View Full Version : EFILive FlashScan upgrade price

November 14th, 2004, 11:27 PM
Due to queries by many customers about the FlashScan upgrade price, we have altered the upgrade pricing and implementation.
The new upgrade deal will be equitable with the retail priced product.

We will post all the details on our web site in the next 24 hours.

Details have been posted here:


November 14th, 2004, 11:56 PM
You got the competition running scared, Paul.

November 15th, 2004, 07:59 AM
Saw the new prices where do I order I want it I want it :D

November 15th, 2004, 08:02 AM
Did I read right? 4-pcm with upgrade?

November 15th, 2004, 08:08 AM
Due to queries by many customers about the FlashScan upgrade price, we have altered the upgrade pricing and implementation.
The new upgrade deal will be equitable with the retail priced product.

We will post all the details on our web site in the next 24 hours.


Thanks, that's good news. How do I order?
I sent my approval form with #'s and haven't heard back. Is it lost or should I wait?

November 15th, 2004, 08:10 AM
Woo Hoo!!!...now that's a deal I can't pass up :mrgreen:

November 15th, 2004, 08:17 AM
Thanks, that's good news. How do I order?
I sent my approval form with #'s and haven't heard back. Is it lost or should I wait?

That form was not supposed to be activated until FlashScan starts shipping - many of the submissions were lost because it was not set up correctly.

We will be setting up a different page for people to register their intention to buy. It will help us to plan for future production runs.


November 15th, 2004, 08:18 AM
Did I read right? 4-pcm with upgrade?

Yes you heard right. :lol:


November 15th, 2004, 08:39 AM
Awesome news Paul - many thanks for going to bat for the customers - we really appreciate it (and the extra VIN's just make it icing on the cake)!!

November 15th, 2004, 08:40 AM
Give me a page to sign up, you've got yourself an order.

For about eight months my car hasn't been running right, I held out for your software, and after seeing the results of the software and the very, very fair prices you're giving us, I'm very glad I waited. Good luck guys, something tells me you're going to do well with your software package.

November 15th, 2004, 08:41 AM
Thanks for taking into consideration our comments on pricing. Appreciate you taking the time to work out the details for us.

Earl H
November 15th, 2004, 08:50 AM
WELL DONE!!!! Now where do I sign up?

November 15th, 2004, 09:53 AM
I have a question about the improved pricing / PCM qty
model, relative to the "upgrade license pack". It says 8
"additional licenses". So does that mean the cable total
would then be 12 VINs (or 12 PCM thumbprints?)? Or
would the maximum be lower, like the original 10?

In fact (aside from supporting the workshop pricing
model) I can't see why there is a limit to the quantity
of single paid-for VINs on one cable. Other than the
memory space needed to store "legal" VINs it seems
like, subscription money is subscription money and
mo betta.

November 15th, 2004, 11:05 AM
I have a question about the improved pricing / PCM qty
model, relative to the "upgrade license pack". It says 8
"additional licenses". So does that mean the cable total
would then be 12 VINs (or 12 PCM thumbprints?)? Or
would the maximum be lower, like the original 10?

In fact (aside from supporting the workshop pricing
model) I can't see why there is a limit to the quantity
of single paid-for VINs on one cable. Other than the
memory space needed to store "legal" VINs it seems
like, subscription money is subscription money and
mo betta.

Jimmyblue, you picked up a valid point there :)
10 PCM locks per cable, so with the first 4 already supplied you can add another 6. Or you can simply pre-order the cable with any number of extra PCM licenses already assigned. But since it only takes an email to update the number of PCMs per cable there is really no need to pre-order PCM licenses.

The 10 limit is exactly what you thought, memory space limits.
For our next gen cables, we may look at adding more memory.


November 15th, 2004, 01:01 PM
Paul with the new prices does this mean your kids wont have school books and food to eat ?

November 15th, 2004, 02:21 PM
Paul with the new prices does this mean your kids won't have school books and food to eat ?

Kids? I sold them to fund the initial startup!

Don't forget I'm living in the other "land of plenty". Food actually does grow on trees here :shock:
And the kids do love grass sandwiches - it's a Friday night treat at our place.

Just can't afford to put petrol in the GTS :( ($1.30+ per litre)


November 15th, 2004, 02:46 PM
$1.30/litre :shock:

Oh, the pricing looks VERY good. Upgrade time I'm thinking. :D

November 15th, 2004, 03:17 PM
That is excellent pricing! Thanks for making the price adjustment and adding the additional 2 licenses. I'll be ordering as soon as you guys are ready.

November 15th, 2004, 03:26 PM
3.78 liter = 1 Gallon US
0.26/1 = 3.78

$1.30 au x 3.78 us = $4.92 au

$1 us dollor = $.77 au
$4.92au/.77 = $3.78 US a Gallon! :shock:
edit (math error! hehe) thanks Paul

November 15th, 2004, 03:47 PM
I think you should have multiplied by 0.77 not divided by 0.77

Anyway, that's price I quoted is in NZ dollars.

3.78 liters = 1 Gallon US

NZD $1.30 * 3.78litres = NZD $4.91 per gallon
USD $1.00 = NZD $0.70
NZD $4.91*0.70 = USD $3.44 US a Gallon

What's the price for 98 Research octane in the US?


November 15th, 2004, 03:49 PM
I was shocked today, drove past a station where I saw 93 octane R+M (how its measured in the states) for $1.88/gal ... Its been hovering right at 2.00 here in the Houston area..

November 15th, 2004, 03:56 PM
Up here in Maryland it's around $2.09/gallon for 93 octane Brains. Is as high as $2.30 at certain stations, they don't get my business.

Ok, I will not hijack this thread again. ;)

November 15th, 2004, 04:06 PM

How did you get .70US? I looked on yahoo and it said .77US and like $1.21AU

Ok if I have this right PON 93 is 97 or 98 ish RON? If so then I paid $2.08US gallon today but it can be had for about $1.90US closer to interstate.

November 15th, 2004, 04:10 PM
...What's the price for 98 Research octane in the US?


They don't use the raw research number over here. They use the formula research + motor /2 in the states. In Ohio I'v seen US$2.15-2.25 / gallon (varies wildly) for 93 Octane this week. I can't rightly complain about the price when I see what others around the world pay. California is stuck with 91 Octane. Xylene anyone?

November 15th, 2004, 04:20 PM
Have you mixed Xylem to increase the octane? I have gotten close to doing it but I was a little scared to go bumping paint thinner in my gas tank...

I know you have to get the 100% Xylene but I was still little reluctant

Man are these posts getting way off the topic now?

November 15th, 2004, 04:24 PM
For our next gen cables, we may look at adding more memory.

Paul, do you have any idea if any functionality might be added to the "next gen cable"? Don't worry, I have no desire to wait any longer for this product, but I'm just curious if I might need to plan to be "upgrading" my cable sometime in the future.

November 15th, 2004, 05:07 PM
For our next gen cables, we may look at adding more memory.

Paul, do you have any idea if any functionality might be added to the "next gen cable"? Don't worry, I have no desire to wait any longer for this product, but I'm just curious if I might need to plan to be "upgrading" my cable sometime in the future.

Not that we are prepared to discuss publicly just now :)

Don't worry, the current cable actually has most of the features that were slated for our next gen cable, so it is pretty "future proof" already. It is actually the fourth genration cable that we have built. We believe that this fourth version is finally of the "right quality and feature set" to make public. This is not our "first attempt", it is a mature product.

It would have had the extra memory as well, but the CPU manufacturer did not ship the chip we wanted to use in time. It was scheduled for release in March, but it has still not shipped. :(


November 15th, 2004, 07:06 PM
Paul with the new prices does this mean your kids wont have school books and food to eat ?

V6 Pro upgade flashscan $303.60 AU, Deduct value of 2 extra licences $299.20 = $4.40 AU for Flashscan. Even Santa has to eat dosen't he?

November 15th, 2004, 07:12 PM
All right - $200 for an upgrade - now we are talking :) :)

Sorry about your kids - but I do think you'll have another happy customer in a next couple days :wink:

November 15th, 2004, 07:47 PM
Paul with the new prices does this mean your kids wont have school books and food to eat ?

V6 Pro upgade flashscan $303.60 AU, Deduct value of 2 extra licences $299.20 = $4.40 AU for Flashscan. Even Santa has to eat dosen't he?

Santa lives on milk and cookies eveyone knows that.
That's how I found out that santa wasn't real, one night I overheard dad telling mum not to put milk out for santa because he (dad) didn't like drinking it and it just goes to waste.

The upgrade price cut was a decision based on the inequality between the retail price and the upgrade price. Honestly, the price differential was not something that we had considered until customers started bringing it to our attention. Unlike some companies, we do care about our existing customers and their investment in our products and their continued patronage.

And it was in progress, as some of you know, long before we learned of changes to "other" prices. Yes it will hurt our bottom line, but its our way of saying thanks to the customers who have been extremely patient in waiting for our new product.

A story of the design/production process would make for *very* interesting reading :mrgreen: (maybe one day we'll "tell all").


November 15th, 2004, 07:52 PM
All right - $200 for an upgrade - now we are talking :) :)

Sorry about your kids - but I do think you'll have another happy customer in a next couple days :wink:

:) Trust me, the kids get fed well enough, it took me an hour to convince the eldest one to eat her meal tonight. I didn't know there were little bean men that lived inside beans and jumped out of the beans and grabbed the inside of your mouth when you chewed them, go figure! Even cutting the beans in half failed to convince her that there is no such thing as "bean men" living inside the beans.


November 16th, 2004, 12:03 AM
Have you mixed Xylem to increase the octane? I have gotten close to doing it but I was a little scared to go bumping paint thinner in my gas tank...

I know you have to get the 100% Xylene but I was still little reluctant

Man are these posts getting way off the topic now?
I have't felt the need to do it in Ohio, but I stay with Shell or Marathon who do not add any ethanol. If I had to live in California, I'd probably be drinking the xylene instead of putting it in the tank. :mrgreen:

November 16th, 2004, 12:06 AM
:) Trust me, the kids get fed well enough, it took me an hour to convince the eldest one to eat her meal tonight. I didn't know there were little bean men that lived inside beans and jumped out of the beans and grabbed the inside of your mouth when you chewed them, go figure! Even cutting the beans in half failed to convince her that there is no such thing as "bean men" living inside the beans.

That's because there ARE bean men. :wink:

November 16th, 2004, 12:00 PM
yahooo! now thats the price point I was hoping for all along.

how does it work for us 98 guys?

buy the upgrade now and at some point in the future the software will work? will the datalogging at least work right away?

let me know, ready to order!!!!!

been with you guys a long time now, glad I don't have to leave :)

November 16th, 2004, 12:04 PM
Thanks, that's good news. How do I order?
I sent my approval form with #'s and haven't heard back. Is it lost or should I wait?

That form was not supposed to be activated until FlashScan starts shipping - many of the submissions were lost because it was not set up correctly.

We will be setting up a different page for people to register their intention to buy. It will help us to plan for future production runs.


Hey Joe!!

Paul - when can we expect the approval form ?? I want to make sure I get in on the 4 lic. deal :D . Thank you


November 16th, 2004, 12:12 PM
From what I understood from Paul, the order form will be available when they release the product for sales.

November 16th, 2004, 12:48 PM
No-one will miss out :)

The deal is, once we open up the order page, we will hold the upgrade price -deal for one month.
The order page won't be open until early December so you'll have at least until Dec 31 to place an order.

We were going to open up a pre-order page but that is being reconsidered.


November 16th, 2004, 01:23 PM
IMHO pre ordering is a big and smelly can of worms - but maybe a page of "interest" could be created, both to get names and addresses to offer deals later to them, and to get a feel for what the initial order rush will be.


November 16th, 2004, 03:12 PM
Many thanks for the consideration you gave to the feedback of your loyal customers. Here is one more loyal customer waiting to upgrade with the new deal.

Best regards,
98 red formula

November 18th, 2004, 01:01 AM
Great upgrade price. I was looking at trading my LS1Edit and EFILive but now I am thinking about upgrading. I really like EFILive logging package. Once I upgrade how long will it take to get the new stuff?


November 18th, 2004, 01:13 AM
We will be shipping in the first half of Deccember.
We will probably ship via UPS, they say 48 hours from door to door.


November 18th, 2004, 04:23 AM
how does it work for us 98 guys?

buy the upgrade now and at some point in the future the software will work? will the datalogging at least work right away?

November 18th, 2004, 07:40 AM
how does it work for us 98 guys?

buy the upgrade now and at some point in the future the software will work? will the datalogging at least work right away?

The datalogging will work for the 98's.

We expect that from day 1 the software will be able to edit 98 bin files.
The actual calibrations and maps that can be edited will depend on what has been made available by the guys building the calibration defintion.

The number of calibrations and maps will grow over time as more people contribute to building the calibration definitions.
The more people contribute, the more calibrations will be "tunable".
The 98 definitions wil lbe made freely available for all FlashSCan customers to use and will not be restricted in any way. That means you can flash as many 98's as you like, even with the Personal version.

The bootloader has not been written. If anyone wants to write the bootloader for the 98's then please email me at paul@efilive.com.
The bootloader is a program that EFILive can upload to the PCM to handle the PCM flash erase/and rewrite duties.


November 18th, 2004, 09:42 AM
excellent, thanks Paul.

let me know if / how I can help with the calibrations.

I so excited be able to stop using ls1edit.

November 18th, 2004, 10:41 AM
We will be setting up a different page for people to register their intention to buy. It will help us to plan for future production runs.


Is this page up yet? I have looked around a bit but, haven't seen anything. I don't have my contacts in though so I might have missed it. :lol: :wink:

November 18th, 2004, 11:42 AM
We will be setting up a different page for people to register their intention to buy. It will help us to plan for future production runs.


Is this page up yet? I have looked around a bit but, haven't seen anything. I don't have my contacts in though so I might have missed it. :lol: :wink:

Hehe! yes, I used 1 point fonts...

Seriously, we will probably put up the page over the weekend sometime.

November 18th, 2004, 03:25 PM
Good deal. I thought I might be overlooking it and was starting to get frantic looking for it. :shock: :wink:

Thanks Paul


November 18th, 2004, 06:19 PM
Excellent upgrade pricing! Thanks for considering your loyal and patient customers.

Eagerly awaiting the sign-up/order page... :D

November 20th, 2004, 06:10 PM
Pricing strategy.............very slick :wink: . My compliments to the chef.

November 20th, 2004, 06:33 PM
Blacky... Did you mean this weekend,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :shock:
Any idea of delivery??????

November 21st, 2004, 06:14 AM
We will be setting up a different page for people to register their intention to buy. It will help us to plan for future production runs.


Is this page up yet? I have looked around a bit but, haven't seen anything. I don't have my contacts in though so I might have missed it. :lol: :wink:

Hehe! yes, I used 1 point fonts...

Seriously, we will probably put up the page over the weekend sometime.


November 21st, 2004, 07:12 AM
The "registration" page is ready to upload to the web site, however a few decisions are being made today (Monday) that may require changes to the content of that page. Pending those decisions that page should be uploaded later today.


November 21st, 2004, 07:41 AM
The "registration" page is ready to upload to the web site, however a few decisions are being made today (Monday) that may require changes to the content of that page. Pending those decisions that page should be uploaded later today.



November 22nd, 2004, 12:21 PM
The "registration" page is ready to upload to the web site, however a few decisions are being made today (Monday) that may require changes to the content of that page. Pending those decisions that page should be uploaded later today.

Page looks good and works well. Don't forget to kill the old "upgrade" link. People who are thick like me are easily confused. :wink:
BTW, the demo scanner recognizes about 30 more PIDs than 6.x will on my 04 GTO. (never could get it to acknowledge O/S or pull LTFT's) You folks have been very busy. Any tie-in deals with Starr, like an intercooled Whipple kit? :lol: