View Full Version : SD Card Holder - Finiky or defective?

August 11th, 2008, 02:16 PM
Just bought the tune/scan software and started logging however there are times when the hand held unit says the SD card is not present.. I tried two other cards that that seem to be better (they actually read every time I load them).. Is it typical for some cards to have connectivity issues like that?

August 11th, 2008, 06:37 PM
I think some cards dimensions might be slightly different and perhaps the contacts are therefore not as good. Is there a noticeable difference (as small as it might be) in thickness between the card that is consistent and the one that is intermittent?

August 12th, 2008, 01:13 AM
I have noticed that with the last 2 BBL Beta updates, I am starting to get an error when I start to BBL (about 50% of the time). I forget the error number but I looked it up and it means No SD Card Present. I remove and reinsert the SD card, then it logs fine. This card had worked flawlessly with every version of the BBL firmware, except the last two. I rarely remove the CD Card at all (until now) so card wear doesnt seem likely. I am using a Sandisk 256mb card.

I was thinking maybe it is the Power Saving/Low Power Mode? The V2 is "forgetting" that I have an SD card inserted?

-Blacky, with regards to the latest firmware, every thing else works flawlessly so having to pop out and pop back in the SD card isnt a huge showstopper, but I thought you'd like to know about it.

August 13th, 2008, 01:58 PM
i checked the size of the SD cards and they're the same.. went to go logging and sure enough it lost connection, got home and there was about 1 second of data.. :doh2: im gonna start using the other card and see how it works..

September 13th, 2008, 04:57 AM
An update on what I have found recently... it is as if the springs in the V2 are weakening... because now when I wiggle the SD card, the "SD" in the display will disappear and reappear. This is the problem causing my error message when I try to start logging or download lod files. So, I stacked up two small pieces of electrical take on the SD card, thus making it thicker and reinstalled it into my V2... now no more errors, no more 1 second logs after a hour of driving.. :) Simple but effective.

October 3rd, 2008, 05:55 PM
yes they are fickle for sure