View Full Version : Actual Timing - CALC PID

August 25th, 2005, 04:02 AM
Okay, lets start a new CALC PID - Acutual timing

What information would we need to monitor to see how the PCM adjusted timing:

1. Knock Retard - For sure
2. Torque Management?
3. Octane Management?

What else?

Rationale: As we are tuning, we could scan this data also to see who/what is retarding spark advance, then try to understand why and should we do anything about it.

Am I way off base here and thinking in a fog?


August 25th, 2005, 04:17 AM
You're still only going to get one number back as far as I know...and it should be the same as if you logged spark adv. on the #1 cylinder. The breakdown you're looking for will have to come from you logging all of the parameters that affect spark. Then, you can see what's adding/subtracting timing.

August 25th, 2005, 04:58 AM
Okay, lets start a new CALC PID - Acutual timing

What information would we need to monitor to see how the PCM adjusted timing:

1. Knock Retard - For sure
2. Torque Management?
3. Octane Management?

What else?

Rationale: As we are tuning, we could scan this data also to see who/what is retarding spark advance, then try to understand why and should we do anything about it.

Am I way off base here and thinking in a fog?


The "EST_XXX_DMA" spark pids are the actual PCM timing values. There are about 20 of them. Sum them and you should have final timing values.


August 25th, 2005, 10:28 AM
I wouldn't be logging all these all the time, they take up too many data channels and will slow the frame rates down (try to keep under 24), they are however really useful in finding out where mysterious timing numbers are coming from.

For example, if you trace the logged data back into your main spark maps and find it is down say 8degrees from what is in the table then you can start to enable some of the spark PID's to find which one is pulling out 8degrees from the main table values.


August 26th, 2005, 12:19 AM
I wouldn't be logging all these all the time, they take up too many data channels and will slow the frame rates down (try to keep under 24), they are however really useful in finding out where mysterious timing numbers are coming from.


HeHeHe...........I didn't mean the sum of all at once. :lol:
