problem as the OP.

My current Flashscan firmware version is 2.4.70.

I downloaded the "Upgrading FlashScan.pdf" and noted the following instructions...
...about needing to do a multi-step firmware update from a version as old as mine.

But my searches for those older version firmware updates either come up empty, or I find pages like this one (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?14757-November-18th-2010-pre-release&p=133126#post133126) (which appears to be too new anyway) that have download links that do not work.

If anybody knows where I can find the older firmware updaters I need, I would appreciate it.

March 15th, 2014, 11:25 AM
You need to first update to V2.4.72 using the V7 firmware program:
Start->All Programs EFILive->V7->EFILive Firmware Programmer


March 15th, 2014, 12:03 PM
^ I assume that is accomplished by using the file "FSProg_V2_4_72.ffw" that is included with the V7.5x installer?

What had me confused is these instructions (http://support.efilive.com/kb_article.php?ref=7243-SFGL-2949): don't seem to apply (at least I couldn't find the "F6: Device Settings" option in the left-hand pane).

Anyway, from what I see here:

The boot block has to be updated first. The Flashscan must be in the "normal" mode to do this.
Then the firmware has to be updated, and Flashscan has to be in the dead poll mode to do that. But the Boot Block update automatically puts Flashscan in that mode.

One thing though, this says:
FlashScan and AutoCal are designed to be field upgradeable and have been configured with two distinct software modules:
1. The boot block.
2. The firmware.

I only see the one file "FSProg_V2_4_72.ffw" in the V 7.5 folder. (evidently the filename extension changed to ".efw" in the current format)

While this page (http://support.efilive.com/kb_article.php?ref=7243-SFGL-2949) says "Note: Always update the Bootblock version first"
apparently in the case of the older (legacy) firmware, the upgrade to firmware version V2.04.72 must happen FIRST, as per these instructions (http://forum.efilive.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=16543&d=1394924854).

Sorry if I'm seeming a bit slow on this, but the problem is seeing instructions that conflict, apparently because the legacy stuff is a little different.

March 15th, 2014, 12:37 PM
Most instructions (that have been written in the past few years) about the firmware and boot block only applies to devices that are running boot block and firmware versions V2.05.xx or later.
Get your device to firmware V2.04.72, then perform the build in boot block upgrade to V2.05.xx, then you can start using the various instructions that you have listed above.


March 15th, 2014, 12:40 PM
While this page (http://support.efilive.com/kb_article.php?ref=7243-SFGL-2949) says "Note: Always update the Bootblock version first"
apparently in the case of the older (legacy) firmware, the upgrade to firmware version V2.04.72 must happen FIRST, as per these instructions (http://forum.efilive.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=16543&d=1394924854).

That should really be more clear and it should say:

If/when you are prompted to update both the firmware and the boot block, update the boot block first.


March 15th, 2014, 12:50 PM
Thanks, Paul. The firmware update to 2.04.72 worked fine.

That should really be more clear and it should say:
If/when you are prompted to update both the firmware and the boot block, update the boot block first.

One other thing that might help too.. On this page (http://support.efilive.com/kb_article.php?ref=7243-SFGL-2949) where it refers to "EFILive Control Panel" it might be worth mentioning that is part of the V8 software.
That explains why I couldn't find the "F6: Firmware option in the left-hand pane" -- because I was looking all over the V7.5 app for it.

March 15th, 2014, 01:36 PM
OK... it all seems to have worked out OK after all.
I'm going to fill in the blanks so maybe the next guy won't be left guessing which way is which, or wondering where the boot block & firmware update files can be found.

Maybe this will make it easier (from page 3 of "Upgrading FlashScan.PDF"):

Upgrading the boot block and firmware of your FlashScan device:
The following steps, described in detail in the next few pages are required if you have an older Flashscan device that has not had any bootblock or firmware updates since it was new. If you have already performed any of these steps during previous beta updates you do not need to perform them again. Simply start from the first step that you have not performed yet.

A - If FlashScan has boot block V2.04.xx or earlier, perform these steps:

1. Program firmware V2.04.72 using the "EFILive Firmware Programmer"
...by pressing the button next to the red arrow to load the file "FSProg_V2_4_72.ffw" (which is in the "V7.5" folder) and then pressing the "Program" button.

2. Upgrade the boot block to V2.05.08 using FlashScan’s menu option (Main Menu: F4 "Options" -> "F1 "Licensing" -> "F4 "Upgrade Bootblock")

3. Program firmware V2.05.21 using the "EFILive Control Panel" in the "V8" folder. The Boot Block & Firmware update files (" *.efw") should be in the V8 folder too. 16548

4. Follow the instructions in small red print (e.g.: "Please update to version: 2.07.06" as shown above)
in the "EFILive Control Panel" and when you get done it should look like this:

March 17th, 2014, 11:15 AM
Did you get V2 bootblock/firmware flashed to latest...?

March 17th, 2014, 11:28 AM
Yes, the bootblock/firmware updating method using the "EFILive Control Panel" works very easily.

My confusion related to some of the instructions referring to that method, as opposed to the older method I had to use to get to a new enough version to use the current method.... and I just assumed I needed to retrieve those old firmware updates from "somewhere" not realizing it was already in the v7.5 folder, partly because the older firmware's filename extension is different, so a global search for "*.efw" did not find the firmware named "FSProg_V2_4_72.ffw" that I needed as a starting point. I search this site and using google for "FSProg_V2_4_72.ffw" and didn't come up with much, except a few threads like this thread (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?20954-Updating-V2-firmware-bootblock).

If I had stumbled across this thread (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?8289-BBL-installer-update-June-12-2008) instead, it would have answered some of my questions. Unfortunately the keywords "Upgrading FlashScan" or "Upgrading FlashScan.pdf" aren't on that page so a keyword search didn't lead me there.

It's all fine now, and that's why I took the time to write more detailed instructions for the next guy who encounters this problem (who probably must have been marooned with Tom Hanks for his Flashscan to not have been updated as long as mine was)

I did stop at the Aug. 24, 2013 update (V8.2.2 Build 234 FlashScan/AutoCal firmware V2.07.49 V7.5.7 Build 242) for the time being.
I was concerned about the known issues with the Nov 07, 2013 release (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?23462-Known-issues-with-Nov-07-2013-release-of-the-EFILive-software-and-firmware), but I will probably do that step pretty soon.

March 17th, 2014, 01:47 PM
Go to this: Update-Nov-21-2013 (http://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?23483-Update-Nov-21-2013)

September 17th, 2014, 09:40 PM
I updated to V8, and upgraded my flash scan firmware. But I can no longer flash right from the V7.5 editor?? This is a pain! I have to save the file then open it in the V8 flash and tune program then flash it. Also my scanner and Vin change no longer work with the upgraded cable?? Can I revert back to V7?? I hate V8!! So confusing!

September 17th, 2014, 10:02 PM
Did you update v7 too?

September 18th, 2014, 06:34 AM
No was I supposed to? I just down loaded the v8 package, installed it, upgraded my flash scans firmware, but it says to use v7.5 editor which I have? And I didn't see a newer version of the scanner??

September 18th, 2014, 07:11 AM
Yes. When you update the v8 stare and the flashscan biotlock/firmware, you need the matching v7 so that it can communicate with the updated flashscan firmware.

September 18th, 2014, 07:15 AM
Oh, how do I do that?

September 18th, 2014, 07:23 AM
You can download from the main efilive page.


If you've updated v8 through the software then you should have v8 build 258.
If this is the case, download the matching v7 which is build 262.

Both are the July 19 release.

September 18th, 2014, 07:34 AM
Oh.... I didn't realize that you also had to download efi v7, I thought I allready had that!

September 18th, 2014, 07:54 AM
Yes download and install both V7 and V8...

V7 provides the scantool/tunetool that you use for tuning (creating log correction maps).

V8 provides V2 BBL/BBR/BBF... in the future it will provide the ability to create log maps and edit tune files.

November 7th, 2014, 09:28 AM
Hi there im having troubles with my efilive for my 05 yyl duramax. Iv tried to update my v2 to the new 8.2 but every computer iv tried comes up with an error code. 7.5 works fine but the 8.2 wont even start uploading any help would

November 7th, 2014, 09:29 AM
Hi there im having troubles with my efilive for my 05 yyl duramax. Iv tried to update my v2 to the new 8.2 but every computer iv tried comes up with an error code. 7.5 works fine but the 8.2 wont even start uploading any help would be appreciated thanks

November 7th, 2014, 11:54 AM
Hi there im having troubles with my efilive for my 05 yyl duramax. Iv tried to update my v2 to the new 8.2 but every computer iv tried comes up with an error code. 7.5 works fine but the 8.2 wont even start uploading any help wouldWhat error code...?

Post some screenshots so I can see what is happening...

After you installed V7 and V8 software from here (https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?24704-Update-Oct-5-2014) did you configure V2...?

See here: Setting-up-a-FSV2-from-scratch (https://forum.efilive.com/showthread.php?20699-Setting-up-a-FSV2-from-scratch)

November 11th, 2014, 02:14 PM
Im also have communication issues with V2 flashscan tool. Ive got version v7.5.7 build 268 and on v8.2.2 build 262. This all started when I just tried purchasing a license and redirected me to using v8 software. Error message No device connected please connect a flashcan or autocal usb device. If a device is connected ensure that it is not being used by another application such as the efilive v7.5 scan or tune software. I do have flashcan connected to usb on laptop and running windows 7 and have shut off and turned on computer after downloads and same symptom. Any help would be appreciated.

November 11th, 2014, 02:42 PM
Im also have communication issues with V2 flashscan tool. Ive got version v7.5.7 build 268 and on v8.2.2 build 262. This all started when I just tried purchasing a license and redirected me to using v8 software. Error message No device connected please connect a flashcan or autocal usb device. If a device is connected ensure that it is not being used by another application such as the efilive v7.5 scan or tune software. I do have flashcan connected to usb on laptop and running windows 7 and have shut off and turned on computer after downloads and same symptom. Any help would be appreciated.

Is your V2 running firmware that is V2.04.xx or older? In that case you'll need to follow the instructions in the document: Start-All Programs->EFILive->V8->Documents->Upgrading FlashScan.


November 12th, 2014, 07:19 AM
Thanks for info. Tried performing what you suggested and unable to upgrade flashscan. Apparently when I check firmware version tab on control panel v8 software, it wont communicate with flashscan to give me current version of firmware and bootblock, but flashscan does power up and works fine in v7 software mode with pre-existing tunes. When I started to purchase a new tune it refered me to using v8 software for purchase so I installed v8 software and was unable to get it to communicate with flashscan to purchase license. Which brings me to this little dilema. Any other advice appreciated. P.S. Im not the most computer savy person. Been using previous software with no real big issues until new software was implented.

November 12th, 2014, 07:37 AM
If you FlashScan device has firmware V2.04.xx or earlier, it cannot communicate with any EFILive V8 software, it must be updated to V2.05.xx or later. So you need to use the V7.5 software to upgrade it to V2.05.xx or later.

Run the V7 firmware update software: Start->All Programs->EFILive->V7.5->EFILive Firmware Programmer.
Click on the [Status] button. That should show you the current firmware version (if you firmware version is V2.04.xx or earlier).
If the firmware version is NOT V2.04.72, then click the [...] button and open the FSProg_V2_4_72.ffw file, then click the [Program] button to update your firmware to V2.04.72 then perform the internal boot block upgrade
If the firmware version is already V2.04.72. then close the EFILive Firmware Programmer program and perform the internal boot block upgrade

To perform the internal boot block upgrade:
Select the FlashScan menu options: F4 Options -> F1 Licensing -> F4 Upgrade Bootblock.

The document I pointed to in my previous post explains in detail how to perform the internal boot block upgrade and the additional steps you must perform after the boot block is upgraded. Please read it and follow the instructions carefully.


November 12th, 2014, 07:40 AM
Greatly appreciate this and will give it a try.

November 12th, 2014, 07:46 AM
I tried clicking on status and states, warning flashscan v2 not in dead poll mode

November 12th, 2014, 07:49 AM
I tried clicking on status and states, warning flashscan v2 not in dead poll mode

To put FlashSCan in dead-poll mode, hold down the [Ctrl] button on FlashScan's keypad while connecting the USB cable (i.e. while powering it up). You can tell it is in dead-poll mode when the two orange LED's flash alternately.


November 12th, 2014, 01:01 PM
Thank you so much Blacky. Everything worked great and was able to flash a computer. Again I appreciate you taking the time to explain it even though instructions are good I just realized when you walked me through it, everything started to click in my head. Great support!

November 12th, 2014, 03:20 PM
My flashScan will not work either. It is showing firmware version 2.05.21 It is also showing Boot Block version 2.05.04 and its showing I need to upgrade to 2.07.07 but will not upgrade
I can only get it to show this if I hook it up in dead poll mode otherwise it will just show it is not connected or responding.

November 12th, 2014, 04:06 PM
I also have no F4 under licensing to upgrade Boot-block.

November 12th, 2014, 04:09 PM
My flashScan will not work either. It is showing firmware version 2.05.21 It is also showing Boot Block version 2.05.04 and its showing I need to upgrade to 2.07.07 but will not upgrade
I can only get it to show this if I hook it up in dead poll mode otherwise it will just show it is not connected or responding.

You may need to follow the "recovery" options explained in the document:
\Program Files\EFILive\V8\Firmware\EFILiveRecovery\ReadMe.t xt


November 12th, 2014, 05:13 PM
Thank you, I now have 2.07.64 for firmwire and 2.07.07 boot block and shows to be working

March 8th, 2016, 04:08 PM
I guess there is no need to Register the V8 software? I just got a new laptop and I don't see anywhere in V8 to input Serial, Key, and Issued Date. My V7 is already registered.

March 8th, 2016, 04:10 PM
I guess there is no need to Register the V8 software? I just got a new laptop and I don't see anywhere in V8 to input Serial, Key, and Issued Date. My V7 is already registered.

That is correct. Registration won't be necessary until the V8 Tune Tool editor is released. And even then it may end up not being required.


March 8th, 2016, 04:12 PM
That is correct. Registration won't be necessary until the V8 Tune Tool editor is released. And even then it may end up not being required.


Thank you my old friend!

August 13th, 2016, 12:31 PM
I'm back to the EFIlive world and updated my flash scan too. I downloaded the V8 and uplated the build 303. GOt the bootblock and firmware to update but it has a bunch of trans TCM that need updating and when I try to update I get this. any tips? i'm excited to start tuning my LML

August 13th, 2016, 01:47 PM
Support for the E86 controller has since been split into E86A and E86B and all files have been renamed accordingly. You should reformat the [Config] file system and then re-setup the controllers that you want supported on your FlashScan using the [F5: BBX] option in the V8 Scan and Tune software.


August 14th, 2016, 09:56 PM
Wow I feel dumb since I have been out of efilive for awhile. What did you just say lol, that was for me right blacky? If it was how do I know what controller to use the A or B?

August 15th, 2016, 05:36 AM
The Durumax family on EFILive:

The E54 controller is for LB7
The E60 controller is for LLY
The E35A controller is for LBZ
The E35B controller is for LMM
The E86A controller is for LML 2011-2014 (this used to be called just E86)
The E86B controller is for LML 2015+

So if you previously used E86, then you will now need to use E86A instead.


Aint Skeered
March 25th, 2018, 04:45 AM
i bought a new laptop and its a Lenovo with windows 10. I downloaded v8 and v7.5 straight off efilive.com but now need to connect my v2 and get it operational as my old windows xp keeps randomly shutting down.
any tips to make this painless, doing updates and changing pc is the part that scares me. tuning on my car is the easy part to me. thanks, Chad

March 25th, 2018, 09:54 AM
Install V8, install V7, copy your tunes/logs to new PC/laptop, copy contents of folder User Configuration to the same folder on new PC/laptop, plug in FSV2, start V8 S&T.

April 30th, 2018, 02:06 PM
I've been out of the EFI Live circle for about 10 years and haven't plugged in the V2 since 2008 . Downloaded V7.5 and V8 to my desktop, plugged in my V2 into the usb on my desktop and all I have is alternating flashing lights on position 2 and 4, the screen is dim but I can barely read "boot block upgrade." This has been going on forever....any clues? I have searched the threads but not much info on my issue.

April 30th, 2018, 03:00 PM
I've been out of the EFI Live circle for about 10 years and haven't plugged in the V2 since 2008 . Downloaded V7.5 and V8 to my desktop, plugged in my V2 into the usb on my desktop and all I have is alternating flashing lights on position 2 and 4, the screen is dim but I can barely read "boot block upgrade." This has been going on forever....any clues? I have searched the threads but not much info on my issue.

It appears like you've just updated the FlashScan V2 boot block from V2.04.xx to V2.05.xx using the built in boot block upgrade process.

Run the V8 software and select the menu option: Help->Documents->FlashScan->Upgrading FlashScan.pdf
That document will step you through the process. You appear to be already up to the stage mentioned on the bottom of the fifth page (sorry there's no page numbers, you'll have to count), where it says:

The upgrade process will only take about 5 seconds to complete, then the screen backlight will be turned off. The final message: BOOTBLOCK UPGRADE IN PROGRESS DO NOT INTERRUPT will still be visible. Once the backlight has been turned off that message no longer applies.

So really all you need to do now is to re-program the correct firmware for the current boot block version in your FlashScan. That document will explain how to do that and what versions of each sub-system you should use.

Note: If you select the "upgrade boot block option" when your FlashScan had a version of firmware that was not V2.04.72 (i.e. V2.04.71 or V2.04.70 etc) then you may need to use the recovery process explained in the file:
\Program Files (x86)\EFILive\V8\Firmware\Recovery\ReadMe.txt


April 30th, 2018, 03:05 PM
Thank you Paul,
I will give it a go and post my results.

May 1st, 2018, 01:33 AM
OK Paul,
that worked, but I had to go through the recovery mode to get the file to install. Appreciate the help!

April 16th, 2020, 06:05 AM
Please help. I have a v2 and I have been happily using 7.5 for years to tune. today I tried to purchase a software licence and was instructed to use V8. I downloaded it but I cannot make it work. efi happi not running. I am using windows 8. What do I do now? I have tried items from other posts nothing has worked

April 16th, 2020, 07:44 AM
When you start the EFILive V8 software, the EFILive_Hapi.exe process (hapi = Hardware Application Programming Interface) automatically runs in background and displays a small FlashScan icon in the system tray, in the Windows task bar, near the clock/time display. If the EFILive V8 software cannot start the EFILive_Hapi.exe process then you will see the error you have reported.

That can happen for a number of reasons but the most common is that the EFILive_Hapi.exe process has crashed/failed/hung and needs to be killed so it can restart cleanly. You can either reboot the PC or run Windows Task Manager and manually end "EFILive_Hapi.exe" process (if there are multiple copies of that process running, end them all).

It is also possible that the V8 installation did not complete successfully and the EFILive_Hapi.exe file is faulty or does not exist. In that case try re-installing the V8 software.

Also you must ensure that your FlashScan is using firmware V2.07.xxx. If your FlashScan is using firmware V2.04.xxx or 2.05.xxx or 2.06.xxx then you need to update the firmware. Instructions for doing that can be found in the document: C:\Program Files (x86)\EFILive\V8\Documents\FlashScan\Upgrading FlashScan.pdf

April 16th, 2020, 07:48 AM
I have reinstalled the v8 software several times. I cant seem to be able to update the firmware because I cant connect to the v2.

April 16th, 2020, 07:52 AM
What firmware is in your V2? You can look that up using the V2 menu option: F4: Options -> F3: About -> F1: Firmware Details, then scroll down to the firmware version number.

April 16th, 2020, 08:25 AM
where is the v2 menu option?

April 16th, 2020, 09:32 AM
where is the v2 menu option?

On the FlashScan V2 device itself.

April 16th, 2020, 09:34 AM
Thank you, I found that.... and in the meantime I think I had erased my bootloader and the firmware on the v2. I am trying to find a way to bring it back to life

April 16th, 2020, 09:38 AM
Take a look at this recovery document: C:\Program Files (x86)\EFILive\V8\Firmware\EFILiveRecovery\ReadMe.t xt

April 16th, 2020, 09:39 AM
I will thank you I will keep you posted

April 16th, 2020, 10:29 AM
I tried doing what it said it the recovery text. I can put it into dead poll mode, and I can update the firmware,but I still have no response from the v2 it also is now saying that hapi and firmware are not compatible $0030

April 16th, 2020, 10:32 AM
When you say "no response" from the V2 do you mean after updating the firmware it stays in dead-poll mode with the two orange LEDs flashing?
Or do you mean the V2 is fully functional but just won't communicate with the V8 software?

April 16th, 2020, 10:35 AM
it wont communicate with the v8 software. it say the bootblock is 2.05.008 and the firmware is version (0.00.000)

April 16th, 2020, 10:41 AM
Now that you have boot block V2.05.xxx you need to continue updating it until you get to V2.07.xxx
Follow the instructions in the first document I linked to: Upgrading FlashScan.pdf

April 16th, 2020, 10:43 AM
the buttons on the v2 don't do anything and the screen is dark, can I still do that?

April 16th, 2020, 10:49 AM
That sounds like you have just performed the internal boot block update that updates you from V2.04.xxx to V2.05.xxx.
The dark (un-backlit) display probably shows something like "Boot block update in progress do not interrupt".
That stage is explained on page 5 of the upgrade document (sorry no page numbers, you'll just have to count the pages).


The boot block update process only takes about 5 seconds, the LCD back light is switched off to indicate that the boot block update process is complete.
You can power cycle the V2 device to bring it back to normal functionality.

Please follow the rest of the instructions in that document to continue updating the firmware (and boot block) until they get to V2.07.xxx

April 16th, 2020, 10:53 AM
it says nothing on the screen... it did say bbot block update do not int...... but it said that for an hr and a half. that was 6hrs ago.... I have been working on this since 10am its 8pm now. I am afraid my v2 is junk.
I have a truck sitting on the dyno to tune. Is there another way to get tech support ?

April 16th, 2020, 11:02 AM
Remove power from the V2.
Hold down the Ctrl button on V2's keypad and power it up again.
That should put it into dead-poll mode (two flashing orange LEDs - nothing on the screen).
From there, follow the instructions in the upgrade document, starting at this page:


Th page prior to that explains how to update the boot block.

Right now your device has boot block V2.05.xxx
Essentially what you need to do is
1. Use EFILive Explorer to get program matching firmware V2.05.xxx firmware into the device, that will allow the device to run normally so you can update the boot block from v2.05.xxx to V2.07.xxx.
2. While it is running normally, use EFILive Explorer to program in the latest boot block (V2.07.xxx).
3. After programming the latest boot block it will go back into dead-poll mode (it always goes back into dead poll after programming a new boot block).
4. Use EFILive Explorer to get program matching firmware V2.07.xxx firmware into the device.

Unfortunately our office is closed due to the covid-19 lock down. Regardless even if the office was open there is no tech phone support out of New Zealand.
You could try logging a tech support help desk ticket but given that I am online right now, this is the quickest way to get tech support at the moment.

April 16th, 2020, 11:16 AM
ok that seemed to work but the v2 is still dead looking. the firmware said it was 2.07.140 after I pressed refresh and it seemed to program. Now if it try to open v8 I get "$0025 cant get semaphore for control of efi_hapi"
I appreciate your help.... computer problems make me insanely angry though.... I generally am a transmission builder but I tune and dyno as well

April 16th, 2020, 11:17 AM
im not sure why it put an imogi in that

April 16th, 2020, 11:30 AM
"$0025 cant get semaphore for control of efi_hapi" usually means the device is busy (i.e. being re-programmed with new firmware) when you tried to access it from the V8 software. Ot that the firmware re-programming did not complete successfully.

Try programming the firmware again like this:
Power up V2 while holding down the Ctrl key on the keypad to start it up in dead-poll mode (two orange LEDs flashing).
Use EFILive Explorer to program in the V2.07.xxx firmware - wait until it competes (30 seconds to 1 minute) and the V2 device should reboot automatically - after that it should be fully functional.

April 16th, 2020, 11:39 AM
I have tried again. the v2 connects and I can get the info off it by pressing the refresh button. then it erases and programs, but 2/3 of the way through rebooting it stops...... I wait 3-4 minutes then it says that it was successful.... I press ok.... but explorer is frozen(not responding)

April 16th, 2020, 11:46 AM
After reprogramming the V2 firmware does the V2 display its normal menu on its screen? Or does it stay in dead-poll mode with the two orange LEDs flashing?
If it shows the normal menu, can you tell me the boot block and firmware version numbers that are displayed on V2's screen in the option: F4: Options -> F3: About -> F1: Firmware Details
If it stays in dead-poll mode then the firmware upgrade did not complete successfully - regardless of what message is displayed on the screen.

April 16th, 2020, 11:49 AM
when I'm programming the orange lights stop flashing.... the screen never says anything

April 16th, 2020, 11:57 AM
Is it possible (way back in the beginning) that you performed the internal boot block update on your V2 (the one that ended with the back-light going out) while the firmware in the device was V2.04.70 or V2.04.71?
The boot block upgrade only works correctly if you're V2 device was running V2.04.72 firmware prior to the boot block update attempt.

It sounds like that may have been the case.

In that case you will need to carefully and accurately follow the recovery procedure outlined in the Read Me.txt file in the recovery folder.
C:\Program Files (x86)\EFILive\V8\Firmware\EFILiveRecovery


April 16th, 2020, 12:02 PM
I think its dead. I didn't know the boot block level when I started. at least I don't remember what it was now. Either way I have had the v2 since 2007ish so I guess I cant complain. Im not sure what I will get next. I need something, though. Thank you very much for you help it is appreciated.

April 17th, 2020, 02:28 AM
Success!!!!! I came into work this morning and started over completely. I went through the recovery and the v2 came back too life. It took a few attempts but i was able to get the correct boot block and firmware on the unit and then it worked perfectly. I purchased a couple licenses and was able to read and write to the ecm. a big stress is lifted. Thank you again to Blacky for helping me out.

April 17th, 2020, 10:40 AM
Glad to hear it!

August 6th, 2020, 11:32 AM
Im having a problem with the recovery. It will go into the Pole Mode and I can update the Firmware to the ...(0326).efw, I think. But when I try to start on the boot block the program says error 0001, says usb not connected. The FSV2 is unresponsive and only shows the splash page and the center blue led is steady on.

Umm help?

August 6th, 2020, 12:02 PM
Im having a problem with the recovery. It will go into the Pole Mode and I can update the Firmware to the ...(0326).efw, I think. But when I try to start on the boot block the program says error 0001, says usb not connected. The FSV2 is unresponsive and only shows the splash page and the center blue led is steady on.

Umm help?

Can you please post the firmware version you are trying to program again - the version number does not look right.

The public release version is V2.07.140 (May 26, 2019)
The beta release version is V2.07.163 (June 24, 2020)

You should only be truing to program one of those into the device. You can check what firmware is in the install you are attempting to use by opening EFILive Explorer and navigating to the Firmware tab. Use the drop down on the file name box to see which version you are trying to program.


August 7th, 2020, 03:19 AM
I was trying to update from firmware version 2.04.72 and boot block 2.04.10. I started by updating to firmware using instructions from EFI live dated March 12 2010. But I could not find all the previous firmware’s and boot blocks to follow the sequence of updates listed in the instructions. So I jumped to firmware v 2.07.140 and when I went to do the boot block the FSv2 was unresponsive. So I figured I needed to do what Blacky said in post #155.

August 7th, 2020, 12:03 PM
I was trying to update from firmware version 2.04.72 and boot block 2.04.10. I started by updating to firmware using instructions from EFI live dated March 12 2010. But I could not find all the previous firmware’s and boot blocks to follow the sequence of updates listed in the instructions. So I jumped to firmware v 2.07.140 and when I went to do the boot block the FSv2 was unresponsive. So I figured I needed to do what Blacky said in post #155.

I'm not actually sure you could program V2.07.140 firmware into the V2 with a 2.04.10 bootblock - I'd suggest that step would fail. It's Saturday here so I can't elevate your support request until Monday. My suggestion in the mean time would be follow the recovery steps word for word - power up the V2 in boot mode, reprogram the V2.05.15(0326) firmware and then move forward from there.

All of the recovery & update from 2.04/2.05 firmware and boo tblocks are located in the same location as the ReadMe.txt file in the C:\Program Files (x86)\EFILive\V8\Firmware\EFILiveRecovery directory.


August 8th, 2020, 01:35 AM
Ill give that a shot. In the meantime here is what made me think I had updated. But currently it's all N/A as I can't get it to fully Boot up.

August 8th, 2020, 02:11 AM
When I follow those instructions, the all I see is the EFI Live splash page and the Blue LED when I get to step 3, I cant get to the main menu on the Flash Scan. Since step 3 is an "IF" statement, I figure I can press on to step 4 but when I click Program all I get is Error: $0001: USB device not connected

August 8th, 2020, 12:46 PM
Great news, I fingered it out! Since I had booie-ware recent enough, 2.04.008 I think, I was able to go ahead and update to the 3rd FW packaged with the recovery files.

Damn, I've been a member here for a long time now. I guess I just won't earn my participation trophy here, will I? :) :thankyou2:

August 15th, 2020, 12:59 PM
I guess I just won't earn my participation trophy here, will I? :) :thankyou2:

Ahh, here ya go... found this down the back of the couch... :)



August 18th, 2020, 06:19 AM
Nice. I'd like to thank the flying spaghetti monster for this award. His noodley appendage hath touched me.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

April 18th, 2022, 09:21 AM
So I am completely new to the tuning world of Diesel. I just bought the EFI Live Autocal V3. My truck is deleted which is what lead me to this tuner. I downloaded the software and everything else that I am suppose to do per instructions...or so I thought. I plugged the tuner in and it only shows Stock & Towing options for flash. I can't select anything else. There is the tune section that shows Stock, Economy, Tow, Performace and something else...but I get an error code every time I try to select any of these options. My tuner seems very limited in what I can and can't do which leads me to believe that I am missing something. Is there someone that can help me out?

April 18th, 2022, 09:37 AM
Hi Strozzi,

You are possibly missing purpose of an AutoCal device. You cannot create/edit tunes for you truck using an AutoCal device. For that you would need a FlashScan device.

An AutoCal device is simply a delivery mechanism to allow a professional tuner to deliver tunes to his/her customers. you would need to contact the tuner that supplied the AutoCal and the tunes on the AutoCal for one or more tunes that are suitable for your truck.

You can read more about AutoCal here:


April 18th, 2022, 10:26 AM
I'm not trying to create or edit any tunes. With the V3 when I go into the Tune and select my features, it gives me options of stock, economy, tow, performance etc. Before delete I ran a smarty JR67 which also had the preloaded features, so I could select one and it would tune my truck. My mechanic ordered me this so that I could switch what tune I want to function with depending on what I'm doing.

April 18th, 2022, 10:39 AM
Hi Stozzi,

Not sure what you mean by "when I go into the Tune and select my features"

The AutoCal can be configured by your tuner to have multiple tune files on it, in which case you would need to switch off the engine and program in the appropriate tune file from your AutoCal each time you wanted a different tune level.
Your truck could be programmed with a 5-way switchable tune (DSP5 for GM or CSP5 for Cummins), in which case you can just use the AutoCal to switch between the 5 tunes while the engine is running.

You would need to talk to your tuner/mechanic about how it is configured and what options you need to use.
