View Full Version : first time ( SDtune ) = result !!!

August 22nd, 2008, 03:00 PM
hi guys

first see the attachment file ( tune + log )
after the SD tune :
1 - i have problem with idle alot of KR
2 - i want to hit the 12.5 @ wot
3 - anymore suggestions

camaro 1998 a4 cam only
my mod 228/232 110 + 4
( stock TB )

August 23rd, 2008, 02:26 AM
thought i read somewhere in 99 gm went to a different knock sensor and software desensatising knock sensors
might have some issues with your ground on your LC1 jumping from 7afr back to 12 like that
keep in mind im new at this and prob not be the person to take advise from.....Also your timing should be in the 20's at idle...you hardly have any...all that KR youre getting make sure your headers are banging on anything could be false....also no expert on VE and backup VE tables but arent they supposed to be identical
in your log youre idleing around 70ish KPA...so in that range in your spark table throw some timing in it 1000rpms and below...your only showing 7 degrees
I dont know what you did to your VE table it doesnt look like the typical VE table...Try pulling 10% out of 400, 800, 1200rpm range and see if it idles better....check your grounds on your LC1 too...later

August 23rd, 2008, 02:40 AM
thought i read somewhere in 99 gm went to a different knock sensor and software desensatising knock sensors

it is quite common for people to "upgrade the `97-`98 knock sensors to
`99+ knock sensors due to "inconsistencies" with KR.

August 23rd, 2008, 10:15 AM
hi guys

first see the attachment file ( tune + log )
after the SD tune :
1 - i have problem with idle alot of KR

To get rid of KR I removed all TQ limiting, TQ reduction, and burst KR. After that I still had KR. What seemed to remove all of it for me was adjusting my high/low octane spark tables to match my optimal timing table (b5919). After that I was able to advance the timing a little more and its been fine ever since!

2 - i want to hit the 12.5 @ wot

I assume your talking about your air fuel ratio? That should be explained in the AutoVE Tutorial.